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Posts posted by SirSalabean

  1. 40 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    All the signs right now are pointing to DoK getting the love. New battlebox, New warcry band, mortahi campaign book. 

    I don't feel like we've seen enough unsolved rumour engines with idoneth motifs to suggest anything other than an Underworlds band.

    Which fair enough, DoK have a small range but a cool theme so good for the.

    I remember gw  saying DOK will fight IDK in the book so I’d maybe expect IDK stuff, might be DOK and Slaanesh get the one new model each then IDK get a Ad Mech level of addition I just want endless spells 

  2. So I collect multiple armies however I will preface I am yet to play a game due to Covid. I’ve been painting on and off for years and too a plunge this year. I’ve got a large Space Marine Army, a large Necron Army, a Medium Idoneth Deepkin Army, and a Medium Lumineth Realm Lords Army.


    I paint as a hobby so I don’t know how many points I have but I’ve got 4 bookshelves of models lol I just try and get one of everything for the rule of cool. My main armies for each game are Necrons and IDK so I’ll be playing those when I can. 

  3. 8 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Not much I can disclose without betraying the Person‘s trust. ^^
    But it looks like Good times Are ahead for one of the armies I am playing (meaning more models than we CURRENTLY have). And that it was certain that AoS would get it’s fair share of releases before the end of the year (depending on COVID Lockdowns ofc).

    I play:

    LoN, DoK, S2D, IDK, CoS (and all their splintered subfactions), S2D Slaanesh, a bit S2D in Tzeentch and SCE. :)

    Can you disclose the alliance? Would be ace if IDK got a new battletome maybe some models but I doubt they would 

  4. Seraphon need a good revisit. The Cold Ones are ass to build and so old I hated them so much and I know there are no plastic slan, krozigors, etc etc they need a refresh Necron style as some of their stuff isn’t showing age.

    Id argue Sylveneth need new Dryads same with gouls for FEC 

  5. 10 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Cowfish do need more love. They got a cool look already.

    But likely it'll be the wind temple. The fox spirits and their swift followers through Hysh's deserts got just a bit more attention than the river temple with it's water breathing aelves or zenith temples with their followers that turn incorporeal. (Though with Deepkin allies maybe river would be closer to fit their alliance?)

      You were probably just using it as a random example but heads up to anyone else that missed it that they and the other hero from the Aether Wars are on the store now as separate heroes.



    Unfortunately I doubt we will se a new temple in core AOS as Lumineth have just come out, could be a few years as they’d need a new codex for all the new units 

  6. 7 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    It's cheaper to buy off a third-party site depending on where you live.

    I wanted the limited edition codexes so I got them at my local game store. I try to support them here and there but mostly I will buy from third party. 

  7. 1 minute ago, novakai said:

    well no i am just saying i don't think there going to be any new battletomes releasing until after Broken realm finishes and the new editions comes out (like 40k is doing), that when IDK and others would get new battletomes.

    of course it all speculation since i am basing off that AoS is doing the same release cycle that 40k is doing currently, and that AoS 3.0 is next year.

    Regarding AOS being next year, rumours I’ve heard from people who work at gw is that 3rd edition won’t be next year but the year after, in part due to Covid. I’d expect broken realms to last until this time next year, maybe we’ll see an early 2022 release for 3rd.

  8. 4 minutes ago, novakai said:

    it is a possibility, it largely depends on what they have in the pipeline that they have to release.

    though with Idoneath, if they do have a focus in Broken realm: Morathi they may end up being the Odd army out  of having new models since they have only reveal the two hero models for DoK and Slaanesh for the boxset and currently there doesn't seem to be anything coming along with it.

    Perhaps I could see it leading into idoneth though as they still don’t have endless spells and their battletome is 1st ed. They released just after DOK so I could see them being In the following book more prominently as it doesn’t have to follow psychic awakening directly 

  9. 2 minutes ago, NkfPanda said:

    I am hoping for new rules to stop 18+ Morrsarr guard lists as the only competitive option 🙃.

    Did the original battletome for them come prior to second edition? Could do with a new battletome maybe a new unit or two to change the idoneth meta up. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    What level of gaming are you trying to be involved in?

    For now just locally once they open for now it’s mainly painting in preparation for it. Might try competitive next year. I’m not sure what’s recommended with Lumineth. I will get more sentinels. I was thinking more stoneguard as I like them, or dawnriders 

  11. 1 hour ago, LuminethMage said:

    @Vilge nice to get some reports about experience with the Lumineth. 

    @SirSalabean I see, that you Lumineth are already struggling against a mightier foe than Slaanesh : ). Hopefully they survive intact. That’s a nice haul, and the box is awesome. The special BT has a really nice feeling to it, and all the extra goodies are also pretty nifty. 

    Thank you! I’m not sure how I’ll paint them maybe Ymetrica variant. I got the limited edition box for £80 so it seemed great value. Seems to be a lot of them around are people not too bothered about Lumineth then?

  12. 24 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

    Yes, only the Stone Guard and the Mountain Spirit have alternative builds. 

    When it comes to the Stone Guard, Mallets are more effective against 5+ or worse save units, while Diamond picks are better at 4+ or better. If you give them the -1 rend buff that breaking point moves to 3+/4+. 

    When it comes to the Mountain Spirit, if you run Ymetrica, taking Avalenor is a no-brainer. He can do everything the normal can do, but better. 

    Thank you! So would I be alright going for picks? I’m still waiting for my set to arrive with the battletome so I’m not sure what factions there are in it. 

  13. So is anyone doing conversions with these guys or are people Rock-ing the mountain cow theme. I’m unsure what to do with mine I have the starter box coming alongside a box of each other model but Teclis as he’s expensive. 

    I’m  thinking if I can find some plastic crystals for basing I can emphasis the real stone side. Not sure whether I’ll keep the stone guard hats or not 

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