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El Antiguo Guardián

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Posts posted by El Antiguo Guardián

  1. New LoN or Soulblight battletome for sure!! With lots of models, like all the armies of the last days of the editions have. I´m so hyped!!!

    And about divine... Maybe SoB (and that come with the new 40k battlebox) or the new lumineths. It can be related with the name of the new BR book, maybe Tyrion is looking for Mannfred, yo know, he had a daughter...

  2. On 1/7/2021 at 8:38 PM, Jmason said:

    Did you consider dropping the extra command point and upgrading one of your dankholds to a second troggboss? You would lose the one drop but might get better coverage for command point use  and other abilities - edit never mind, the points wouldn’t work 🥴

    I´m thinking about using a Fungoid for the teleport, but trolls are not good for competitive playing so... just trolls!

  3. It´s time for some Orruk Warclans Project updates.

    So first of all, the Ironskull´s Boyz:






    Link for more close ups: https://heraldodelatormenta.blogspot.com/2020/12/pintura-ironskulls-boyz.html


    And as I said the characters. The warboss is from Avatars of Wars, you can use this code for an extra 15% discount:

    Avatars of War:

    Código del 15%: GuardiHammer15

    Página web: https://avatars-of-war.com/sh/es/






    Link for more close ups: https://heraldodelatormenta.blogspot.com/2020/12/pintura-heroes-big-waagh-kaudillo-aow.html

  4. It´s time for some updates on this project. I have some characters ready and the scheme of the Ironjawz ready.


    So first of all, the Ironskull´s Boyz. This is the scheme that I want to use on my ardboyz when I can start with them (february I hope):






    Link for more close ups: https://heraldodelatormenta.blogspot.com/2020/12/pintura-ironskulls-boyz.html

    And as I said the characters, shamman, prophet and warboss. 

    The warboss is from Avatars of Wars, you can use this code for an extra 15% discount:

    Avatars of War:

    Código del 15%: GuardiHammer15

    Página web: https://avatars-of-war.com/sh/es/






    Link for more close ups: https://heraldodelatormenta.blogspot.com/2020/12/pintura-heroes-big-waagh-kaudillo-aow.html

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  5. I don´t like units of 30 morteks. Well, I say, you´re paying 130 for each 10 wounds and the last 10 wounds are just at 50 points... and I love discounts.

    In my opinion all the competitive list from ossiarch bonereapers needs a unit of 40 morteks or 15 kavalos. They´re big, yes, but both of them are hard as a rock in order for follow your battleplan (flank-break = kavalos; point-farming or center-break = mortek). Units of 30 morteks or 10 kavalos are just meh because the next add have discount, and units of 10 morteks can be good screens but I prefer to avoid them because we are not the army for start playing "tiki-taka", so I prefer units of 5 kavalos for that because they´re great dealing with other small units; and units of 20 morteks for being played alone in order to take objetives (they´re slow but they can hold battle-lines alone).


  6. Amazing new models. It´s a bit pity because last battletome was from 2019 (may I think). I have a full painted HoS army (about 3k+scenery) and about another 3k waiting for it turn (and also I wanted to buy another pair of KoS and some old slaneesh hero for fun), but now is like I have nothing because this release is like another full army. 

    So, the good point of the covid is that I can wait until I start working on this new models and playing it because we´re going to have such a few games. I can focus on another projects and wait for the vampires, and maybe with 3.0. we will see the true power of this slaanesh mortals (because I don´t want to prepare a tournament list for nothing). For collection, well, all the units are f***** amazing.

  7. On 12/21/2020 at 4:45 AM, Nullius said:

    How much luck have you all had with running a max-sized brick of Mortek Guard with Spears? I built it because it looks impressive and thematic, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience running it and could offer any advice.

    I was using them just with Petrifex, but no more.

  8. On 12/21/2020 at 2:08 PM, Greasygeek said:

    So true but book or not the quitness from my side is due to that f..... Covid 19. Had to cancel all games and all clubs are closed off. So finally it just stopped making sense building lists and planing tactics. At the moment all AOS time is spend on painting and reading lore.. hopefully 2021 will be better...

    It’s quite frustrating but on the other hand I have yet to lose anyone I know to Corona so I guess things could be much worse than just being unable to have fun with my armies, warbands and such.

    Hope all of you are safe and well in these frustrating times.

    I know your situation. I move into another place for working and the first tournament here was this december (and it was T9A one), so models time is just painting and making videos / UB time. But things are going to be better (I hope), so we can paint all our armies for the time we can enjoy playing again!

  9. I think that the new book will be vampires. Slaanesh had their own sneak peek a month ago, and I think they will be like mechs in PA. 

    Maybe they can have a new book for AoS 3.0. with some rules changes, so they can sell all the new range with this BR release and with their future book (bad rules will change into OP ones, and so). And this Xmas sneak peek are the new LoN/SB full army with lots of new releases.

    Or even two new books, new DoK vs Slaanesh or Slaanesh and Vampires book! But HoS book is from 2019 and this battletome from february probably was made for being on shops on late 2020 so...

  10. I think that you need horde units for core with the current meta and GHB. 40 Chainrasp are a problem for kharadron and lizzys.

    Also I think that Dolorous Guard is a must because you´re going to be able to keep safe your general and reborn the units from the tombstone.

    Other, I love the orb and the blood knights. The first one is one of the items that make LoN being able to compite today, and the blood knights are one of our best units, ever if we cannot reborn them.

    Also necromancer is good but all the magic potente of the game are going to make almost imposible for you to cast the danse. The +1A of the vampire lord is auto and he can support your combats.

  11. 4 hours ago, UnholyRevenant said:

    Just spotted this in the Slaanesh battletome. A hint at Sigvald. Makes you wonder how much is still hidden in current battletomes that aludes to stuff yet come, and just how far ahead are GWs plans for AoS.


    If Sigvald reborns in Shysh... maybe, just maybe... Broken Realms vs Neferata?

    The forest goblins new clan had mentions about the lady mortarch and her city.

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