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Everything posted by Captaniser

  1. I am just happy that they have a coherant name and not something along the lines of "Saelamandron fireglobers". Spawn of Chotec is a resonable name for the unit.
  2. I have a theory regarding all these semingly random and contradictory rumors and leaks that people are posting. GW intentionally gives certain distributors different names and box contents ahead of the schedule to find out which sources leaks come from. See which names come into circulation at the usual hotspots for leaks, look up which stores were given those names early and blacklist them, easy peasy. Or it might just be some fans having a laugh, knowing that the Warhammer influencer sphere loves to whip their fanbases into a frenzy as early as possible.
  3. New Tyranids beasts are always welcome, especially the Norn queen lite. I've wanted one of those creatures to become a model on the tabletop since i read their lore long ago. The new Spess Mahrenees seem to mostly just be reintepretations of classic kits and turned into Primaris. Hurrah for even more redundant units to take up shelf space.
  4. Maybe a Coatl will feature in this release? There seems to quite a few hints towards their possible inclusion. This excerpt from the new BoC battletome: "The remnants of ancient tusk-glyphs recovered from Ghur's Prowling Valley appear instead to depict the Gorfather falling in battle against an army of winged serpents spilling from strange sky-cities" The winged serpent glyph from the new Astrolith: And of course the baby on the Slaan throne: They are being shown quite a lot, a bit too much to just be background exposition.
  5. While the Dreadsaurian is gone, possibly forever now, my hope is that it would be recast in plastic and to look like it's monstrous arcanum incarnation. It is quite facinating how different the art is from the actual model, does anybody know which one came first?
  6. Since we are interpreting the runes set forth by whitefang like ancient shamans again, I remember that they gave me a trophy for my hope of seeing either saurus knights or a sauropod dinosaur, which would suggest that i was atleast 50% correct. I kinda hope it's the knights, to finally make a saurus army look somewhat decent
  7. Well, it took less than 24hours for GW to prove me wrong. Correlation?!?!? *Tinfoil hat is on* Damn it looks nice, gorgeously ornate and sci-fi macuahuitl is ace
  8. I doubt we are going to get anything notable shown for AoS until adepticon next month, and I would almost bet on that they will reveal the next 2 battletome that are scheduled to come out before the Seraphon, and the accompanying models (pls no more foot hero). Warhammer fest will be the place they reveal the rest of the Seraphon range and the roadmap for the rest of the year. Until then, we must take solace in those rumor engines we are given.
  9. Thinking back on the reveal stream of the new seraphon, the show runner said that we had seen less than half of the range, and that means that we will get at least 8 kits in total. I will make the bold statement and say that we have 3 of the remaining units confirmed to be in as well. Kroxigor 'confirmed' by the rumor engine, and saurus guard and knights. The saurus warriors would make the older saurus kits look very dated in comparison, so their upgrade is needed to be in line. Now we have 3 unsolved rumor engines that i am certain are seraphon releated Nr. 1: Spear. Downright a seraphon weapon. Looks too ornate for a simple warrior, but could be used by knights. Nr. 2: engine. Shares seraphon design cues and glyphs, but what could it be? Nr. 3: Geometric spear. Now this one i am unsure of myself, but it looks to me like the geometric shapes spear is attached to a shaft, which makes me believe that this one isn't for 40k. Studying the StD release, a number of the generic failcast heroes got replaced, so i would wager that the scar vet on cold one get's a new model too, and it's weapon would be nr. 3. This leaves the "final" unit to be nr. 2, and i hope that it is some new large dino beast that carries the engine with it.
  10. Anybody else think that the Seraphon army box will consist of a Slaan, 10 saurus and 10 raptodon hunters/chargers? Would mirror the StD army box closely and cover the initial reveals.
  11. I will make a guess and say that the next starter box will be Darkoath vs Cities of Sigmar. Chaos is going to be the next bad guy faction for the starter box, and Darkoath is in a weird spot now, decent amount of lore and hero models but nothing else to show. A good time to finally update marauders and expand on them. Cities were announced before WE, and we know next to nothing about them, a teaser once in a blue moon is all. This slow pace would align with a major release, since the Seraphon took the release spot many thought would be for CoS. A more human perspective has been requested for long, and a major box would fly off the shelves.
  12. Wild guess. They will be modeled after snapping turtles. Fits the theme of aquatic and terrestrial creature that are known for their bites and sudden bursts of Speed.
  13. Also worth noting, the GW social media team are leaving comments under the people that are guessing Kroxigors, but not the ones that are guessing for Sunblood. Perhaps it is a red hearing all of it?
  14. I wonder what the new Kroxigors will look like. Forgeworld made an "updated" model for bloodbowl that looks like an updated version of the older kit, and a named kroxigor, Glotl Stop that looks a bit more like a crocodile. I hope they make them more crocodile like, to help differentiate them from saurus, since the original design is basically a bigger saurus.
  15. No offense taken, we are all victims of corporate marketing techniques from time to time
  16. Also, i guess i am waiting for the Seraphon to get their release this summer. Their lore and style has always endeared me, but the outdated nature of the sculptures has always held me from collecting them. If they update the Saurus knights and give us a sauropod like dinosaur i will collect little else but them. I even had plans on starting a Gloomspite force, but the motivation has been completely redirected.
  17. Bit odd they still haven't released the combat patrols for either the Guard or World munchers. Suppose they are just too good of a deal.
  18. What a show, all games are celebrating their new releases, maybe not as much the underworlds players, except 40k fans. They're up in arms against the new SM missile unit. Truly this show was one of the best ones they've ever done
  19. Well, the show is one hour and there are six different games being showcased. Seraphon is guaranteed now, warcry will be the full reveal for bloodhunt. Underworlds Is the next warband. KT is the arbites vs drykhari. HH is an unknown quantity, maybe some new plastic vehicles and a character. 40k, i want to say Farsight and Snik get officially revelead, but GW used space marine iconography for their teaser.
  20. I am quite happy that the Gitz maintain some of their random elements, the faction works well as a rather comedic and chaotic force. A little flavor is worth more than hard crunch If you ask me
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