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Posts posted by Howdyhedberg

  1. Thanks for your replies. Don't know if I should post this here or somewhere else, but you should be the people that know it the best. 


    What is the general key/way/trick to defeat Archaon?

    I have a Lumineth army that I'm thinking about getting teclis and then my friend would like to get Archaon for a thematic game.

    I also have a cities of Sigmar army.


    Your suggestions doesn't have to be to these two factions particular, but I'm generally interested  in his weakness. High rend for making it hard to save?

  2. Hello!

    I have a question to yall. Since the new GHB you can only make 1 dice roll to negate a wound or mortal wound that your unit suffer.
    My questions is about Archaon that has a +4 save against magic (The evervhosen ability) and 4+ (against mortal wounds).

    Does "the everchosen" count as a save against mortal wounds or is that "before the save" so it doesnt count?

    Thanks for replys!

  3. Update on my problem. Just gluing the banner back to the pole/spear didn't really work, it broke pretty easy after. I think the pressure from the banner is the reason. (But it works if you do like aelfric did). 

    My solution was to glue the banner  between the spear (so it could connect at two points instead of one).

    After some painting it looks alright. 


    Otherwise, do any of you think teclis would work well in a 1500 point game? (I guess it's not worth it for 1000 points).



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  4. 6 hours ago, rosa said:

    I really dislike that those "Influencers" receive copies way ahead and share the content in detail weeks before release.

    Totally destroys the hype for me...


    I'm quite the opposite, I enjoy those releases! Especially if it's for a faction I'm not getting but want to see the general direction!


    • Like 7
  5. 29 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    The same thing happened to me.  I took a spare axe from an Ardboy champion and cut away the thick part of the handle, which is thicker than the banner pole.  Then drilled a hole in either end and connected the two ends of the banner to it, paring the original banner shaft to get the right length.  I see it as battle damage repaired on site.  Once painted, it isn't that noticeable.  Obviously, it helped to have Ironjawz as another army, but you may have something similar in your bits box.  Hope that helps.

    Last question. What did you fill the holes that you drilled with? Or it was the  pole/spear that went into the hole?

    I think the banner part for the sentinels might have the same size as the spear, but I have to check some more.

  6. Just now, KingBrodd said:

    Mega, Battletome and Coasters ordered!! As well as the Digital Version of the Audio Drama from Black Library. 

    Only one week to go for some truly Monstrous Mortal Realms Lore!!

    For those interested the Battletome is 80 pages.

    I'm happy that you can finally get your stuff soon!

    I checked the price again, and I think in at least Sweden they have a "reasonable price" (could be cheaper) compared to New Zeeland. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Well they’re $380nz, $248nz for the 2 giants (which by the way is more expensive than buying 2 seperate giants as they were $98nz)

    Just did a conversion from nz$ to sek, and I feel bad for y'all! But I imagine that it won't be that far away from the price we get in €. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, LuminethMage said:

    That sucks ...

    I think asking is always ok, worst thing that can happen is that you don’t get it in the end. I managed to snap mine too (hit it with my hand when I moved a paint pot 💪), but it was still attached so I could glue it back without it looking strange).

    In terms of fixing it, what you hear most is - people drilling a small hole into the hand, and putting through a thin brass rod or something similar. You can find videos about how that is done. I don’t have any experience with it myself though. 

    I've gotten it back with glue, but since the banner is so large makes me wonder how much it will hold in the long run... I've even started to wonder if I should just put tape to make it more "stable"

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  9. Have any of you has any problem with the Dawnrider banner? Mine snapped when I cut it out from the sprue, I kind of fixed it with glue (it did look like a marshmallow though). 

    Today when I was painting the spear/or rather part that holds the banner, it snapped.

    I don't really like to be the one that complain, but was it dumb if me to ask for a replacement from the games workshop customer service? I've heard a lot of good stuff about them from around the years (after some googling), so I thought why not?

    How do y'all repair broken spears/banners?


    • Sad 1
  10. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    I do hope your Thunderers are now either Handgunners or Irondrakes, your Miners Longbeards and your Warriors are now Ironbreakers, Longbeards or even Freeguild Guard.

    I noticed that when I put down one of my great swords in my box with my Lumineth army. Freguild looks way tiny! 

    I'm tempted to get Karl Franz too, but I'm wondering if they won't just make a new one later for the old world (but it would probably cost a lot). I'm on the edge to get teclis too... I did not like the look of the model in the begining, but now I think it looks alright! 

    I wonder if it will become cheaper down the line?

    I haven't played in a store, but I heard from my local gw store that they usually only play with around 750 points 

  11. 59 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    These boxes would probably not happen, but it would be cool if they did and might draw people in to armies we do not see much:


    Cities of Sigmar - Hammerhall freeguild. General on Griffon, 2 units of demigryphs, a mix of guard, greatswords and/or handgunners.

    Ogors - Tyrants - Ironguts, gluttons, ironblaster, gnoblars

    OBR - Cav focus with Liege, 2 units of deathriders, some stalkers, possibly morghasts.


    Especially a hammerhall box would require immense willpower for me not to start that cities army ;)



    I already have 2000 points of CoS, but I wouldn't mind getting some more humans since I got mostly wood elves and sylvaneth (and I always wanted a empire army). 

  12. 3 hours ago, EMMachine said:

    I basicly only know this:


    Because I don't have downloaded the 40k App

    The way I heard is that new Codizes for 40000 have a code inside to unlock the Codex inside the 40k App. If you have a subscription you have access to all contents (for example the still valid 8. Edition Books) as long as you pay the subscription.

    What I really don't know is, if the App only included rules or lore as well, so it is possible that you pay 3,99€ Subscription for rules only and maybe still need the Books when you want the lore but I think I can get the information.


    Got my answer from one of the german forums. The Subscription is rule content only. So if you are interested in the lore you still need the books. It's only good for people you are mainly interested in the gaming part.

    I guess we find out after the new codexes arrive.


    I think the combat is pretty fine right now.

    One thing I would like is that armies that spawn units get some kind of tax or penalty for it. I guess I'm just biased because I don't like StD spawning units every turn If the opponent have 5 heroes :)! 





  13. On 9/26/2020 at 1:55 PM, EMMachine said:

    And than with one Update the App-Crashes und you can't play for the next 3-4 Weeks, and any old content is lost after a new Battletome Update, your smartphone isn't compatible anymore or the Battery of your Smartphone dies during the same and you are unable to check the values for the rest of the game. App only could be the death of the game.

    An App would only work well if you could say for example that I want the state of the game of December 31st, 2018 and get the content of that time, so backtracking what has changed would be possible.

    Still I think, PDFs with the rules that could be downloaded would be a better alternative, because you can use a PC or Laptop instead of only a Smartphone and you can print the rules if you want that you don't need an electronic device when playing. And you can store them so you can check changes still after 1-2 Years or play an older edition if you want (basicly like 9th Age does). I think I would still buy Battletomes if they were Lore-only content.

    I guess I didn't point that out, but I also agree with PDF. In that way you can print it out  yourself or have it on the platform you prefer :)!

    i don't know if I understand the changes for Warhammer 40k, but did you have to subscribe to access the battletome you bought physical or is there a code you scan? Because that way you could buy a tome and then get patches by pdf and have the rules in your phone if that's your cup of tea :)

  14. On 9/3/2020 at 3:36 AM, 123lac said:

    No more rule books.

    Like literally, no more printed rules. None.

    The rules for 3rd should be via an app.

    I think this would be neat. After all, the models are pretty expensive. I wouldn't mind buying patches to the main game, like ghb. But core rules and rules for factions could be free. If in interested in the lore of the faction, then I would like to buy a book/digital file for it.

    I'm not sure what I would like to change for the next edition. Maybe streamline the game a little bit (Lumineth realm lords and all their rules + terrain rules and so on makes it a headache to keep track of everything, compared to the living city in CoS).

    I like double turns, but I wouldn't mind taking it away, and maybe a redo for the combat? I might have got it wrong, but someone wrote about being able to fight with your models even if they will die to a charge. (Not sure how they could change this though). Maybe both role for all their attacks and then both roll for their defence and then carry out casualties? Add a bonus for charge or defence if you have a wall of spear and someone charges you in the front.


    Bonus to flanking/charging from behind. -this shouldn't be that hard to implement!

  15. 14 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    I'm a guy who got into the hobby because my friends love the game and showed it to me. They knew me well enough to show me an army that fit in my aesthetics perfectly and I fell in love with it instantly. My friends are the type of players who play for the love of the game, who love to toss ultra-competitive lists at each other and muse we could go 3/2 (at least) in tournaments, throw together fluffly lists just for a what-if, play narrative games to relive lore moments, craft our own narratives, and play stupid stupid lists that violate all sorts of rules, all just to have fun. These are the players you want to surround yourself with. Players who love to play and don't care about win records or the best builds.

    I'm also a guy who has felt that pain that comes after putting a considerable amount of time and monetary investment into an army, who became attached to it, and the got sidelined, tabled, ridiculed, and told I was wrong for wanting to play it.

    My army is Nighthaunt. And I have been laughed at for telling others I love them. And I mean literally laughed at. It's become a sort of a meme or unspoken rule among the greater AoS collective that you can love the way Nighthaunt models look, but you can't love to play them. They are only there to paint and look pretty or hold up as a shining example of power creep or some other GW failing. And it gets frustrating. It narrows down your potential playing group encountering people like this. And it drains you when you have to constantly fight against it and tell yourself to stay positive. And what's worse? When you do well and they have to tear you down for it.

    But ultimately the choice is yours who you play with. You can simply choose to not play with the negative players, even if they are your friends. You might change their attitude, too,  if they see you always playing with positive players and having fun. Ultimately that's what I did, I just stuck to playing with people who made every game a laughing roaring good time. And win or lose we'd BS over the highlights, the things we did well and our screwups.

    Oh, and take breaks. When things get to you it's okay to step away for a bit and regroup. Give it time and grow your personal playerbase.

    I've only seen one game with that faction and they won!

    I think all factions can win if you know how to play them and have a good strategy and that the dice God blesses you!



  16. 10 hours ago, ObsidianCrane said:

    Well got my starter Dawnriders done, just in time for 5 more to arrive this week.

    I have had to think about these a lot as I painted them and finally have a fast (well sort of) way to get them done.  Still quite time consuming though.



    Looks amazing! 


    I'm kind of following the ymetrica color (but I will play zaitrec).  And it's been a hassle to paint, but it looks good. I Haven't tried the recipe they did in YouTube, but I might. The positive thing is that I won't be done with the army fast. The downside is that it takes forever...

  17. 3 hours ago, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    May I alsorecommend the Age of Sigmar subreddit? I am myself not active there, but I always enjoy looking at Peoples first ever painted Models and the generally welcoming attitude and encouraging comments, it can be pretty wholesome. 😀

    Thats where I started before I found this page. Most people are supportive there and even when I ask noob questions that I haven't found answers to. 


    I like to win when I play, but I don't nice losing, because I like the part of rolling dices. 

    But playing with someone that complains about rules and such, like your units are op, but then doesn't think they have some op units, that is something I don't find joy in. 

    Also, I don't like when people complain about the rolls, sometimes the dice God will bless you and other times it won't. But like someone said earlier, that's the way some people are.

    • Thanks 1
  18. 14 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Chaos Knights for me (though I totally agree on blood stalkers too). They look like hulking knights ready to plow down anyone foolish enough to stand in their way, their lances are larger than most people and their shields are towers of metal thick enough to withstand a blow from almost any foe. They represent some of the most elite forces of Chaos - warriors who have proven themselves above the others and are one step closer to immortality, their bodies wracked with mutations and gifts that sit them above the power of any mere mortal. 

    And how best to represent this unstoppable wall of metal and mutation? Apparently by giving their lance 2 attacks at 4/3/-/1.

    Their lances do get better if they charge (2/4/3/-2/2), but as they're quite slow and have very few attacks, what happens 90% of the time is they charge in, fail to do the job fully as they miss a good chunk of attacks without an external buff, and then have a pillow fight for the rest of the battle - or more likely, get charged first and have a pillow fight for the full battle. Compare this to a large unit of marauders (20 models - their base size), who get 2 attacks each at  3/4/-1/1. You've got to wonder why so many people want to advance down the eight fold path.

    With ensorcelled weapons they have 3+, 3+, -1, 1 dmg with 3 attacks!


    I would like lrl sentinels to have two attacks in their short range profile. Or at least when there ain't enemies within 3'.

    Otherwise in CoS, I would like the wild riders to get boosted, and the artillery seems bad compared to the stormcast ballista. The black ark corsairs seems weak compared to twwh2.

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