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Posts posted by edmc78

  1. 2 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Double down on the mist and shadows aspect. Give me weird shadow aelves. Demons with wings of mist. Something that looks like it could lurk under my bed. I mean, the only Malerion aelf we have ever seen is just weird and I love her for it.


    I do love this model. We’ve also had a whole Warcry band with a similar look, might it double up? I am assuming DOK may get sucked into Malerion elves as a sub faction.

  2. 6 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    So much time is spent here on TGA complaining about how dreadful GW's rules are and how good their models are, and we keep buying the models so I think you may be spot on here.

    Valrak says the same about 40k. Rules come and go but models last 20 years.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    is this different than Lizardmen Slann?

    Possibly or possibly not. In old school warhammer it was ambivalent. Many folks thought the old world was a world lost in the warp … The Old Ones possibly built the realmgates, so its all connected. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    Falling back to the theme of 4chan "leaks" I found one that sounded plausible.
    Here is a snippet of it to focus a bit:

    AoS flipping to a dull battletome spam release with minimal models? Sounds likely, 40k from rumours has a big year coming.
    Idoneth get no endless spells (despite DoK getting them) and just a single, crabless mini? I can see that.
    Lotann still bad? Above all, this specific nugget is the most likeliest of all things that makes me want to believe it.

    Does this mean the dwarf soup and elf soup rumors can be put to rest? At least for this edition. 

    Fyreslayers have so few kits right now I am suprised they are not getting souped tbh. 

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    It's covering themselves legally. They have said there is a potential hazard and not only given instruction to destroy but also information on how to destroy the item. 

    If someone chooses to ignore the recall and sigmar forbid the worse happens, GW and the company who made the toy will be legally covered. 

    Yeah, this was written by a crack team of lawyers. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    😀 Thanks, that takes the sting out of it. The qty in pack column said 1 which confused me. I thought it meant you only got 1 model, rather than a 1 pair!

    At £34 per model it's an expensive luxury but justifyable at some point.

    Still harder to square against the wife and kids for xmas.

    "Sorry guys, Daddy needed another plastic dragon to paint ..."

  7. 2 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    No new dragons for me then. I'd never really expected to be able to afford the big guys. But £68 for one Stormdrake Guard isn't justifyable to my budget. 😞

    Which is a real shame because they look awesome.

    You get x2 models but still. 

  8. 12 hours ago, willange said:

    So I've been (finally) reading through the lore sections of my core book and there's a lot of potential in here.  Much of it probably won't be delivered on in the form of minis, but reading through it has been enough to get my imagination going.  To be fair, the 2nd edition core book did the same and much of it is likely just conversion ideas.

    ANYWAY, the core book mentions several "nations/tribes" of people that are sort of loosely allied with the Sigmar's empire, but aren't actually a part of it.  It had me wondering how you could represent that in game.  One specific example that stuck out to me was Bataar in the NW corner of the Aqshy map.  They mention that they are traders growing rich off trade with the Cities of Sigmar and that they wear lots of body paint and mostly just live off on their own out there.  So how would that look in game?  Could we see subfaction of "Cities of Sigmar" that simply lack stormkeep rules and instead get access to like 2-3 special units?  Could we potentially see whole armies about this (obviously the answer yes you could, but in all likelihood that'll never ever happen)?  Is this just extra throwaway lore for RPG campaigns?  There's a bunch more similarly "independent" order nations mentioned that don't immediately fall under any of the current battletomes in each realm. 

    What is an actually realistic way we could see stuff like this implemented in AOS proper?  I understand that they likely have no plans to do so, but if you could, how would you implement it?

    Was the Lantic Empire another? They crop up a lot …

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    There is also that one KB mini from an army shot that has yet to even be acknowledged by GW, so, who knows

    This may just have been a test mini that made it into publicity shots, who knows? I expect lots more hobgrots with chorfs. 

  10. 13 hours ago, CarkFish said:

    Ive come to realise over the last few years that all games workshop games are a hot mess! ... A heady mixture of thematic rules written by under paid employees who care deeply about the lore and hobby, and competitive rules written by underpaid staff who just want cool rules.

    GW is making a fortune, if they want to continue to do so they must, in my opinion, begin to pay the men and women behind their success not just fairly, but well. And then they must insist on internal and external balancing across all factions being a part of the actual process, and not just an after thought.

    Just my opinions ... I never have, and never will work for GW.

    Its sector wide but GW are a publically listed company and supposed to have high profit margins. I love the IP and models but there is a lot that couls be better, they should invest morw of that profit in staff and not in keeping shareholders happy imho. 

  11. On 11/2/2021 at 1:48 PM, Higolx said:

    Definitelly not a Tyranid, unless its a completely new Tyranid that goes against the design of all other tyranids.

    Tyranid designs are not that slim and thats missing a lot of chitin to be a tyranid claw.

    It could be a sylvaneth thing? I dunno. Im just sure its not a Tyranid, unless its a complete different design.

    A canny soul on Reddit noted this looks a lot like a Jabberslyth leg …

  12. 5 hours ago, Kodos der Henker said:

    Yes you can, you even can do this at home, although it depends on raw material prices and availability if it makes sense or not (not for other companies that produce externally but for GW it can be easy ro just recycle stuff that does not sell)

    GW can just take all of the Spruces in unsold Diminion boxes and add them to single boxes for starters and units. 

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