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Everything posted by Captaniser

  1. Please let there be a massive new Moulder monstrosity or a Skrye doomsday weapon. That's all I want I want
  2. Eh, I Dunno about this one. New kroot are always welcome, but this one seems too similar to the 2 previously shown kroot characters.
  3. They are. But combined with the name change, the success of the vanguard format in 40k and the proximity to AoS 4.0, it would seem that GW is making a similar game mode that is easy to jump into.
  4. Great to read that Arkhan will finally be given the regonition he deserves for being the voice of reason in AoS.
  5. Death company. essentially space marines who have lost their minds to war and damnation, forever haunted by visions of the last moments of their primarch's death. They are locked away in a tower on their home planet because they are feral, insane and only brought out to fight. So the story about Ionus and his tower might be a bit of self plagiarism on GW's part
  6. Could you communicate anything about a possible project tar denroh eht fo ratava?
  7. I think that Warcry will going forward be a place for GW to update/bring in new models for factions without having to dedicate an entire battle-tome release. Hunters of Huanchi, Gorgers, and Wildecorps are complete units that can be used willy-nilly in both Warcry and mainline AoS, which is a luxury that not all warbands have unless you count a 50-point unit that dies to a breeze and hits like a wet noodle.
  8. Please Hippo elementals. Please Hippo elementals. Please Hippo elementals. Please Hippo elementals. Please Hippo elementals.
  9. That Queek comment is a fun little troll meant to bamboozle AoS fans who don't know who Queek is from the world that was, even characters that have returned to AoS aren't carbon copies of their previous incarnations, their designs have been mixed up to some extent.
  10. The model was sculpted in 2008, but the heads seems to have been around since 1998
  11. I really can't stand Valrak's content. He managed to grow an audience by reading out every far-fetched rumor he could find on DakkaDakka until he became so big that actual inside sources started coming to him with information. Mega fanboy for the Space Marines to the point that it is super obnoxious, and I have tried to watch a few of his release streams just to get a better view of what kind of person he is, but his backhanded comments about Necromunda, AoS, and MESBG and subsequent "JuSt A pRaNk, bro" comments whenever he gets any form of pushback is just pathetic.
  12. I could see them do an ironjawz Spearhead box that had something along these lines: MegaBoss Warchanter 2x5 ardboyz Weirdbrutes BIG PIG It would add up to about 875 points, which is almost the same as the stormcast one, so they would be quite well-balanced against each other in a new game mode
  13. Still not sure about the whole 'Avatar of the rat god' unit. Isn't that just Verminlords and Skreech?
  14. Please...I am starving. A leak, just a small one...can save me. Quick before it is too late.
  15. Probably the same as the Darkoath Savagers. Conan-esque Barbarian design.
  16. These people are practically non-existant in the actual hobby sphere of Warhammer and the wargaming community at large. They are just culture war morons who exist mainly on social media and they are just looking for a reason to write something along the lines of ´New thing bad, Old thing good'. Just don't give them any attention and let them leave their brains to rot in the comment sections of whatever their favored outrage merchant told them to be angry about this week.
  17. I was going to guess Krootox rider at first, but they little piece of armor near the nose makes me certain that it is some AoS beastie.
  18. Man, the picture on the back showing the miniatures really just goes like this:
  19. That is the biggest load of licensing bull I have ever read, either some very important details have been left out or this is such a plain lie. GW is a publicly traded company, no single individual holds the power to sign off on such a deal. All the developers that have ever worked with a licensed GW product tell the same tale: GW is obnoxiously protective of the IP in every way, down to the most insignificant detail. Even if a single person did sign off on something of this magnitude, the deal would be considered null and void due to a lack of due diligence on GW's part. Licensing deals fall through for a million and one different reasons. This doesn't mean foul play or that the end product is even cancelled, only that it might be delayed. The show probably hasn't even entered anything that even resembles pre-production, the last earnings report mentioned that the two companies are still negotiating about a possible joint movie venture. And also because the announcement only happened so early because the Hollywood Reporter leaked it. Absurd "Leak" written like someone who's only knowledge of corporate functions, hierarchy and relations come from white collar drama shows.
  20. Rumor for the 10th reminds me of Elder or Dork elder. Can't give a comprehensive argument for why, but it just does.
  21. You have already lost the argument, for I have depicted you as the Soy Eater court courtier
  22. Looks like a steel pipe that the skeleton is attached to. I dunno, could be anything really.
  23. The hands on the Morbheg knights' banner are playing rock, paper, scissors. Undeath does nothing to quell the desire for cheeky references
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