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Posts posted by Ganigumo

  1. 1 hour ago, Myrdin said:

    So... gentlemen I am surprised there was no discussion about the new Hedonites and the full unit of Slaangor Fiendbloods.

    I said before > I wont get hyped unless there is a whole unit with BoC compatible keyword. So far the first part is real the second not yet confirmed but if they are going the Tzaangor route then maybe we might see them included in our armies. No character yet shown so far, but I hope they will have one Slaangor commander of their own, to mirror the Tzan Shaman.

    Now this actually does give me some hope that we might indeed see Khorngors and Pestigors in the future as well.  The whole Slaanesh release was kinda random though since its not that long this armybook was released (in its broken OP state). I wonder if the reason for such a swift re-release was to fix the issues with the army without FAQ as well as bolster the sales of the new models.

    Anyway here is the whole unit:


    Never was a fan of the whole Pincer thing they started pushing for Slaanesh, so IF we can have them I think I`ll have to work around that and get them fitted out with something else. But with those proportions it will be kinda hard to replace them with fitting bits. Hope there are some other customizable options in the box. A hand with weapon like the unit leader has for example.

    Slaanesh getting a new book is probably partly because the first one was gutted so hard, and all the new models. The old one was almost exclusively daemons too, to tie in with the wrath and rapture box and the new daemon models.

    Based on what was shown and the new warcry books the leader slaangor looks to just be the unit captain, and not a separate model. Unless there is a slaangor charioteer hero (cool but i doubt it) it looks like there may be no new hero. That being said they probably just synergize with "Sybarite" stuff in slaanesh and will get either the brayherd or warherd keyword (tzaangors got brayherd).

    I'm looking forward to these guys quite a bit myself. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Dingding123 said:

    In case you're considering suggestions I'd recommend either combining the two 15 Riders into one big block of 30 and fitting in just enough Riders to fill battleline spots or just splitting the Riders into three separate units of 5, 10 and 20 so they can be micromanaged more efficiently (bravery be darned).  Also regarding the Spider Cluster battalion since it's tricky to fit into Spiderfang lists anyway thanks to requiring so many Arachnaroks you might just want to embrace the chaos of having more drops while putting those points towards more units and maybe an Endless Spell as well.  The points from dropping the battalion could go towards a second Scuttleboss or more Riders plus either Scuttletide or Malevolent Moon, or combined with the 60-pt discount from having a 30 Rider battleline a whopping 10 additional Riders or 5 and a Scuttleboss.

    I see you're interested in a second Webspinner on Arachnarok and the list could likely pull it off despite demanding more cuts beyond the Arachnarok battalion; fitting in more hordes instead could also likely be a boon since lists only having 126 wounds is abysmal under normal circumstances.  You should be able to get a lot done with two Webspinners on Arachnaroks regardless, whereas otherwise bumping that wounds total up to at least >130 should be crucial towards having enough pieces to deal with both tarpits and behemoths, plus Behemat's tarpit-behemoths.




    I mostly just wanted to try out the new stuff, and that was very close to my old list, which was built around the superbattalion. My experience with arachnaroks has not been positive overall, which isn't too surprising given their profiles. I really need to get some more games in with the new rules though, I've mostly avoided the 30 man unit as a trap, but with the regen and run & charge it might not be anymore. I think there might be a bit of gas to running 2 grimscuttle skitterswarms, so you can guarantee a powerful redeploy (even if you roll 2 1s you can move a hero and a large unit of spider riders).

    I think spiderfang will really benefit from the incorporation of  some fellwater troggoths though, since they patch up their weakness to high wound, low save grindy armies, although you do lose a bit of flavor moving out of spiderfang. I'm thinking something like this would be a lot more balanced.

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz

    Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (280)
    - General
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Sneaky Distraction
    Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (280)
    - Artefact: Totem of the Spider God
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Scuttling Terrors

    15 x Spider Riders (300)
    15 x Spider Riders (300)
    5 x Spider Riders (100)

    9 x Fellwater Troggoths (450)

    Grimscuttle Skitterswarm(140)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (40)
    Scuttletide (30)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 134

  3. 3 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

    Wow. I really appreciate your vast response. Thank you.

    I was thinking about Summoners list but one should probably run three Lords of Change to use it effectively, right? I have two, and one to build one as LoC and one as Kairos, because I like diversity among my minis.

    How would you build Kairic Acolytes? Shields?

    I also like the model of Ogroid. Would he fit any of the lists?

    How many Horrors do I need? How many Spawns?

    One LoC might be enough for guild of summoners? If he survives you might run into an issue where you need to summon one but can't. The third one probably won't come into play most games.

    I built all my kairics with shields. Dual hand weapons are a bit better in melee but kairics aren't really built for melee damage.


    Ogroid could go in either of the lists i posted, he's still a wizard and can be pretty strong in melee if you protect him.

    Since you'd just be summoning them with the gaunt summoner you'd need 5 pinks and 10 blues/brims. One box of spawns (2) would probably be enough.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 12/22/2020 at 6:18 AM, Aeryenn said:

    I have 2x this year's battleforce and Aether-War half of Tzeentch.

    Can I ask you for some suggestions on a 2k points playable army? It doesn't has to be a tournament kill them all ultimate list. Rather something that will be fun but not weak. I can buy a few more minis if they are required.

    You're probably gonna need a few more minis to specialize the list into one of the subfactions. What you've got currently could be built out into guild of summoners, pyrofane cult, or cult of the transient form (this one is very weak).

    Here's a sample pyrofane list:

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Pyrofane Cult

    Lord of Change (380)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Shrouded in Unnatural Flame
    - Artefact: Chainfire Amulet

    30 x Kairic Acolytes (300)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)

    6 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (360)

    Witchfyre Coven (160)

    Total: 1400 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 88

    There are extra points left to fill out the list, and if you aren't feeling the big unit of enlightened you coukd cut back or swap them for enlightened on foot to save points. Pyrofane cult buffs kairic shooting, and witchfyre coven lets one of the units shoot in the hero phase. 30/20/10 is another option. If you wanted to hold off on buying more for now you could try 20/10/10. Lord of change with the wand is the best recipient for pyrofane cult's artifact, which is why I included him here. A good addition to this would be a fatemaster, to give kairics reroll to hit, which goes well with the subfaction command ability that lets them reroll wounds.


    Here's a sample guild of summoners list:

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Guild of Summoners

    Kairos Fateweaver (400)
    Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (240)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Prophet of the Ostensible
    Magister on Disc of Tzeentch (140)
    - Artefact: Brimstone Familiar

    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)

    Total: 1080 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 55

    This list has a lot more wiggle room, since there are more leftover points, but is a bit fragile since it only has 9 spellcasts with what's there, which means if you fail a cast it will push back your first LoC by a turn (and the first is the most impactful). Running an extra cast or two could help alot here (balewind/cogs/other wizards). The rest of the list can just be filled out with anything really, but more wounds and bodies would be good. You'll also need some pinks/blues/brims for the gaunt summoner to summon. Blue scribes would make a great addition here, since he can give all your wizards rerolls.

    • Like 1
  5. Got a game in vs sons of behemat today, we were playing scorched earth. Took some heavy casualties but mamaged to pull it through by having my quick wizards burn the points after holding mine for a few turns. I managed to turn my Tzaangors on in a BIG way through arcane suggestion and Grashrak's warscroll spell, they put out enough damage to overkill a mega after he took some mild shooting. I screwed up and misread our agenda to get +1 attack when we charge 9" which would have made it much deadlier. Ungors and gors served their purpose as chaff to protect my backline and tzaangors from danger, although the tzaangors were obliterated by 3 stomper tribe mancrushers (he whiffed the impact hits so there were still 20 when he attacked, the entire unit got destroyed before they got a chance to fight back).

    Skyfires were a lot better in this game, running in a unit of 6 makes them a lot more effective than 2 units of 3s, since you can take advantage of their strength in melee to take down weakened enemies (my 6 took out 2 mancrushers with their rerolls and grashrak's spell).

    Yet again i was unable to pull off the master plan of casting 9 spells on turn 1 with this list, i rolled a 1 on the blue scribes' 2+ spellcast roll, and the LoC came out turn 2. Surprisingly the gatebreaker Gargant bounced off of him for a turn thanks to the locus.

    The list:

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Guild of Summoners
    Mortal Realm: Chamon

    Great Bray Shaman of Tzeentch (100)
    The Blue Scribes (120)
    - Lore of Change: Tzeentch's Firestorm
    Tzaangor Shaman (150)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Prophet of the Ostensible
    - Artefact: Brimstone Familiar
    - Lore of Fate: Arcane Suggestion
    Tzaangor Shaman (150)
    - Artefact: Plate of Perfect Protection
    - Lore of Fate: Glimpse the Future
    Grashrak Fellhoof (140)

    10 x Gors of Tzeentch (70)
    10 x Gors of Tzeentch (70)
    20 x Tzaangors (360)
    10 x Ungors of Tzeentch (60)

    6 x Tzaangor Skyfires (400)
    10 x Ungor Raiders of Tzeentch (80)
    5 x Grashrak's Despoilers (0)

    Phantasmagoria of Fate (180)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Balewind Vortex (40)
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 136

  6. Got a game in with spiderfang against sons of behemat today, went about as awful as expected. The spiders just didn't have the damage to take down any Gargants and didn't have the bulk or efficiency to win through board control or attrition. We played  starstrike.

    The list:

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz

    Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (280)
    - General
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Sneaky Distraction
    Webspinner Shaman (80)
    - Artefact: Nibbla's 'Itty Ring
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Scuttling Terrors
    Webspinner Shaman (80)
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Gift of da Spider God
    Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider (100)
    - Artefact: Totem of the Spider God

    15 x Spider Riders (300)
    15 x Spider Riders (300)
    5 x Spider Riders (100)

    Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (220)
    Arachnarok Spider with Flinger (220)

    Arachnarok Spider Cluster (100)
    Spider Rider Skittermob (120)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron (40)

    Total: 1940 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 126

    I used the grimscuttle versions of the battalions so it came in at exactly 2k points. I've learned tha grimscuttle may really benefit from 2 arachnarok shamans though, as redeploying one with the grimscuttle battalion would be better than just a scuttleboss with the headdress.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    I'm willing to hold my ground and say I do not believe they will put Cities in a dual box. The models are just too old. 

    I didn't say dual boxes are unusual, I said they never contain fully new models on both sides. It is almost always existing models plus 1 new leader on both sides, and I just don't see what old Cities models you'd pack in with a new witch hunter.

    There are absolutely models in CoS that could be in a double box. Most of the stuff from 8th ed fantasy would be fine, although that does mean freeguild are unlikely to make their way in.

    In particular a wanderers box would look great.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Scurvydog said:

    That they even post an article and completely ignore the elephant in the room about AoS is really poor form. Obviously they must know their AoS players are waiting for this and they do not address this at all. 

    Its pretty standard form for them to put 40k above aos. Just look at how the releases under lockdown were handled, all the aos stuff got shoved back so the 40k stuff could land as close to schedule as possible.

    The app is another good example, the updates on the aos app have seen a significant delay since the 40k app came out (and has needed a lot of work to get up to par)

    • Sad 1
  9. On 12/4/2020 at 12:07 PM, Lunarsol said:

    So last year I started what was intended to be a squig army that got turned into something more general after the Battleforce release.  Jaws of Mork has me interested in adding more squigs, but I've been having trouble finding something I'm happy with.  Any thoughts on this?

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz

    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Lore of the Moonclans: Squig Lure
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    - Lore of the Moonclans: Itchy Nuisance
    Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110)
    - Moon-cutta
    - Artefact: Syari Screamersquig 
    Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (280)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Envoy of the Overbounder 
    - Artefact: The Clammy cowl 

    12 x Squig Herd (140)
    15 x Squig Hoppers (270)
    15 x Squig Hoppers (270)

    15 x Boingrot Bounderz (300)
    6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70)

    Mangler Squigs (240)

    Moon-Jumper Stampede (140)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 164

    15 feels like too many hoppers in a single unit to me, 15 bounderz are better since you'll get extra mortals on the charge and they can attack over the top with the spears.
    Swapping one of the fungoids for a madcap if you think you can afford the extra artifact would be good. Moonface mommet is probably our best artifact.

    you could maybe drop 5-10 hoppers to get some sneaky snufflers and some endless spells. Alternatively squigs are pretty good in big units because of their 25mm bases. a max size unit can fairly reliably get to attack with most of its models.

  10. 3 hours ago, Bozgum said:

    So, before Covid (and a few unpainted models) allows me to play the 3000 Trogg GMM battle, I will try out the Grimscuttle tonight. Although only for 1000pts so without any of the new battalions. I've just finished my webspinner on arachnarok (pic for those interested) so it's mainly for that that I will try them out:

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz
    Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (280)
    - General
    -Grimscuttle tribes artefact/Command trait
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Sneaky Distraction
    Webspinner Shaman (80)
    - Lore of the Spiderfangs: Curse of da Spider God ??
    10 x Spider Riders (200)
    10 x Spider Riders (200)
    Skitterstrand Arachnarok (200) with cool reroll Hits against wizards/priests
    Scuttletide (30)

    Total: 990 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 72

    I'm hesitating for the second spell, maybe I should take the gift of da SG to heal the general and skitterstrand if in range...
    Oh yeah, I also don't know against which army I will play..

    Looks Great!

    Healing the arachnaroks is pretty good, but Personally I've always liked taking scuttling terrors in spiderfang lists for the run & charge. 

  11. 17 hours ago, Rangeltoft said:

    to be fair, i don´t think gloomspite were writen with the idea of 4 diffrent armies in a singel book, but more as a mix and match book between all the diffrent "subfactions", alot like the Cites of Sigmar battletome. While it´s possible to run an army of only squigs, the army might work, but gets alot better if you mix in a few stabbas.


    3 hours ago, Rangeltoft said:

    Don´t get me wrong, these subfactions have rekindled my intrese in Gloomspite and i do like that they are added, but i still don´t think mono-"subfaction" is the way to go, my opinion ofcourse.



    Gitz rules definitely don't support this. The only warscrolls that can "soup" are stabbas/shootas, rockgut/fellwater troggoths, msu squig herds (because they're the cheapest unit at 70 points) and webspinner on arachnarok. Everything else needs the support to be effective, and you need to use the majority of your points to enable that support effectively. This isn't an army of power pairs. 

  12. 54 minutes ago, Dankboss said:

    I figured as much. I'm struggling to figure out what Spiders want to be.

    I think they want to be some sort of sneaky hit/run style light cavalry army. Arachnaroks in general need entirely new profiles as their damage is a joke and their mobility is atrocious. Poisoned spears or bows would have made a HUGE difference here, and even salvaged the arachnarok profiles a bit. If they had went all in on the hit/run style having poisoned spears only if they weren't in combat at the start of the turn/battle round would be an interesting halfway point, and encourage the hit/run style combat.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Dankboss said:

    I think one of the primary issues is the complete reliance on a bubble of -1 to hit to keep spiders safe, as they're made of paper otherwise, and slapping a 5+ spell save does not fix it in the slightest. Slaanesh can work as a glass cannon because it can disrupt the ability for the enemy to fight reliably, but Spiderfang would needs flingers and itchy nuisance to do this, which are nowhere near as good, while also not having the damage of a glass cannon, since it's all fishing for 5+/6+s.

    Jaws of Mork can just deal flat damage in contrast, which is why they can compete in the glass cannon niche. I'm not really seeing anything spiders can do that squigs can't do better, besides mortal wounds.

    Now I think the way spiders are played will have a real shakeup, maybe leaning towards an alpha ambush type playstyle, which will net some wins. But their consistency is a real issue from what I can see. Furthermore, returning 3-6 spiders pales in comparison to 10, 20 or 30 grots, however many squigs or 2/3/5 Troggoths, so they can't rely on that to take risky plays that the loonshrine opens up.

    The damage just isn't there for spiders at the moment. Here's the math:

    Spider Riders

    spider bow .06

    crooked spear 0.08 damage each  (5 attacking would do .40, 8 would do  .64,10 would do .80)
    spider bite .25 (per attack) (5 attacking would do 2.5, 10 would do 5)
    with mortals on 5+  0.373 (5 attacking would do 3.73, 10 would do 7.46)
    with mortals on 5+ and double mortals  .707 (5 attacking would do 7.07, 10 would do 14.14)
    with double mortals  .413 (5 attacking would do 4.13, 10 would do 8.26)

    Arachnarok (depending on the variant they get 0,8, or 10 crooked spears)

    arachnarok bite 3.7 (4 attacks)
    with mortals on 5+ 1.78 + 2.667 =4.447
    with mortals on 5+ and double mortals 1.78 + 5.333 =7.113
    with double mortals 2.37 + 2.667 =5.037

    arachnarok legs 1.78 (8 attacks)


    Scuttleboss 2.37

    Mortals on 5s 3.187

    double mortals 3.7

    double mortals & mortals on 5s 5.854

    quadruple mortals 6.364

    quadruple mortals & mortals on 5s 11.696

    Black Fang + 1.333 damage

    the only scenario in which these guys do any damage is spider riders with both buffs active putting out ~15 wounds against a 4+, arachnaroks don't even break 10 damage with full buffs (although the shaman variant might since his attack profile is better than most of the other profiles....). The scuttleboss is a pretty good contender as well, especially since he can do damage while being mostly self sufficient.


    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, Bozgum said:

    Are the battalions also updates from existing ones (same names if I'm not mistaken? Except Grimscuttle nest) or just for Grimscuttle Tribes?

    Either way I like what I see! - Only the Artefact is meh.

    What about battalion pts?

    Edit: Glogg's MM rules have been added in Warscroll builder

    All the battalions are "Grimscuttle <name>", they're locked to the subfaction but don't replace the old ones so you can use the old ones if you want. all 3 are 140 points.

    The rules are pretty good, but spiders are too terrible to really take advantage of these good rules. hopefully we see some more point drops.

    • Like 1
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  15. 5 minutes ago, Jymmy said:

    Can you share the new spiderfang rules please??

    I'll do a text version since I'm unsure if we're allowed to post the images.
    Spiderfang units ignore spells and endless spells on a 5+

    Skitterstrands rerolls hits against wizards and priests

    Command Trait:
    Webspinner only: once per battle activate the bad moon effect for spiderfang mapwide


    Spiderfang Hero: -1 bravery aura for enemies within 6, +1 bravery aura for allies wholly within 12


    Loonshhrine Update for spider riders with a spiderfange general

    Spider Cluster: 2-4 Arachnarok Spider

    Add 1 to hit rolls for melee attacks



    0-1 Scuttleboss or Webspinner Shaman

    3+ Spider Riders

    At the start of the first battle round, before the first turn redeploy d3 units from the battalion within 6" of a board edge and more than 9" away from enemies


    Grimscuttle Nest:

    2-3 Skitterstrand Arachnarok

    Instead of moving models from the battalion can redeploy anywhere more than 9" away from enemy units.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3
    • LOVE IT! 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    Only spiderfang... I think you are gonna see it soon.

    Yep I've seen it now. The effects are pretty strong actually, with a LOT of good movement abilities and better unit composition in the battalions, but it doesn't help spiderfang with what they needed most. They really needed an additional offensive ability or casting bonus in there. If we see some good point decreases on spider riders/arachnaroks this could be pretty interesting though. With the amount of slots for arachnaroks in the battalions though it's making me wonder if some variant(s) of it will be battleline in the winter update.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Spiderfang White Dwarf rules are very bad... Really bad... The trait is ignore spells and endless spells with a 5+.

    I haven't seen them pop up anywhere yet, but does that trait affect the whole army or just spiderfang stuff? Grots ignoring spells might be pretty good at least

  18. 6 hours ago, Enoby said:

    What would people like changing in the Winter FAQ? We haven't had quite as many tournaments this year, which might make judgements hard

    I know I've given a pretty lengthy feedback for most of the armies i play, hopefully we see some of it. The cliffnotes version is: buff spiderfang (except wizards), buff tzeentch arcanites (tzaangors in particular need extra attention, kairics are probably perfect at 90), buff LoC (nerf changehost by the same amount), buff dankholds and buff gobbapalooza.

    Spiderfang is getting a white dwarf so that may help them out enough, but i submitted it before we knew about it. 


  19. 1 minute ago, Enoby said:

    On the other hand, we don't want to be in a 40k situation where 90% of lore is just "and the enemy nearly did something very important, but didn't" because that can get very old very fast and means important stories feel less important because plot points become untouchable. Obviously, we can't just have Order lose either - so Gordrakk getting what he wants and breaking open Azyr, and then having a huge (and successful) Order pushback would (imo) be more interesting than Gordrakk failing off the bat. 

    Destruction is its own worst enemy, this is represented in Gorkamorka's nature. Having a huge destruction push into the eightpoints, only for Gorkamorka to split into Gork and Mork, and lead the forces in two different directions (gates of Azyr, and the heart of the eightpoints) leading to their inevitable defeat as their power is split between chaos and order. Plus we could get a new prophet/avatar of Mork.

    • Like 2
  20. 6 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    What's a good Coven for an all-Tzaangor army?

    There isn't one. Hopefully we see one in broken realms. Hosts arcanum is probably the most useful, since you can get a pre-game move on some of your fliers and get an artifact for free screamers. Cult of the Transient form is the only one with a Tzaangor "theme" but its easily our worst subfaction (it does almost nothing), and still focuses on kairics more.

    • Thanks 1
  21. 2 hours ago, RedMax said:

    AoS V3 box: Human (Devoted of Sigmar / Freeguild new faction) Versus Orcs !

    ... A guy can dream 😜

    I would love to see a mostly human devoted of sigmar faction, possibly bringing in a few stormcasts at the top of the hierarchy, maybe this chamber had to be opened very early so they use Sigmar's most fervent followers as the core of their forces.

    10 minutes ago, Klamm said:

    Gut feeling, I do expect to see the AoS 3 box to have Cities of Sigmar as the protagonist faction. 

    I don't think GW are deaf to how frequently it gets requested. Small teases about Sigvald or Sons of Behemat have paid off, and there's been a hell of a lot more teasing for sigmarite cogforts, which sound like a great centerpiece of an AoSified freeguild expansion.  Plus, Free City rules mean they could still include a token stormcast presence within the starter set, updating that battletome alongside a meatier cities release.

    An Orruk opponent would be a nice thing for Destruction players - it's their turn after all - but I kinda doubt that. The two starter sets have embodied coherent chapters in the narrative of the setting (the realmgate wars and the soul wars) and destruction isn't well suited to being a narrative focal point. A lot of the charm is how reactive they are. I hope destruction gets love next year, I don't think it'll be in a starter.

    So I guess what happens in Broken Realms will decide the matchup. It could end up with two order factions going at it, who knows.

    I could see Beasts of Chaos or Skaven be in the starter. They're large, fan favourite ranges with some dated kits. And they both offer great opportunities for upping the creative ante (warped beasts or ramshackle steampunk contraptions).

    Destruction definitely can take an active role, they just haven't been written that way so far. I think they need a more cunning faction to contrast all the brutal/crazy ones. I'm sort of expecting a grots vs lumineth starter set myself. Its another classic set (4th ed was Grom vs eltharion) and eltharion returned plus we are waiting on the rest of lumineth (people say even Teclis' forces feel incomplete). Gitmob was also squatted particularly gruesomely even getting removed from the app despite tomb kings and brets still existing there, and shortly after we got a gitmob warband for underworlds. Plotwise it would be interesting to see Destruction go wild as Gorkamorka splits into Gork and Mork after something happens in broken realms (siege of excelsis?) then we could get an avatar of Mork in addition to Gordrakk being the avatar of Gork.

    I won't hold my breath about destruction driving the plot forward though, GW seems quite content to just let them exist.

    • Like 2
  22. 1 hour ago, Souleater said:

    What's the likelihood of GW combining Slaanesh and these new mortals into a single new army book?

    close to 100%, but that doesn't mean we'll see a battletome alongside the release. I suspect the broken realms book in january will be something slaanesh related and contain all the rules for these guys, then GW will let slaanesh coast into an early 3.0 book that combines it.

    Beastmen will probably show up in that book too since they can share space and will get access/support for the slaangor stuff.

    • Like 5
  23. Facing doesn't really matter, things are a bit strange with ovals since rotating would be movement for them. Its a bit jarring for monsters with wide stances though, as they end up crabwalking instead of appearing to go forwards.

    You'd only be That Guy if you were sculpting walls on the models to block LoS too. (This area of the rules needs to get cleaned up, being able to shoot a wizard because his staff pokes over the head of a troll, because you built him with his arms low is dumb)

  24. 3 hours ago, Felldir said:

    Hey guys, need a little advice. I've got the Tzaangors from Aether War coming soon as part of a trade and I'm wondering how I should build them - specifically enlightened on foot or disc. My first thought is disc for sure because of the better movement, more damage, etc. But would appreciate some input.

    Also, I already have 3 skyfires and honestly haven't been impressed with them given their point cost so I think they're out for now. 

    From my experience skyfires have been a bit weak too, but I think they're only gonna be worth the points if you can take advantage of them both in melee and at range.

    Enlightened on foot are pretty underwhelming in general, they fill battalion taxes easy though. If you've got something else planned for the discs it isnt a bad option. They're best used standing behind a chaff unit that will take a charge.

    Enlightened on disc can be a real powerhouse in a 6 man unit, but they are fragile for their cost. Its tough to trigger their rerolls but their damage is acceptable without it, pair them with a fatemaster for more consistency.

  25. 3 hours ago, Kramer said:

    I think the question is more about role than about Max efficiency as the differences are usually pretty small. 
    for example. 
    My thunderers are in a frigate. I want to be able to target whatever I want and dismantle the opponents synergies from as far away as possible. 
    So it’s all rifles for them. All of the special weapons are wasted shots if I want to stay 18” away. 

    my endrinriggers are there to take objectives. So I need them to be combat ready. So Max saws and maybe a skyhook. That way I get an extra move on an objective. If I shoot the opponent off  I might still not be on an objective  

    the pikes on skywardens are great if you set up a screen and then put them 2” behind the screen. That way they can pile in if your screen is charged, the skywardens can pile in and stab over your screen. But if you need a fast unit to threaten opponents the guns are a better option. 

    so what’s you gameplay? 

    I was hoping to use shooting to weaken units, and then the skywardens to go in and finish them off when possible. 2" attack range on skywardens lets me run them in a 3x2 formation and still get all of my attacks as well, which should reduce the damage I take back.

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