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Posts posted by edmc78

  1. 19 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Yeah a guy on the Honest Wargamer show suggested the same thing. Some sort of TV show or film.

    Personally I think it'll be Epic 30k with maybe an AoS teaser at the end. I think they just enjoy us talking about 'mongoblins' and 'bretonnian stormcast' too much. 

    We'll be theoryhammering here for another month at least.

    That makes sense given SBGL and Kragnos need a full 6 weeks to go on sale alongside 40k offerings. I suspect trailed in June, limited big box end June/ july and starter sets late July / Aug

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Dreddships said:


    Going to be interesting to see how fast the 'Indomitus AOS' box sells out.

    We got a record of ~4 minutes to beat lads.

    They the made it to order for a while afterwards to beat the scalpers. I would hope the same happens. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Takyz said:

    It seems that the hatching insect egg RE was for Kragnos in the end (if that silouhette is him, but it looks like it). I'm really looking forward to see if he has a connection to the Silent People (his people are gone, and he is carrying a bunch of eggs, maybe trying to prevent other races to suffer the same fate?)

    This is nice and logical. I thought it was a nighthaunt myself. 

    Could also be a vampire bug god. Who knows?

  4. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I imagine the original plan was to release everything at a more reasonable pace. The point booklet for Cursed City indicates that game was supposed to be released in November of last year. The intention was probably to release Broken Realms books every two months or so to give them room to breathe, but that got screwed up by COVID. Just look at the huge release gap we had last year. GW are probably still trying to catch up from that.

    Makes sense. Cursed City is a total xmas gift release. Looks like we are on track for AOS 3 over summer then. 

  5. This all sounds plausible and cool.  I hope it is a new chonkier race of gobbos. 


    So to sumarise these podcast rumours, have Gobbo Mongol raiders with charriots and mounted heros against ‘Bretonian Stormcast’ which I would hope is the Covenant chamber - maybe some Sigmaresque Grail Knight types? 

  6. 34 minutes ago, Sception said:

    While I'd love to see the rest, between the insanity that should make it pretty impossible to blend in socially and the whole being-a-ghoul thing that should make it pretty impossible to blend in physically, I don't really see a spymaster sort of character functioning for FEC.

    What if all the spies were bats?

  7. 2 hours ago, rosa said:

    There are already cheap starter sets for WHU.

    The new starter is just weird... Why the toned down rules? It's like playing half a game. And after buying this set you want the full rules and can buy the other full starter set. This is just weird.

    Its a simpler set that is easier to learn and more accessible for those new to gaming and younger players. Its a gateway drug. 

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