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Everything posted by Elbaf

  1. So, that's the mandalorian version of AOS? a Witch Hunter who carry that baby vampire/creature? I'm in
  2. Damn that beautiful art ! Indoneth have no mercy, that murene is eating the ... of the KoS
  3. It was Grungni in the end ? i remember that we all thought that but then it was the return of "the white dwarf" or something
  4. It look like a knife/blade we had months ago
  5. I hope Duinclaw will open the path of many Idoneth Creatures !
  6. They will arrive with a new serie of books featuring lore and rules, " Broken Dreams " Broken Dreams: Hashut Broken Dreams: Kurnoth ...
  7. Imagine a Vermintide game-like with AoS ... Fyreslayer/Karadron , Lumineth/Idoneth , Stormcast/CoS , some Ogor mercenary Why not literaly Cursed City into video games? i want to see AoS world as the books describe it! as for rumors it seems like Eldar stole the cake for now, but they deserve it, i really wonder who is the next Army (and Underworld warband ...)
  8. Grotus and Molch miniatures incoming !! a "realistic" version of these two would be funny
  9. That's right, that Kruelboyz with vulture isn't release yet, some says he will be an anniversary miniature or something it's strange he isn't in the fresh battletome ..
  10. I do really hope for some slaanesh hedonites, i wanted to buy some, it would be the perfect occasion
  11. As a french i'm happy about those Necron flying croissants but i really hope there is AOS miniatures later today
  12. Wait, did the Varanguard on foot in Warcry against the Eightfold Brood was a rumor already ? Because saturday we will see who's fighting the spider guys, we would quickly see if that rumors is true or not
  13. Spiderman : Bad timeline I want to see the rest of the gang now ... and the ones who will gace that thing !
  14. I really want to see how these Malerion aelf will look ! Half shadow demon ? i can't wait
  15. Pirates Ogors who stole a Nighthaunt ghost ship (like the good pirates they are)
  16. I love the "Suspected Eshin Lair" on the Ulgu map Maybe they're here, maybe not, we can't see them they're ninja !
  17. My uncle work at Games Workshop and i know that Primaris Idoneth with tactical crabs are on the way Excuse me, I didn't want to be mean 😂 but we have difficulties with the rumors without our usual sources, like the fake one we had with 4chan and often behind there is nothing but wind Or Maybe you're the second account of a certain .. Whitefang 😏
  18. And now I just imagine a Warcry box set with that sorcerer ( with his squad of personnal Chaos spawn) against that vanguard of Spider-riders .... dream .. dream
  19. Wow these Kruleboyz looks nice ! I love the armored one !
  20. We throw ourselves on rumors like Flesh Eater Courts ghouls on meat o_O what happened to us ?! More seriously it's interesting if that's confirmed, even if there no AOS aside daemons (?maybe)
  21. The editing situation reminds me when someone here made a picture of Grungni with Stalin ( then making Grungni disapear like USSR did with some people on pics) GW removed Grungni's name from the article, he became "an important dwarf" or something like that I would prefer them to say it simply delayed than editing things
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