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Posts posted by Martin87

  1. Ah yes yes right got you. Just another dumb question if I do this does that mean I miss out on bonuses I can get from having a specific clan? 

    My idea was to have a pestalins main but use mortar teams along side plague catapults so I can fire over my battle line and also have a grey seer and doomwheel which are diffrent skaven clans that sort of thing 

  2. So I could use units from several different clans and it's not considered a alliance? Aos is very strange to me not played in years but kept collecting 

    My biggest issue is if I'm restricted what clan to pick 

  3. Ok so I have a really big skaven army bit when looking at the points for mach play it only allows a certain number for a alliance. Does a clan diffrent from your battle allegiance count towards allegiance points even though they are skaven? For example using a hell pit abomination with a pestalins main army. I have a ton more questions if you have time haha 

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