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Posts posted by Ganigumo

  1. Gnashtoof is still pretty divisive. I'm definitely not sold on it, but other than that yeah thats pretty much the list. Minus the gnashtoof you have about 400 points of wiggle room.

    If you can get one of those swamp lurkers boxes thats most of what you need.

    Gnashtoof is definitely undercosted at the current points, but it brings your drops up and it still doesn't do a lot other than exist efficiently, and this is an army that wants to be low drop I think. If you don't care about drops I could see running multiple gnashtoofs.

  2. 20 hours ago, Freemeta said:

    Fec need princess or a new "Dame du Lac" , i dont really know them but do they have some woman figure in their lore?

    Not a lore figure, but a while back WH weekly were spitballing new units, and the idea of a "Lady" being a non fec woman being carried around by ghouls who think she's the lady of the lake or a princess or something handing out boons is such a good concept.

    • LOVE IT! 3
  3. IMO supa nasty venom is a trap option.
    Just take a hammer that doesn't cost your command trait. Which is a bit sad since I love spiderfang.

    Then I think it depends more on your GS choice. Glowy Howzit troggboss is easily the safest option to score chasing the moon, which I think is our easiest GS.

    Clammy hand is fantastic value though, and is even pretty good outside of kings gitz, and is honestly stronger than being in kings gitz. You get the same chance to bring one thing back, and the same chance to fail, but also a chance to bring 2 things back.

    I've played clammy hand on a foot loonboss and it was ok? using his AoA on bounderz is super good, but even with the 18" range you struggle a bit with being close enough to them and the shrine.

  4. 18 hours ago, dekay said:

    Dark Riders are in an interesting place: They can't be reasonably removed, unless DoK lose warlocks in the process and if the remaining dark elves are to be removed from the Cities at some point, they will need  a place to go. And they, lorewise, work for Malerion anyway. They look decidedly modern, so quality is not a problem, but if they were moved to Malerion's faction they sort of dictate the faction's aestethic (or not, looking at Hexwraiths who don't really gel with Nighthaunt all that well).

    maybe warlocks should've gone into cities too? They'd have more of a role there I think.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    Shame to see GW's hand forced due to NDA breaks. It is what it is I suppose. 

    As for the models. I absolutely adore them. Pontifex Zenestra looks amazing. I'm a big fan of palanquins, I think they match the Grimdark Fantasy of Warhammer brilliantly. The Skeletal mirror is such a cool concept. The canon is great (I'll take 3 please!) The command core is fantastic and I would love to see the Arch-Knight aesthetic carried over into a fully fledge unit. The Whisperblade is just plain cool. Top tier work from Gdubs. 

    I'm not sure their hand was forced. The leaks were last night and the article was today, and while its possible they wrote it in that time, its far more likely they had this article, with all of the remaining models in it, prepped.
    IIRC we saw images of the box, without spoilers or leaks, a few days ago from people receiving them, but didn't get any leaks until yesterday.
    It looks a little like maybe part of the NDA was listed for todays date (August 4) and because of time zones/late night someone beat warcomm to the punch.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Most of the time its armies they want to push forward. Including some "newer" models.

    My guess is either Kruleboyz or Gitz for Destruction.

    Nighthaunt or Soulblight for Death.

    StD for Chaos or Slaanesh maybe?

    Order could be anything really, all very good ranges.

    Kruleboyz had one last year, and there isn't much they could do to make it different from the last box that had a vulcha and sludgeraker.

    1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    Bloodbowl Giant lets gooo!!!

    My exact thought

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Throgg said:

    If the FeC battletome will release in winter, a battleforce for them is very pausible (and very profitable for GW because they can clean old leftovers in the warehouse). It was a similar case with Gloomspite: GW released a battleforce for them and months later the battletome was released.

    I think we could see the first battleforce for Sons too. There was one for Imperial Knights, why not one for our big fellas?

    For Order, Fyreslayers looks interesting if they will get some new kits in the incoming future. and for Chaos... I don't know, Nurgle with a Maggot Lord and some mortals maybe?

    nurgle had an old one, and there's the recent harbingers box, so another nurgle mortal box would be a lot.
    Nurgle daemons would be neat? Or beasts of chaos, now that they have a non-bray shaman plastic hero. Maybe a warherd box with 2 cygor/ghorgon, 6 bullgor and a beastlord if the value works out right.
    Slaves to darkness with the new knights/warriors/daemon prince isn't out of the question either imo.

    Gargants make sense, not sure what it would be though, a single mega and 1 or 2 mancrushers? If not that I could see them skip destruction entirely.

    Fyreslayers should just do a box of 20 hearthguard and a magmadroth

    • Confused 1
  8. Just now, Goatforce said:

    I am kinda split on the Vanguard Box, on the 1 hand, it is a great selection of models, on the other, why is this undoubtedly going to be £85?

    It seems to suffer from the same issue as the StD box (albiet to a lesser extent). The Start Collecting Seraphon had the Carnosaur, as well as 12 Saurus and 8 knights. Yes those were crappy models but the fact is you got more plastic, THis is obviously far better than the SC Seraphon box but at the same time just feels like an updated SC Box which has had its price jacked up by £20 (about 30%). To me this feels like it chould be a £70 box at most, and it won't be that.


    I don't know maybe I am just a bit annoyed that the switch to Vanguard Boxes has resulted in generally a worse value in terms of bang for buck than the start collecting boxes - and feels like GW squeezing the reliable sources of good value minis - when larger boxes should offer a better value. Feels like it is just missing a little something, maybe a foot hero, just to really make it a juicey offer.

    I agree.
    IMO the vanguard boxes are generally a worse deal. The early ones had similar savings, but the real killer is the price point. SC boxes were the right price point to get into the game with. They're undoubtedly going to try to pull something like the 40k combat patrol game with the vanguard boxes too, but I don't think thats worth the higher cost of entry. Especially since the game really is balanced around 2k points, and things get weird if you're playing low points.

    • Like 4
  9. 47 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    Looks like quite a nice box, bit surprised to see the Carnosaur in there again. 

    But its a bit random to drop it now? Why did it even take that long to reveal it in the first place?

    usually with new armies I think they wait, let the customers really into it buy all the kits separately at full price, then when things calm down a little they release the vanguard/SC at a discount.

  10. They could do kits with different markings on shields and icons and stuff, but they haven't done those kinds of kits in years.

    I suspect the skaven update will come in waves. Focus on one or two clans for the first update, and the rest later.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Vagard said:

    Nurgle demons a pretty new yes, but slaanesh khorne and tzeentch are older if i'm not mistaken (especially tzeentch flamers) I don't even remember the older demon kits for these factions 

    The Khorne ones were updated with the slaanesh ones, when they did wrath & rapture in 2019. I think the bloodletters & daemonettes were late fantasy or early aos.

    The horrors are newer, not sure when they came out, but the screamers and flamers are plastic versions of the 2000's ones.

  12. 11 hours ago, bethebee said:

    honestly i can't really see getting any more factions then maybe one per GA.

    for order, the obvious hole is whatever the ****** Malerion is up to.  he's clearly meant to be a major lore figure; they've been dropping bits of lore about him for years now like Tyrion considering him more of a threat than Nagash, intentionally off-screened their fight and kept everything around it vague, everything about the shadow demons-but-not-demons, etc.  an army release for him, even just as a major expansion/reimagining to DoK, is happening at some point, but definitely not within the next 11 months and probably not for a while after that.  order might have something Eventually Maybe happen to dwarves but that'll probably be a combining of the books or (more likely imo) a side-army option like the old Legion of the First Prince to allow proper jolly cooperation.  hell, they might even just get expanded ally rules and that's it.  obviously there could be more zany things on the way like a second human order faction representing a power that isn't just Sigmar (and a little of everyone else) but that's mostly just baseless wish-listing.  with that being said, order has the most room to have discussions like that, so take that how you will.

    chaos is already a huge GA and the only thing it's obviously missing is chorfs.  i really can't see them coming anytime soon for multiple reasons including the fact that their squatting didn't happen all that long ago, but with that being said i think GW making them a "side army" for Old World says 1 of 2 things.  either A, AOS is getting proper chorfs within the next four years so they put them with all the AoS-aligned armies in the "you can play them but don't ask for more than that" section.  or B, they think chorfs will do badly even with all the nostalgia bait memes going for them, and they're willing to take the risk of making new models for Tomb Kings but not them.  i think the latter is probably the case.

    death is kind of complete, really, at least in terms of army count.  unless they go for some real oddball option or double-dip they kind of have all of the traditional western undead stuff.  vampires + lesser undead, ghosts, ghouls, undead constructs.  it'd be nice to have an anti-Nagash army but i'm almost certain that's what they're going to do with the Summer King anyways.

    destruction is a Neat case since they can kind of just follow the rule of "vaguely fairy/folktale creatures that like to break things".  obviously the big meme is Silent People coming any day now guys believe me it's real but there's room to expand further beyond that.  what i think is most likely is orruk warclans getting better fleshed out or fully split into different books, but i'm cool admitting that's completely baseless other than the community generally disliking how the soup was handled there.  in terms of completely new army releases, eh...  maybe?  they've covered basically everything Orc-adjacent which is the foundation for the GA really so i'm not holding my breath.  all of kraggy's buddies got genocided to death so that's not happening, and we don't really have a foundation for anything but fimir.  i think they stand in about the same spot as chorfs though, only if the main thing chorfs were known for was their reproduction methods.  maybe we'll get one one day for Warcry but i don't think so.  if we ever do get an insectoid faction it'd almost certainly be in here or order which would be cool but seeing as there's not really any reason to expect anything that like other than "it's sort of an unused aesthetic" there's not much of a point to it.

    tldr: delfs definitely For Real This Time within four years, chorfs probably not, death is probably getting no new armies, and destruction Could but there's no reason to expect anything.

    I could see malerion in the aos4 starter box. Theres a lot of speculation about stormcast/skaven, but they tend to like putting something new in those boxes, and we haven't seen order vs order yet.

    5 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    They were introduced to AoS as a Destruction faction.

    I'd personally prefer to give Kruleboyz and Ironjawz their own battletomes and expand them both rather than see another Warclans battletome lol.

    Separate battletomes would be better because they'd have longer to cook. I don't hate the idea of warclans if the writers are given the extra time to make a book like that work.

    4 hours ago, Vagard said:

    If you put bonesplittaz in armies to be updated, you can add :

    spiderfang and night goblins 

    dwarves and elves in CoS

    all 4 demonic part for chaos gods

    Many other subfactions in the order soup


    For night goblins its basically just the grots and madcap shaman that are old.

    Most of the demons were updated around end times/early aos weren't they? I think its just a handful of resin characters and the tzeentch daemons that are lagging behind.

    Daemons are cross system too so the logistics of updating them tends to be a bit harder.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, novakai said:

    It largely depends on if 4th is going to be a total reset like 10th (there is a trend that every 3 edition GW reset their system) 

    if there is a reset, then the new army coming in Spring would have their battletome last a month or two before it becomes void.

    yes World eater only had like 4-5 months before their codex got invalidated by tenth but we are assuming that FeC tome in Winter will also have that similar lifespan.

    there could also be maybe one or two more Dawnbringer books but who know if there is any after the 4th one

    Oh I hope they don't reset, although the only reset we've ever gotten for "fantasy" was the shift to AOS.
    I think the reason 40k gets so many resets is because of, to put it bluntly, bad rules writing.
    The power level of the 9th edition books were off the wall, but also the core rules always find a way to jam in a bunch of bloat that just makes the game worse, even the 10th ed rules, which they cut back on stuff for to reduce bloat, still had a lot of bloat. From what I can tell though (even anecdotally) a lot of 40k players claim to enjoy how complex the game is, and dislike the idea of cutting even the bad complexity. To the point where GW felt the need to make addressing that a part of their marketing push.
    Thats not to say AoS is completely innocent in terms of bad complexity, there's definitely some stuff added in 3e that should just get the axe.

    I find theres a massive difference in how the AoS and 40k players see their games too, the AoS community is seems much more informed about good game design, and a lot of the AoS content creators will talk not just about the rules and power of the stuff, but also if things are well designed, and AoS players are often happy when bad complexity is addressed. Meanwhile I rarely see 40k players or content creators talk much about the design of the games.

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  14. 7 minutes ago, novakai said:

    That probably either the full city release or the two codex release of SM and Tyranids with their models as both are roadmap for that section of the year.


    the mystery tome (most likely FeC) is stated for winter which for GW is usually January to early March as the latest.

    Ah right it might get dominated by 40k, but I think cities will probably be earlier than that? Sometime in september maybe?

  15. 3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    The old troll models in this picture confirm that this game is going to use all older models again. Love seeing the doomdiver again, all time favorite for me.

    Edit: Could we be seeing new Fellwater Troggoths and the old ones leaving for TOW?

    Why would we need new fellwaters when old world can recycle these beauties!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
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  16. Just now, sandlemad said:

    More recent Warcry warbands do seem to have much more of a place in the AoS range than the older StD ones.

    The Rotmire Creed seem fairly well regarded by Maggotkin players, as do Hunter of Huanchi for lizards. The Askurgan vampires, the Khorne hunters and the Jade Obelisk for Tzeentch maybe less so but they’re not unplayable but they don’t seem to be unplayable, certainly not to the “just take marauders” level of the early warbands.

    Jade Obelisk are bad because they aren't horrors.
    Their abilities want them to be a kind of durable chaff/anvil, but they'd need to be like 30-40 points cheaper to get somewhere you might take them over horrors.

  17. Trying to sell people stuff like metal treelords, and resin chaos chosen, when they themselves produce models that are higher quality versions of them, is ridiculous. I know people have a generally low opinion of GW, but suggesting that's what they are going to do is basically accusing them of self-sabotage.

    • Like 5
  18. 4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It seems to me that GW is actively trying to limit the possibility of crossplay between TOW and AoS. Their goal very much seems to be to keep the two games as separate as possible. That's why I believe that TOW Beastmen and AoS Beasts of Chaos will have a pretty clear and distinct split in the near future.

    IMO they're not trying to limit crossplay, but are probably trying to split the armies into TOW armies and AoS armies so they can track sales. 

    Core Factions in ToW:
    Empire, Dwarves, Brettonians, Wood Elves, High elves, Orcs & Goblins, Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen, and Tomb kings.
    "Other" ToW factions with rules:
    Dark Elves, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Daemons of Chaos, Ogre Kingdoms, Lizardmen, Chaos Dwarves. 

    All of the "Other" factions have basically their entire model range in-tact in aos, with plenty of AoS model revamps. Chaos Dwarves are the only exception, and we're expecting them to show up in AoS at some point in time. So none of those factions need support.

    All of the Core factions need support to work in the old world, as they were either squatted, or had key parts of the model range squatted (dwarves & greenskinz). Beastmen and Warriors of chaos are the exception here though, as they have their entire lines in-tact pretty much, but are also core factions.

    I think WoC and BoC were made exceptions because the narrative demands it, and will probably only get some named character support from old world, because they're both in the exact same situation in regards to both systems.

    We know at this point that dark elves, dispossed, and gitz will be doing double duty for sure, so to me the only really questionable pieces are bonesplitterz, 'ardboyz, and gitmob. We know Greenskinz need to come back, and the plains goblins coming back might make sense, but they've chosen to add new wolf riders to gitz, so maybe we'll see a gitmob revamp before ToW releases.

  19. On 3/19/2023 at 8:56 AM, KingKull said:

    Honestly I feel the same way. Been trying to read new lore, old lore, books, WD excerpts codices - and just couldn't get to care for the setting (I've got a lot of things I don't like, but the main thing for me is, when everything is super magical and what not, it really feels like an endless stream of "my dad is stronger than your dad" arguments).

    The heavy focus on only god-tier characters doing things of importance is just a bad direction for the narrative in general.
    Tons of writers, settings, series, etc. Struggle immensely with power and stakes escalation, and fail to understand that its not a treadmill you even need to get on in the first place.
    For the most part the game itself is about small armies battling it out, so it feels like there should be a bigger narrative focus on the battles between things like tribes and cities, rather than entire factions.
    going back to the escalation problem, you don't always need to find a bigger & badder dad to fight, you just need to create a conflict that matters to the readers/players/watchers. Putting things like characters, tribes, and cities in danger, and actually following through on removing them sometimes can create stakes people care about. Plus you can always just pull a WFB Orcs and Goblins, and let the players play with characters that are long dead.

    One of my favorite examples of what I'm talking about comes from One Piece. After a few story arcs where the villains are threats to entire countries, you go to an arc where the only thing at risk are the crew themselves, and its widely regarded as one of the best arcs in the entire series. Objectively there was a de-escalation in the scale of the stakes, but the stakes still felt incredibly important, because the readers cared about these characters.

    • Like 5
  20. BCR were the more viable half of the army for sure, its a bit baffling why they felt the need to nerf the stonehorn beastriders in the last balance pass.

    Not sure if Kragnos is worth it in a BCR army, but you'll have some savage impact mortals for sure.

    I've seen some lists playing with the meme meatfist list of Kragnos + a bunch of brawlerguts tyrants, but not too much of kragnos in bcr, although I might have just missed the lists.

  21. 23 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    I still think the idea of Hobgrots on Smaller Troggs to harken to the Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth would make a fun cavalry unit where the mount is more dangerous than the rider and better integrate the Troggoth's and Hobgrots into the army for greater cohesion. It also ties into the armies use of beasts of burden but also Hobgrots use of sentient species as tools of war a lesson taken from their large hatted chaotic employers 

    Then you can have Gnashteeth as a faster attack option either as light cavalry or as @Swamp Trogg suggests a fast independent unit of monsters. 

    In other words Kruelboyz introduced so many fantastic concepts that were begging to be expanded upon. Right now Kruelboyz are in a similar place to Idoneth and Fyreslayers, they have the DNA of an amaziing range but just need a little more expansion upon the themes. It is not entirely about the size of the faction as Daughters of Khaine, Flesh Eater Courts and Kharadron are similarly small forces that I would love to see expanded but feel much more cohesive. Still I imagine that Kruelboyz will expand on these ideas and become one of the most iconic factions in all of AOS.

    The hobgrots will always baffle me.
    Seems like they were put in the army more as a nod/hint to chaos dwarves than as a proper unit for kruleboyz, because there are normal grots all over the range, but their chaff unit is hobgrots. By rights that unit would make more sense as just swamp grots, like what you see on gobsprakk, killbow, marshcrawla, pot-grot, and stab-grot. I think a hobgrot expansion would find a home as a sub-force of chaos dwarves, instead of a sub-force of kruleboyz.

    There's definitely a missing part for kruleboyz on the monstrous side though, we've got a snatcha boss and a breaka boss, who seem like heroes for different parts of the army that aren't here yet.

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