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Posts posted by SirSalabean

  1. 13 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    Don't think so-  the back leg of the mount is pushing off a rock outcrop and it looks like the tail is looping down behind it - the Lord Regents mount both rear legs are in the air the tail is high. Plus the character has a large tasselled cape covering the back of the mount not flying behind . Plus the mounts leading leg has no armour on it unlike the Lord Regent- its a different kit or a different mount build with a different character build which seems a lot for a duel kit but not impossible. There just seems to be a lot of differences.

    I definitely see where you’re coming from as it threw me off however after re checking I’m still confident it’s an alternative build. The pose is the same I think it just looks like it’s coming off something. I’m willing to bet it’s the same core of the mount with variations, I think the leg armour isn’t attached to the leg so it can be bare. The head is different and the character on top is different which can explain the cape, the alt build also looks to have a flag. 

    if you imagine the regent at a different angel you can see the similarities, the tail had the same ring and shape, same leg pose, same tassels coming from the seat. It’s plausible to have a different head and character. I think it’s a £35-£60 miniature. Not huge but has options like a lot of other medium-big multiparty models. 

    from the new year tease there is 100% an alt build shown off too 

    • Like 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    I just compared the silhouette with the revealed mounted character- they are totally different models not alt builds- that could be Tyrion and it would round out the release for Lumineth with a centrepiece box.


    That preview was impressive-i expected to see a few more actual models but they teased a whole load more than that. Gobsmacked by the size of the Lumineth release- not my faction but exciting to see a faction get expanded so much- hopefully other factions will get similar attention.

    The Vampire Underworlds war band are amazing sculpts - basically a set of vampire heroes in one box, that could be a really impressive range . 

    The Cursed City is the most exciting- hoping the Kharadron model is a new type  and really hoping that is a Kurnothi hunter with the Antlers - these two have overrun areas in the cursed city related to their factions. Looking forward to seeing the full range - could be tempted as a collector to pick up the game. 

    Looks like lots to come- I think they gave us just enough - its too early to reveal much more ahead of releases- I'm glad to have new content to look out for in the next weeks and months. By the sound of it I think Cursed City isn't that far away so hopefully we will get to see more from it soon. 

    Incidentally from the illustrated video the female character beside the "Wolf" seems to be holding the jagged blade from the rumour engine. 

    It is the same model with an alt build. The angel is different but the pose is the same and the tail is the same. Difference seems to be the rider (named character) and the head of the mount. 110% alt build though.

    • Like 2
  3. 39 minutes ago, Lavieth said:

    Why do so many people think there will be a Tyrion part later? From what I can make out, reading the Battletome,  all the Vanari stuff would be the "Tyrion" side of the Lumineth. Their focus is on the more martial elements and even their unit organization (1 sentinels :1 wardens) follow his edicts, etc.  Whereas I understand  it's mainly the aelementari who are more in-line with the Teclian side of the army. They focus more on that Teclian ladder and the esoteric elements of the Lumineth. 

    Perhaps I am just drawing simple paralells or dont want to give myself unrealistic expectations. I think we have already seen the Tyrionnic side of the Lumineth, just their current lore has had more of a focus on Teclis and his story arc. Perhaps, even though the next BR book is called Teclis it could very well introduce Tyrion in a more prominent role. For example, Teclis plans to confront Nagash while Tyrion is general of the Lumineth army invading Shyish. 

    I would not be surprised in the slightest if that alternative build for the mounted Vanari character ends up being Tyrion. From the shadowy image you can see many of the similarities that have been a present on Tyrion's previous 2 miniature designs. Such as, mounted, sword, and winged helmet so name a few I can make out. With this next wave the model line is very close to complete, and I dont think he necessarily needs to be this massive centerpiece miniature like Teclis is. The range doesn't need it. He just needs to look awesome and have awesome rules. He has been my favourite character in warhammer for over 20 years now, but I don't expect there to be this massive centerpiece for him, despite loving the idea behind it.

    To add to this if you compare the teases for 2021 models with the wind mage in (who wasn’t even in the preview teaser today) it shows of the alternate build to the regent. 

    The shield has a different design with what seems to be an asymmetric maybe fire swirl, possible the tail of a Phoenix. But also the cloth is red. Those details added to the teaser today would imply it could be Tyrion. His old mode was him on a horse so him as a cavalry character makes sense. 

    If you compare the Regent to the Liege Lavalos in OBR it would make sense to have a named character option too. Really hoping it’s Tyrion. D705F66C-E6D3-4ED9-A3F9-03419C8D758C.png.7aa8c210cf9e50625dfe1c445d7aefaf.pngD55B48DF-220C-4F28-AB2C-40AE3FA4C4DA.png.06b65385dedca5f4e3de1c988b94faf6.png

  4. We still have the cloud mage to be fully shown as well. The trailer at the start of the year showed the Lumineth regent with a red cloth on the mount not blue. With the helmet shown in the alternative build silhouette and red it could be Tyrion? 



  5. 28 minutes ago, Tiger said:

    It'll give us an injection of the needed diversity. I could see a new tome shortly after BR:

    Teclis, similar to how DoK will receive it.

    I'm sure there will be options to run blademasters, the  question is when are we going to see these models. Likely with the next instalment of Broken Realms, with Slaanesh Mortals yet to be release we could be waiting for a few months. 

    Until then enjoy your stay.

    That’s interesting. Hopefully they reveal them soon I’d imagine they will come with the broken realms book as they have been revealed alongside it. Fingers crossed LG 

  6. What if the vampire rebellion leads to beating nagash (maybe weakened by lumineth) and nagash giving them more control out of respect for beating him? Or the rebellion happens then Lumineth show up so they settle differences vampires get more control and join nagash to defeat the lumineth?

    • Confused 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    While it's fake, how would people feel if it did replace LoN as the main faction? Assuming we don't get a redo of everything in Death, it would let people run old fashioned vampire counts with skeletons and zombies, while also allowing others to just run vampires in a subfaction.

    I think it would be good as long as the vampires have a good amount of vampire units. They definitely need new zombies and maybe skeletons. I think you could go horde with those as more vampire thralls with vampires as leaders, or if they have some more elite units of vampire knights for an elite army?


    I think the name Soulblight Gravelords implies it will be mainly Vampires with undead thralls of zombies and skeletons. 

    I really hope they flesh it out and it’s not half arsed. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    So Soulblight replaces Legions of Nagash. That's terrible. I was hoping for Vampires to get shiny new units designed exactly for their faction. Now we probably will get a LoN 2.0 - maybe five new units out of which 3 will be single heroes for Vampires and 20 units recycled from LoN.




    How do we know this? 

  9. 1 minute ago, Pennydude said:

    If you can get more of the Warcry boxes, I'd recommend it.

    I haven't tried doing the Dryad/TreeRev kitbash but my thought is that if you build 15 Spite Revs, you still have all the bits for that amount of Tree-Revs.  It'd save you A LOT of money by just getting a Dryad box, turn 15 of them into Tree-Revs, and then bash the remaining Dryad into a Branchwraith.

    Oh, and get at least one or two boxes of Dryads to actually build as Dryads.  You'll want them to use for battleline, access to Forest Folk battalion, and Branchwraith summoning.

    How many boxes would you recommend, I have two right now, not including equivalent from looncurse and another set of Revenants. 

    is it worth getting more start collecting then for the dryads? Then I can make more tree lords and kitbash the branch wych into wraiths maybe

  10. 1 hour ago, Pennydude said:

    Bow Kurnoths are fine but they are more niche.  You really need to have multiple units of them to be effective.  If I were in your shoes, here's how I'd build what you have.

    SC Treelord kit as a Treelord Ancient.  Cannot go wrong with a TLA due to high durability as a caster plus the free Wyldwoods once per game.

    Kurnoth kits as either 6 Scythes and 3 Swords OR 3 Scythes, 3 Swords, and 3 Bows.  Only reason I say this is so that you can try them out and the models look awesome.  I personally own 21 Kurnoths and the most I have of any one kind is 9 Bows.  

    Revenant kits: I'd build 15 Spite-Revenants and 5 Tree-Revenants.  Having 15 Spites gives you access to the Outcast battalion which for a total of 280pts covers your 3 battleline units, reduces your drops, and grants an extra artefact and CP.   It's always good to have Tree-Revs around because they force your opponent to always think about them being around when moving.

    Build your Dryads, Branchwych, Arch-Revenant, and Drycha as is.

    One thing I might recommend if you want to save money is to buy a separate box of Dryads and kit-bash them into Tree-Revenants using the leftover bits from your Spite-Rev sprues.  This is something I've considered doing.  If you need more Kurnoths and revenants (hint: everyone does), look at the Warcry boxset for Sylvaneth.  Those have a unit of Kurnoths and a unit of Revenants at a discount.

    Thank you so much this is incredibly helpful! I’ve found the warcry box for £35 so I plan to get a couple or so more at some point, not sure if they are limited or not?

    the dryad/Revenant idea is amazing too thank you. 

  11. 43 minutes ago, Rhetoric said:

    Sylvaneth is in a tough spot right now, speaking as someone who finished 2k of Sylvaneth in 2020.   A rules refresh is most likely going to happen this year.   

    Do you have a certain list in mind?  I’d say the only surefire advice regardless of list is Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes or Swords.  And depending on you list either TLA or Spirit of Durthu.  I have two 5 man squads of Tree Revenants, but they only exist to snipe objects or be a teleporting screen.  They do almost no damage and die to a stiff breeze.  My suggestion would be to hold off on building your revenant kits until new rules come out.  The models are fantastic and I enjoyed painting up my Sylvaneth,, but they are in a rough spot on the table right now 

    Hi thank you for responding!

    Thats interesting I have 9 kurnoth so should I do them all scythes or swords or a mix? 

    min terms of a list I have no clue really, I just want to do something that isn’t dryad heavy as I prefer Revenants, I’ve got a few kits of Revenants etc mainly though my army is a painting project and I just want to make sure I’m not building load outs that are useless. If it’s in the air right now I might make some of each Revenant and angels whatever tree lord is cooler. Just a question on the kurnoths left really. Are bows not useful?

  12. Hi all! 

    I got a lot of Sylvaneth for Christmas and I’d like some advice on what to build them as and how to build off it. 

    i have 

    1 x Start Collecting

    1 x Drycha

    1 x branchwych

    1 x Arch Revenant

    2 x Kurnoth Hunters

    4 x Tree Revenants/Spites

    I like the idea of going for a kurnoth/tree Revenants and spite heavy if possible. What would you advise I build everything optional as? 

  13. Hopefully Covid doesn’t affect GW too much. Worse case scenario is the physical store shut for a bit and they double up the monthly items when they open again.

    Personally I think rules shouldn’t have been relaxed for Christmas as that and this new strand is likely what is causing the rise in cases. I rather sacrifice a day of Christmas than a month off next year.

  14. 1 minute ago, elfhead said:

    I actually hope they don't show more Slaanesh stuff, because I like something exciting to look forward to when they get releases, instead of knowing everything that is coming and simply having to wait two months...


    I hope that show some of the stuff teased in the advent calendar. 

    I’m hoping for something different. It’s exciting and the models look good but there’s a good chunk of players who aren’t going to be excited for Slannesh. Hopefully they will tease a few things from different armies. At least the next broken realms 

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