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Posts posted by Dreddships

  1. 49 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I think they'll be on round bases you slot into square trays ALA War of the Ring, A Song of Ice & Fire and Conquest. That way they might be mixable with AoS (although I feel by that point CoS stuff will have been updated to be very AoSified) and/or they can be used in a sort of Kill-Team-esq 'skirmish' (as in low model) style game. Rounds-into-slots also leaves more space between the individual models, allowing for a bit more dynamic designs than marching/standing on parade.

    A mild throwback but if anyone remembers War of the Ring, when they had rank and file gameplay for LOTR SBG, GW had those exact trays too, so it's not as if they would have to make a new product - just get back to it and make more of those.


    With the Bretonnia AOS premise, I feel like unless they fit into a space between CoS and Stormcast, I don't know. We have our guys clad head to toe in armour and our 'normal' humans.

    That being said -

    Replace Horses with Unicorns - remove the Peasantry/Feudal dynamic and ham up the Arthurian 'Mortal Men doing Mythological things', throw in some lore about that separates an Order Human faction from CoS and boom. 

    Keep the Pegasus Knights tho... Pegasus Knights were cool

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  2. I dont know why, but I have a sneaking suspicion that, to try and offset the, ugh, complete financial failure that WFB 8th was and seeing the success of AOS, GW might call Old World to operate in an AOS Circle base format and not the WFB Rank-And-File format...

    And that where as I for one like that, it'll cause an absolute scream from the Oldhammer crew who see Old World as GW bringing back WFB ?

    • Haha 1
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  3. 43 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    All I want is the new Broken Realms book revealed!! Morathi was very much an Order book so fingers crossed we get another GA!!

    If Gordrakk is certain at this point - and a LoN update means it's likely going to Mannfred or Neferata on the Death side - what are anyone's predictions for a Chaos book? 

    Personally - Bel'Akor - our native Starscream - deserves himself a huge model and a central character role.

    But that might just be that I want a Greater Daemon sized Bel'Akor.

    • Like 3
  4. Hello,

    2021 brings with it a new year - and sadly one in this covid hellworld we are living in - so let's get a bit of positivity going.

    A new year means resolutions - and that means not only can we all swear (and fail) to get back exercising to work off our christmas dinner - but also hobby resolutions. 

    To those willing to take up the offer, I present an offer - hobby resolutions for new armies.

    What army are you looking forward to forging in the next year? What projects have you put off for too long that will give you joy that you want to start?

    Now is the chance. 

    Comment your goal - your ideas, stories, models, factions - and let us all revel in delight.

    I myself am taking a trip to the dark side and taking on a pledge that - by this time next year - I will have at least 1000 points of painted models for each of the factions within the Grand Alliance Chaos. 

    Good luck - and happy hobbying.

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  5. I'm calling Vampires.

    We had a sneak peek to the Slaanesh stuff weeks ago and the way its worded, I dont imagine they mean two different sneak peaks to the same release - especially when we know a battle tome is coming thanks to Sigvald and co.. 

    The way its worded, to me, reads as something yet unseen.

    However, with fortnightly releases, would GW really push two different factions out in the same 4 weeks for the same game?

    Unless they're going to ramp up these fortnight releases to compensate and to put them back on schedule (seems theyre hoping it'll be up to date by March) ?

    If 3.0 is in still for the Summer, it could make sense. Two months of roughly up to date releases for the final 3.0 push?

    Also I think BR might be used as an older battletome 'patch' mechanic, rather than PA new edition hype equivalent - if that's a case, it makes sense - Mortahi existed mainly to fix and fill gaps - so a way where instead of releasing brand new battletomes, we have books to move narrative as well as do small edits seems absolutely sexy to me

  6. 9 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    No one speaks of the Warhammer preview on Christmas day? Is going to be just an article, but hopefully solving at least a good chunk of the "advent calendar" rumour engines.

    Going to shout it might be the LoN official teaser after the Halloween teaser and the Inquisition/SoB wave for 40k - or one not the other.

  7. 2 hours ago, michu said:

    FEC or SoB (40k)?


    Obligatory Vampire Pirates proof.

    The Fleur Du Lis esque design on the central piece makes me move toward 40k with SoB. The bottom connecting piece also has an industrial vibe - which fits that SoB style of Catholic Gothic mixed with 40k sci fi industirialism.

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  8. 13 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Actually they’re older. Ogres were released in 6th edition, 2005, then the freeguild spearman/halberdiers/swordsmen,  handgunners/crossbowmen and I think pistoliers/outriders came out in late 2006 with the 7th ed. empire release. Demigryph knights were then 8th ed. in 2012.

    The Ogre sculpts got updated in 2011, in particular the Leadbelchers and Ogres that were in Feast of Bones, so with the Empire State Troops updated in 2006/7 there is around a 4 year difference.

    The Freeguild Witch Hunter force vs LoN Soulblight battlebox is a fairly solid speculation tbf, and the Freeguild sculpts do fairly hold up well in comparison to certain older models - the Chaos Warriors from WFB for example are absolutely hideous 


  9. 47 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    If we are getting vampires in march, this has to be a vampire hunter. I mean, the other rumour engine with the same glove has a hammer in it, like for staking vampires. But whether it's witches or vampires, I'll definitely buy it if it's AoS.

    If CoS gets a double update for Broken Realms - I could see the inevitable LoN/Vampire BR book coming alongside a battlebox against CoS w/ an update Witch Hunter. 

    It relies - we should be seeing our second BR come soon - and if GW didn't lie when they said the scale of our first release (with a battlebox and multiple battalion boxes) will be the norm across the book releases, it's very likely. 

    An other issue would be OBR - the OBR start collecting box is inevitable whenever they come out - it's long overdue at this point - but would we see two discount boxes for the same faction release at the same time? Would GW reward us for our patience by giving us two boxes to buy and build an entire OBR army at a 30% discount in one go?

  10. Honestly, I'm calling saying Stormcast as a starter side is guaranteed for at least the foreseeable future - whether we go back to WFB's system of unique pairs is up to debate, but at this stage, I'd doubt it?

    They're aesthetically an obvious 'good' faction, they're easy to paint and rules-wise they're fairly simple. They bounce off nicely with their 'evil' opponents so far in every box too - Nighthaunt, as a particular shoutout, worked as a nice opponent visually. 

    Stormcast getting a release every few years doesn't bother me, all things considered, because unlike over in a certain sci fi game, they dont get released over updating and releasing newer content - probably because they don't accommodate for such a large portion of the player base. After all, last time I checked at least, the factions were fairly split amongst each other with very minimal outliers - compared to a single faction being the majority of bought miniatures.

    Just as long as we dont get Stormcast Primes released at £30 every few weeks and the other factions get equal love, we're doing alright.

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  11. 10 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    As doubtful as I am, GW suddenly going "Aha, we saw all you sceptics about Legions of Nagash and Cities of Sigmar being squat'ed, well here you go! New LoN/CoS models just for you!" would both surprise and please me greatly. 

    3.0 Box Set -

    Broke - Stormcast vs Ironjawz 

    Woke - Cities of Sigmar vs Legions of Nagash


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  12. Due to the nature of the game, the 'best' combos are going to be the core of the 'best' armies. 

    You see it in Video Games, where the 'best' builds are based around building entirely around what is the most broken thing at that time.

    The more balanced a game gets, the chances are that the severe outliers become spammed even more (though not to imply AOS is fairly well balanced, GW is getting better but they're still stuck at balancing). Ultimately though, with multiple systems at play at once, it's going to struggle to achieve that "perfect balance", unless everything works exactly the same.

    Monopoly is a fairly simple game in comparison, but the game is unbalanced in the sense of that the person who starts winning first will more than likely win in total.

    Luckily, AOS is a great game at a non-competitive level - the most fun I've had in this game has been playing entirely unbalanced narrative games. I'd love for the competitive scene to be more diverse, but alas, as long as a combo is better than others, it's not going to be.

    If the issue you have right now is because of that tournament level scene being built from stacking particular units, I would 1000% recommend casual beer and pretzel games, because in my opinion, it's a nicer way to use all those toys that aren't 'the best meta top tier gold star'. 

    Alternatively, in my local scene at least, the more competitive side is never as 'hardcore' as the internet would seem to think, with all but a handful of players playing off-meta lists. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Interestingly, the raven is sitting on the same kind of pillar found in this picture:



    Would be interesting if they are all part of the same model.

    Ushoran decides to stop hiding and do something - FEC vs Vampires/LoN

    Death Civil War lads.

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  14. It's also suitably serving Archaon another L, because the guy's entire story at this point is "I keep losing and even when I'm not losing, I'm still losing and I don't know why", to have the GHR be the one god who isn't an incompetent mess.

    What's more annoying to the guy who wants to murder every god for being too powerful that the one god he spat in it's face as being completely useless ends up doing being the one to progress the aims of the Chaos Gods?


  15. Whilst everyone is deep into Gordrakk headbutts Sigmar speculation as part of Broken Realms but not as the "main event", it has me wondering.

    40k had the Necrons hiding in the background in PA, only for dramatic plot twist main villains for 9th.

    So taking that, I'm going to take the solid guess that whomever is the big final bad for BR, will be the big bad for 3.0?


    1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    Of course by doing so, shows that it can be done and invites others to challenge Sigmar in his own realm, kicking off a narrative event of would be conquers looking to topple the God King, all without Azyr itself being overrun. 

    Because who can fit the end role of the "other challenger" revealing themselves?

    Archaon is out of the game, with the STD thrown in the first book as a footnote.

    The Newborn plot with Slaanesh - I can't see them progressing that fully until later. 

    Nagash just had a whole edition and all he ended up doing was doing his best Skeletor impression.

    And the hints at the end of BR - with potentially vampires rules it out - and if Shadow Elves - wouldn't make sense if Malekith ended up doing a 180 and trying to kill Sigmar.

    We already have one former Delf trying to ****** Order over.

    Potential candidates -

    Tyrion - Aeltherion's Spirit, Stealing the Khaine Worship/Powers that just got leaked out of Morathi - some plot stuff about resurrection of Khaine 2.0 - Unlikely, will probably be the 'savior' in the end of it all - just want a satisfactory Malekith/Tyrion fighting together

    Idk I just want them to admit they love each other.

    Nurgle - based on that I speculate Nurgle/Alarielle will have a spot of continued conflict in Ghyran, he is probably a bit busy - Unlikely unless they move Nurgle away from Ghyran for once.

    Trees vs Flies seems fairly consistent at this point though

    Tzeentch - Already has a Penumbral Engine and already set up to have some big plan together - Possibly? 

    Wildcard god is Wildcard

    Khorne - Likes a scrap - Equally, probably a bit miffed now there is now two Slaaneshs and neither of them want to date him. - Will do the stereotypical 'wallpunch', just the wall is Azyr.

    But we kinda already had Sigmar vs Khorne back in 1.0

    The Great Horned Rat - Would be an absolute narrative wildcard where the god everyone writes off ends up being the big game changer by being the one directly invading Azyr - 99% just me wishing the Skaven end up doing something wild, like invading Azyr itself like the wildcard they are

    Chances are that the Duardin book (whatever book has the Fyreslayers and KO in) will have the Skaven as the bad guys.

    Morghur - because if the Great Horned Rat has a chance, why not? - let the Beastmen do something wild, like idk, trying to burn down Heaven itself...

    But they're probably just going to be a footnote somewhere and I'll cry about it

    After the Krell/Skarsnik/Grimgor saga of "Not every Old World character is coming back", there is definitely a chance that it could just be a new character coming round to fill the gap, or even then, entire plotline not actually coming to be and Gordrakk himself is the ultimate big end threat for Broken Realms for 3.0.

    TLDR : If Gordrakk and the Orruks ain't our BR 'Necrons' for 3.0, who else is in the running and why isn't it Morghur the Shadowgave?




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  16. 29 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    When I read this in the Battletome I mustve done a triple take. Makes me wonder if it's an old portcullis as surely Excelsis would have come under attack in one form or another over the years or did they drop major hints at narrative in there!?

    Somebody did an oopsie and put it in the wrong book

  17. I'm calling that the Nagash overhaul is going to split it into three 'mini-factions' akin to Gloomspite, and get a pretty massive overhaul as a final act of the Nagash/2.0 saga, leading Death in a healthy place for them to take a backseat leading into another edition

    'Deathrattle Kingdom' - the old skeleton models, wight kings, skeleton models from old, probably a single hero or so to sum them together, OBR 1/4 rule potentially?

    Something akin to the Bloodbowl Team / Zombie Horde - Zombies, Necromancers, that silhouette zombie as some 'elite' choice, a lot of the weird broken tools/jagged stuff going on.

    FEC potential allies? Brettonian Peasants/Knights parallel 

    Neferata's 'vampirates' - The Vampires. Thinking the 'pirate' stuff might be a bit more tricorne and sabers/Victorian english/Bloodborne vibe and not so much big ****** off ships. 

    If anyone has played the latest WoW expansion, it's the Venthyr/Revendreth vibes.

    Obviously there is happily three books worth, but if we take that Gloomspite managed to squeeze in Trolls, Goblins and Spiders together?

    Cities of Nagash - thank me later 

  18. 4 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Tzaangors are beastmen technically. Mortal = Humans. I expect at least one kit of armored tzeentchian wizard-warriors to make things fair now. 👿 A plastic Curseling and new Forsaken (come on, those fit Tzeentch) would also be good.

    To be fair, humans are probably the hardest to work into Tzeentch, all things considered. AOS lore-wise has very much set up a 'if you're anyone who isn't red shirt, congrats, become a tentacle monster'.

    At least with Slaanesh and Khorne there is not the little issue of 'you've levelled up, here is your prize - we turned you inside out"

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