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Posts posted by Primo

  1. 15 hours ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

    So today I had my first game in 3.0 when I played a 1500 points game against a Cities of Sigmar army (Living City). I used 2 Loon Boss on Manglers, 2 Fungoid Shamans, 1 unit of Squig Hoppers, 2 unit of Squig Herd, 1 unit of Boingrots and a unit of Snufflers (all min. Sized units).

    He had Yndrasta, 1 mage, a hero on gryphon and a lot of foot soldiers. In the beginning he killed a lot of my units, but thanks to my mobility, that I had 2 monsters and a nice hand of Gork-spell I could get the win by the fourth battlerosin (I was leading by 8 points then and I would have one monster alive to get 3 points from my battle tactics). I also was lucky with the moon, since it's position made it possible to run and chrage twice with my squig hoppers. 

    Some reflections:

    * Yndrasta is really really good, and really hard to kill. Best is to avoid her or make her fight only chaff units. For 300 points and all the buffs she gives she should be quite common in many order armies in the future.


    *Squig Hoppers mobility and MW on the fly by almost killed a 13 wound hero by themself, but that they are minimum 10 is suboptimal with their range and 32 mm base. Since they are one of few good ways to get MW in a Squig army I will probably use more units of them in other games.


    *I don't know if Jaws of Mork is that good anymore. I rolled pretty average on my movement so I didn't need the reroll, and except for that I really don't se the point of JOM when I can get a better artifact and command ability if I don't take it. However, I guess it is a nice back up to be able to reroll movement if you roll bad.

    Thanks for the write up. I also play Squigs so was really useful for me. I have a 1 day 2k pts event a week on Sunday and I am thinking of using this 3 drop list: (what are your thoughts?)

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz
    - Option: Gloomspite Gitz
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Beast Master
    - Triumphs: Indomitable

    Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (310) in Battle Regiment
    - General
    - Command Trait: Fight Another Day  
    Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110) in Battle Regiment
    - Moon-cutta
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact) (Spell: Lore of the Moonclans - Squig Lure)

    10 x Squig Hoppers (180) in Battle Regiment
    10 x Squig Hoppers (180) in Battle Regiment
    10 x Squig Hoppers (180) in Battle Regiment

    10 x Boingrot Bounderz (210) in Battle Regiment
    - Reinforced x 1
    6 x Sneaky Snufflers (75) in Battle Regiment

    Mangler Squigs (275) in Alpha-Beast Pack
    Mangler Squigs (275) in Alpha-Beast Pack
    Skitterstrand Arachnarok (200) in Battle Regiment

    Core Battalions
    Battle Regiment
    Alpha-Beast Pack

    Total: 1995 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 148

    Ive also decided to drop the Jaws of Mork sub allegiance. Loosing the Warscroll Battalions it gave us was a big loss and even though the re-roll movement is nice, the tax on the command trait and artefact is steep for what we gain. 

    The idea of my list is to garrison the Sneaky Snufflers camping an objective in the loonshrine for added protection, buffing up Bounderz and Manglers with their increased range from the shrine.

    The Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig will have the Arcane Tomb universal artefact to make him a caster. He will have the Squig Lure spell and support the units going forwards using the spell and his +3 movement cmd ability to make everything extremely mobile.

    Running x4 monsters will hopefully give me a great chance at getting additional bonus VP from battle tactics and having a monster alive at the end of the game to complete my grand strategy. This is also why I decided to run a cheeky spider. I plan to start it in reserve and can bring it on turn 3 from ambush maybe snagging an easy objective or hero but also thinking about it being around at the end of the game for the grand strategy. With 14 wounds and depending where I bring him on there won't be long left for my opponent to bring it down. 

    The x2 Manglers will be in the Alpha Beat Pack for an increased D6 movement at the start of the game. With all the increased mobility buffs already mentioned and being a very fast (although random) army means I can get in my opponent's face very quickly.

    Think my main weakness is running x2 heroes that are easy to kill and the bounderz and hoppers coherency rules limiting their damage output. I was considering swapping the spider out for a caster etc but I really like the idea of the spider for the extra monster and all the additional VP I could get with it as already mentioned. An the end of the game VP wins games...



  2. Hi, Just a quick question about the Universal Artefact Arcane Tome in the GHB21. If I give it to a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig he gains the WIZARD keyword. Does this mean he gets to select a spell form the lore of the moonclans? I can choose any of the three spells from the universal spell lore in the GHB21 when I give the artefact to the Loonboss on Warscroll Builder but the option to choose a spell from our book is not available. Am I missing something? I think he should get to choose a spell from our lore as he has all the correct keywords to do so. GLOOMSPITE GITZ -WIZARD - MOONCLAN - HERO

  3. Am I correct in thinking that the Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider rule add 1 to cast and unbind from the Catchweb Spidershrine affects itself aswell as other Spiderfang Wizards within 12"? So if I had 2 of these models within 12" of each other they would both get +2 to cast and unbind rolls and then +3 if it was casting Scuttletide as its being cast by a Spiderfang Wizard?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi, Just a quick question regarding the random movement and running of some of the Squig units ( Hoppers, Bounderz, Manglers etc). Can I roll the dice for their normal movement, see what I get, then decide if I want to run them? Or do I have to declare that I am running before I roll the dice for their normal random movement? I've tried to clarify this but cant find anything in the rules or other posts. Thanks in advance :)

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