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Posts posted by edmc78

  1. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:



    Every day I inch closer towards starting a Stormcast army. These guys might be the coolest ones yet for me.

    We are inching closer to the mood of the original concept are, aren't we?


    I think this art is the direct inspiration for the hero image we have seen the cardboard standup t

  2. 3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I like the new liberator helmets tbh, they fit the thunderstrike aesthetic well.

    Yes, I think they are neat. I am sure all kits will have helmet-less options, or you can swap from all the spare Thunderstrike heads you probably already have or can source on ebay, so no biggie. 

    • Like 2
  3. I still think we might see dual-purpose kits for some of the TOW factions and AOS Dawnbringer Crusades. Generic bodies with different bits and weapons for each faction. Time will tell, but the aligning of the releases in a two-year window is of interest.  I am sure they will be interoperable. 

    • Confused 2
  4. I wonder if DawnBringer Crusade moulds will also be the basis for The Old World releases. I can see generic fantasy human, elf and dwarf troops with AOS and TOW themed upgrade spruces or resin add on kits. Similar to the plastic mk 3 & 4 marines and shoulderpads. 

    • Like 1
  5. AOS did not do so well, but this was how 40k was treated in 2021, Its a shame we cannot get a more consistent pattern of releases but I understand this is down to production and supply problems over the last three years or so. 

    The Necromunda boxed set looks like a great game and the HH refresh has me interested as RT01 was (alongside the original Adeptus Titanicus and HeroQuest) one of my first gaming purchases. There was so much to enjoy with that kit. 

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    I think they're just going to drop the start collecting box like they have with the other 3rd edition releases. The separate Magmadroth will probably cost the same as the start collecting does now.

    Wonder if they will just do a Vanguard box with the whole set of kits in …

  7. 30 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Give us Squirrel Swarms damn it GW!!

    I agree, that scenic base is either Underworlds or a Warhammer+ exclusive model. Hopefully the former!!

    Do you think the insect like leg will be for Sylvaneth?

    I thought that leg was a Jabberslyth. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    All of their made to order stuff says it could take 6 months, it's highly unlikely it will tho. They are just covering themselves in case however. 


    Because he likes the models probably. 

    Don't forget the amount of people who play games, paint and collect is massive, way bigger than it appears from social media. 

    I wouldn't be suprised if the models going into rotation have a few orders a month.

    People wanting the models they had as kids, those wanting to complete a collection, conversion ideas. 

    The hobby is as varied as the models in it, which is one of the great things about it. 

    This. I am a painter collector with sadly no time to play. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    A thought about Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics, based on previous boxed games of similar size, the new Warcry tome and the box art and pictures.

    It looks to me like the bad guys on the box art are all based on Underworld Warbands (Eyes of the Nine, Zarbag’s Gitz, Spiteclaw’s Swarm, Ironskull’s Boyz, and the Sepulchral Guard). Bladechosen came with cards to add in minis from other Warbands and the first Space Marine Adventures Boardgame came with exactly the right amount of enemy tokens to match the number of figures in the Necron kits at the time.

    It makes me wonder if this will use various Warbands exactly as the monsters so you can build it out with the minis.

    That would be pretty cool.

    • Like 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Its great how joined up with the ongoing AoS narrative Soulbound seems to be. Its clear that they have a lot of access, and are able to really expand and detail the setting in a meaningful way. Even if you don't play RPGs they are great as lore books about the setting.

    GW have always been funny about supporting their licensed RPGs, even back in the day when Dark Heresy was big, they didn't really acknowledge that it was a thing. I wonder whether it was the forces within the company which shifted it away from doing RPGs in house in the first place. I wonder if some of the higher ups are happy to license it out, but are worried that it will somehow split their player base or stop people buying models if they invest heavily into buying books from C7. I don't think that's a logical position, but its the only one I've ever been able to think of to explain it.

    Do they get space in White Dwarf? Its a shame they are not on warcom

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Greasygeek said:

    Another week with 40k. Are they serious?! It’s been two month with nothing but two new heroes no one needed. I cannot understand how any company can consider it a good market strategy to focus entirely one one product at a time. IMO it would make so much more sense to switch focus every week or so, or even have a little bit of both main games every week. Say models for 40k and rumours for AOS in the same week. Next week it’s models for AOS and rumours for 40K. 

    Im seriously frustrated about this. January is boring enough without this…

    40k players were saying this through most of 2021 …

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