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Everything posted by jeanfluflu

  1. Thanks a lot for your answers guys! I see the problem now and why people go full shootcasts (9 raptors+4 ballistas...etc) each time a unit is described it's almost always the same thing: "nice utility but not enough damages". I think i have good threat in the form of the 6 raptors with the CA of anvils, i have a big blob of liberators to take the center and go die for sigmar and enough cover with the two units of aetherwings to form a solid line. I like your analysis on the palladors, and if they are "objective grabbers and screens" i will just keep one unit and forget the idea to get a second one (The vanguard hunters serve almost the same role in this comp: grab obj, secure flanks and clean weak units). I'm confident about my ability to choose fights and play with the battlefield I'm just puzzled about the big unit of evocators, 10 seems like a serious threat and i need these damages because outside of the raptors i don't have much to respond (and mortal wounds are probably the best way to apply pressure to any enemy) but at the same time it is 420pts... i'll make some games and see how they go. I've used them once as a counter charge unit and they did good in this role, helping to finish a bloodthirster and a big unit of 15 blood warriors but they all died in the process because they where just 5 members and couldn't sustain an extended fight. The list can go on two directions from there: aquilor castellant azyros 10 sequitors 10 evocators 2x3 aetherwings 6 raptors longtstrike 3 palladors 3x5 hunters 1 extra command point total 1990pts I added a third unit of vanguard hunter to fill the line requirement and replaced the 15 liberators for 10 sequitors, it's less wounds on the table but with the save reroll i'm only really vunlnerable to mortal wounds, the sequitor also have much more punch in melee with the 5 big maces and the 3+ to hit. I think the combination of these 10 with the 10 evocators is enough of a threat for my opponent to distract them from my precious raptors. The extra command point will be useful to TP one unit without sacrifying a precious shooting roll during hero phase. or: aquilor castellant azyros 15 liberators 5 evocators 2x3 aetherwings 6 raptors longtstrike 3 palladors 2x5 hunters 3 ballistas total 1990pts i removed the extra 5 evocators to push 3 ballistas, i don't have enough points to include the lord ordinator with them so i don't know if this is viable in this configuration. Ideally i'd like to TP them in cover for the sweet 2+ save and use the rapid fire (in average it is 4d6 hits with -2 rend which i can direct at what my raptors are not here to kill such as big units with decent saves, cavalry ...etc). Thanks a lot for you help guys i really appreciate it
  2. Thanks for your answer, i'll probably not go for 9 raptor though. I'm really aware of the lethal potential of these guys and the friend i'm playing against the most really hates them already (so far we've played 6 or 7 games together and he won none of them due to these guys). what are your thoughts on palladors though, they never betrayed me and did their job each time but they are not brilliant either so right now i have mixed feelings about them should i invest in them a bit more? Speaking of adding bodies i saw that gryph-hounds got some point reduction as well (from 140pts before to 120pts now) they are really useful to block people and are quite resilient (3wounds each and they can disengage after they attack) still vulnerable to saturation but they can do their job nicely against enemy elites. I mainly use them to pin down expensive units and/or screen precious melee fighters but they are not going to do any kills. At 140pts for 6 they where expensive but right now are they more valuable for 120pts?
  3. Thanks for that, i didn't pay attention to that particular detail. In that case the list will propably go this way: -Lord aquilor 170pts -lord castellant 120pts -knight azyros 100pts -15 liberators 270pts -10 evocators 420pts -5 hunters 100pts -5 hunters 100pts -3 palladors 170pts -3 aetherwings 40pts -3 aetherwings 40pts -6 raptors longtstrike 340pts For a total of 1870pts, i removed one unit of palladors and add more evocators as i felt they where the better unit. I still have some room for extras, maybe 5 more liberators and 3 more eagles?
  4. damn, didn't know about that..... Am i supposed to add miniatures 5 by 5 each time i grow a unit?
  5. Hello fellow heroes of sigmar, i'm new to age of sigmar and only started to play recently. I've been collecting miniatures for a while though and i started to build an army arround the vanguard brotherhood starting box i bought a couple of years ago. With the recent leaks arround the new general's handbook i started to update my army and push it to 2000pts using the point updates. I'm mainly playing with casual players but i like to have some optimisation on my list (I'm not going for full hardcore shooting list, i'd like to keep my friends playing against me from time to time). Anyway here's the list, i'll put some descriptions to tell you guys how i usually play this even though some units are pretty obvious. Stormcast Eternal: Anvils of Heldenhammer. - Lord aquilor, 170pts: General, he's going to play some trick by using his command ability to teleport units where they would be the most usefull (raptors and palladors are best for that). - Lord Castellant, 120pts: He's there for the save bonus, also he's a good miniature to keep in the backline to avoid some unfortunate invocation with his griffin. - Knight azyros, 100pts: reroll 1 to hit, he's there to secure the raptor's fire and allows for some situationnal mortal wounds with his lantern. He can fly, probably duel some low wounds heroes or weak unit but i try to keep him away from combat as much as i can. - 15 liberators, 270pts: The big unit, works as budget sequitors since i can't use them with this general. with the castellant behind them they are solid enough (3+ save rerolling ones) and can survive one turn or two. I don't expect much from them beside buying some time and giving me some table presence. - 2x5 vanguard hunters, 2x100pts: The miniatures are amazing and brought me into this chamber (these and the palladors of course) the reduce in points is a nice small bonus. They are mainly here to shoot at low armor units, go on flanks and take objectives, typically the kind of unit i'll keep in reserve to TP them where i need them the most since they can run and still be useful by shooting. - 7 evocators, 294pts: Again, beautiful units, the mortal wounds they do are amazing and with grand staff they can hit behind my liberators without taking too much hits. They hold the core of the list together with the castellant and offers me some much needed damage in close combat. - 2x3 palladors, 2x170pts: These units helps me in lots of situations. killing a low profile hero, finishing elite units...etc. they bring some very reliable damage (-2 rend for the chickens, mortal wounds on a 6...etc) they are not killing machines but i know i can count on them every time, they also have 15wounds which allows them to take some hits. - 2x3 aetherwings, 2x40pts: Best unit in the book, the potential to block very high impact units DURING enemy turn is a must have in my opinion. They are here to die and give me some time/table control, block a bloodthister/cavalry unit...etc. - 6 vanguard raptors with longstrikes crosbow, 340pts: The heavy damage unit, most of the time they will focus heroes and key component of enemy army (basically everything that goes fast, hits hard and is not super heavily armored such as bloodthirster/heroes on chonky monsters but also smaller heroes to take away key bonuses from the enemy) they need to shoot as much as possible so i usually keep them behind my line of liberator and keep the castellant close to them to shoot during hero phase and shooting phase. TOTAL: 1914pts I can get an extra command point to get me to 1964pts. Here's the base of the list, it's not perfectly balanced yet and beside the longstrikes i don't have much heavy hitters (evocators are cool but so far i only played them once so i can't have a definitive judgement on them). I have concerns on the palladors as well, i love the miniatures so i'm definitely playing them but do you think i should use them in a big unit of 6 or should i keep them split to get them where i need it the most? Is 6 too much? maybe 4 or 5 is enough so i can get the points elsewhere....etc. Having 1964pts isn't very optimised though, maybe i can move some units here and there to get some well rounded total points. Anyway thanks a lot for reading all this, i'm very impatient to hear your advices
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