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Posts posted by RocketPropelledGrenade

  1. 5 hours ago, Sception said:

    Of course.  Definitely crossing my fingers, but I'm not going so far as holding my breath.  😛

    Yeah, I don't recommend anyone hold their breath until AoS 4 comes out. Sounds like a good way to really exemplify the Death Grand Alliance, and not in like, a fun hobby way!

  2. 23 hours ago, Sception said:

    Soulreaper: extremely cool model, bad in game.  The rules are completely changing in 4e so maybe it will become good?  That said, don't get your hopes up, as the Soulreaper's core concept - small infantry wizard who fights in close combat - is kind of fundamentally bad.  Small wizards are good because they can contribute to the battle without risking themselves in combat.  Small melee heroes are mostly bad actually, heroes who support your troops from behind the front lines via spells or command buffs tend to be more what you want from small heroes.

    Much of this post is decent to great advice, but I wanted to home in on the bolded text here. The concept has historically been fundamentally bad because it was bad under the basic assumptions we've had from first ed onwards. There are lots of ways they could change things to make it better with a full rules overhaul. Will they? Hard to say, and I personally doubt they'll shift things too drastically on that front. But I could definitely see a world where they do, and already came up with half a dozen or so ways they could do it while typing out this post.

  3. 1 hour ago, Myrdin said:

    So, with Warhammer Old World being back and running, I heard some rumors that BoC will be nuked from future AoS ?

    Not sure if that is to be believed but what say you ?

    GW themselves confirmed it this week. I was pretty surprised that the rumors were right for once, but that is unfortunately the case.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    Do we know for sure that she's not a multi-build model?

    A pity. Like you said, a generic backside-kicking character for the Slaves would be very much appreciated. 

    We do not, but it would be weird not to announce that IMO.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Abraxia is cool, but I do wish she'd been multibuild. S2D desperately needs a more modern generic character in her weight class. The Lord on Manticore doesn't cut it cool factor wise, and the Lord on Karkadrak is a much lower tier of power.


    Making some assumptions about Abraxia, of course, but I'm fairly confident.

    • Like 6
  6. I saw an unlikely but theoretically possible prediction for Dawnbringers 6 on Reddit recently, and now I'm just bracing myself for disappointment when it turns out to be wrong because it spoke to me as a beautiful idea.

    What if the Lady of Ruin or whatever her name is comes as a dual (or triple) kit that replaces the Lord/Sorcerer on Manticore with a better sculpt and/or monster? I would love that. Deeply want a monster hero that is cool but not Archaon (don't want to pay that many points and prefer to avoid named lore characters where I can manage).

  7. They have done a Warcry release of multiple units across a single box with the Hunters of Huachi and their pet Terawings being distinct warscrolls (ignoring the two Hunter warscrolls as just weapon swaps that aren't relevant for this purpose). So there's a bit more hope there.

  8. More AoS original characters would be my preference. The only returning characters I'm interested in are the ones who have done stuff in AoS already.

    I do want to see models for Tyrion, Malerion, and maybe Grungni, but I'm not interested in them as returners, just as what they have become.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    All I can speak for is my local scene. And while there are quite a variety of opinions regarding 10th, I don't think any of my 30-40 local players would call it "the best edition". Not even close. But I will agree to disagree. 

    However I 100% will agree with you on AOS tho. If they revamped Battle Tactics and Grands and continue rolling out the battlescrolls I would have zero problem playing AOS for another couple years. Its in a really good place. 

    Fair enough! To be clear, I wasn't trying to argue you should or had to agree about 40k, just that I don't think any of us have a clear picture of overall sentiment.

    32 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    Lmao. I play dok, skaven or lumineth. I got three damm faqs at the price of tomes.

    Idk was interesting but undertuned, gitz was crazy overtuned, slaanesh and seraphon had a terrible internal balance and obr was broken to the point that anyone wanted to play against me.


    The only book I think was well made, equal fun and competitive that i have played is slaves

    6 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

    I think this edition the tomes started fairly good and increased in quality as we went along, peaking at StD. Then, well then things started going downhill fairly rapidly. First the Gits being ridiculously OP, then both Slaanesh and khorne, then OBR and SBG, then Seraphon (Starborn, lets be clear, are the issue here)

    I'm largely in tune with Goatforce here. We had a ton of very flavorful battletomes where the mechanics lined up with the lore, with S2D being the peak or something close to it. I personally don't hold Gitz as having flawed battletome design though, just flawed points values. Khorne, OBR, and SBGL are closer to being outright bad design, but even there I'd go to bat and say they just live out their fantasy too well and should have been reined in sooner. The only battletomes this entire edition I would actually rate as bad design are Slaanesh (Temptation Dice are a huge chore on both sides, plus too much shooting for their ride fast, die hard aesthetic and theming) and Seraphon (which could be fixed by making the divide between Coaelesced and Starborn closer to OWC style with separate winrate tracking and balancing the units as if they were separate warscrolls per version).

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

    I think a lot of 40k players, myself included, think 10th edition 40k was the most botched edition change since end times/AOS 1.0.

    They found a way to simultaneously suck the flavor, fun and balance out of the game all at once. 

    A lot? Maybe. Depends on your definition. I don't think the vocal contingent you see online is any more representative and less anecdotal of a source than the extremely positive local reception I've been seeing. And for myself, this is the best edition 40k has ever had. That all has to do with the core rule changes, though. It made the indexes necessary, but the indexes themselves are of variable quality. I do think GW is moving in the right direction with fixes and updates to 10th, though.

    With regards to AoS, I'm fine with indexes, but it will be a bit of a shame to ditch some of the amazing battletomes we've had in third by moving too far. 2023 imbalances aside, the battletomes this edition have largely been stellar IMO. I would honestly be fine with 3+ more years of 3e provided they fixed how they did seasons and made the on-ramp for new players easier.

    • Like 10
  11. 8 hours ago, Pizzaprez said:

    Nah I doubt a varanguard character was made for Beasts, but a varanguard character they already had in the pipes suddenly getting a couple plot beats from a cut beastmen character's background makes sense to me. 

    "Oh; the evil spear she has is a magic one that causes chaos spawns to spawn during a game" 

    Causing lots of chaos spawns is generally a Morghur thing, or tzeentch

    Varanite realmstone causing wild and unchecked mutation (such as spawndom) has been a thing for years now. My guess is the spear is forged from Varanite.

  12. The Nulahmian army of renown is definitely not good. But it doesn't have to be. Not all rules are written with the competitive scene in mind. It'd be nice if all the weird, off-kilter ideas for zany armies could be competitive and silly fun both, but I'll take a mix as a more practical option.

    • Like 2
  13. On 1/19/2024 at 1:10 AM, Sception said:

    No new morghast in the LVO preview.  Which imo means it's probably not coming in Dawnbringers 4, and that fits with the OBR role in the narrative previews we've seen being pretty minimal.  In turn, that means it's probably one of those long haul rumor engines that doesn't show up for like a year or three.

    Hopefully I'm wrong and we see it in a warcom article in the next week or two, but we're running out of time before dawnbringers 4 is out, and they were already pushing dawnbringers 5 in the lvo preview, so the chances of any new AoS undead releases that we haven't already seen are getting pretty slim.

    Unfortunate, but I came away with the same conclusions about Death units.

  14. First off, good luck to everyone struggling or in a limbo, as there seem to be a few such people! Wishes for the best.

    For myself, I'm trying to finish my 40k army quickly so I have a fully painted army for both AoS and 40k for events. Then I'll head back to AoS, likely to S2D. Might get some Underworlds warbands in the mix to fill gaps. I also want to get my Seraphon assembled even if S2D needs to be painted first, so that's a project too. And while I don't expect them in 2024, Tyrionic Lumineth could easily throw everything off to the side for a refiguring of priorities.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. On 12/18/2023 at 10:35 AM, Sception said:

    I'm still waffling on green vs. black gems for my OBR.  Here's the Mortek Guard unit command with the current green gems, and a quick photoshop for how they might look with black gems.  Opinions?

      Reveal hidden contents




    The green pops, I like it. No need to re-paint.

    On 12/4/2023 at 1:22 PM, Sception said:

    Yup.  Yet another reason why the mortarchs tend to be the way to go.  I heard somebody was doing well with an Arkhan list featuring two reinforced units of Archai.  That's something I'd like to try out, though it doesn't leave room for much else.

    A little late in responding to this, but interesting to hear about the variance in options. Would certainly like more, but I guess there's still some at least.

    More Archai would be cool, although I am wary of the conditional nature of their 5+ ward, especially with them at a mere 6 wounds each on 4+ otherwise.

    On 12/18/2023 at 9:50 AM, Sception said:

    From Warcom's article about the new named Lahmian Vampire:

    "The Mad King Rises also contains plenty more for Death armies, including six Regiments of Renown – one for each Mortarch! Check back in the new year for more coverage."


    Arkhan's back, tell your friends.

    I'm not sure the Regiments of Renown are going to include the Mortarchs themselves--they might just be themed around them. The regiments will be an awfully big chunk of points if they include a Mortarch + other troops for something that is supposed to slot into another army.

    As an aside, anyone else hoping OBR get some kind of new non-hero unit in one or both of our RoR boxes? It could be how we finally get Mortek Archers/the Liege Mortek/etc.

  16. I'm hoping she's a little beefier than our current foot heroes. Use the snake and the larger base as justification to make her like 7-9 wounds (not 10. Please not 10)--then she could avoid getting AoE nuked as easily by armies that do that and make some actual use of her defensive rule if she gets into combat (which I wish didn't exist in the form it did, but oh well).

    As a Legion of Blood diehard, I am definitely interested, but I also don't need the other box contents, so I'll just wait and see what becomes of this.

    • Like 2
  17. On 12/8/2023 at 2:57 PM, etlm1987 said:

    I have a Slaves to Darkness list and I'm putting 30 warriors on the field. I wanted advice if I should stack one unit to have 20 warriors so more warriors get the encorcelled banner buff and they're easier to buff with magic, or if I should keep them separate in 3 groups of 10 so to better go after objectives. It's an important choice bc I am putting the kits together and I want to know if I'm making 3 banner men and musicians or just 2?

    You can have 1 banner and musician per 10 warriors regardless. Redundancy can be useful if you get caught out by something like a Mega Gargant grabbing and killing specific models.

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