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Posts posted by Dingding123

  1. I'm guessing that while 60 Grots in one unit won't be the norm anymore, they should be solid with Grot buffs.  If  a full block gets whittled down to under 20, each Rally should bring back over half a dozen every turn; +1 save from All-Out Defense or Mystic Shield is a nice perk for them as well.  The 1 less to wound bonus is a big deal, but Loonboss's CA combined with Snufflers will help them deal a ton of wounds anyway which will also bypass enemy hero monsters' save rolls.  

    Edit: they would pretty much need to be in Hunters of the Heartlands though, haha.

  2. I think I'm gonna be spicy and not touch monsters with a 10ft pole despite the GHB missions; I'm playing Skragrott goodstuffs and I'm just gonna hold as many objectives as I can and see how having a Chinese finger trap for a list works out haha.

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  3. I have over 2k pts of Gitz goodies (mostly elites+heroes), no monsters, plus going in blind I'd actually rather invest more into battleline instead of a big fat model.  But if I'm sacrificing up to FIVE! VP without one what I'd like to do becomes pretty difficult to justify. 

    Well, do I get the goofy Aleguzzler 'cause it's cheap, dump 300 pts in a Loonboss on Mangler Squigs or buy an Arachnarok despite it being my only Spiderfang unit?  None of these sound overly appealing.  I'm hoping monsters won't be 100% mandatory, 'cause if they are that stinks since I bought the Fungal Loonborde Xmas box for Gitz a few months back and I can't see how I could then feasibly use all or even most of those models if that's the case which are all my favorites.



  4. Oof - I was interested in running Orruks as discount battlelines, but it seems like Allies no longer count towards battlelines on warscroll builder. 

    At least Arrowboyz or Boarboy Maniaks have good warscrolls?  Except that now everything can have +1 to save while Bonesplitterz have no Rend whatsoever.  Womp womp

  5. On 6/26/2021 at 5:04 PM, Ganigumo said:

    If I had to guess hoppers are 10s now because they're supposed to be a standard battleline option for squig armies.


    The problem is they're overcosted for their bulk and damage if that's the case. They should've had a few points shaved off if they weren't increasing the costs of everything else enough.


    They could probably be priced the same as herds without forcing either out. Hoppers are faster, but herds have better output thanks to their 25mm bases. Herds arent necessarily slow either, 8" move with the loonboss CA, reroll run and charge, and easy access to run and charge.

    TBF, every Gitz battleline is now a bit overcosted haha.  At least they fly!  Plus they can reroll their D3 movement in Jaws now.

    Honestly with 3.0 I've considered Orruks for battleline over Stabbas since they're cheaper, hit harder unbuffed, take up less space on the board and aren't as prone to keeling over to AoE or battleshock.

  6. 7 hours ago, Chumphammer said:

    If Skraggot is your general then you cannot bring back squigs via the Loonshrine. It changed in the Broken Realms Kragnos

    Honestly that's still fine with me.  It's not like the Loonshrine is relevant all that often anyway, plus 6 Squigs aren't gonna turn a game around haha.  If I were dead set on running reinforced Herds I'd be miffed.

    Edit: autocorrect Moonshine lol

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  7. I've posted a lot of random stuff here as of late, but I'll bother this thread just one more time with my rough draft for my AOS 3.0 list!  I'm dubbing it Skragrott's Entourage.

    Subfaction: Jaws of Mork

    General: Skragrott, the Loonking - 230
    spell lore: Hand of Gork

    Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig: - 110
    weapon: Mooncutta
    artefact: Syari Screamersquig

    Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig: - 110
    weapon: Mooncutta

    Fungoid Cave-Shaman - 95
    spell lore: Itchy Nuisance

    Squig Herd - 160
    Squig Herd - 160
    Shootas - 140

    Other Units
    Rockgut Troggoths x2 - 290
    Boingrot Bounderz  x2 - 210
    Boingrot Bounderz - 105
    Dankhold Troggoth - 190

    Endless Spells
    Mork's Mighty Mushroom - 100
    Malevolent Moon - 80

    Wounds: 154
    Total: 1980

    If other Endless Spells turn out to be as crazy as some make them out to be they can get shoved in in place of the Mushroom, which I won't do personally 'cause my brother gave me really well-painted Gitz spells as a gift last year that I intend to use thoroughly haha.  

    It's got a bit of everything, the elites hit hard and Skragrott's Bad Moon control + Malevolent Moon can wash enemy Wizards not named Teclis.  Heroes are pretty noteworthy now - they can dispel or unbind each hero phase and while Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig is no Monster its Redcap + Finest Hour + Screamersquig or All-Out Attack will still hurt!  Shootas can squat on an objective while dealing a couple wounds at midrange, and Hand of Gork helps position either them or Rockguts (or even Skragrott!) wherever they need to be while the Squigs themselves get a ton of mobility from the Moon as well as their Loonbosses' CA.

    edit: 1980 for a Triumph is fantastic, as charge rolls can make or break elite-focused lists like this one.

  8. One thing Spider Riders have going for them now is they're the cheapest Gitz battleline - granted they're not the best haha.  Still, monsters counting as 5 for caps and that Arachnaroks didn't get hit too hard might be pretty huge for Spiderfang; maybe that's reason enough to run Riders in Spiderfang since an Arachnarok followed by a bundle of quick Riders should be enough to hold an objective.




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  9. I'm thinking like others here that Maniak Wierdnob specifically is great with Kragnos - he can reroll both dispels and unbinds once per *turn*, so it's got a good shot at both unbinding a dangerous or debilitating spell and dispelling an Endless Spell walling off Kragnos in the same round; he's like a one-orc spell cleanup crew haha.  On top of that, the guy's got a whole foot of movement so he can position himself extra well.  If nothing else, casting Mystic Shield with two rolls should be really easy, even with penalties.

    Another potentially huge boon is Emerald Lifeswarm - it'll likely be a point sink if it stays predatory, but if it heals every turn then combined with Rampages it'll makes Kragnos nigh invincible!  The same would then go for every other big guy as well, but still.

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  10. Shame that Endless Spells' prices got hiked so high and that literally any hero can now dispel them.  But at least they're bound-ish?  Idc if Mork's Mighty Mushroom costs 100, I'll still run it haha.  Same with Malevolent Moon; love those two spells.

    edit: WOW I didn't read well enough haha.  Predatory spells are insane now

  11. I get that Slaneesh definitely got hit unreasonably hard, but the changes to GSG all seem more than reasonable to me.  The models that weren't seeing much play didn't get touched, while the battlelines got hit to discourage people from going 120+ Grots like they did before (which was honestly incredibly dull).  Most Behemoths took a hit but with the new Rampages that was bound to happen; same with Endless Spells due to them now being bound and the huge buff to predatory spells.  Just because they were off the mark somewhere doesn't mean they're terrorists and out to destroy the game as we know it is my point basically lol.

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  12. GW should absolutely take a stand against subfactions that trump 50%+ of all other factions.  Way more work goes into putting together the pieces to play the game than in TCGs like MTG.  In MTG, if a silly combo deck beats your homebrew you can just sell cards and buy the combo deck yourself and there you are; in AoS that's a laughable notion and to keep up with the Joneses the solution is to throw more money and time at the hobby than most players may otherwise ever care to do all at once.  So the only avid players are the ones who have soullessly invested in the latest warscroll.  That's a terrible business model.

    If you're introducing Lumineth to the game then that's great; just don't let Sentinels be able to consistently nuke heroes from virtually three feet away.  Not only are warscrolls like that uninteractive - they're downright uninspired.  It's not hard to show a bit of leniency on their range, Sunmetal Weapons or Power of Hysh spell.  Or just raise their points value.  These aren't exactly tough design decisions that need a well-versed game designer.

    To say that game balance isn't THE issue with faction popularity is a disgrace to the game itself, pretending that AoS is very much so a painting enthusiast's hobby and nothing else, which could not be further from the truth.

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  13. I've had a revelation recently after watching a game involving Lumineth's Sentinels: why not reroll 6's to hit with shooting attacks during double turns?  It's less potentially backbreaking for most factions than the cover penalty (save the Lumineth, haha) plus it acts as a layer of defense mechanically instead of a penalty bestowed upon the player for taking a double turn.

    Another noteworthy mechanic during double turns is Bravery: giving armies +2 or even +1 in the battleshock phase can be key for keeping enough models in tact to be able to meaningfully contribute to the rest of a game afterwards!  Especially against armies like Lumineth who can make the battleshock phase absolutely backbreaking!  You can see I have some sort of bias here hahaha

    The "Heroic Resolve" now seems less impactful than the rest as only applying to spells certainly doesn't mean as much nowadays.  Something they could use collectively is just a negation of the first mortal wound taken of any kind for each hero during double turns, but even then that may be a bit too confusing.  Possibly subtracting one from each die roll for mortals period could be an easy to remember rule that stays flavorful while still keeping a bit of an impact on games.  Also "Steady Charge" might be tampering with too much for it to do any good for most play groups, and especially if units have bonus Bravery it'll be less backbreaking during double turns anyway.  Honestly everything should have +1 Bravery in Pitched Battles in my eyes, but that might just be me haha.

  14. 6 hours ago, KrrNiGit said:

    Yeah it just came down to points... the battalion didn’t fit but i did have room for scuttletide. The scuttletide might be the best endless spell we’ve got. 

    If you drop the endless spell you can either pick up an extra command point (always useful) or upgrade your loonboss to the one with giant cave squig for a tiny bit extra punch.

    I actually ran the numbers earlier this wee and Loonboss with Cave Squig is a beast haha!  -1 to hit, a decent shooting attack AND hits like a truck (for the pts, at least)! 

    Definitely worth leading the charge with alongside a bunch of Grots.

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  15. @Chumphammer what I'd do is omit 12 Squig Herds to get a unit of those Bounderz to 15 and add the Malevolent Moon endless spell.  The Moon can really trip up enemy wizards - especially alongside the Bad Moon and your wizards' dispell attempts -immediately separating itself 22" from the wizard that casts it and having a 9" aura.  Even if the other army doesn't have wizards, d3 mortals on a 2-up to every unit it passes over is really nice, especially for a casting value of 6.

    Squig Herds are cool, but they can make frontlines crammed pretty fast in your big charge phase.  A unit of only 6 models is still serviceable as it can still screen/meatshield for your more valuable units or just sit on an objective while everything else charges in.

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  16. That's my thought process, actually: if I can run enough hard-hitting models and endless spells, I shouldn't need reinforcements period.  The extra CP's are sooo valuable, plus making the moon reliable for round 2 or 3 is a huge plus.  The Screamersquig artefact may be goober-esque, pardon my french, but the ability to reroll movement for what is essentially all my cavalry is worth it to me alone!

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  17. Ossiarch sucks!  Everything should have +1 Bravery in Pitched Battles.  More should be on the line for these entities in larger games; fewer models should fold, falter or outright quit a battle that involves all sorts of elite units plus famed heroes and villains.  It would also be a solid buff to GSG, not that I'm biased at all or anything.

  18. I wound up getting 20 Shootas recently and all things considered they seem nice; I added them to my 2k list that uses Squig Herds for the other battlelines and I'm happy with them.  Grot nets put in some work regarding walling off threats even if the unit itself doesn't do a lot of damage in the combat phase and their sheer unit count is nice, letting them either run or Gork somewhere to help hold an objective.  The shooting is just a little 1-2 wounds bonus per round for every 20 models which can still wind up helping bracket a behemoth or finish off a unit or elite model.  They're not primarily shooters as they're not supposed to be; they do enough otherwise outside of Grot lists, really (of course in Grot lists Stabbas are beyond superior); they're best at providing more versatile damage while holding objectives and protecting heroes.  If they're focused enough to drop under 15 models before the rest of the army takes hits then they're doing something right!

    The one really odd thing about Shootas is that there's no incentive to run their max number of models whatsoever, unlike other units.  No points reduction, no perk with 45+ models; nothing.  One wouldn't think GW would overlook something like that.

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  19. Lists consisting of 800+pts of the same type of unit in a battalion plus some heroes and tarpits like powerful lists nowadays threaten to frequently make games more stale, regardless of who wins.  If there were more incentives to include honest variety it would be a boon to the game unlike further encouraging streamlined strategies to the point of lists being one-trick ponies.  Battalions are neat, but unchallenged they can all but dictate what faction lists are "supposed" to look like instead of simply offering additional ways for factions to build their lists.  

    Not to say battalions are poorly designed or outdated but they should never be as mandatory as they currently are, or as they're threatening to be.  Some factions simply don't have any strong battalions so they're left in the dust, whether they set up last or not.  There's way more flavor to the game than battalions offer; GW should let players explore that and add a variety of units to their lists instead of funneling them into only a few drops or less.

    My honest guess as to how GW would best go about this is to generally allow extra points for lists that include a smorgasbord of units rather than just one dedicated strategy.  This would refrain from encouraging the "horde" list mentality (which ironically would be even more severe homogenization), all while encouraging players to explore more unique models to add to their armies.  If 2k lists have just one or two small behemoths, less than a couple hundred points worth of allies, a few hundred points maximum of any unit or the same amount towards all their heroes, for how much the game works against lists with these restrictions they should get more points at their disposal to put towards becoming more robust instead of letting them be sitting ducks to the current meta.

    Regardless of my hot takes, points per list within conditions can be a fantastic lever for list variety that GW simply has yet to pull.  If I'm predicting the 2021 GH with this I'd be thrilled; if not I sincerely wish the best for GW and hope they come up with a way to promote selling new models for lists in the future without compelling players to either buy 600+ pts worth of them while they shelve all their older units or ignore new models entirely even if they really like them.  Power creep is not the play here; inclusion is.  

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