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Posts posted by JustAsPlanned

  1. 2 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    They did the same for when they release "exclusive" boxes with new units like for the daughters of Khaine. The updated warscrolls came online later.


    And your previous post was very affirmative, like it was a fact GW already publicly aknowledged or wrote somewhere else. But it was just an opinion of yours, as you clarified upwards.

    So I did tell my opinion on that matter, that's all.


    What was disrespectful exactly in what I wrote ? I didn't even quote you.

    Sounds to me you took it way too personnal. To me, "moving on" means that there is no real interest in trying to do a "what if ?" scenario that may not even be relevant once GW will release the 3.0 battletome. "Wait and see" is much more better at this point.


    ...Like this Warhammer +, in the end. I admit I rolled my eyes upwards when I read Hollow's original post, but it's not like it surprised me. He did the same when there was the buzz about mods and fan animations...then now it all died down, so it's a big noise for nothing in the end.

    To me, here it's exactly the same situation. Big noise for nothing. And to me, the main point he wants to make is just his general dislike for GW, like others, and he doesn't care much more for the real facts : only anything that makes GW look bad.

    To me, his OT to "please not subscribe now to GW" isn't because he believes it would "benefit" customers. It's because he believes it will hurt GW if Warhammer + isn't successful.

    Not like it matters or has any real effect, though. Pretty sure people didn't need his intervention to already have their own opinion on the matter. Yep, there's not much content here (it's not like you can't go on the website and actually see all the videos available for subscribers, is it)...but that's why GW made a few advertisement with the vouchers and the free miniature or the yearly deal. It's precisely to make people subscribe now when there isn't much content, and it's also why it's a deal now rather than later since...well, the later you subscribe, the later you get your miniature or you don't have that voucher of the value of two months anyway. Later...the difference in content will be there.

    I had a pretty long response to this typed out, but going back and forth over what’s dismissive or disrespectful isn’t really productive, so I’ll just say this: WH+ as a concept is very much a disconcerting one as putting a lot of previously free stuff behind a paywall always is, as it leads people to (quite understandably) believe that other free stuff will come under it at a later point. We don’t know for sure, like you said, but it is likely.

    But whatever. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion on whether it’s good or gonna work well, but I’m definitely in the no camp. Not because I want GW to fail, mind you, but because I just don’t think paywalls like that are a good idea.

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  2. 1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

    Where have you read they're axing free warscrolls?

    It hasn’t been officially said, but given that they seem to be putting the vast majority of other previously free things behind the WH+ paywall, it’s reasonable to assume that they’re gonna do the same for the free warscrolls. Plus there were no Warscrolls for any of the new units on Dominion or the other starter sets, which is indicative in my mind.

    1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

    So based on nothing so far but assumptions they'll do it.

    Moving on.

    That sounded very dismissive on your part, Sarouan. I try to be respectful and receptive to other people’s thoughts on this topic and it’d be nice for the sentiment to be reciprocated. As I said above, whilst there’s no official announcement (it’d be PR suicide to actively go “hey, we’re getting rid of this free content we’ve provided for the entire games lifespan”), it does look likely.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Oh boy, is it just me or does GW seem a little desperate to get people to subsribe for WH+? xD
    The whole posting of today was 90% "You get this, and that and this for FREE*" there was almost no other info in there XD

    * if you subscribe for a year. Rofl, that'S not free btw xD

    This was clearly a big investment for em. If it sunk or flopped it’d be disastrous, so ofc they’re gonna shill it and all it’s bells and whistles as hard as they can

  4. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/22/sunday-preview-warhammer-launches-alongside-gladiatorial-gameplay-and-fantastic-fiction/

    Ok so here’s the actual article. This time they directly mentioned “greenskin goodness” so it looks like we’ll be seeing Warclans terrain and endless spells. Then, it’s a definitely gonna be a pre order for next week, and not a moment too soon. Sometimes you really gotta wonder whatever they were thinking in leaving a literal 3 month gap.

    • Haha 1
  5. I do wonder who types up the little “what could this possibly be? find out soon” blurb at the bottom of every rumour engine. Do they just have a list of pre-written ones that an intern has to add to the bottom, or does someone think of a new one every week?

  6. If the “new model reveals” is just more Black Templars stuff, then I am going to throw myself into the Shyish Nadir. No offence to BT fans btw, it’s just reeeeeeeeeally frustrating to see a release I was once excited for yet again getting dragged out for what seems like aeons.

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  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/10/magic-and-mayhem-the-dragon-princes-rules-make-them-a-ruinous-tag-team-in-battle/

    Hahaha cool, another run of the mill rules preview. I’m sure glad we know there’s no more new models, otherwise we’d go into a frenzy thanks to all the directionless hype. Anyway- wait? What was that? 




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  8. 21 minutes ago, Nos said:

    I...just...how is it possible to be angry at someone for not giving you something *they never said * they would?

    How is that in any way anything besides you simply failing to manage your own expectations? 

    I mean tbf it was less failing to manage expectations and more “this thing was implied and never expanded on”. In this case it was the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof  - a big, cavalry hero existing. This implies that there’d be Lesser Gnashtoofs (or just Gnashtoofs) and other cavalry units for the Killaboss to go with. That, and you’d expect them to have more than three or so non-monster or hero units, hahahaha

  9. For the love of Sigmar can we please drop the “which army should get updated when” stuff, it’s been done to death.

    On the topic of rumours, I’ve decided that I’m 100% sure that there’s gonna be Gnashtoof cavalry. Whilst it would be a good thing to hold over everyone’s heads for a while to build hype (a very GW-y thing to do), it would make sense for them to have a cavalry unit to contrast against the new Draconith

    If they AREN’T a thing, then I’ll be retiring to the Great Oubliette, wherein I shall reflect on how horifically wrong I was. Until the Nighthaunt BT comes, that is.

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  10. This is honestly so infuriating. The fact that GW is so full on “Gah, my precious! Nobody else can haves it! No one!” with their IP like some big corporate Gollum is an insult to creators like Alfabusa that put their heart and soul into things like TTS. And for what? So they can force people to pay £5 a month for the same stuff - but arguably with less passion - on WH+? First the incessant hyping ALL the time, then the lack of communication, then the ceasing of digital books, then the pay leaks, and now this! I’m genuinely tempted to just full on stop buying GW stuff for a while - I’ve got a sizeable backlog anyway so it’s not like I’ll be short of hobby stuff.

    Anywho. Signed. Let’s hope the community doesn’t forget about this when they inevitably push the emergency hype switch and show off the Primaris Black Templars or something.

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  11. Ok guys I’m gonna do a rumour

    Are you all ready

    I heard a rumour that Games Workshop are going to release some more Age of Sigmar miniatures soon

    And they’re gonna be plastic

    Thank you for listening

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  12. 26 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    It's going to be pretty weird seeing Warclans after this update, given that it'll essentially be "Kruleboyz (and friends)". Their range has got to be nearing the old one in terms of size already, right? And they might still have a few more units on the way.

    I can't imagine the Stormcast book getting any thicker, but with the Space Marine codex for 9e as an example, I guess I don't have to


    This is kinda true; as of now Ironjawz have 10 unique warscrolls, as do Bonesplitterz (including underworlds warbands). Kruleboyz have 14, with the potential for a few more (Gnashtoof cavalry, Hobgrot hero, etc). Will be interesting to see if or how they balance it out.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    You know it's like with Gordrakk and his stupid nickname cabbage. Everyone used to repeat it over and over again. I don't see Gordrakk anymore. The first thing that comes to my mind when I see him is cabbage. Not that he reminds me of one but because people repeated that beyond anything. It for sure ruined my feeling of the model. Yeah, i get it that for someone out might be funny and so on. Glad I don't have to play Gordrakk.

    This post was ghost-written by Gordrakk or his mount

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