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Posts posted by bsharitt

  1. 1 minute ago, Shankelton said:

    That's the generic icons I think. Its on the community site so I wouldn't assume that means those specific factions are coming for sure.

    Though... Gutbuster battletome confirmed. I've got the fatties on the desk right now after getting a load of them for free. Time to give them some TLC.


    I don't know if they're confirmed. I wouldn't be surprized to see Ironjawz get an update first.

  2. So from and AoS perspective, actual information revealed is pretty meh(not a fan of Khorne), though I'm pretty stoked about Chaos Space marines. Primaris Space marines are getting their vanguard chamber now, will they get their sacrosant next, or is that Grey Knights.

  3. Huh, Blades of Khorne is the next battle tome, that seems at the bottom of necessary.


    I wonder if the armies show are indicative of what is coming.

    Fyreslayers, More Stormcasts(seriously thinking of selling that army if I have to by a new book every year), Soulblight, not sure what to make of the chaos one and Ogres.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Kramer said:

    Because some people are very impatient... pauses to hit F5... not me though of course. 

    BoLS seems to be doing some livish updates, though their site seems to be struggling at the moment. So far looks like a lot of black legion stuff for 40k. Yay new Abbadon!

  5. 1 hour ago, Walrustaco said:

    At least they wouldn't get low quality endless spells.🤣

    Yeah, not endless spells. I wonder if Dwarfs could get a release with no models at all. Maybe a scenery piece. Perhaps a reimagined anvil of doom or something. I'd image what ever they got would be some kind of forge based. If they don't get anything new, I just hope they don't forget the units they've loaded to the ironweld arsenal. With Tzaangors in Beasts of Chaos, GW doesn't seem to be against the idea of models living in two books at once.

    Now that the new skaven book is a rebsorbing Clan Pestilins and likely ending their own battletome, I wounder what the odds of that happening to BCR are if Ogres get a book?

  6. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    See I don't really want FW doing full armies. The way I see it they should be making hero sculpts; alternate epic models and unique monsters and such for AoS. Full armies are nice, but they are very niche on FW and always come with a high price tag that makes them even more niche. Far better for them to provide alternate parts and unique sculpts.

    I guess with GW central being better at doing big models in plastic it has stolen some of FW's thunder, but they can still provide loads of epic monsters and wandering monsters for AoS. The setting is ripe for such additions and beasties. 


    Also more dragons!

    GW being able to do big detailed models in plastic does put ForgeWorld in a weird spot. Aside from super giant stuff like titans, it doesn't make a ton of sense for FW to be doing Great Unclean One sized centerpiece models for mainline games(i.e. 40k and AoS) when GW proper can do them in plastic cheaper and get better distribution and thus more sales.

    I think for the most part it makes sense it makes sense for them to do very few models at a smaller sizes for 40k or AoS just because they can sell more if they're in plastic. The best place for FW is probably is specialist games like HH or special characters for smaller games like Necromunda, MESBG, and Bloodbowl where they won't sell as many. Outside of titan level stuff and really small niche things like alternate heads or weapons, I think modern manifacturing and model design has left FW behind for very large(as in player base and sales) games like 40k and AoS.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Rob Hawkins said:

    They could even get away with simply allowing the Fell Bats, Bat Swarms, Dire Wolves, Corpse Carts, and maybe Zombies to be part of the FEC.  The bats should certainly be in there.  And maybe a new kit for plastic bats & swarms could have pulled double duty for the FEC and the LoN units. 

    The FEC range is just SO limited at the moment, it doesn't feel like it's even worth a new Battletome if they're not going to add anything.

    If that happened, I'd definitely build out a Flesheater courts army. I've got some leftover ghouls from their start collecting box that I bought for the Vampire Lord on Zombie dragon and the vargheists, but if I could use my zombies and bats, even though I don't care for the models, the extra variety might be enough.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, TheWilddog said:

    This basically applies to most of the new scenery pieces. Who carries a Moon Shrine mountain with a cave in it and a 20 foot tall stone Monolith Herdstone? 

    The Herdsone makes sense, since it does look pretty ramshackle and could have just been erected, and the Sylvath trees makes sense because even in game they can make them sprout up, the skaven gnawholes are easily explained as just being madeand even the gloomtide ship wreck makes some sense because it can get washed onto the battlefield with the same aether water or whatever it that they ride in on, but yeah the really static ones like the Loonshrine and now this thing don't make as much sense. With my Loonshrine I assume my goblins are always defending and they live where ever the battle is happening.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Blightzkrieg said:

    So do we foresee most/all factions as having terrain features in the future?

    Endless spells was always kind of a given, but it's surprising to me that we have all these armies lugging buildings at each other.

    We got no Nighthaunt or Legions of Nagash terrain(though LoN got a terrain type rule with grave sites, so I could see a kit for those one day). I think everyone else got something terrainish last year, except Daughters of Khaine, though the Avatar is sort of terrainish.

  10. On 1/18/2019 at 4:21 PM, bsharitt said:

    I'm told It'll be the 26th, GSC book is going to be in this week's Next Weeks's Preorders. Though this is coming from a guy who's info is vague and he might just be making guesses and getting it right sometimes and some of the vague predictions still haven't hit their time yet(remaining plastic kits will get round bases this year and new battletomes for old armies). This is the most specific info I've heard from the guy and will probably help me decide if he's legit of full of ******. He said that GSC will be last weekend of January for preorder and that FEC would be out in February along side their new box. The closest the guy got was Soul Wars. He's said that there's going to be a new box set and general narrative, but he also said the the core rules were getting a small bump with some clear up, and general errata and FAQ inlined, but it didn't seem like a new edition, maybe a 1.5. But in fairness, the new rules don't say anything about the edition number, and if you read the first and second edition rules next to each other, you might think the later is a clean up of the former.

    I'm still not sure if I believe the guy I'm getting this info from or not. He was a week late on Genestealers, and the FEC release could have been just a guess(he didn't mention skaven).

  11. 57 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

    I believe this also had a model release attached from @Ndabreakers post. Something like a DoK level release to include a few  kits. Unless I'm remembering wrong!

    New models would be great, but even if they just grouped the rest of the ogors in a battletome I'd be happy. If them and Skaven got books, we'd have the supported stuff of 3 out of 4 Grand Alliances were all the factions in production(sorry greenskins and gitmob) are supported by books(Death is there already and this would catch up Destruction and Chaos). Then by one metric, Order would be worst supported and every one would certainly stop complaining about all the attention Order gets.

  12. A totally combined Duardin book seems a bit far fetched. Overlords are reportedly selling well and have their own identity. Fyreslayers are seemingly not selling as well, but do have their own identity and a separate Slayer army was a long time coming(occasionally showing up to various degrees in the old world). The most likely combination would seem to be ironweld dwarfs getting a dispossesed keyword again(which in the lore I think they are dispossesed that joined the Ironweld?) .

    Also on the speculation train as it ties to recent rumors and news, Skaven kits are going no longer available. The clanrats on the US store and the metal warlord on the UK store. Based on the plastic troop kits GW has seen fit to keep (zombies and grots), I can't see clanrats getting a new kits, so perhaps reboxing before a book release? I could see the old warlord getting dropped in favor of the existing plastic warlord or even a wholly new kit depending how now big they do a skaven release.

    • Like 1
  13. 16 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Honestly if GW has a lot of battletome filler weeks that's good news! Certainly for updating older factions there's at least 6 or so factions with large model ranges who just need a rules update. 

    I'd totally be okay with filler battletomes to get something out in the same way GW pushed out a lot of the "middle" codexes for 40k.

  14. 44 minutes ago, Ndabreaker said:

    So Rumour Time. 

    Seraphon are coming as some of you have said. 

    Seraphon battletome , endless spells and teterrain. Due end of March / early April . 

    Terrain as predicticted is 3 spawning pools. 

    Only seen one spell which appears to be an ethereal reptile/dino a spirit of something.

    Thats all I got for now


    I don't have Seraphon, but this is probably the battletome I want to see most that I'm not going to have an army for. I really want to see if/how they retcon their lore. I'm guessing that their summoning mechanic will be changed, at least somewhat to incorporate the spawning pools. Hopefully it they get some cool and unique rules. I have to say I'm a disappointing with the Loonshrine as far as what it adds, or rather doesn't add, to the army especially compared to the herdstone and gloomtide ship wreck.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Hmm the one that seem most alarming in the last chance to buy section are the battlemages, who I believe are currently are plastic models.

    Battleforce box where always a limited release but I though they would around a little bit longer.

    That's the old two pack on square bases that's on last chance to buy. The four pack on round bases, which is a better deal per model, is still on sale.

    On another note, it looks like Orcs and Goblins(as in the WHFB faction) have have gotten the same full Warhammer Legends treatment the Dark Elves got. Probably won't affect Ironjaws, Gloomspite, or Bonesplitterz other than some models will be usable in both, but I can't imagine it's a great sign for all the Gitmob and Greenskinz stuff that's being purged from the store.

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, prochuvi said:

    i dont think takes one year to do a battletome.

    I think they did answer that question(or maybe it was about 40k codexes, but could still be in the same ballpark) and it seems like it was a matter of months total, with teams working in staggered parts. Can't remember where that was from, of if my brain is just making it up though.

  17. 1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

    My issue was the opposite - not fishy enough!

    I think that's part of the issue that puts them into a weird spot. Not elfy enough for the elf fans, but not fishy enough for the that want something totally new. I think IdK might be a bit more popular if they weren't elves at all, or at least went the Syvaneth route where the evlishness was so far gone that they're now just fish people like sylvaneth are just tree people.

    • Like 2
  18. 6 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    I don't know if I believe that deepkin sold worse than expected, I see a lot of interest in them around the web. That said I suppose it depends on what the expectations were. 

    If they did sell badly I can think of a few reasons. 

    1) DoK released about a month beforehand. Players who had been waiting for new elves might have jumped in on DoK and had less interest in deepkin. 

    2) they are quite intimidating for a new player in terms of painting. Lots of small models with fiddly details and a centrepiece that looks quite hard to paint in the eidolon (I found him relatively easy due to the size of the model but I did use stuff like wetblending, layered shades etc) 

    3) the more unique you make something the more people will either love it or hate it. 

    4) lack of history, no relation to previous lore or characters mentioned outside the battletome. 

    5) can't be used in other fantasy games. 

    6) complex rules that make the army quite punishing to play.

    If this is true my biggest fear is that GW won't bother releasing new sculpts for them in future. Though to some extent beyond stormcast eternals we haven't seen aos factions get new units in general.

    I do believe GW see more value in releasing completely new armies than one or two models for an existing faction. 

    It seems like GW hit a weird design spot with the Idoneth Deepkin. The most common sentiment I hear about them is along the lines of "they look cool, but I don't personally want an army of them". While they're technically elves, they're not 'elfy' enough so people with emotional attachment to elves don't seem immediately drawn to them. It's like GW overshot the mark on uniqueness with them, where as Kharadon Overlords still have a enough 'dwarfiness' to them that Dwarf fans were immediately drawn in. Or at least that's my general observation on my admittedly small sample size of players.

    • Like 7
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if we see an Orcs and Goblins compendium the way we saw we saw Dark Elves. I think Greenskinz and Gitmob will stay in the GHB 2019 at least. I'm tempted to get another Loonboss or two out of these made too order since I like them both better than the new guy. Might even get a few more Madcap shamans just so I have a nice variety to choose from. That's also a nice Maniac Weirdnob with either a Wurrgog prophet or Wardokk they have there. I might need to pick that one up in case I ever decide to build out my bonesplitterz.

  20. 9 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    The community site is already showing previews of new models and rules - this book is getting announced in a week or two.  I would not be surprised to see pre-orders hit as early as jan 26.

    I'm told It'll be the 26th, GSC book is going to be in this week's Next Weeks's Preorders. Though this is coming from a guy who's info is vague and he might just be making guesses and getting it right sometimes and some of the vague predictions still haven't hit their time yet(remaining plastic kits will get round bases this year and new battletomes for old armies). This is the most specific info I've heard from the guy and will probably help me decide if he's legit of full of ******. He said that GSC will be last weekend of January for preorder and that FEC would be out in February along side their new box. The closest the guy got was Soul Wars. He's said that there's going to be a new box set and general narrative, but he also said the the core rules were getting a small bump with some clear up, and general errata and FAQ inlined, but it didn't seem like a new edition, maybe a 1.5. But in fairness, the new rules don't say anything about the edition number, and if you read the first and second edition rules next to each other, you might think the later is a clean up of the former.

  21. 6 minutes ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

    Some re do of old battletomes have been rumoured for end of jan beginning of feb. Although this was from a gw store manager (not my source) so take the whole salt shaker lol

    Flesh Eater Courts battletome in that time frame along side (or very near) the release of the FEC vs Skaven box.

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