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Posts posted by SirSalabean

  1. 30 minutes ago, Beastmaster said:

    Quite unexpected. Slaves, Gitz, Cities, Lumineth, Kharadron. Some of the oldest and some of the latest. Big and small collections. Traditional and very modern design. 
    Seems GW would be well advised to carry on going in a wide range of directions. 

    Definitely a big surprise especially with the views people had on Lumineth but I think the way they are going is great and it’s why I love AOS. I mean they are clearly seeing results from the fact they are continuing to head in the unique direction of AOS armies 

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    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Irvy said:

    It's Tuesday @SirSalabean


    Just seen the results - very interesting even if this is just for a bit of fun, thanks for organising it and getting so many responses. Can we make this a weekly/bi-weekly thing pleeeeease 

    Hiya thank you so much!! I’m hoping to make it weekly or bi weekly with a different topic each time. I’d like to do a popularity poll each time a new army is released. Really happy people are enjoying it.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, OkayestDM said:

    It definitely is.

    The Lumineth style waist piece coupled with the creepy emaciated claw hand is confusing. Some of the silhouette designs look pretty fancy too.

    I don't want to start getting people's hopes up, but there is one anticipated aelven faction that could believably merge the creepy hand and pretty elf aesthetics . . .

    I think it’s actually a saber sheathe with tassels it threw me off 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I know everyone is hot for the vampires but the silhouette of that  bonereaper is awesome. This is looking to be the best season of underworlds yet. I want every warband. 

    I wonder if we will get a unit of axe bonereapers 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    The last one was better. It was 15 minutes per reveal before and the last one was 10, and the difference was huge. Still, if you don’t like the talking part, the blog in the site is there. 

    I agree it helped a lot. I don’t mind it when it’s interesting but it’s when it’s just “Wow they’ve  done it again these new models are great I can’t wait to get my hands on them” for 15 minutes with each reveal lol. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    The part about Adam is so on point, love the guy and his enthusiasm but whenever they start on 40K, especially the Primarchs or Dark Angel's, I swear you could copy and paste his reaction each time.

    It bores me quite a bit it’s just filler corporate talk they have to do, Id much rather a shorter shown that’s more concise or more reveals 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, LuminethMage said:


    I think if they did something like that, then BR Teclis would be more about them instead of OBR being the focus. The WD, which follows the story of BR Teclis is also about OBR and FEC. 

    Maybe the first hint today will show us where this is leading. 

    I think Gravelords will be the slaanesh newborn of the book 

  8. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


    Wouldn't it be nice if that kind of rebalancing was possible? But can you imagine the (very justified) anger from people who would have their 500 Dollaridoo army obsoleted a little more than a year after release? "Sowwy guys uwu! We did an oopsie! Now throw your old army in the trash and buy all these new models instead!"

    I'm all for getting comfortable with the transience of rules in AoS, but that would be a bit much even for me.

    That would be following the BR: Morathi model, where they had a Daughters/Hedonites box. If we think Gravelords will release like Hedonites, in between BR: Teclis and BR III, then I don't think a duel box is unlikely.

    I’m of the impression that won’t happen as there’s no preexisting Gravelords army to draw from like the Morathi set had. I think it will be how hedonittes has launched after BR, and Lumineth will be alongside BR Teclis.


    I did think maybe OBR would share a box with Lumineth but it would make sense for them to have a decent BR box as they haven’t got a start collecting yet  

  9. 33 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    You were correct mate!! I'm so happy you were!!

    Damn there are a lot of Lords in the Mortal Realms arent there? 

    Perhaps theyll show the Lord of Gargants? King Brodd perhaps?!... but seriously hoping for the LRL silhouette models and a tease of Soulblight.

    Thank you! 🙂

    I just can’t wait for my Lumiroos since they showed off the wind stuff I’ve been so hyped I can’t wait.

    hopefully you’ll get some neat destruction stuff soon the story seems to be building to it 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    My theory is they reveal Soulblight officially as part of a two-faction battlebox. Realm-lords versus Gravelords.

    I would love it. My wallet would not.

    I hope not, I think they might release a Lumineth vs OBR maybe but if they did that I don’t think they will release Lumineth with the Book. I think Soulblight are for May onwards 

    • Like 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    It is either Malerion Lord of Shadows and Cowabungas or The new Space Marine Lord Model.

    In all seriousness I am hoping we see the Cloud Aelf and Swordmasters... with those two reveals I will find my bank account empty and my backlog clogged with Lumineth.

    Hah, good old space marine lord of the mortal realms.


    im hoping for reveals of teased things, maybe a two part release like most big releases 

    • Haha 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Mitzrael said:

    I also don't want to be disappointed, so anything more than 3 revealed models for LRL is a super nice bonus for me :).

    Well this is the last free week so to speak as they are returning to weekly releases come March. I think that means we will see less previews. Slaanesh were shown across two previews and a New Years reveal for glutos so I think we will see most if not all the rest of Lumineth. My question is if it will be a battletome alongside BR or it will all be in BR

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I would not expect Lumineth that fast, I'd wager something 40K first. Probably the big Killteam box with the new Marines and Necron models inside it. 

    By preview I meant the livestreams I’m not sure if there was confusion. Not the this week at Warhammer which would announce the preview. I’m expecting 40K next then BR Teclis with the Lumineth models potentially.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Ragest said:

    I think the next focus is Sororitas and Drukhari and I'm not going to say anything, we had a week full Aos with interesting articles.

    I agree, though I’m pretty sure we are getting weekly releases in March if I’m correct? So I think end of March will be Lumineth 

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