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Posts posted by bsharitt

  1. 19 hours ago, Kramer said:

    I just watched the announcement video by miniwargaming on their YouTube channel...

    Proper rumour warning... ;) 

    they discussed their plans for Twitch and halfway through they mentioned that they would start with a D&D campaign but soon would also play things like Blackstone Fortress and Wrath and Rapture campaigns 

    might just be an unfortunate choice of words but it does sound to me the W&R box rules might be quite substantial! 


    Either you misheard or they misspoke, but they’re doing a campaign for the Wrath and Glory 40k RPG next year. They’ve mentioned it correctly several times when talking about their streaming of RPG games. D&D soon. If they did say Wrath and Rapture, I’m 100% sure Wrath and Glory was meant. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, alghero81 said:

    In uk the cairn wraith is still avalaible, but the old black coach did disappear a month or so before the new one came out. Interesting enough since it still has his own rules but it’s called Legion Black coach now 

    Well the cairnwraith eventually came back everywhere repacked with a round base and AoS packaging. If the cave squigs and other Moonclan units start going to no longer available status in a widespread manner(the squigs in question are still in stock and being sold in the US FWIW), we could be looking at replacements, but probably at least repackaging with rounds.

  3. 15 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    Extremely rarely like the Shadows over Hammerhal 

    All the others just disappear like the vampire lords and other old miniatures. Reboxing it’s usually anticipated by disappearance from the website. Interesting here the timing of this no longer available as we are not expecting new Grots until January at the earliest...

    The Cairnwraith disappeared well before Nighthaunt came out or were even officially announced if I'm not mistaken, so I guess it's not without precedent that they may not want to rerun production of something that's changing soon. 

  4. Just now, Overread said:

    Right now I think the focus must be on cleaning up the minor factions and bits of factions and getting AoS to a point where they can release a "Killteam" type product (intro/gateway product) and have most armies viable and up to date. Then I think we can hope for GW to address old models and older sculpts with newer revised designs. 


    I'd far prefer that than GW getting hooked on a handful of factions that already have battletomes and messing around updating them and ignoring all the rest. Right now there's some awesome models like dragons and phoneix sitting there gathering shelf-dust; they should be flying off shelves and into new armies and getting used. 

    I'd love a real AoS skirmish game. I think the odds are probably pretty good. It seems like GWs small scale games are doing pretty good and I think they're being pretty effective against the smaller scale games from other manufacturers as entry points. While AoS is certainly more approachable than WHFB and to a lesser extent 40k, they could probably do a little better. 

    I do hope they continue the work they started with Legions of Nagash and Beasts of Chaos to put some of the splintered factions back together. Skaven being the most obvious choice. There's not a whole to to do to get all of Chaos in a battle tome. BoC has picked of most of the random ones so now we just need Skaven, StD and Slaanesh books and there's at least been whispers about all of those. That'd be two GA's where everything has a battle tome. Destruction is almost just as easy, Moonclan(plus Trolls),remaining Ogres, and then throw the left over grots and orcs into a catch all book that may have Spiderfang, or they could be in Moonclan or even get their own. Order is a bit messier since it has the most unplayable factions, but it should be doable too.

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  5. 1 minute ago, PJetski said:

    If they didn't update Dryads, Saurus Warriors, Saurus Knights, Zombies... what makes you think they'll update Chaos Warriors?

    I don't think any of the old plastics are getting a 1:1 replacement anytime soon. Maybe some resin kits get replaced, but right now in AoS GW seems more interested in wholly new stuff. At most maybe brand new units that make old units less desirable. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, pseudonyme said:

    My hearsay is Moonclan battletome regroups Moonclan, Troggoth and Spiderfang

    I like the trolls in there, but not sure how I feel about about Spiderfang being in there. They don't fit together than well aesthetically other than being small and green. But on the other hand I have about 20 spider riders and an arachnarok and I'd like to be able to use them without having to build a whole spiderfang army.

  7. 4 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    For those with historical memory, battleforce aside, GW have ever made new start collecting boxes just before Christmas? I.e. is there hope for this year?

    I think at this point we know about everything that is going to be released for the rest of the year. We might get new info for stuff coming out next year(Moonclan please?) in the coming weeks the way we did for Nurgle. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    unsubstantiated claims based on hearsay.

    On that note, my unsubstantiated hearsay source is still pretty sure that some of the old battletomes are getting 2nd ed versions "at some point" and that they're being worked on, but still no which specifically or when. He thinks Ironjawz are one. Of course "my guy" is the one who's allegedly got the first party source who only give him tidbits and what I get from him can be tainted with his own speculation, so take that with a barrel of salt.  He's actually the reason that I thought  that the new edition of AoS wouldn't be billed as such because while got the correct information that the core rules would be updated slightly with just a few new actual rules and most of it being FAQ rollup and clarification along side a new starter set, he decided that wouldn't be enough to call it a new edition so when I got this second hand information, his speculations were rolled up enough in it that I took the whole thing as the rumor(this was the first big thing I'd heard from this guy too). But its still fun to speculate when you think there's a at least a grain of truth in there, even if the speculations are off in the end but you can see where they came from. Also just for fun, the TBD rumors from this guy, some I've mentioned already:

    1. At somepoint, all AoS models will start shipping with round bases, whether they get retail reboxing or not(i.e. the mail order plain white boxes will be rounds). To be honest, I think this one is wishful thinking because he told me this at the same time he told me about Ogors going to be reboxed(about a week before).

    2. Old battletomes getting redone.

    3. New Ironjaws and Fryreslayer models(presumably to go with their new battle tomes). Now this I could be seeing true if they do indeed get new books and the new models in question are scenery and/or endless spells. I'm not sold on actual new units though. He had no idea of even vaguely what the models were.

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  9. 27 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Ok guys and girls. It would be nice if you could put RUMOURS into this thread and SPECULATIONS into this one: 


    This should help people who are looking for Rumours in this Thread.

    Since we're not allowed to post evidence of rumors on this forum, technically this is a speculation thread.

    • Like 6
  10. 6 hours ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    I mentioned it already in the Warhammer Quest forum but Shadows over Hammerhal is back up on GW Australia. Others confirmed it was back on the UK, US, Polish, Irish and rest of EU sites as well.

    I noticed that too. I wonder if maybe it and Silvertower were taken down and will both come back to coincide with the 40kquest(assuming Silvertower comes back too). Either way I'm glad I panic bought Silvertower on Amazon when it disappeared. I'd been thinking about it, and know GW, when something disappears, it could come back in 6 months or 6 years if ever.

  11. Hmm, a second Seraphon painting tutorial in week from GW. It could be nothing, but GW does see to like to drop subtle hints about upcoming releases, there’s been subtle GW community nodes to Beastmen and Moonclan with the whole thing about GW people building their second edition armies, especially when the the Stormcast podcast was going.  Makes sense to do new books for the older armies, especially the ones that aren’t really battletomes in the modern sense. I’ve personally heard rumors of second ed versions of old tomes, though they said Ironjaws and Fyreslayers, my source isn’t entirely first hand and has been known to color info I get with their own opinions. 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Gecktron said:

    Kharadron Overlords were released in march/april 2017 and got a Start Collecting Box in Febuary 2018. So 10-11 months is a good estimation for other armies. 

    I think we will get a Daughters of Khaine box somewhere early next year. 

    Since the Cauldron+Witch Elves was $100, I'm guessing an actual Start Collecting would have the Cauldron(has to because it's the only non-Morathi hero) and probably Khinerai or maybe Melusai. 

    A Start Collecting for Idoneth is probably a decent bet too. My guess for that one in an Allopex, Namarti Reavers, and a Tidecaster.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    I remember a rumour saying there would be a spawning pool terrain piece coming with a battletome for Seraphon somewhere earlier in the thread as well, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a new battletome coming next year since they've got one of the first though.

    Nice, I missed that and haven't heard anything from my closer to first hand sources for Seraphon specifically.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Skarloc said:

    "Next AoS Battletome: Moonclan Grots" .. still expected in late 2018 or rather in early 2019?

    Probably early 2019 like Nurgle was. I think odds are good that we've seen everything that will be physically coming the rest of this year, but we may start seeing info for it in December.

    • Thanks 1
  15. So two of the AoS boxes are of course for armies with recent battle tomes, but I wonder of the other two are any indication of coming battle tomes. Last year the only non-battletome army to get a box was Death, and that was fairly quickly followed up by the LoN release. Probably not too far out of the realm of possibility that StD could have a book in the pipeline. Now the interesting part is is if Seraphon are in the line up as an existing army with a book, or inline to get a book. From what I recall, they basically have the really old format, that really doesn't even count as a battle tome in modern AoS (i.e. no allegiance stuff). There's been a few vague rumors floating round here, and I've heard similar in other channels, that "old" battle tomes could see new editions in the next year, though they've been more tilted towards Fyreslayers and Ironjawz, but it would make sense for Seraphon to be on that list too. Probably a coincidence, but there was also a painting tutorial for Seraphon on Warhammer TV(and if you want to get really tin foil hat, it was a square base, so clearly WHFB 9th is coming soon).

  16. 2 hours ago, Kronos said:

    I think Drycha is the prime example of a non god character returning, in some format. In fact after her release I was hoping something like this would have happened for most races. Fyreslayers really could have done with Gotrek when they came out. The mortarchs are all back, so are the Glottkin, and every other named/ non rebranded charcter, so veyr much possible. 

    How exactly Skarsnik would come back, if he ever, did is beyond me. Though I wouldn’t say I’d be displeased if he was riding inside a Much bigger Gobbla in a Jake/Finn Suit style.




    I’d rather not have Skarsnik back but if he did come back, I’d hope he’d be at least some kind of near demigod status. If his old resin model gets rules, I’ll ignore it. If he gets a new model, but is still just a slightly better warboss, I’ll ignore it. But if he gets some kind of big Nagash/Allarielle/Gordrak kind of model(probably riding a giant squig?), I’d probably pick it up, though my preference would to have that theoretical unit, but be a new character. 

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  17. 11 minutes ago, Harpo2 said:

    Blackstone Fortress video has them with the cultists    


    Some how I missed that video. I has a small hope the the shorter silhouettes in the recent promo art would be a squat, but in looks like it's ratlings. :( At least Pestigors are coming to made to order so it'll save me the time of converting bestigors myself for my Pestilent Throng.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Overread said:

    My only minor dissapointment is I picked up Gang War 1 recently - not as miffed about picking up the underhive boxed set as I got tiles and terrain and tokens and more with that. But that is only one me and I'm really glad to see them putting all the Necromunda into two easy to digest books - it should really help get people into the game, esp as the core rules will now be sold outside of the boxed set. 


    Nice, one of my biggest peeves against getting into Necromunda was that I didn't like buying a big box set to get the book, then go buy a completely separate gang and another book that that gang is in. At least they got it right with Kill Team making the book standalone. I wonder if this new gangs book will have the white dwarf stuff like GSC. I wish they'd follow this format for Underworlds, especially if they're going to refresh it every year. Put out a set of updated cards, rules and tokens. I never got too into Shadespire the first time because and didn't feel that great about having to buy a box set with two war bands I don't want and them my Fyreslayers and now I have to do it again if I want to play goblins and later KOs, which means I probably won't be getting into Nightvault or either of those war bands.

  19. 1 minute ago, Alexonian said:

     only need plastic keeper of secrets and I'm going to be super happy

    The might follow the script of Blightwar where a couple new things drop in a box set, and Slaanesh with get a bunch of new stuff soon including a book and a big plastic KoS.

    • Like 3
  20. So there's a moon and mushrooms in that teaser, but it could still be some kind of mixed destruction book, but I'm hoping for pure moonclan and I think that's likely. But such a bare teaser right now means it's probably not likely too soon, possibly January. As much as I want a Moonclan book, I'm fine waiting if it means we get new models too. Of non-mainstream armies, I started with Nighthaunt and then they got a book, then I got some Moonclan and it looks like they're getting a book. I'm getting some old second  fantasy Dwarfs sometime soon that I'm building int a Disposed army, so I look forward to their book next year. Maybe I should start build out my Skaven army after that to help all you Skaven players.

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  21. 6 hours ago, Skyeline said:

    We'll definitely be getting a new warscroll, but I don't imagine he's going to be remarkably different from a standard khemist (unless they don't make him a khemist, which seems extremely unlikely based on how he looks).

    I'm not expecting a command ability based on the track record of the warscrolls we've seen from other Underworlds teams. Chosen Axes and Spiteclaw's were the only two that received command abilities and they were mirrors of the generic leader models they represented (Runefather and Skaven Warlord, respectively). This is however a case where I'd be happy to be wrong. New options are always great!

    The rest of the team will almost certainly be a unit you have to take with our new mystery Khemist in order to use him. It'll be interesting seeing the statline for a unit that features a Rifle Thunderer, Volleygun Arkanaut, Standard Arkanaut, and a Skywarden.


    Yeah, even with the 2nd generation of warbands, their AoS rules aren't any thing to write home about, so I also don't expect the Underworlds guys to really bring much to the army and will be most useful as alt sculpts for existing units(the Fyreslayer boss is a huge improvement on the Runefather model).

  22. 1 hour ago, Hoseman said:

    In the Blackstone fortress new video we can see on the second picture a guy behind with something on his back that looks like this... maybe is a hero of the game or maybe I'm a bit blind

    It most likely is, or at the very least something 40kish and I think Blackstone fortress is the only upcoming thing that fits.

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