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Posts posted by Docthe3rd

  1. On 10/5/2020 at 6:49 AM, Walkirriox said:

    What do you think about this 1000k list for Meeting Engagement, trying the new Jaws of Mork:

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz (Jaws of Mork)

    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Lore of the Moonclans: Squig Lure
    6 x Squig Herd (70)

    Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (280)
    - General [Trait and artefact from Jaws of Mork]
    Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110)
    - Moonclan Stabba
    10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200)
    6 x Squig Herd (70)

    10 x Squig Hoppers (180)

    TOTAL: 1000/1000 WOUNDS: 86

    I'm also thinking about changing the herds from main body to snufflers, but not sure.

    So I actually just played a ME list with Jaws of Work the other day! I went for the following:


    Fungoid Cave Shaman (w/ squig lure)

    5x Squig Hoppers


    Main body:

    Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (w/ general with all Jaws of Mork stuff)

    5x Squig Hoppers



    10x Boingrot Bounderz

    10x Boingrot Bounderz


    And absolutely ran over a Seraphon list, with not terribly great rolls on my side. We did a fairly objective-heavy battle plan as well, and I never really had an issue being in the race. I'm not sure how snufflers would do, but don't discount the charge bonus for bounderz and the 3d6" with re-rolls for the hoppers. Throw in a loon shrine and it was surprisingly sticky on the field. 

  2. On 10/3/2020 at 6:39 AM, Baron Wastelands said:

    But for the ones with guns, it can be hard to tell. Basically all skywarden variants have the little skymines attached to their endrins, so will have the icon for that ability too on their cards.

    I have also been playing KO in Champion mode, and it’s a very similar experience - seem to draw dusk and dawn more often, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence! The grundstok sergeant is the best leader by far in my experience, I also recommend at least one aether cannon and a couple of volley guns, add a sprinkling of melee to taste. The move of 3 can really hurt the arkanauts with skypikes though, especially if they don’t come on at the start, or close to the action. I tend to take melee ballooners (either kind) because their move is just so great, even if you’re only looking to tie up enemy shooters.

    Thanks for the help! I'd thought that the mines were skywardens, but kept second guessing myself every time I looked at the card. 

    I'm hoping to mitigate the movement issues through a house rule my group is doing (namely that, for  victory condition and twist, you draw 3 and then each player gets to get rid of one of them), but I can see the movement of 3 really hurting (it's why I don't play armators in my Iron Golem war band...) 

  3. Thanks for the help! My list actually was pretty close to yours, so I'm going to take that as a good sign!

    One quick random question, since both of them have the same point values... which is the Skywarden and which is the Endrinrigger?

    I haven't played the faction yet, and I know they're technically the same kit. Is the Skywarden the one that looks like it has mines coming off of the endrin balloon?


  4. Hello everyone!

    Has anyone here tried using KO in a champion's mode (or whatever it's called) campaign? If so, how have you found them? I'm starting a new league soon using those rules and picked KO to play, but don't know if the mode differences changes things. For example - do any of the units get particularly bad if they get an injury? Is the Grundstock sergeant still a good basis as a leader? Presumably shooting is still good, but should more melee get mixed in to mitigate any injuries?

  5. 17 hours ago, Baron Wastelands said:

    Why the aether khemist? He will get left behind very quickly by all those balloons. And don’t you still need a hero in your main body?


    Thanks for the input! To answer your questions:

    1) I just straight-up took the list from a Warhammer live show they did when Aether War came out. As I was learning the faction at the same time, I just sort of went with it because I figured they know better than me. I'm not particularly attached to it (although I do like the model...)

    2) I do need a hero in the main body! That was just my forgetting to change the drop down menu when I was making the list for this post. Oops

    Again - thanks for the suggestions! I do like the Gunhauler model, so I have no problems adding another one into the list...

  6. Hey everyone,

    So I'm in the process of updating my meeting engagement KO list (stolen shamelessly and completely from Warhammer Live) which - after points updates -now has a little more room to work  (it's now down to 910). I unfortunately didn't get to play it all that much before the Lockdown, and now that we're starting to get un-locked down where I am, I want to bust it open again. It worked reasonably well when I played it before (2-1, but all could have easily gone either way, y'know?), so I'm not sure what needs to get reworked as it didn't get enough reps in. 

    Thanks in advance for the help!



  7. On 9/15/2020 at 10:23 AM, FireAbend said:

    Have seen a live stream of white dwarf 456 and the page headline for the CoS Warband Warcry rules is "Hammerhal" . 
    So i think thats the reason for the dwarf and freeguild heavy setup and there's a chance we get a warband rules for each city.

    Potentially, but I'm not really sure that's a given - we did get Lumineth being called the "Shining Company", and then included everything in the faction... Plus, I feel like it would get more confusing to have 3 or 4 different "Cities of Sigmar" war band options (see, for example, the constant confusion for new players concerning the 3 stormcast options) 

    That being said... I want all of the options for lists, so hopefully I'll be wrong. 

  8. I feel like the book and the set were supposed to come out together, but COVID messed up the box set. That being said, I would be pumped if we got a new set next month, even if I don't much like the DoK band

  9. What leader have people been having the most success with? I'm in the planning stages of a new war band, and I can't wrap my head around which of them are worth taking. I'm pretty much able to discount the Seneschal since it's so slow, but the others all see like much of the same... I'm leaning towards the Cathallar because of her triple, but is it a dud most of the time? Same with the Stonemage - could be a really nice finisher, but how often have people found that to be effective?

  10. Hey everyone,

    I'm hoping for some critiques on my Squigalanche List, which I've included below. I've played a couple of games with it in my campaign and it feels kind of... wrong. I want to know if I'm playing it wrong, or if there are some things I could do to improve it. 

    A few changes from the list that will show up:

    1) I'm using the Jaws of Work now, so the artifacts and command traits are not accurate, and will instead be the ones for Jaws of Mork

    2) The wizard I've got with Itchy Nuisance actually has The Hand of Gork.


    Thanks for the help! 

    2000 pt.pdf

  11. Thanks so much! Admittedly part of his list being organized the way it was was due to it being made before some point changes, so when I was "rebuilding" the list today, I had to add in a few things to bring it up to 1000. And thank you for the list help. I figure if I wait a little bit more, he'll forget everything he asked for except for Astreia (the first model he chose) and the Liberators with two swords (he's big into swords...), so I can probably make some changes to even things out (for example, I think he had 2 units of liberators before I couldn't fit in all of his stuff and cover the 2 battle line minimum. 

    As for mine, thanks for the help! I'll start working on those pretty soon - I just didn't want to accidentally put together something that wouldn't be fun for him to play against

  12. Hey everyone,

    So I have a slightly odd request that I'm hoping you all can help me with. I don't normally play anything Death, so I'm a bit at a loss for what to do. First, some background: I (during quarantine) taught my 8 year old nephew how to play, and he put together a 1000 point stormcast army as part of a birthday/good behavior gift from my wife and I. I, in keeping with the "rules" instilled by said 8 year old, have to put together a 1000 point Nighthaunt army (we learned using Storm Strike) that I would like to be roughly balanced with the one he has. The rules are as follows:

    1) My general has to be Reikenor

    2) It has to be balanced against this list. Unfortunately, the list can't be changed, as they're the ones he wanted (with his weapon choices). 

    Astreia Solbright


    2 @ 5x Liberators w 2 swords

    2 @ 3x Castigators

    2 @ 5x Sequitors with maces and grandmaces

    A Celestar Ballista

    This is the main "rule" I'm having trouble with... I'm bad at building armies at the best of times, and especially so when I need to balance one in a faction I don't normally play against what a kid who just picked models he liked. Can you guys help? I came up with a rough list below (using the Soul Wars box as a starter), but I'm not sure how it would compare to my nephew's...

    Reikenor the Grimhailer

    Knight of Shrouds

    Guardian of Souls

    20x Chainrasp Horde

    10x Grimghast Reapers

    4x Glaivewraith Stalkers

    2 @ 4x Myrmourn Banshees


    Any help would be appreciated, and he'll surely appreciate not getting his head kicked in every game (or winning too easily, as he's as that age where he thinks everyone's letting him win)




  13. Hey everyone,

    So I'm in the planning stages of a new army, and have a question about playability/ "is it worth it": at what breakdown of Bonesplittaz to Ironjawz does it not become worth it to do Big Waaagh! and just stick to one of them? I mostly like the Ironjawz models, but the rules of the Big Waaaagh seem pretty fun to me. Is it worth it to just do an Ironjawz-only Big Waaagh? Or are their abilities better?

  14. Rules-wise, I'm too new to have any real opinions on this. A lot of rules and interactions  I don't like are more likely to be the result of my inexperience than anything else. Otherwise... I want a Narrative System like Crusade for 40k. Yes, there are flaws because it's brand new, but I really feel like a crusade system really lends itself to epic fantasy.

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