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Posts posted by bsharitt

  1. 3 minutes ago, michu said:

    Another "Freeguild" rumour engine solved. Unfortunately it's new Rogue Trader in mini-Blackstone Fortress

      Reveal hidden contents



    I'm impressed that it's all new models. That definitely looks like the kind of small game they'd repackage old models for, though it sound like they'll also be a Blackstone Fortress expansion, so it's a preemptive repackage? Plastic servitor though, so that's cool.

  2. 1 minute ago, PJetski said:

    I think that has been the theory for a long time. Why does the Castigator kit include a gryph hound?

    Soul Wars felt like it was pushed out of development and into production 3 months too soon.

    The odd numbers in the Soul Wars is not surprise. GW has a history of starter sets that don't always work. The Battle of Pelenor Fields box for MESBG has one hero per side and way more troops for either to command. Of course they usually have some sort of special mission or rules to play with just the box set and the idea is that you'll buy lots more.

    The undersized units in ETB form of existing units isn't too out of place. I think those are less about adding units to the game, but instead of trying to recapture that old feeling of when you could walk into a hobby shop and pick up a blister with a couple of models for few bucks and get started small. If you're going to get a kid started in the hobby with their weekly allowance, you're going to have a lot easier time starting with a couple of models for $15 than a starter set for $40, $80, or $160, or $90+ for the Start Collecting boxes.  Of course if kids are walking into non-GW owned shops, they've got a bigger uphill battle when their 3 or 4 models for $15 dollars is up against 2 D&D models for $3.99 that are primed and ready to paint. But I guess I'm rambling now. I still don't see how the Dreadblade Harrows fits here either, but unless there's some skirmish game that is or was coming that they were heroes or a unit in.

  3. 5 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    Dreadfane though: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/15/15th-feb-new-models-games-and-funko-pop-at-the-new-york-toy-fairgw-homepage-post-3/




    Shadespire stuck with my less gaming-focused friends better than other GW stuff so an even more streamlined version is likely to go down well. Presumably it'll be pretty affordable and not a bad way to get another board. Also I'd already considered getting those ETB stormcast just for being such good models soo...

    I really do like the Sequitors in that box. I bought them at launch to even out the weird number of Sequitors in Soul Wars, but if they got the model count right in SW, I probably would have still bought that set for the unit champ. She's probably one of my favorite Stormcast models.

  4. 2 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    When the Soul Wars ETB kits were first revealed everyone was convinced they were warbands for Underworlds.

    Turns out they were wrong.

    But now it turns out they were right.

    I really like the idea of turning existing kits into new warbands - I hope they do more of this kind of thing in the future.

    I believe this is the case as well.

    I wonder if this what they were designed for but due to development schedules this got pushed back, so they got an AoS release first(If they ended up here first I could see them getting AoS rules anyway like any other warband).

    On that note, I'm really curious as to what the Dreadblade Harrows were originally designed as, I just don't buy that they were designed for what they're being used for.

    • Like 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, J.J said:

    Sorry if I'm a bit late to the party on this one, but figured it might be rumour-worthy!

    I was looking at buying the little plastic grot shaman a week or so ago and it was on the UK webstore. Having looked today it's no longer there at all, no non-moonclan grot units are either and any/every old Greenskin model has disappeared. Only Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz or models used in the new Gloomspite book are still there under destruction. I'm sure this fell outside of the made-to-order promotion too. A hint at an upcoming tome maybe?


    An ever hopeful Ironjawz player

    The question about Greenskinz was asked on the AoS Facebook page a couple weeks ago and it was confirmed that they were discontinued and it's likely the case for Gitmob grots too. So no, almost certainly not a hint of new Greenskinz tome. For destruction we'll probably see at least Ironjaws with a new tome with a chance for Bonesplitterz and Beastclaw(if they do updates at the rate they did 40k 8th codexes, then chances are good) , and probably a new tome for the rest of the Ogors.

    • Sad 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Ben2 said:

    My contact deep in GW has said that the rumour is pretty much true, as now it's leaked he's ok to talk about it. 

    Diving into 4chan is a bad idea, for a lot of reasons. ****** are actually one of the smaller risks with 4chan and it's various offshoots. 

    Some how a new user confirming a 4chan originated rumor makes me believe it even less.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 9
  7. 13 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Yeah I'll be taking this with a truck load of salt. There's just too many things in there that don't make a lot of sense and severely limit a whole lot of factions. If it is true then awesome I'll be getting it on day one even if I can't use my IDK or Gloomspite models with it but until we start hearing more about it I'll be remaining skeptical.

    Yeah there's a few things that don't quite add up in that post, so I'm not expecting a true AoS skirmish game anytime soon.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    If you read Black Library books there are a LOT of Khorne based stories where its basically a big Khorne lord ruling a fortress who captures random characters and people and pits them in endless free for all to the death matches in an arena whilst being watched by masses of chaos warriors. 


    I can see it being that. Bring your hero only and have a free for all match with more than two people. Maybe with segmented boards with weapons, items and objectives dotted around for variety. 

    The teaser definitely make it feel more like an arena style game closer to Underworlds to me more than a Kill Team like game. Who knows, Warcry could just be GW's latest "boardgame" that repackages old models with a few extra cardboard baubles and then it disappears 9-12 months later never to be seen again.

  9. 1 hour ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    Just found this on TG, so take with metric tons of salt.


    Hi guys, some tasty Warcry leaks for you. No reason to believe me, I learnt about all this last night and thought it was too cool not to share. I'm from Bristol and several of my clubmates are old friends with the main rules designer on Warcry and have been testing the rules for ages and are talking pretty openly about the game now it has been announced.

    Warcry is exactly what people have guessed and pretty much fantasy Kill Team, warbands of 4-20 models, rules for narrative/campaign, matched and open and is set in the Eightpoints (series of realm gates to all different realms, some controlled by the good guys, some by Archaon, Shyish gate controlled by Nagash, Beasts gate by Destruction), all being fought over by the various sides. This is a cool setting because it allows boards from different realms to be combined, justified by huge f-off realm gates linking them up.

    Factions are not limited to just Chaos and the amount of avalible factions is pretty much everything avalible in AoS. It seems to differ from Kill Team in two major ways, the first being that Commanders are part of the core rules, not an expansion, and every force is built around and must contain one hero (no more, no less), with the narrative of the game being built around the retinues of mighty champions, and psychic powers (magic), not being in the core game, with no warband options for wizards or any other models able to cast spells. Expect the first main expansion to be magic flavoured with endless spells and full rules for every avalible wizard mini.

    The amount of models and factions avalible is staggering, with pretty much every non cavalry, monster or wizard/priest mini avalible in plastic listed for its faction (I didn't check thoroughly, but there were no Finecast options listed for skaven at least). Flyers like Kharadron endrinriggers and Stormcast prosecutors were available, and squig hoppers/boingrot bounders and skyfires seemed to be an exception to the cavalry rule.

    The factions I counted are:
    Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Slaves to Darkness (marked StD troops can be included in god lists, to help out Tzeentch with their lack of non magic user heroes I guess), Beasts of Chaos, Skaven,

    Stormcast (interestingly for Order there are rules for a couple of Stormcast heroes leading warbands from other factions), Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Dispossessed, Free Peoples, Seraphon, DoK, Deepkin, Sylvaneth, Wanderers, Exiles and Highborn (these last two being grouped together names for the DE and HE mini-factions)

    Legions of Nagash, Nighthaunt, FEC

    Gloomspite Gitz, Ironjawz, Gutbusters, Bonesplitterz
    Interestingly all the Shadespire/Underworlds warbands have unique profiles and rules, I think this is supposed to build on the popularity of Shadespire and tempt people who exculively play it to try Warcry.

    The starter set is apparently different from Kill Team in that it contains all new models, with a Darkoath warband lead by a Varanguard on foot taking on you guessed it, Stormcast. As these models are brand new, their rules were not being playtested, but the guy playtesting did seem to know about them. Expect the Stormcast to be lighter armoured and agile/gladiator looking. Interestingly it was mentioned that as Archaon's agent the Varanguard hero can lead any Chaos Warband, much like some Stormcast heroes being able to lead any Order one.

    Expect the range of boxed sets on launch to be huge, following the same model as KT, with a flood of warband and battlefield boxes using existing minis and scenery coming out with exclusive cards in them. One example of a warband box given was a Dispossed one, featuring a Warden King, Ironbreakers and Irondrakes, so potatosacks rejoice I guess.
    Anyway, beilve what you choose to, that's pretty much all I remember (I've never played KT so didn't ask specific rule stuff), I'll be back if I learn any more I guess

    I really want to believe, but not going to get my hopes up too much. While other than MESBG, GW seems to be allergic to too much crunch in their games these days, but Kill Team isn't terrible in that regard, so even if it isn't Mordheim reborn, I hope there's a bit more going on than in typical AoS and by extension Skirmish(I really like lighter rules for large games like 2k of AoS, but they get old fast in small games) and I'd really love to see actually paying for equipment coming back.I can see the argument for flat costs in larger games, but when you've got a small squad of guys every little advantage counts. I'd be fine if the options for troops are limited as they are in KT as long as we get a satisfying and complete skirmish ruleset out of it. I'm afraid that any AoS treatment of a skirmish game might stick with the flat to hit/to wound, which again I don't mind in large games, but I don't think scales down as well. I'm just hoping that since Underworlds exists as an "intro" level game, maybe they'll allow a slightly more advanced game in the Mortal realms. As somebody who loves fantasy but also a little crunch in their games, I'm sad that AoS has gotten the begginer tag for the most part from GW, though now I do have MESBG as an outlet, I'm less a fan of the less fantastical and movie based models in that game(really wish that was a book license with GW having a little more creative license). Of course all that matters only if this is real.

    If this is real, and interesting tidbit is the Exiles and Highborn name for old elves. Could we see the Dark and High elves resplit, but grouped into their own factions? I'm not sure if that's one of the more interesting tidbits of this rumor or one of the things that make it seem less likely.

  10. 15 hours ago, DavionStar said:

    *whispers* Let Navigators cast not-spells.

    Or at least make Aetherstorm and Read the Winds better. The Navigators look silly awesome and I want to field one. I'm probably gonna get one anyway even if they are on the bigger boats.

    BTW, I've got my first Arkanaut Company assembled! Even kitbashed one. Just need to get my paint scheme figured out so I know what to buy. I might start assembling my Riggers to keep me busy until then.

    Now that Khorne is getting endless spells, I would be pretty surprised if KO didn't get something, probably some take on aetherstorms or some sort of lasting aethereffects. Somekind of aether lightning storm that causes mortal wounds in one of the normal endless spell ways. Some kind of aethercloud barrier and then maybe some kind of aether vortexes that slow down movement, with perhaps a chance to cause mortal wounds. I could also see something that shutsdown or at least harms spellcasting too. Fyreslayers will probably get some too in the form of some kind of "endless runes". I'm not overly enthused about the idea, but GW has shown that they endless spells are basically part of new faction updates and that they're going to do it with non-magic armies too.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, khadgar567 said:

    my my my i think its more on promoting wrath and rapture but I want to belive legion of azgoth but hey any news is good.

    Wrath and Rapture was promoted and then released. It'll keep selling for a few months and then go away like all of GW's other box sets. It probably won't see much more in the way of promotion.

  12. 48 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Yup it's gearing up for the Shadowspear release in March. I'm looking forwards to it, mainly as it will hopefully see the end of the current Chaos Space Marine plastics. 

    Will be interesting though to see how long the Daemon Rumour Engine lasts before it's banished. Hopefully it will hang around enough for some AOS Chaos Rumours.....

    That reminds me, I've got a squad of Chaos Space marines I need to assemble and paint before they're obsoleted, or else I'll never do it.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Klamm said:

    Someone recently mentioned a key distinction in what does and doesn't get released separately after a Boxed gamed goes OOP: shared vs separate sprues.

    All of the Silver Tower HEROES are on separate sprues, which means GW could easily sell them separately (and currently does with the Chieftain, Ogroid and the Knight-Questor). Because of this, I would put money of GW re-releasing the Doomseeker alongside the inevitable Fyreslayer update. Unfortunately, the same thing doesn't apply for the miniatures of shared sprues, which means we probably won't see the Deathrunner again. I guess you just use it as the deathmaster. 

    He, along with all the other Silver Tower heroes were definitely sold stand alone before. Not sure why GW pull them when they pulled Silvertower since I'm pretty sure the stand alone heroes were packaged as purely AoS. I guess the Elves made sense because they didn't really belong to a faction, but the rest actually made some good heroes for other factions.

  14. 1 hour ago, 123lac said:

    Surprised that some people think Warcry will be chaos only. You seriously think the AoS version of kill team will only feature 1 grand alliance? Madness.

    There's currently zero evidence it'll be AoS Kill Team. Just from the teaser, a better guess would probably be some kind of arena type game. People are hoping it'll be Kill Team, but there's not much to support that.

    At this point I'm not going to get my hopes up. I'm getting into a Mordheim campaign at my local shop, so I'll probably be disappointed by whatever GW puts out anyway if they ever do properly approach skirmish in the Mortal Realms.

  15. 1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

    Did they put in enough models so you can build a courtier without having 9 ghouls wasted? O.o

    That'd be nice, but to do it, wouldn't they basically have to redo part of the sprue separately, and if they're going to do that, why no repackage it by itself for $25?

  16. 9 minutes ago, Lukezilla91 said:

    Bit of an odd one: there are two different products on the site for FEC.

    One is Crypt Ghast Courtier for £29 - 20 models

    The other is Crypt Ghouls for £25 - 20 models


    The only difference seems to be that the Crypt Ghast Courtier entry says about the box being packed with extras.


    Can anyone shed any light on this for me?

    That is odd, same thing on the US side ($40 and $47). According to miniature market, they price was $40. Maybe a price hike but they forgot to take down the old one?

  17. Huh, with the clan rats being the only model going no longer available (aside from metal duplicates of other available models), I assumed they were going to be the only rebox with round bases, especially after the lack of rebasing with Beasts of Chaos and Gloomspite, but d@mn, they redid the whole Skaven army, even the old metal and resin ones. Maybe the rumor I heard was right and they actually are going to start packing everything with rounds.

    One interesting thing I noticed is that for things that have been webstore only and are staying that way(i.e. not technically reboxed), they say they come with round and square bases. So it sounds more like GW is finally doing the right thing™ and just sending round bases with things they're already shipping directly anyway instead of trying to double dip by selling models with square bases and then selling the proper round bases for extra, Hopefully we see that more widely across the web store soon.

  18. 1 minute ago, madmac said:

    The real problem with combining Fyreslayers and Dispossed is that neither faction really gets anything out of it. Seriously, in terms of mechanics they are largely identical already.

    Slow, tanky infantry units backed by support heroes describes both armies to a T.  They both have tunneling as a hero limited deepstrike mechanic. Even Auric Hearthguard and IronDrakes are almost the same unit in terms of stats. Different models but they gain basically no new options by combining.

    Fyreslayers have so much more potential to be more interesting by continuing off in their own direction, (More fire, more monsters, new mounted units, ect) and Dispossed are much better served melding with Ironweld to reform the old Dwarf army.

    I don't think there's much danger of Fyreslayers getting combined with Dispossed. A whole slayer army has been a long time coming(with it's own book, I think you could run all slayers at various times in WHFB) and I don't think they're going to undo it now.

    • Like 1
  19. 32 minutes ago, Neinball said:

    Don’t get my hopes up like that! Lol

    I would love a death rattle battletome with the return of Krell riding some giant skeletal beast.

    The problem with Death rattle getting their own book, is that they're pretty central to Legions of Nagash, where as you can take Nighthaunt and Soulblight, and you've still got a funtioning army. I think we'll see Death rethought(LoN definitly feels like a stop gap) that's more that a new LoN tome. I'd love to see Soulblight go its own way with new vampire stuff(maybe neferata and manfred go here too), deadwalkers move to FEC with zombie the peasant bowmen to the ghouls men at arms(probably zero percent chance of happening), and then death rattle, deathmages and deathlords end up in an army with Arkhan in command, with Nagash being in that book, but has keywords for all the death factions(like Archaon with the all the Chaos marks).

  20. 1 minute ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    I wasn't but a friend was.  He said they alluded to the fact that Sylvaneth do have a book coming.


    Let me reiterate the rumor for a couple pages back.  We are getting a whole slew of Battletomes this year, much like 40k got last year.  Don't be surprised if this is a 10-12+ battle tome year.  We will likely have multiple weeks of 2 battletomes released without significant fan-fare, like the FeC/Skaven dual release next week.

    There were some 40k fans who were disappointed that GW was shoving out two books at a time with little fan fare, but I'd be glad to have that treatment for AoS just to get caught up.

  21. 1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

    +++MOD HAT+++

    A bit less Tomb King talk if possible please.  Appreciate it's a bit of a sort point (and I'd love to see something come back) but can we talk about what was revealed rather than what wasn't ;)

    But I've.... uh..... got a totally legit source saying a Tomb Kings vs Brettonia box set is coming this year. But the same source also said it won't matter because it's due for release right after the aliens come back and take us to heaven on their comet space ship.

  22. 2 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    If I were to guess I'd say LoN, DoK and ID won't get new battletome... this year, They will in the next not to frustrate early birds that've just bought a book (and they have a lot other, older books waiting for an update). It's just a guess though.

    Everything thing that came out between Maggotkin and 2nd edition(i.e. with the updated logo and white spine) were designed for second edition, so it's probably safe to say none of them are getting updates anytime soon. They said that updates were to get up to date with the new edition and all those books already are. At most there may be more subfactions fall out of LoN(i.e. Soulblight).

    • Like 1
  23. I'm hoping that new battletomes for every GA excludes ones already announced or released. They say brand new armies are coming, and I'd have to guess at least one of those will be wholly new since they have done at least one brand new army every year, but a new army could also be a new army drawn partially of wholly from old models(could be ogres, reworked StD+Everchosen, or even Slaanesh under a new name like Nurgle got). Also classic armies updated for the new edition could be "classic" 1st ed armies updated, or could speak to actual classic armies like elves, dwarfs or ogres.

    Let assume they aren't counting known pending tomes, there's still a ton of armies that need some help. Order has several that could use and update and still a few short on a book at all. Everything in death is covered by a "2nd edition ready" battletome(FEC on the way), so they'd have to be either getting a wholly new concept death army or a sub faction becoming its own thing. Soulblight seems like an obvious choice as it has kind of been its own army before with GHB abilities and as a shoehorned subfaction next to the legions in LoN. Destruction has three books that need an update, but also only really needs one more book to get everyone covered by something. As much as I'd like to see an ogre tome, I wouldn't be surprized to see Ironjawz get some love first. Chaos needs two new books and with the new Khorne book, I think Tzeentch is the only 1st ed book they have, but I think here new books are probably the most likely before Tzeentch. It's probably one of the 1st edition books that holds up best.

  24. Though Warcry says it's something between Underworlds and Kill Team. So if it's and actual skirmish game that not a board game or a super lazy lazy minor change to the base AoS rules, that might be cool. For me it depends on where it lands between Underworlds and Kill Team.

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