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Posts posted by Ragest

  1. 9 minutes ago, Ookami said:

    Guys, I’ve missed the point a bit, but… Do they really made pair weapons/shield options equal? This doesn’t make sense besides visual aesthetic. I can understand that spear and sword for example equal now, but shield or another weapon instead - this is pretty awkward. Too bad they didn’t think over this point. 

    Apparently yes, but warscrolls/datas from new edition boxes usually come with very little options, expanded when the index/battletime/codex is revealed, so maybe the shield/dual is the same when the box arrives or in spearhead, but I'm sure it won't be the case when the battletome arrives.

  2. 11 minutes ago, RollSixxess said:

    I don’t see a reason why GW doesn’t split Orruks into two factions to give Destruction another faction given how lacking they currently are

    To help his logistical problems, to control releases, to give deep into two small ranges, to just make one tome…

    Reallistically I can’t see one business reason to split them but many “players feel that”

  3. 6 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    Yeah no I'm fine with the change to health points, but nagash's ability should refer to the amount of health he has, rather than introducing a separate term where it isn't necessary 

    My problem with Nagash is that they show us how warscrolls work and some mechanics they have and suddenly nagash come with weird stuff like a skull symbol, damage points, power level, rampage, a weird big number with some color around and wizard (9), everything with any explanation about and I is too much shady information at the same time. 

    We will get used to this new terminology I guess.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    I also thought that lol, "8 health points or less" is much easier to understand than "10 damage points or more"

    In other games or videogames is normal to make damages, for me is esier to say "that dude has 3 wounds" than "that dude has 15 remaining wounds"

  5. 17 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    It's here. Screenshot_20240406-013212.png.d471a0194ffdfaa54bd631587346fa30.png

    The article also says there are seven weapon ability USRs. I can only think of 4. Mortal wounds, exploding hits, auto wounds and ignore save modifiers. Anyone care to guess what they all are? 

    My bet


    1) Mortal - crits convert damage into mw

    2) Anti-X - improve the roll for getting a crit against certain keywords (intantry, monster...)

    3) Exploding - crits give extra hits

    4) Lance - improve certain characteristics when charging (+1 wnd/+1 rend...)

    5) Precission - rr 1s to hit

    6) Stabilyzed - +1 hit (ranged) if you didn't move

    7) Devastating wounds - improve rend when crit to wound.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Dindi said:

    Ehh I mean it's annoying for SCE players I imagine, buts not really the same compared to what BoC and Savage orcs are dealing with.

    So we must be competing in sadness or what.

    Is frustrating for every player affected, that's all.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    I dont know how I missed that out LMAO. You really can feel this was a last minute decission, huh?

    Maybe the decission was made when the campaign (focused on boc and bones) flopped so hard that the incarnate ranges were discarded.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Sarges said:

    To be fair, very rarely there are legit leaks that originate from there but it's such a rare occasion. The last one that was not just StD photos was Soulblight Gravelords units list 2-3 months before release. As a rule of thumb - everything that covers 2-3 years in advance is a hogwash in 99% of the cases.

    Wf spoiled chrofs with such advance xD

  9. 9 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    So stuff we know is going hasn't been marked as "last chance to buy" (at least on AU store), regardless of TOW re-use or not (e.g. Orcs). However, these 4 have as mentioned earlier in the thread... kinda weird they weren't noted on the list as well?




    I think those models are going to leave the game in favour of 40k, with a demos refresh for them.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    I'm out of reactions here, been an interesting day for the hobby indeed. 

    May I ask why you feel that's too much. Again, legit curious.

    6 years is a pretty substantial amount of time. Imagine raising a child for 6 years, doing a military tour for 6 years, recovering from a life threatening accident for 6 years,  hell, doing 6 yeas in prison... 

    And I feel safe saying those minis were kinda redundant when the came out. If you are a fan then that's great. I myself thought they looked good but still felt the redundantcy.

    I don't really care about, and I have tons of sacrosant minis, but I understand that the bloat in stormcast was impossible to handle, the problem is the message you send.

    If 32 warscrolls that have 9-6 years old, full plastic, released for aos and being for the posterbys are not safe, who is?

    Think about deepkin. Just one mini in 6 years, are they safe? Yesterday I was convinced that yes, they are perfectly fine, but today? im 80% sure, the doubt is there.

  11. 1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

    but I don't understand the level of uproar with the sacrosanct minis

    I'm on the opposite, I understand to say goodbye to minis that come from other games (uw, warcry or fantasy), but deleting a FULL edition worth of releases from 6 years ago? That is too much.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Btw, was I the only one who noticed that Vandus is not on the list? So I guess the new character is not Vandus in the end... also the Lord Relictor. Seems we would have him around for a bit more time.

    The incantor is not in the list, and if I remember it right, she comes in a sprue with liberators.

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