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Everything posted by Sgtmjrcain

  1. Also... you can build one of each Courtier from the Start Collecting box without worrying about overlapping parts. You'll have a spare "knight" body to make into a Flayer or Horror or you could convert it into a Varghulf Courtier with some putty, time, and imagination. Then you would have one of each of the big Courtiers for your army and be able to expand out to Horrors and/or Flayers after that.
  2. I did my FEC with two layers of Contrast Skeleton Horde (two layers so it was darker) then picked out the "hair" (?) with Contrast Goregrunta Brown and the rest of the details with various Base or Layer paints from the other Citadel line. Not real hard to do, especially if I could do it. lol It's a quick paint job too, but there are lots of bodies to paint for a 2k army so time can be a factor still. I have 80 ghouls overall plus heroes and terrorgheist and zombie dragon. Heavily recommend the Varghulf Courtier... he's a good fighter on his own and has got some serious regeneration properties for the rest of your army. The Archregent is also most excellent for his spell casting and summoning abilities.
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