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El Antiguo Guardián

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Posts posted by El Antiguo Guardián

  1. 6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    ...or wouldn’t a boxset with like skaven vs. Beast of chaos or orruks in total be more interesting for a new edition?

    I mean these are army that direly in need of an update in new models or just need new units, and Sigmarines aren’t really one of them when it comes down to models.

    They are more in need of an overall warcsroll update, rather then one in models


    Os course, I prefer another boxed sets, but stormcast are like space marines, so...

    • Thanks 1
  2. I think that AoS 3.0. will came next year, with stormcast new chamber vs new destruction army (probably normal goblins).

    And before, lumineth, SOB, Khaine and Vampires, maybe even nurgle and idoneth. Probably two waves: vampires vs khaine and nurgle vs idoneth.

    Let´s see. 

  3. On 7/7/2020 at 4:07 PM, Thamalys said:

    Alright, here's a tentative "GHB-2020-compliant" LoB list leveraging the points drops we have been discussing. I used to run a similar list with another Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (VLoZD) instead of Prince Vhordrai, but given than we might have lost the Etheral Amulet I think Vhordrai could be a better choice. The trick with this list is the very tough General who is taking advantage of the Dolorous Guard battalion (allied from Nighthaunts). It takes a lot of effort to take him down - and because of that, your Dire Wolves - will - keep coming back throughout the game (if you have the CPs, which are a problem. You start with 2 [because of the battalion] but you really want to use the VLoZD command ability anytime you can on himself/Vhordrai). Now while your opponent either wastes timeon the close-to-unkillable VLoZD (lethal mistake) or decides to stay clear of him (wiser) you have Vhordrai with Amethystine Pinions, who is another serious threat. If that was not enough, here they come two units of five Blood Knights. This list wasn't possible before the points drops (had to take a sub-optimale Tomb Banshee instead of the Vampire Lord) and it looks quite ok to me. Not many bodies on the board (hey, we are elitistic Vampires, right?) but you have the damage in three / four different places to bring most of your opponent's units down. If you fear tough hordes, group the two units of Blood Knights into a single unit of 10 and buff them - almost nothing can stand in their way. If double buffed (VLoZD and VL command abilities at the same time) 10 Blood Knights on the charge means 60.44 (rend -1) + 15 (no rend)   = 75.44 damage; against a 3+ save (that's right...) 30.22 +5 = 35.22 damage. 


    I love this list. If I have time, I will test it using my old VC models (I´m preparing a completly new army for AOS, but I´m waiting for the next BT).

  4. I think that the CoS BT was a test: if you buy it, we will continue with that faction; if not... well, "squats and friends" time. I think that they´re going to make some personal designs for the CoS models in the future, with full of new plastic kits, but now, they didn´t need it.


    So... Is there any rumour lineup for AoS? You know, aelves and SoB are going to be here in the next months, but I´m saying that kind of comment like "one guy said 7 months ago that in 2020 we´re going to see X things, and so far, he is true on this and that".


  5. I have beth 7 and 10k of all the WHFB armies, and also a Fimir and a Nipon ones.

    I have about 6k of NH, Fec, OBR, Slaanesh just for aos (no models that I use in WHFB.. I´m starting all the armies again just for AoS). Then I have some models of most of the AoS armies waiting for some time in order to finish them. Also I have most of the wh40k armies too.

  6. 2 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    So Undead. We already have new Courtier and Archregent for FEC. So Soulblight ? I'd say that, with the claws and the flesh tone it makes it look vampire-y. Also, Soulblight are still in the lore and in need of love. And the "sleeve less look" like Mannfred and the Soulblight Aristocrats from Nagash's court seen here : 


    For what game in AOS then ? I would guess Warhammer Underworld Season 4 (with Seraphon, IDK, OBR, StD and Slaanesh). 

    Maybe Warcry, if the "season 2" warbands are from mixed Grand alliances (we already have an Order one with the Khainite) 

    I would absolutely LOVE an AOS Warhammer Quest with the same release design as Blackstone Fortress (thankfully WHU and Warcry already offer opportunities for GW to create interesting characters and monsters not seen in the main AOS range or from olden time like the Gob Wolf riders). 

    God job!!!


    I think it´s not Fec: they have longer nails and some pointy bones over their body. It´s the arm of a Soulblight model, similar to Mannfred one.


    But yes. The sword seems to be very old... Maybe it´s some kind of special character that shows a long time asleep vampire... The return of Vlad? Or they reimagine vampire weapons again... or a Necrarch model.

    Long time we had listen about Soulblight rumours, and they´re suppose to be at the beggining of 2021, so seems plausible to start seeing some Rumour Engine about them. LoN it´s still in AoS 1.0. and that BT needs a rework, so or it´s the rework of that tome, or it´s their ending, starting as a new Vampire tome with Mannfred, Neferata, vampires, necromancers, wights, grave guard, skellies, zombies, etc... and new vampire models. Some classic undead reimagined for AoS.



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  7. I think that they will make a full rework on Cities on the future. Full of new models replacing the Fantasy ones, in order to make an elven-human-dwarf "non-alignment army). They are getting support on the WhCom so I think they will evolve the army into a new style "all in one" army.


    Or maybe even they don´t know.



  8. So the Tithe Legion it´s going to be a completly new legion of Nagash?? Or just another OSB legion like Petrifex??


    And about SoulB and LoN... maybe we can get both Battletomes. SoulB for a vampire theme force and LoN with zombies, skellies, etc... that allow you to mix the themed bts (NH, OBR, SoulB) with the core LoN models, allowing you to mix some units depends of your legion (If you use Sacrament, death with OBR; same as Grief now).

  9. Hey!

    I´m Héctor and I´m new on this community. I´m 25 and I´m from Spain (so yes... we have painting time now).

    I have all the fantasy armies, most of the 40k ones and some AoS armies too, but my favourite faction it´s death.

    I played some 9th Age ETCs and WTCs and I will play the following ETC with the Spanish team.


    So "hey" to everybody!

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