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Posts posted by Bonhammerstorm

  1. Ok noob question,

    I am close to finishing my khorne army planning on playing at the end of the month at my local shop.

    Went ahead and magnetized all the weapons and wings on my bloodthirstiers so I have options what kind I want to field or summon.

    For the Unfetted and Insenate rage I think I am good to go. But for Wrath of Khorne I have a question.

    If I want to use the "Rune-crown of Khorne" ability, under WYSIWYG rules do I have to always use the one head with the crown?


    I was hopping to give a different head to each because it just looks nice on display.





    14 hours ago, Praecautus said:

    Get some flesh hounds to summon

    Are you wanting to go mortal or daemon or mix?

    I want to be able to run mortals. Also in maybe another list run a bunch of blood thirsters. I do not really care about bloodletters or other little deamons.

  3. Hi

    Just got into AOS during the pandemic. Just finished painting my start collecting box of Bloodbound Warband.

    Decided that I really enjoyed the Lore and asthetic so I have pledged myself to the blood god and am now on the path of skulls.

    Yesterday I purchased a blood thirster kit, Skabrand, 2 slaughter priests, a Box of bloodreavers a, a box of wrathmongers and a box of bloodletters for summoning.

    Ok. Now what else do I need to buy next to comfortably generate a few compettitive lists other then 2 more bloodthirsters.

    Happy to buy StD and paint it red. Eventually ill end up buying at least one of everything because im just a sucker like that.

    But in order of usefullness what are the next purchases you suggest.

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