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Posts posted by Dingding123

  1. I'm betting the real winners here will prove to be casters and endless spells.  Loonshrine already lets wizards get +1 to their casting on turn 1, and alongside Skragrott and Webspinner getting point cuts I can see them becoming much more popular.  Horde lists might be dece, but stacking MW's on targets with The Great Green Spite, unit abilities, Scuttletide and other endless spells should be super annoying, given our own lists will have 175-200 wounds to wade through and that's before our reinforced battlelines Rally on 4's haha.

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  2. Honestly I'd find it really interesting if even movement without AA happened once per BR and all players moved then.  If movement for both players happened back-to-back in the first turn of each BR, the game could give the player going first the power to choose whether their army's movement phase is before or after the opponent's.  That might be more interactive than each turn being "all my guys move freely about the cabin while yours are sitting ducks", plus being the first turn player would finally have an advantage worth noting in comparison to those for going second.  Basically the first turn player would have a choice between claiming space on the board and positioning around enemy pieces, while the second sets up to counter whatever the opponent is up to alongside the usual double-turn anticipation.

    A downside I see is that the game might slow down if the player moving last can simply choose to not fight by positioning everything 13"+ away from enemies.  Still, a BR of peace now and then can't be such a bad thing!  Players can position armies more comfortably close to each other as well instead of there being a sizeable no-man's land, which might make for a nice change of pace.  However it's also worth noting if there are no good charge opportunities for the player stuck going second that can feel really bad as well, so something else might need adding in or tweaking to help compensate.  Finally players would be burdened with remembering everything of the second turn players' that ran in their movement phase in the first turn before the charge phase in the second which might cause some oopsies haha.

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  3. I'm still of the thought that save bonuses specifically shouldn't be as readily available at little cost as they are now.  Why is there no downside for such a braindead CA as All-Out Defence, like -1 to hit+wound until the end of the phase or to one of those until the end of the battle round?  And between Finest Hour and Mystic Shield one of them should have nothing to do with saves; perhaps a 6+ ward for heroes/units without one and a +1 ward bonus otherwise, with a hard cap at 4+ wards or so. 

    I bought most of my models during late 2.0 and was thoroughly disappointed when they turned out to be much worse off vs. 3.0's sheer save-stacking.  It's not an example of first-hand NPE though, as 3.0 strayed me away from tournaments altogether (as did covid, granted) until now.  Still, I'd have been hard-pressed to score decently with what I had bought and spent time putting together let alone win at all, and the NPE's would have fallen upon any of my well-mannered opponents from stomping me so hard if not myself from embarrassment.

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  4. Def. agree on save stacking needing to go.  Save bonuses are something that only specific subfactions and the odd hero warscroll should benefit from.  Stuff like Grots having an effective 3+ save against Archaon the Everchosen because a Fungoid Cave-Shaman had a magical sneeze and then yelled at them makes very little thematic sense.  If anything AoS may as well modify wound rolls instead since they can't be stacked against rend, like why not?  How are wound rolls more sacred than saves this many updates in?

    As long as All-Out Attack exists in its current state, though, All-Out Defence should also exist in some form, if not its current one.

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  5. That Rally is going to be incredibly annoying lol.  Especially with Galletian Veterans.  The enemy guns down or deepstrikes minimum size Squigs on an objective by a Loonshrine only for them to get Rallied later and still count as 24 units on the point...

    The bonus save to Troggs makes me think Skragrott is a worthy contender for general of that army.  If you can just tell the moon to be in the center so your Dankbosses have 3+ saves for the rest of the BR and battlelines get 4+ that's pretty nutty.  Also +2 to cast makes it mighty easy to cast Hand of Gork, as well as the likes of Cogs and whatever else that can help them get in the paint which can be really big.

    Even small wizards become much better with that +1 to cast.  What a buff!  The only thing that makes me remotely upset is that this probably means no book for us this year lol


  6. 1.) With the first list you have 5 reinforcements; you could split up some of the Boingrots as an easy fix.  Or, have two pairs of 3 Rockguts instead of all three battlelines being in blobs of 6.

    2.) You could use a couple of the newly-buffed endless spells with your wizards!  Malevolent Moon dropping to 60 and Scuttletide down to 70 is a nice little boon (albeit Scuttletide's not easy to cast); also Mork's Mighty Mushroom can be a massive swing at a bargain, especially if your own footmen are Rockguts who can brush off mortals if they happen to get caught in it.  The neutral Endless Spells got loads of buffs too, so they're also worth considering - Cogs or anything else that helps Rockguts get in the paint can be really broken here!

    3.) Two Dankbosses can be good recursion so that you can afford to let one fight on the front lines among the Rockguts.  They basically have a 2+ save when it matters thanks to Finest Hour + All-Out Defence or Mystic Shield, so adding another is definitely a worthy investment.  Plus both can get an Artefact!

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  7. I'm guessing the only real blow to Gitz is to Grots/Troggs en masse, since both are purely GV.  That said, the problem with Troggoths was never "drat, I don't have enough of them" so their BH weakness as battleline is only so bad - if anything running them in the GV battalion can enable them to score when they otherwise wouldn't, which alongside the new GV objectives can be omni-important.  And Grots have nets and a 5+ save at least, keeping BH's a bit more honest if nothing else.  Really it's Gargants/big bois and ranged units that have been the major problems for Gitz in 3.0, not necessarily anything that now qualifies as a BH.  And Grots can be pretty nasty BH's themselves with Snufflers buffing them!

    Endless spells getting buffed is actually quite nice for Gitz.  They enable a critical mass of things going on for the army where otherwise most of its hopes and dreams are in Manglers or blobs of immobile infantry.  They need Skragrott or a Webspinner on Arachnarok to cast them effectively, but the Gitz endless spells can dish out a ton of mortals over just a couple turns!  Other endless spells being cheaper/better is also really nice.

    Bounderz' lances already have 2" reach; it's their squigs that have a mere 1", but they can at least be sawtooth'ed or just split into 5's to compensate.  For Hoppers it's still a big deal as their squigs are 99% of their melee weapons, but at least they're still mobile and can be run as a non-GV battleline in Squig lists.  Same goes for Spider Riders, although they're only deserving of so much praise themselves haha.

  8. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the Bounty Hunter battalion is banned at events and it isn't even a matter of whether it breaks the game lol.  Literally no one seems to like the new bat whatsoever.  It's definitely a head-scratcher alongside omitting Hunters of the Heartlands as to how infantry are supposed to fight anything anymore!

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  9. Huzzah, endless spells got cheaper in the GHB leaks!  Not the most exciting thing to ever happen but it definitely makes a difference in mage lists.  Running Moon, Mork's and Scuttletide is now collectively 170pts down from 265.  Arachnacauldron is actually 10 pts more expensive, but that was already the best endless spell we had so it's not as bad as it sounds.


  10. Spears really deserve some manner of compensation, because I'd still really hope the Galletian reach rules would stick around like they're the good idea that they are.  Either that or just make all respective warscrolls' melee attack profiles the same regardless of weapon used for them; why not?

    It's the first rule in a long time that makes the game more simple.

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  11. 22 hours ago, Lupercal said:

    I’m certain to be in the minority, but I’m firmly entrenched in the camp that was unhappy with their errata loosening roster restrictions for Kragnos and Nagash. To my mind, that was the original “band aid” tossed out for underperformers…and a wildly expensive one at that. Don’t “balance” my faction by allowing me a $100+ “auto-include or get wrecked” hero. 

    What I'd really like to see is for these heroes to bring back the Destruction/Death/etc. grand alliance army, where the rest of the army must be units from that grand alliance and are treated as allies rather than the big hero piece being the ally.  Then Nagash/Kragnos/Archaon can be much more unique for list building purposes and could provide their own grand alliance, command traits and such.  It always rubbed me the wrong way how they got rid of the Destruction army entirely in 3rd!

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  12. Question: what all changes between 1500 and 2k games besides the number of points?  Fewer battleline requirements?  Is that it?  Then Gargants and other warscroll spam lists are absolutely going to have a field day because there's no incentive to any other strategy.  Competitive players not going to have room for chaff in their army vs monsters so they're going to take Kragnos or Archaon instead, which will now take up half of their points.

    3.0 command points and other things need a look at well before army size.  All-Out Attack/Defense/Unleash Hell would all matter less if they weren't virtually for free every round.  Also what's the point of Battalions if everyone's just taking one-drop lists and hoping they win the coin flip?

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