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Posts posted by CharnelChimera

  1. 7 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    Always equip them with Draconinc Cleaver. The dual blades can work depending on the setup and enemies you face, but the Crusher is pure garbage weapon. No rend no increased range, and reduces you attacks to 3. Just dont)

    I think the crusher is the better choice if you plan dumping command points via the Gavespawn ability, plus sundering blades. The jump from 0 to -1 rend feels better than -1 to -2. Leveraging the extra attacks on damage 2 weapons just seems real fun. You sort of do need a shaggoth baby sitting, however. I'm considering running Crushers with that in mind in a squad of 6. The 2 inch range would be nice, but as 1" should reach over a 25mm base in not too miffed.


    I'll admit that Tzaangor Enlightened are almost better in every case, sadly, even with Gavespawn command ability spam.


    There's some realm spell interactions you can do with paired weapons as well, but it doesn't seem as spicy.

  2. 2 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    Huh, I never noticed how Savage Dominion isn't "another unit". I just assumed it was. Interesting application of "stop hitting yourself"!

    RAW vs RAI,  it almost makes sense. You temporarily take control of it and make it claw at itself. It does feel a little counter-intuitive, though, doesn't it?

    • Like 1
  3. Savage dominion basically says "roll over a monster's bravery, make it take half it's wounds in mortals." With the crows, it's pretty powerful.

    Stranglethorns is great, unless you play in most US tournaments where the terrain is either inconsequential, out of the way, or nonexistant. This usually goes on my herdstone warming shaman.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, Ajay29 said:

    Had my first BoC game tonight against Sylvaneth.

    Rocked Gavespawn with Desolating Breyherd; Beastlord with the Gavespawn item, Doombull with the 4+ mortal wound save armour, 2 shamans, 30 Bestigors, 30 Gors, 6 Bullgors, 2 units of 10 ungors, Ghorgon, Chimera, chaos spawn.

    Opponent had some Sylvaneth mega battalion with Durthu, 3 units of Kurnoth, 4 units of spites, 20 Dryads.

    Wont go through the turn by turn but got unlucky early and lost all the bestigors for no return, but managed to pull off the Beastlord command ability on the Gors who wiped the floor with a 6 strong unit of melee kurnoth. 

    The doombull and bullgors never made it to combat, just hung around objectives, but the Ghorgon and Chimera blended everything they touched with the spell that gives monsters +1 attack.

    I rolled a 1 EVERY turn for sacrificing, but still managed to get a couple of suicide chariots on, little disappointed I never got to flex the summoning muscles.

    Overall, felt really good! Lots of dynamic stuff, some nice interactions (one turn the doombull wounded himself for sacrifice and ended up saving the wound anyway from his artefact), hopefully get a chance to summon some more juicy stuff in the future!

    How did you find the Desolating Breyherd? I'm on the fence between taking it or not, or just taking one of the God battalions if I must have a 1 drop army.

  5. As I read through the book, I'm starting to hate just how many choices I have! I want to bring all my favorite toys, but man are decisions hard to make. And then, I found out you can ally in a Chaos War Mammoth. That seems like a pretty OK choice to build a list around.

    I'm considering running something like this:

    Allegiance: Gavespawn
    Beastlord (90) (General, Mutating Gnarlblade)
    Great Bray Shaman (100) (Knowing Eye, Tendrils)
    Great Bray Shaman (100) (Savage Dominion)
    Dragon Ogor Shaggoth (180) (Sundering Blades)
    10 x Ungors (60)
    - Mauls & Half-Shields
    30 x Bestigors (300)
    30 x Bestigors (300)
    1 x Tuskgor Chariots (60)
    10 x Ungor Raiders (80)
    Ghorgon (200)
    Chaos War Mammoth (320)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Desolating Brayherd(150)

    Total: 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 320 / 400
    Wounds: 143


    The idea is to throw the chariot, Beastlord, a shaman, and a squad of Bestigor into ambush while just pushing everything else up on the board. I feel like the lack of spawn mainboard might be missed, but at 3 points to bring out in I should be able to get one turn two to use the command ability where it's needed. I was also considering Allherd and going summon heavy, but the artifact for Gavespawn is just sooo good.


    Anyone else started crunching numbers for their lists?

  6. 2 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    How do you guys usually arm your Ungors? Spears or blades? I'm planning to run a unit of 40 to keep the reroll bonuses going for at least a little while, so I figure that spears will be more useful since I can get more guys into combat.

    I'm trying to decide between Gor and Ungor, myself, but I think the rule of thumb is spears for large blocks due to the weight of attacks.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Gildaheir said:

    Secondly, what are people's thoughts on the cygor? I love the model, but I'm curious if it's at all useful. Based on the warscroll, my hope is that it's very cheap? 

    I'm not a fan of the stat-block and I wouldn't pay a point over 140 for it. The unbinds are situational and I'm assuming most people are going to take 3 shaman and a Shaggoth from now on.


    The Ghorgon on the other hand, I think has potential. The Chimera might actually out class it though. What do people think about Gargants? The points increase, despite the buff), makes me want to ignore them and needing to be babysat by a hero for the +1 attack ability seems dumb.

    Has anyone gotten the Aura of Madness off on a Jabberslythe? it feels like it would be a game changer, but 1/6 chance is so swing-y, especially since it's no longer the suicidal cruise missile it used to be.

  8. On 9/14/2018 at 9:24 AM, kenshin620 said:

    By the way, anyone have any good plastic conversions of Jabbers? It is a little annoying to having to deal with a big hunk of finecast resin.

    The easiest/cheapest are getting Manticore/Black Dragon kits off bitsellers/ebay. Manticore in particular are great conversion fodder, and I buy them whenever I can for peanuts.

    I've converted 8 or so Jabbers for various people and you can make some really nice looking ones out of most oldhammer "big monster" kits. I'll see if I can get pics of the Black Dragon conversions I did. They're now in the hands of other people, but they've been to Adepticon and some belong to of one of the best Slaanesh players there.

    Here's a Manticore one (based off a WoW wyvern) I'm not yet done with yet. He needs a longer tongue and some more GS work on the arms, I think.


    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    I am actually curious on just how prevalent Chain Guard will be in LoN armies. While NH may offer the most synergy with NH models, it seems that Chainguard would be an ok way to get artifact and cp since you're taking battleline units and a decent caster (granted he normally can't get the NH spells but with LoS he can technically get the LoN spells unless they FAQ that away.)

    I assume not at all, thanks to this FAQ. I'm not even sure you can fit an entire Chain Guard in 400 points at the minimum even if you were stubborn. 



  10. 4 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    So no update for the Mystic Waaagh! Paint artefact, meaning it now actively nerfs your casting range.  Because it's only Destruction.

    I'm finding it really hard not to feel insulted, when they did update Magical Supremacy for Tzeentch.

    With how insulting the Bonesplitterz preview was and how  GW seems to knee- quick, sharp, sudden movement hate on anything remotely competitive that isn't one of the armies they want to push, I don't see this trend changing any time soon. Bonesplitterz (and Destruction, really) just seem to be forgotten about in general.

    • Like 2
  11. With the rumors that the Mournghul might be LoN kosher, I'm wondering if Neferata + a Mournghul could be an interesting bravery bomb list. The -2 to hit is backbreaking against almost any army and you can pick up some Terrorgiests to really abuse it. I'm not sure how a list would look like, other than shoving in some skeletons and Morghasts for the banner effects. It'd really hinge on projecting the -2 to hit in the right spots as much as possible.  Perhaps Nighthaunt with an allied Neferata would be better?

  12. 18 minutes ago, Kanamorf said:

    I have been playing a primarily boar based army since GHB 17 dropped and belive me they are not a pillowfest. 2nd at heat 1, 1st at 2 local tournaments, top destruction at SCGT (ignoring the fact that was way low down and more about my bad choices).

    Maniac boars are incredible against all except the heaviest armour, and thats where Stabbas come in. Unfortunately this list has 2 less than I would like.

    10 Savage Orruks of any type are 20 wounds to go stand on something so are surprisingly difficult to just get rid of unless something really focuses them. Greenskins just fall over :(

    I have contemplated using the Orruk Warboss with flag in the new rule and feel he may have some legs. Lots to test going forward

    That's an impressive resume! My experience with boars has been rather unimpressive, so I admit I am biased. I have a ton of boars, so I might try futzing with such a list as I love the theme and if it can perform, even better. I still wanna shove a Wyvern/boar boss in since it feels like a Wargogg'd Maniak squad with 2 (4, due to boars) extra attacks just sounds ridiculous, let alone Stabbas getting some residual attacks.


    Do Greenskins really just fall over? 5+ rerolling fails seems like it should be rather tough to shift. Raw wounds do have a quality of their own, though.

  13. I'll start the thread out with a question: What do you guys think about Lords of Sacriment (and to an extent, trying endless/realm spell spam) in Grand Host lists?

    I've found myself unwilling to take the Mortis Engine + Battalion tax as I've found the extra spell casts underwhelming. I've instead invested in a second block of skeletons (possibly Chainrasps) and more endless spells. I'm also not convinced the list needs a spell portal, either. I've futzed around with the 15" soul harvest (off a balewind), but I'm honestly thinking 9" on Arkhan is more than enough to grab several units at once.

    I'm absolutely loving the Palisade and Gravetide, though. The area denial capabilities are a perfect tool to keep people off of OBJs/Gravesites. Shackles, I'm not fully convinced yet.

    Here's the list I'm currently taking. Any idea for changes? I want to get some Chainrasps and a Gaurdian of Souls, but I can't figure out what to cut/shift.

    Allegiance:Grand Host
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)
    - Allies
    Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320)
    - Lore of the Dead: Soul Harvest (Deathmages)
    Necromancer (110)
    - General
    - Trait: Lord of Nagashizzar
    - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread

    Necromancer (110)
    - Lore of the Deathmages: Decrepify
    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Spears
    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Spears
    10 x Dire Wolves (120)
    5 x Dire Wolves (60)
    2 x Morghast Harbingers (220)
    - Spirit Halberds

    Total: 1900 / 2000
    Allies: 400 / 400
    Wounds: 157
    -Balewind, Gravetide, Palisade
    The Ghoul king is surprisingly great just to drop a free Flayer squad on a vulnerable flank, so I want to keep them. The only thing I can really think about is dropping the balewind/ gravetide and some wolves and trading that for a Guardian of Souls and maybe Swords/Shackles.
    • Like 2
  14. 3 hours ago, Kanamorf said:


    At first, I was also meh about the arrowboyz, but you have a point about objective warmers. Aren't they 140 a pop now, though? Might as well ally in some 80 point Greenskin Orruks. I'd be worried about the list being pillowfisted, honestly.


    On that topic, anyone else think that the generic Greenskin Orruks are worth a look in a Bonesplitterz army? They might only have 1 wound, but they have the rend our army lacks AND reroll failed saves. at 80p + a possible Massive Regiments discount, that seems like it can have impressive potential.


    Has anyone figured out if Drakkfoot/Kopp Rukk could work? I was futzing around with a list that had 2x Boar Warbosses and a Wyvern with Generic Greenskin Orruks, but that started to look more like a Destruction Soup list.

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