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Everything posted by Captaniser

  1. Probably that we more or less know everything that the Seraphon will include, and have discussed the subject more than enough. Also a teaser for what a CoS unit will look like
  2. White fang saw the new leaks and decided that they didn't want to be outdone by GW's faulty packaging department. Exciting times ahead
  3. The guy ordered the old Dante model from GW, and recieved the updated one by "mistake". Has anyone ordered any kroxigors or saurus knights lately?
  4. Leaks are coming through, apparently someone recieved a Commander Dante of the blood angels from their GW order. Everybody check your orders, the bots from the new warehouse are rebelling.
  5. The quest part refers to the Slaanesh worshippers and their quest to find their deity. The nightmare part refers to some Gitz who ate the wrong shrooms and are experiencing a narcotic induced waking nightmare.
  6. The runes sorta resemble those on the falchions of the Necro stalkers.
  7. Regarding the Gholems and their addition to AoS. I believe that the greatest hint towards them being an actual army/unit is that their name contains a classic AoS name misspelling.
  8. Some news and rumors regarding those of us here who care about Total war: warhammer. Taken from a livestream with some of the senior designers and important decision makers behind the game. "Cathay was made because of big audience and they needed good guys for all the demons." Yeah, bit of a yikes to admit that, but okay i guessThey have massive road map for WH3 and they are in the beginning of itSmall amount of races are still to be added Chaos Dwarfs and dogs of war would be my guessIf they need to flesh out the roster - CA will use rpg booksWe will see more "types of DLCs we havent seen before"Old world/ Cubicle7 rpg books -" I got the books, if it is anything there, I will use it and abuse it " (standard is 8th edition. from there we go to lower ones, probably 7th and products like forgeworld and tamurkhan)Bad news for Apophas - its sounds like they don't have plans to add him anytime soon "We have occasionally brought in some AoS units when it was appropriate, when we got away with it like demon design and tzeentch disk knights" Don't hold your breath for Nippon.
  9. Also sold out on the Danish GW site But the Salamander and astrolith bearer are still for sale on both sites, and we know that they are getting a makeover.
  10. I held little more than cautious optimism for the blackTalon series, but this part of the credits removed any hype i may have had for the show. No names on the animators and showrunners, and unless GW had an A.I write the show, they didn't include the writers either. Credit is required for the creatives, and the way that GW tries to hide them behind a coporate charade is nothing but shameful. I suppose there may be an arguement to keep the identities of the rules writers hidden ever since the Matt Ward incident, but this is simply absurd.
  11. There is a large recycling station close to where I live, which categorizes plastics very thoroughly. There isn't really any reason for me to go out of my way to transport any leftover sprues to an actual GW store. Perhaps a voucher for how many pounds you bring in?
  12. Also a nice piece of art to go along with the article
  13. Still 3 hours Left before their big announcement for the day.
  14. On an even more positive note, this monday will be the next preview whatever the seraphon will get next. 2 weeks since the last one and 4 weeks since the first one.
  15. Nice new models, but the art piece on the cover of the Slaanesh battletome leaves a lot to be desired. It is a pre existing artwork, and not even a particularly good one with an added filter on top of it that makes the colors too flat.
  16. Can you even call yourself a Warhammer fan without owning a couple of skulls?
  17. Black library have closed their IG page too, this appears to just be a consolidation of their brand accounts. No real reason to have so many accounts that have very little activity and customer reach, when you already have 2 main branding accounts.
  18. There was a two week separation between the reveal of the astrolith bearer and the salamander, and GW has their open day on Saturday. I think it is unlikely that they show another "major" model reveal today.
  19. A new Lizard species was discovered in Peru, named "Proctoporus titans" and it lives in the Andes mountains. Other than that, not much
  20. Adepticon begins the 22 march, so not too long until then. And GW hosts their open day next saturday and will show something off that day.
  21. I am just happy that they have a coherant name and not something along the lines of "Saelamandron fireglobers". Spawn of Chotec is a resonable name for the unit.
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