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Posts posted by GutrotSpume

  1. 23 minutes ago, Raptor_Jesues said:

    that looks mighty cool but i think wolves are mostly fine, you can do something like this:
    0             0

    all of them being separated by 1" or less and cohesion is respected. It is not great but it is fine, tha problem will start arising when they get killed in melee but luckily we the flying V ❤️

    Doesn’t work sadly. Soon as one model dies you have to remove models down to five.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Calling designers, sculpters and/or writters lazy because some armies doesn't have endless spells (nor terrain/ prayers) is a bit too much.

    I'm pretty sure that GW employers were working on other things instead of just being too lazy...

    He called GW lazy not the people working there. GW could have instructed and given the designers, sculpters and rules writers time and resources to make endless spells for every army but they didn’t. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    Never been a fan of conga line screens, hope this new way works out.

    Conga lines suck but this is way over restrictive. Should just make it 11 plus models and it would have been fine but as it is why would you ever take elite units in more than 3’s or cav units in more than 5’s. 

  4. Well I knew Warhammer the old world was coming but didn’t realise it would be this fast! Any unit of 6 or more models on any base size other than a 25mm will basically be in 2 ranks and if they’ve only got a 1 inch reach only the front rank can fight. Feels like pre 8th edition fantasy.

    • Haha 1
  5. Just now, Enoby said:

    I do feel for the fiends, who get a bonus if there's 4+ of them (they come in 3s), but only have 1" range on their primary attack. I like the coherency rules other than some weird interaction with heavy cavalry. 

    On the other hand, if you expect at least one of them to die, in a unit of 6 you can have one designated to die no matter what. It doesn't say you can't purposely break coherency, just that there's a sacrifice - so charge 6 man units in and just know at least one will have to die for the extra attacks.

    Dire Wolves are completely buggered now as well. 

    • Sad 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Carnith said:

    Point 1 is implied with the whole swamp hidden in shadows teaser they did when the army was still unknown. My thoughts will be either a swamp terrain piece (please no) or they will designate 3 or d3 pieces as swamps and can deepstrike from them. In terms of foot speed, I expect 5" movement, similar to the built for speed bonesplittaz.

    Point 2 was said in the live stream. They called out their own book and that they will be playable in warclans.

    Point 4 was also implied when they said hobgrots also deal with "dark masters". 


    If they become destruction Sylvaneth and you can place loads of swamp terrain kits I will lose all interest in starting them.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I'm not saying rules that are lacking in thought don't exist. I'm saying that what I've seen so far for Kragnos doesn't fall into that category. I'd agree that the vampire lore is poor, but Kroaks death rule is interesting. 

    To be honest I wasnt even considering Kroaks Warscroll as I’ve never played lizardmen. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    All the talk of lazy and 'bin guy' is really quite frustrating. I'm really not sure what people want from their rules. 

    There are a few things to think about.

    First is that gw writes rules for narrative flavour first. That means that Kroak is still Kroak when he gets a new model. Alarielle is still Alarielle. I see the similar warscrolls as  consistent and not lazy. 

    Kroak needed a nerf and he got one without fundamentally changing the way he plays. His death mechanic introduces a bit of randomness which I think is a good thing. AoS is a dice game. 

    Alarielle got several buffs, a 2d6 heal, a better spell, a better living battering ram and a chance for an instant kill. Whether that's worth the points is another matter. 

    Kragnos is a fun beatstick who can do a lot of damage but isn't unkillable. Again points may be an issue. 

    Putting all the gloomspite rules in one place is a good decision but I can understand the frustration of people wanting more, especially players of the other destrucion armies. 

    It is my opinion that the likes of Lumineth, Tzeentch, Seraphon and DoK are the problematic books. 

    I believe that if every book came in at the level of the Soulblight or Mawtribes, the game would be in a better place. 

    When I complain about lazy rules I’m not complaining about the power level of something. I dont want my armies to have broken rules I just want effort spent on the battletome. I was gonna start Gravelords then I saw things like the Vykros dynasty having a baffling re roll spells alliegence ability which makes no sense. Then there’s things like almost every hero on foot having 3’s 3’s -1 D3 damage as their attack profile and worst of all is the Wight Kings command ability being blatantly broken. Honestly took one read through of that to realise it doesn’t work. This to me is what I mean by lazyiness. If GW want my money they need to spend more time and effort on these Battletomes.

    • Like 7
  9. 47 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    They aren't giving much attention to BR: Kragnos so far. We got a warscroll, a spoiler of the story and that's it... I just hope we don't end with another Slaanesh situation, where they preview almost nothing rule-wise because there wasn't much to show anyway

    If there’s no destruction soup army with Kragnoss leading it like they’ve hinted at  in his reveal video and images I’ll be bitterly dissapointed and probably won’t bother buying either the book or Kragnoss himself.

  10. 1 minute ago, Deakz28 said:

    I think the issue is it’s really going to be rules for kragnos only, and maybe a fancy warscroll battalion, same happened in psychic awakening with necrons, they only got szeras and his data sheet, that’s it. It’s because he will most likely be in the first battle tome for destruction since he seems to be nagash, but will have a rule in BR saying he can go in any army with destruction keyword most likely 

    I’m hoping the reason Destruction don’t get any battalion boxes is we get an updated destruction soup army where you take Kragnos as the general like the Belakor one.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Kronos said:

    So off the bat, your condescending explanation is entirely unneeded. 

     The premise around my post is the hype that was generated for the box only for it to be a limited print. Expectation’s can be tempered knowing that the availability of an item is dependant on it’s limited availability. In this instance I can only recall that some items would be limited, like the key and badges as per this article. 



    But not once did I see in any of the lead up articles, character focus articles, or live video events that the opportunity to buy the box was finite.


    My grievance still remains the same, they should make it explicitly clear that item is being sold until stocks last, or X number have been produced. If I desperatley want one then yeah No Duh, I’mma wake up early to try get my hands on one.

    Apologies I didn’t intend to be condescending. I guess I’m just burned out from seeing people posting about going to order GW stuff an hour after it’s gone live and being shocked it’s sold out.

    You never mentioned Cursed City in your post and what GW did with that is pretty poor and I do sympathise with people who thought they’d be fine ordering it at a later date only to be screwed over by them. Dominion will probably follow the same pattern of Indomitus and be gone within a few mins and then the next week they’ll have smaller versions of the box that will be a continuous product. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Kronos said:

    This Dominion box I keep hearing of -

    Will it be available to the Everyday-Joe Collector like me? Or will it be advertised and hyped up by the GW gang with weeks of articles and preview events but make the production run limited?

    I like the look of these Goblins if they look like the video, but I feel GW’d out as of late. 


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  13. 2 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    Im looking for some insight as if you were an opponent on something. 

    Basically if someone were to use sword and shield new deathrattle skellies as wight blade sword and shield grave guard would you as an opponent have a problem with this?

    Stat wise they are the same.

    Wysiwyg works out the same.

    Then if i did use reggy skellies I'd just make sure they were all spears as to help differentiate the two. 


    I'm just not very keen on the actual grave guard models especially compared to the new skellies. 

    I would either try and get hold of the older skeleton kit to use as normal skellies or failing that give the graveguard more ornate armour and different colours on the robes so you can tell them apart.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Reading again Lycancurse (from Belladamma Volga), it seems that there are three diferent outcomes? 

    1. 1D3 to an enemy unit (18" range)
    2. Before removing the last slain model, set up the wolf unit within 3" of the slain mode.
      1. The enemy allocate this wounds to 3 models in the middle of a big blob, without enough space to put any of  your wolves.
      2. The enemy allocate this wounds to the last model of a unit (imagine a line) and you set-up your wolves 2.9" of the slain models, and after removing the last model, your wolfs are going to be outside 3" of that unit (giving you a "free to go" unit).
      3. The enemy allocate the wounds to any random model, and you set-up your wolves within 3" of any non-slain models from that unit.

    Am I reading it right?

    Set the Wolves up within 3 inches of the slain models unit.  

    so I think it will be hard for opponents to block you from deploying the doggies

  15. So my takes after having a good read through everything:

    graveguard seem strong but they are slow and can’t take a punch. They were never taken in old LON when you could bring loads back and now you’re lucky to get 3 back a hero phase. I just think they’ll be focused down with shooting and magic or alpha strikes in combat. You could go sword and board but they lose a lot of hitting power.

    Radukar and Belladamma are awesome. Honestly think Belladamma is an auto include for most lists.

    skeletons bring models back is pretty meh. Sounds good on paper but it seems you only roll for what was killed that phase so they’ll quickly get whittled down. Plus zero offensive ability.

    zombies. Really strong with the janky pile in. One issue with them is the only buff worth doing is +1 attack and Van Hels so you’re then relying on Radukar a vamp Lord and a necromancer. Radukar is great but the other 2 don’t bring anything else to the table and to get this combo off you need 2 CP and to cast a spell. Plus with rumours of AOS going like 40K so smaller board and everything going up in cost how many big juicy blobs of 1 wound models will their be for the zombies to maximise adding new models to the unit?

    Vengorian Lord: anyone else noticed his CA is board wide? He’d be great in a monster mash list.

    blood Knights: pretty hitty on the charge, if they get flee and charge they are great otherwise I’m not so sure.

    prince Vhordrai and Mannfred are both great.

    Dire Wolves. Great in Vyrkros near a hero so they are 3’s and 2’s on the charge.

    Coven Throne: great spell and amazing command ability but is it worth 310pts for that? Guess you really need to lean into it and be buffing 30 graveguard or 10-15 blood knights a turn to be getting the most out of them. Surprisingly juicy in Kasteli if they get +1 damage.

    Varghiests: flying deepstriking vampire Ogors! What’s not to love? Die to a stiff breeze but in Kasteli they will be overlooked for the Blood Knights and Vhordrai.

    vamp on zombie dragon: no more chalice and command ability?! Don’t think they are worth it for 435pts. 

    Overall the biggest issue for me is the army has turned into Khorne. Lots of janky stuff you need to make sure goes off and loads of little bubbles your units need to be wholly within which for me personally sounds like too much like hard work to enjoy on the table. The exception to this is an elite kasteli list which seems like a lot of fun although not sure how good it will be.

    biggest turn off for me is the lack of care and effort that seems to have gone into the book. The spell lores hardly changing and pretty much every single character being 3’s and 3’s -1 D3 damage. Wight Kings command ability so obviously being broken but just not picked up during any part of the design process. The model team at GW made all these fantastic minis and clearly put a lot of time and love into them and then the rules team have looked at an awesome model like the rat prince for example and spent 5 mins creating a Warscroll for him.

    The 40K rules guys seem to really put their heart and soul into their work and whilst there’s obvious balance issues when they release a new codex you really get the sense they’ve poured over every unit and thought about what it does on the battlefield and how it can be improved. Ultimately it’s this lack of care and effort from the AOS rules guys that will mean I don’t drop a shed load of cash on this army.

    If you’re happy with this release then I’m happy for you and hope you enjoy it but for me I don’t think GW have put enough effort in to get my hard earned money.

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  16. 8 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    Just realising how lazy the writing is...the warscrolls have been just tweaked. We have some new allegiance abilities. We didn't even get faction terrain or endless spells....daaamn. 

    The modeling team were working their asses off to make amazing models and then the rules team delivers this. 

    And before anyone comes at me for saying GW author was lazy: it's their job, they get paid to do this, there are expectations that they do a good job. Here it feels like someone did the bare minimum. 

    A perfect example of this laziness is the Wolf dynasty having an alliegance ability that makes them re-roll casting 🤷🏻‍♂️ Why don’t they have an alliegence ability that buffs Dire Wolves?!

    • Haha 1
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