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Posts posted by Howdyhedberg

  1. 55 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Theres much that I like about GW at present, but the artwork simply being a literal 1:1 copy of the models stifles world building massively in my opinion.

    It very clearly defines the limits and scale of what things look like in the fiction when you see artwork that is just a reproduction of the models that you've already seen.

    I know within the lore theres more than 30  kruelboyz who look different from each other but the art- which has none of the limitations attached to actually producing models, you could draw *anything*- reinforces otherwise, because hey, there's at most 30 kruelboyz who exactly replicate the existing sculpts you've already seen.

    And on the rare occasion you see art which isn't just a wrote reinterpretation of a sculpt, the illusion is still shattered because rather than appreciating the art, you just clock it as something that's not a model. 

    And perhaps what's worst of all - they colour 2d art like it's an 'eavy metal paint job. Not in respect to the techniques, but the depth of colour and values are very restricted. 

    Every part of the art is a marketing exercise designed to push the models and the paint and painting method they want you to use. I'm not surprised by this but I'd argue that of all the things that has allowed GW to maintain its "soul", it's the integrity of its artistic vision.  Much of that vision has come from a much broader cultural field of inspiration from all the arts, whereas now the artwork within GW clearly is dominated by it's own IP and artists are hired on their ability to reproduce that. 

    As someone who primarily tries to paint models using artwork as inspiration rather than models, I can tell you with 100% honesty that I have been inspired by none of the AOS art in that sense. 

    I painted teclis based om the artwork in the book(s) 🙂

  2. On 8/18/2021 at 9:06 PM, Maogrim said:

    Greetings, Enlightened Ones. Allow me to show the latest progress for my Ymetrica army... It's not much, sadly, but I had a Bachelor thesis to write, and those Dawnriders do take a while.



    Good luck on your bachelor's!


    Don't let the Dawnriders steal your time, or rather not stealing your energy ;)!

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 8/19/2021 at 4:30 PM, SugarWaterPurple said:

    I am so glad I'm not alone burning out on the ridiculous amount of gold trim required for these elves.  What is even more cumbersome is the amount of areas each model has that is difficult to get to.  If I ever have another army I'm going to pick one with the least amount of detail as possible.

    I was thinking about that while I was building some kits from the dominion box today. The stormcast models look pretty nice (not the old ones though), and I can see them being pretty easy to paint, or at least those with spears. I love the Lumineth, but Im looking forward to finish my last three bladelords, Lord regent and those last five Dawnriders! 


    I think the only thing I could add to the army, would be Tyrion and perhaps some kind of dragon? I would like some kind of monster, but the mountain is not for me!

  4. 1 hour ago, HanShot First said:

    Quick question , what are your guys thoughts of Soulblight getting skeleton archers? I’d like them to have at least some ranged but not sure if it fits with their army personality.

    Also have a theory that our next set of campaign books will be a civil war between the mortarchs. With Nagash gone and Manfred taking Neffereta’s land I think there will be a war between those two, but I also think Neffereta will drag Katakros and Arkhan(now a full fledged bone reaper) into the war while Manfred will have Olynder on his side. I think this could lead to new mortarch models(as all their mounts died in broken realms).

    But... Arkhan died? And Teclis spoke to Nagash in the last book?

  5. 13 hours ago, Cullen rothery said:

    Have done 5 dawnriders and it wasn't fun, and have 10 wind chargers so far unpainted, may paint them and proxy the list to see how it works before commiting

    I also have 10 dawn riders. My 5 Dawn riders that I haven't painted, will be the last I do in my lumineth army.
    But they look pretty neat though!

  6. 23 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    Kind of random but I wonder what the story was / is with the StD start collecting having all new kits and nearly 2 years later there being no new individual releases for chaos warriors or knights.

    Maybe they had way too many boxes of the old chaos warriors laying around? 

  7. On 7/29/2021 at 1:13 AM, WAAAGHdogg15 said:

    List now adapted for 3.0 and it has become a bit silly. We are up to 5 foxes. It is the most fun I’ve had playing Warhammer but it’ll be really matchup dependent!

    Allegiance: Lumineth Realm Lords
    - Great Nation: Helon
    - Grand Strategy: Predator's Domain

    Hurakan Windmage (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Skyrace Grand Champion  
    - Artefact: Metalith Dust  
    - Lore of the Winds: Guiding Flurries

    Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind (345)

    5 x Hurakan Windchargers (155)
    5 x Hurakan Windchargers (155)
    5 x Hurakan Windchargers (155)

    1 x Hurakan Spirit of the Wind (265)
    1 x Hurakan Spirit of the Wind (265)
    1 x Hurakan Spirit of the Wind (265)
    1 x Hurakan Spirit of the Wind (265)

    Total: 1990 points

    Sounds like a fun list! How does your opponent handle the foxes?

  8. I think it looked good!

    I had Dark angels as a kid though, and the robes remind me of them. 

    Luckily I feel that 40K rules seem way to advanced for me, so I'm saving money on not playing that game 🙂

    One day I will strip my space marines and paint them again!

  9. So... I was mini wargaming and one used the command ability and ate an aetherquartz with Lumineth. Could you do that? I thought you could only do +1? Or is it to protect from rend and thereby possible?

    While I'm asking this, could aether units (ghost faction, belakor, eltharion) that ignore rend use such abilities? - my impression is that they can not. 

  10. 26 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    Just to let everyone know, I've taken the advice of some members here and created a Warhammer News Thread. Please take a look, and maybe we can create an easier way to access the information and conversations we really want to engage with.

    It won't work without your cooperation! Thanks.

    Sounds good. This post feels like the super off topic thread. Or well, sometimes there is rumors or discussions about Warhammer news.


    Did gw say when the new AoS app will release?

  11. I bought the Lumineth battletome as epub. Worst purchase ever.

    Tried several ways to get it to a pdf. The epub readers struggled to read the battletome.... The one they recommend feels like the 90s or windows XP software!

    My painstakingly solution was to screenshot every page on my surface pro  and then make my own pdf of the rules that I would use for a game (my paper battletome was a month delayed, so this was my only way to get the rules).

    I think "thorium reader"  worked pretty decently. It wasn't great for a touch tablet though, but will work fine on a laptop or computer since you probably are used to pressing buttons instead of gestures.

    Maybe this is why they took the digital edition away? It probably works fine on ipad and such though. My Android phone can read it alright on Google books, but it doesn't work on windows 10.

    Would be nice if we can use the new app with windows 11, though it uses Amazon store instead of Google Play store!


    • Thanks 1
  12. 19 000 £ isn't that much in Sweden. But It's still better than what pensioners usually earn.

    I'm not shocked that it could be low, but it's sad since we pay a premium price for our hobby. I hope they pay better today and that the employees have ok working hours and expectations for that pay.

    In the end, if i really did love a job and could live on it, I wouldn't mind. But not getting a raise every year, especially if you helped make something really successful, then I would search for something else too.

  13. Reading these comments was great! I had my first AoS 3 game today, and I felt overwhelmed with keeping track of all the rules, my own Lumineth rules (they have ao many...) And having idea about what my two opponents were up to (slaves to darkness and nighthaunt). Maybe it wasn't good to start with a 3 player game, and perhaps 1000 points each was to much too...

    I like some complexity, but today my brain felt like a HDD loading a game instead of a SSD. 

  14. 2.jpg.a27585462950babc676d99d5a6a48a1d.jpg

    Here are my last 10 Wardens. It took me almost 9 days of vacation to make these, perhaps it's because I'm a bad painter, or because I'm just slow. I feel happy with them though! I rushed in the end with runefang steel highlights, but I feel it's all right!

    I also changed the look of my captain/wizard in the end too. 


    It was easy to make a non-white armor, but it somehow felt out of place, so I added white (see the image above this one) to make a better coherency. 

    I don't know if i have progressed much since last year, but these are my other wardens (the shields cover much of the models too).


    What have you all been painting lately? 


    • Like 4
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  15. On 7/21/2021 at 7:13 AM, Maogrim said:

    So, I don't know if this bothers anyone but me, but...why is Lyrior the Warden of Ymetrica? 

    I agree, it makes no sense! Either a different faction, like Alumnia, or none.

    I played my first 3.0 game today (3 player game). I came last, but still had an enjoyable time.


    The chaos player and I fought most of the game, the Nighthaunts didnt fight until turn 3 and 4 (we played the multiplayer battleplan in the core rules). I made some mistkakes with the Illathia revive stone, so there should have been some more Nighthaunt models there, and the chaos player and I forgot to check each time in the last round if Eltharion could do stuff (with Belakors ability). The mistakes didn't change the outcome of the game though. Nighthaunt won with 15+ points and Chaos had 14 points I think, and I had 10 points? Im just happy that I almost finished 10 chaos warriors with 5 dawnriders and the Lord regent, while 5 dawnriders held Belakor locked for 2 turns.



    How do people last 2000 point games? It feels like there is to many rules to keep track off in the game, core rules, Lumineth rules, sub faction rules and so on.

    I know LRL isn't top on the meta (or at least not when i checked lately), but do you ever feel like our army is op? My 10 sentinels were lackluster this game, (1000 points each). I guess they can be OP in large numbers, but just 10 isn't that amazing. 


    How do you all feel? Is it just me that have to memorize more rules, or is it hard for you all to keep track of it all too?

    (Edit, the picture is taken after the game was over. The Wardens had coherency in the game).

  16. On 7/20/2021 at 2:13 PM, Dankboss said:

    I only use Freeguild Guard in 10s as screens and objective holders. I run 30 Greatswords protected by a Luminark as my main infantry unit. Really good as a mid-field objective holder and will annihilate almost everything that engages them. Much easier to protect now thanks to easy +1 saves and Rally. Ideally they'll be at -1 to hit, +1 save and 6+ ward, since they don't need +1 to hit thanks to a General being nearby.

    how do you get -1 to hit?

  17. On 7/11/2021 at 1:14 PM, GTK said:

    A newby question, how do you give someone a like for their reputation with the new format.Been trying to figure it out for a couple of days now.Thanks in advance for any help.

    Press the heart symbol in the lower right. You could pick what you prefer.



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