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Posts posted by edmc78

  1. 56 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    I totally agree.

    we have the blood rain, eight points, eight legs

    i totally agree with you that we’re getting khorne mechanised spider golem riding chaos dwarfs.

    im loving it.. keep em coming. 👍

    This right here is why this thread is awesome. I love you all. I may also be half cut. 

  2. 1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

    I've always hoped that if they expand the Idoneth they go with the Lovecraftian cthullu elves vibe.

    If you've seen the art from the Idoneth cards it's great and really creepy looking.

    Being able to play my Idoneth in an eldritch city of horror might actually get me back into Underworlds. 

    A lot of the Josh Reynolds books went full Lovecraft with the dreaming god and other ancient gods beaten by sigmar. I wonder if any of this lore will survive his leaving GW?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Bosskelot said:

    Really disappointed that Squats seem likely to make a return to 40k. Not only were they always a lame idea, but the game struggles to support its already existing factions and in fact has plenty of critically important ones in-lore that have no representation on the table yet. To overlook all of those and bring back the worst idea is just really bleh.

    Well back in 1992 I loved my trikes and exo armour so gotta disagree. 

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Absolutely fantastic trailer! Pure perfection. Although this bit from the WarCom article totally killed me:

    There's a tiny part of me who died a bit on the inside reading that joke, as back in the day I used to wish for Cathay to receive models and rules - and now GW has made some internal 8th edition rules to then let CA convert them into game mechanics. Oh well, at least this might tease a future of Cathay as part of TOW (and thus, perhaps AoS)

    I reckon this is a clue that TOW statlines will be close to 8th Ed. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:


    now why can’t we get dragons like this in AOS? Think of the conversions…..

    also, those war balloons and terracotta giants were the best part of the whole thing for me. I mean, come on, warballoons and a not-hierotitan to play with? God I hope at least half of this stuff is made into plastic/resin in TOW.

    Well, in the End Times survivors of Cathay sailed off to unkown lands with their Emperor … maybe through time and space to the Mortal Realms?

  6. 3 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Also some slightly extra hype news for what it will mean for future AoS projects... 

    Creative Assembly just announced Total Warhammer 3 is delayed until early 2022 but they will be revealing Cathay tomorrow!! 

    The hype train is approaching, very fast, and it's been painted red. 

    Edit: Also buzzing for Chaos thicc beards fans, the hints for their return are growing it seems. Exciting times ahead. 

    I wonder if AOS chorfs will come alongside Warhammer tw 3 xhorf dlc. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

    Happy to finally see the tomes, but the initial mini lineup sure leaves much to be desired, oh well, did not expect anything this week, so at least getting the rules out there is going to be nice :)


    Wonder if this is due to shipping problems in the UK tbh. Oh well, fine to see them drawn out. Wonder if the rest of the Sacrosanct Soul Wars will be in an SC bundle? 

  8. 13 hours ago, sorokyl said:

    edit: I'm dumb. i was complaining about how monopose the boyz were, but they literally copied and pasted the same group of 10 twice in their image. 

    hopefully there is customization but I'm worried its the slave to darkness treatment. 

    STD kit had head options at least. 

  9. 2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    If they are not communicating that it is still COVID supply-side issues, I am no longer buying the pandemic excuse. there is zero reason not to address this in even the simplest sentence on a warcom article....

    Brexit supply issues potentially. A lot of UK retail is ahving trouble getting products to shelves due to labour and trucking problems. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

    On an upbeat note, on some level this delay does give people more time to finish hobby stuff and buy books or models they want before prepping their hobby spaces and wallets for the deluge of Stormcast and Orruks a few weeks or so down the road. Especially for people who haven't finishes up their Dominion minis yet.


    Returning to the ostensible point of the thread, I wanted to know if anyone has tried to look through the Corebook to see if any potential shift in lore is mentioned for the Chaos factions, anything pointing to the one army getting the release later this year.

    Reckoning a move from Ghur to Ulugu in 2022. Skaven vis Umbraneth. 

  11. I think AOS has outsold WFB by a margin, so no worries. We've had an amazing 12 months of x3 new armies, Broken Realms and a new Ed. 40k has suffered with mostly books since 9th Ed was launched and I think they are brining stuff forward due to the app issue, but getting new kits into their biggest line is no bad thing.  


    When the app gets out, and we get new books, I'm sure some kind of roadmap that we've seen for every game other than AOS would go down a treat. They need to invest more in a dev team for sure, but at this point in the project that is probably a bad idea. 


    I'll be buying the Old World on day one, and still keep my 10k+ points of AOS. 

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    This is genuinely surprising. What's going on with AoS? This is the first time I can think  of GW missing a pre-order date without any explanation. Did we all dream that they said pre-orders in August?

    App is delayed - I suspect. Mad tying in a digital and phyiscal release like this. 


    My guess is Kill Team and the tomes were swapped out for each other, due to this delay. Pure guesswork tho. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Blood0Tiger said:

    Yes we still can still get dominion and that is not to be unrecognized. 

    So what are your thoughts on Hexfire, that was fairly quick. 

    True, had not noticed. Nothing new or exciting to me other than a new hero that will get his own release soon. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Blood0Tiger said:

    Would be cool if the demons were more open to design options so they each have distinguished individual traits, I personally enjoy how individual chaos is all about, each mundane sculpt can tell more than 1 story for the hobbyist' to manipulate. 

    A new Daemon prince is long overdue tbh

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