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Posts posted by Archibald

  1. 2 minutes ago, Gutlord said:

    Awesome looking army thier mate.....I have used a gargant but only good for aesthetics really. I'm waiting for the Sons of Behemat release so I can field a mega gargant......hopefully for the points cost they should bring a lot of destruction to the table

    Yeah, thanks mate.😉

    I am in love with my Bloodgullet Ogors too. They worked their way up to be my favourite army leaving FEC, KO, BOC and OBR behind.

    So we feel the same about the Gargant. Hopefully the rules for the Mancrusher Gargant will be a blast, so i can field this monster properly and my opponents will still fear him after they first played against him.


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  2. Has Anyone ever tried fielding Trolls or Gargants in your lists?
    What was your experience? Ar they a useful adition to our fat boys?

    I tried my first gargant last week and it sucked big time. It was only working as a distraction carnifex until my opponent knew that he is trash and can mostly be ignored.

    BUT a Gargant looks ****** amazing beside a big unit of Ogors!🥰 And i think the same would apply for a Troggboss with some Trogg friends.


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    • LOVE IT! 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Fantastic work mate love the base!! Were you using him with Beastclaw Raiders by any chance? 


    we played a 1500p and 1000p game. And i used just one Frostlord. But i have to say that i love the look of the Gargant alongside the Gutbusters.😍

    List 1 (1500p):

    Frostlord on Stonehorn


    4 Ironguts

    12 Gluttons

    2 Cats

    4 Cats

    4 Cats

    1 Gargant


    List 2 (1000p):


    4 Ironguts

    12 Gluttons

    2 Leadbelchers

    1 Gargant


    Let GARGANTOBER come!

    • Like 1
  4. Just wanted to share my first Gargant with you guys.

    It was built like the Gargant on the box. The cage was an annoying nightmare to paint.🤪


    I also tested him out today. In the first game he was the classic distracting Carnifex and got sniped by Lumineth archers before he could move. And in the second he managed to kill 9 Wardens (2 live on in his pocket).

    I really hope that his warscroll gets a big power up, because with the Aleguzzler rules these things aren't much of a threat and their survivability is just non existent (the Wardens he charged brought him down to 2 wounds...).

    • Like 2
  5. What do you guys think of the attached list? 

    We play in a 1500p CTL tournament league on 48x48 boards. There are Fyreslayers, OBR, Ironjaws, Reaper Nighthaunt, Starcast, Sylvaneth, Bloodthisterspam and Legion of Sacrament in my meta.

    I don't want to field the regular blocks of indestructable Mortek Guard. So i am open for your ideas.:)

    The overal strategy is that the 20 Mortek babysit the Crawler and the Mason, while the Kavalos units and the Stalkers go hunting.

    I am not 100% on the battleline. Would 10/10 Mortek and 10 Deathriders be better? My deathriders have swords so a big unit might be too static.


  6. 20 minutes ago, woolf said:

    hi guys! where in the book does it say that Nagash knows all spells? I checked his warscroll, the allegiance ability page and the lore page but doesn't seem to say anywhere... I use the digital version in the azyr App. thanks!

    Pape 77. The page of the spells. On top of the page.

  7. 6 hours ago, Sception said:

    For a 1500 point nagash list, I don't think you're going to do better than Petrifex, Nagash, 20 morteks, 2x5 kav.  At least, not if the format is 2k-500 points, ie 3 required battle line units.  If the format is instead 1k+500 points, with only 2 required battle line, then I'd go with Nagash, 40 morteks, and 1x5 kav instead.

    Wow, thanks man for all your thoughts. I appreciate it a lot!

    We play 2k-500p, so i need 3 battleline units. Why 2x5 kav+20 Mortek over 20 Mortek+10 Mortek+5 kav? Shouldn't i bring more bodies?

    I am not a fan of Arkhan so Immortis still don't have a staying point.😄

    I guess i will just wait for the GHB2020 and then decide what i will do with them.

    Today i got myself a liege and next week the crawler will find its way into my collection.😛

    I guess shooting and versatility sound just too good. 
    And depending on my Nagash list question i will get another Mortek guard or Deathriders box.

  8. Hello fellow bonecollectors,

    i need some help with finding my army direction.

    Right now i have the following: 

    1x Nagash

    1x Soulmason

    1x Soulreaper

    20x Mortek Guard

    5x Deathriders

    3x Immortis Guard

    2x Morghast Archai
    Endless Spells

    Before i come to my list ideas i will talk about about my meta.

    We normaly (aka. non-Corona) play in a 1500p CTL league on 48x48 boards. There are some other OBR, Ironjaws, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Starcast, LoN, DoK, Nighthaunt Reaper spam, Bloodthirster spam.

    I definitely want to field Nagash. So i was thinking about the following:

    Nagash list 1:


    880p Nagash

    260p 20x Mortek

    180p 5x Deathriders

    180p 5x Deathriders

    Nagash list 2:

    880p Nagash

    260p 20x Mortek

    130p 10x Mortek

    180p 5x Deathriders

    30p Bonetithe Shrieker

    Which would you prefer?

    When i am not feeling to field Nagash, i want to have an alternative list. I am set on a Liege Kavalos and then it comes to the following question: catapults, stalkers or a mix?

    list 1: catapults 1000p


    200p Liege

    140p Soulmason
    260p Mortek

    180p Deathriders
    200p Mortek Crawler

    20p Carrion

    I love shooting. Which is a big plus for this list. When expanding to 1500p i would field a second crawler and another Deathrider unit (+lance batallion). Or better another crawler and 10 Mortek with the balistari batallion?

    list 2: stalkers

    200p Liege 

    140p Soulmason

    260p Mortek

    180p Deathriders

    200p Stalkers

    20p Carrion

    I have heard of the deathpotenial of the stalkers and i love the models. And i don't like my Immortis Guard (why did i build them in the first place?🙈) so i would try to change them into stalkers to. That would save me some money for my 1500p list with 6 stalkers.

    Thanks for your help.:)

  9. 14 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    I am no death player, but I don't think that's a good list.

    Zombies don't seem to be worth it compared to skeletons, and I'd really allocate very little to endless spells, considering you have over 2/3 of your points in two models.

    I am not saying this is good, but still:

    Nagash 880

    Necromancer 130

    40 Skeletons spears 280

    5 dire wolves 70

    5 dire wolves 70

    5 dire wolves 70

    This is an even 1500. Still don't think it'll work. You could take 1 unit of doggos and make them endless spells.

    I have tried a few lists, but 880 points in a model leaves you with very few options to grab objectives.

    I should have mentioned that we play on 48x48 inch tables. Maybe this makes the list a bit more playable?

    I agree with you that skeletons sound better then Zombies.

    So i guess i will take your list and change one dog unit to the Spellportals.

  10. Is Nagash still playable in LoN? A lot of posts here point him out in a petrifex OBR environment. 
    I sold my OBR but still habe the Nagash model. Just because he is awesome!

    So i am thinking of a way to bring him to the field. I have a big FEC army, but there would be no synergies between them and Nagash. I also have 10 direwolves and a Necromancer. So i was thinking of buying 40 zombies and go with the following list. Little sidenote: we mostly play 1500p in my area (Ironjaws, OBR, Bloodthirsters, Sylvaneth, Starcast, Fyreslayers, DoK).

    1x Nagash 880p

    1x Necromancer 130p

    5x Direwolves 70p

    5x Direwolves 70p

    40x Zombies 240p


    The rest of the points would go into endless spells i guess. So what do you guys think? Is this a playable list in my meta? Or will i get smacked in the ground all the time?

  11. 2 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    "2x2 Boards" means... 2v2 team games? 2x2 meters? Sorry to respond with another question but this could be quite relevant to the response.

    Preliminary response though; with that lineup against you any CoS army will be fighting an uphill battle. That is a strong meta and not one that favors a more average battletome. However CoS does have its own cheese to bring to the table and is not entirely helpless.

    It means 2 GW-standardboards. Which makes it a 48x48 inch table.

  12. On 6/9/2020 at 7:42 AM, Austin said:

    Alright this is what I’ve got-

    2x Arkanaut Co




    Underworld Warband

    Start Collecting

    What should I get next?


    You should definitely go for the Aetherwar box and a big ship of your choice. This way you can try out every battleline option in the book and also our two main batallions (ironsky command and grundstock escort wing).

    On top of that you get the best hero we have right now aka. the baloonboy.

    I just started my KO army in this way and am more than happy about the versatility of my collection.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    When it comes to CoS gunline you have a lot of ways of slicing things based on your individual preferences, however those options can dwindle quite quickly if you need to face off against stronger armies. Can you give us any idea as to your local meta; what armies you are likely to play against and (if possible) what sort of builds they run?

    Of course i can.

    So mainly we play in a 1500p CTL league an my local Warhammer store. And we play on 2x2 boards.

    My friend plays either Ironjaws (Mawcrusher, Goregrunter, Ironsunz, Ironfist batallion) or Fyreslayers with Gotrek.

    Then there are Sylvaneth, OBR wirh catapults, Starcast, Fyreslayers with lots of Heartguard Berserkers, more OBR, Blades of Khorne with nearly just Bloodthirsters, legion of Sacrament, Daugthers of Khaine with Witchaelves spam. So you can see that close combat is king here and i have big doubts that a gunline could hold up to that. Because of that i have started a KO army to move and shoot myself to victory. Because of COVID-19 i can't test them out and i still would love to field a gunline.🥰

  14. Hey guys,

    i would love to play a gunline army so i'd like to know hoe such an armylist would look like.

    Tempest eye? Kharadron Overlords? Irondrakes? Freeguild? Sisters of the Watch?

    Personally i would love to see an Ironclad in such a list, but i am not shure if it would fit into a list.

    So please unlook the secrets of gunlining for me.😄

  15. 11 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    How does it move 24? Is it an Ironjaws ability? Its move is only 12" undamaged (and drops quite steadily if you damage it). I may get the rules wrong (I don't really play).

    Ironjaws have a command ability called "might destroyer" which lets a unit move (if more then 12 away from enemy), charge (if 3-12 away from enemy) or fight (if less then 3 away from enemy).


    11 hours ago, Kramer said:

    What’s the argument there? 
    they all get barak thryng right? 
    Or is the argument that without the KO keyword you can’t be KO allegiance and as such can’t choose the sub faction?

    I think that he means that they can not get into the ships because they don't have the "marines" keyword and are also not buffed by abilities that target KO units.

    11 hours ago, C.A.O.S said:

    The first way is to underdrop the jawz, start first, eliminate as much as you can, prioritize war chanter and gore gruntas, the double halves move to maw with your Navigator, and take space with your company. Otherwise if ironjawz underdrop you, play conservative in one corner, with less model as screen you can to minimize the damage that the maw can inflict and then hope in double turn to make damage 

    Thanks a lot! Thats sounds like a good strategy. When the corona madness is over, i will definitly try it out.

    • Thanks 2
  16. 34 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    A Navigator? Aether storm can be quite good to deal with it.

    The Last Word on an Ironclad can be a solid punch if it charges (and it will).

    Similar with a Khemist with the right spell.

    Also, was it ethereal? This takes away rend and is quite hard to counter. In my eyes, it should not be able to be placed on monsters.

    And did they read "strength from victory" right? It only triggers once per round.

    Navigators sounds good. I guess that could help a lot!

    It wasn't ethereal. The biggest problems were the free mighty destroyer move from the ironfist battalion and the fact that we play on 48x48 boards.So the Mawcrusher naturally can move 24 and then gets +1 to charges. So he is in your gunline in the first round (the more i think about it, the Navigators Aetherstorm ability sounds more and more awesome😄).

    Another thing with the Orruks is the Smashin and bashin rule. My Oruuk enemy on regular base destroys my whole BoC army (MSU because i don't have enough models for big herds) before any of my units can make a punch. I hope my Skyfleet will not end up the same.😅

  17. How do you deal with a turn 1 Mawkrusher charge? I witnessed a game where a KO gunline was totally obliterated in 2 turns by that beast.

    He had just two Gunhaulers, Brokk, 6 Endrinriggers, a Khemist, 10 Thunderes and lots of Arcanaut Company.

  18. Hey fellow Admirals,

    i want to paint my Overlords in a Barak-Thryng sceme. Unfortunately i am not quite sure how to paint the boats.

    After a bit of google searching i found that there were color plates for each Skyport in the old battletome. I could only find the full color plates for Barak-Nar and Barak-Ziflin. For Barak-Thryng i could only find the color plates for the troops, but not for the ships...

    So my question is if someone who has the old battletome at hand could make a photo of said page? That would be of great help!:)

  19. 6 hours ago, Sttufe said:

    Thryng is based on taking a lot of other dwarf allies, and a more traditional type of foot slogging playstyle, and so most KO players don't use it too often. My problem with that is bodies. On objectives you are going to have to kill, kill, kill. There is really no way you can contest objectives with so few bodies. I would say you might want to swap out a unit of riggers for some arknauts. Really there isn't a good way you are going to get all the units you want in a small number of boxes, so I would say that getting some arkanauts would be useful.

    I was only talking about the color sceme that i will be using.

    Red with white armor looks just very cool.^^

    Regarding skyport i guess i will use Urbaz or Zilfin. What is with the artykle and the command trait/artefact etc. I chose. Legit stuff?

    A unit of Arcanauts was added to the buying list!:p


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  20. 23 hours ago, Sttufe said:

    SO if you buy the Fancy Endrinmaster you get another 6 skyriggers, which is nice, I would say that looks like a good evolution, you might want to buy another set of thunderers so you can do different loadouts for your ironclad's troops. Other than that looks great.

    I have to thank you again for that advice.

    I noticed that the cheapest way (moneywise) to field an Ironclad is to buy the Aetherwar box, resell the Tzeentch stuff and buy an Ironclad. 
    When i would buy the start collecting box i would be in need of a second battleline unit, because either the Gunhauler or the Thunderers would be battleline. But not both at the same time.

    So i ordered the Aetherwar box and will add an Ironclad soon.

    My first 1000p list would look something like this:

    1000p Kharadron Overlords

    Skyport: non

    Artycle: settle the grudge

    Amendment: always take what you are owed

    Footnote: there is no trading with some people

    220p Endrinmaster in Dirigible Suit (General, Grudgebearer, Phosphorite Bomblets)

    100p Endrinriggers

    100p Endrinriggers

    510p Ironclad (last word)


    Will it be good? I don't know.

    Will it be a ton of fun to shoot-shoot-shoot my enemy. Definitly!


    Now i will have to choose a color sceme. I guess i like Baral-Thryng. Have never seen anybody use that one before. Why is that?

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