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Posts posted by W1tchhunter

  1. Well that is sad, another question kinda spit balling ideas around and noone else in my circle plays slaves.

    If I was to take any khorne units, bloodthirster, khorne dawgs, blood warriors etc. Will they receive the aura of khorne buffs from a nearby khorne hero? And in a despoilers list would the bloodthirster gain the D3 healing, due to the monster keyword?

  2. 22 minutes ago, DJJazzyFred said:

    No, varanguard don't have the eye of the gods keyword, which is required to roll on the table.

    Yeah I figured that, I guess I just hoped that whatever voodoo gave them the hero keyword in Knights of the Empty Throne gave them that :P as far as I know every single mortal hero has the keyword right? 

  3. On 8/12/2021 at 3:50 AM, Agent of Chaos said:

    @W1tchhunter dont know if my list is semi competitive yet as Australia is in lockdown right now but my Tzeentch Idolators list should be super resilient with really good armour and rerolling 1's to save everywhere. Between the 2 sorcerers, mystic shield, all out defence and the 2 Tzeentch prayers there are 6 sources of +1 save. It also has great resistance to mortal wounds and spells while its damage output will come from spells and the chaos knights. At only 4 drops I should have choice of turn order more often than not. I dont see it winning any tournaments but it should play the objectives quite well and therefore I believe its at least semi competitive. 

    Slaves to Darkness - Idolators Grand Strategy: Hold the Line 4 Drops  
    Command Entourage Notes Role Points
    Sorcerer Lord on Manticore Mark of Tzeentch, Spell: Binding Damnation Leader 270
    Sorcerer Lord Mark of Tzeentch Artefact: Arcane Tome
    Spell: Mask of Darkness
    Leader 115
    Idolator Lord on Chariot General, Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon
    Trait: Fiery Orator, Aftefact: Amulet of Destiny, Prayer: Guidance
    Leader 105
    Battle Regiment Notes Role Points
    Warshrine Mark of Tzeentch, Curse Leader, Behemoth 185
    Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount Mark of Tzeentch Leader 155
    Chaos Lord Mark of Tzeentch, Flail Leader 120
    5 x Chaos Knights Mark of Tzeentch, Ensorcelled Weapons Battleline 170
    5 x Chaos Knights Mark of Tzeentch, Glaives Battleline 170
    20 x Chaos Warriors Mark of Tzeentch, Halberds & Shields Battleline 400
    8 x Iron Golems Mark of Tzeentch Battleline 75
    Khagra's Ravagers Mark of Undivided, Spell: Whispers of Chaos   125
    Endless Spells     Points
    Chronomatic Cogs     45
    Soulsnare Shackles     65
        TOTAL = 2000

    Cheers that looks pretty solid, I have all that stuff also minus the endless spells. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

    You can't take Skaven as allies with STD...so no. 😁

    In fact, nobody can take Skaven allies in the new GHB. I thought Nurgle used to be able to take Pestilens allies, but apparently even that was removed. 

    Ah ****** really? That sucks 

  5. 10 hours ago, Maogrim said:

    If you're inspired by Gears of War, why don't you try ruins and rubble? That is what I associate with that game, based on my very limited exposure.

    When I mentioned it to my friend he immediately said emergence holes haha. Theyd completely slipped my mind.

  6. 9 hours ago, Rors said:

    This is really disappointing. Warriors were looking like such an amazing anvil. Loss of reroll is a really big loss to their survival. Getting +1 save is so easy to achieve for them anyway that having it native isn't offering much.

    I was planning a block of 30 undivided. Rerollable 3+, with a 6+ Ward and 5+ and mortal wound shrug that's also immune to battleschock was going to be so much fun. I'll still give it a go but it's going to present significantly less of a problem for the opponent.

    I played two games with a stack of 20 warriors yesterday, the loss of rerolls has ruined there survivability for sure. I usually kept the warriors on the table the entire game previously. I lost them all both games by turn 3. So they are literally useless now cause they still hit like wet noodles.

    With things now having easy access to +2 saves there lack of sharp weaponry is just depressing. I sent 48 attacks 3s and 2s at a stone horn yesterday and did 2 damage :(

    • Thanks 1
    • Sad 2
  7. This is a list ill be taking to a tournament next month, the last one I'll be doing for a while due to Kruleboyz :D I can't decide what to use as artefacts though, any ideas? Worked out this will be bang on 2k when 3.0 hits. 

    Screenshot_20210619-001224_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

    Screenshot_20210619-001237_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

    Screenshot_20210619-001245_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

  8. I haven't played in a while, but I do remember going second was nine times out of ten the much better option, due to being able to react to your opponent AND have the chance of the double turn. Why have they buffed going second even more by gifting an extra command point?

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/28/2020 at 3:21 PM, mrteige said:

    Time for another Batrep guys and gals.

    This time its my IDK list vs. LRL

    First off i want to apologize for the stand ins. My Turtle is in the mail and i am rebasing my army at the minute so there will be a lot of bases and not so many figures in this one. Hope you will still get a kick out of it though. ;)
    (Lotann on a 120mm base is the turtle, 2 Gore Gruntas are net launching sharks, 6 empty bases are harpoon sharks, 10 Namarti Reavers are Sentinels)

    The armies:
    - Enclave: Fuethan

    Akhelian King (230)- General- Bladed Polearm- Command Trait: Lord of Storm and Sea - Artefact: Cloud of Midnight - Mount Trait: Voidchill Darkness
    Isharann Soulscryer (130)

    3x3 Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) (420)

    2x3 Akhelian Allopexes (330) (660)- Razorshell Harpoon
    2 x Akhelian Allopexes (220)
    - Retarius Net Launcher

    Akhelian Leviadon (340)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    - Great Nation: Zaitrec

    Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh (660)
    Scinari Cathallar (140)- General- Command Trait: Fast Learner - Artefact: Gift of Celennar - Lore of Hysh: Lambent Light

    3x10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (120)
    - Lore of Hysh: Ethereal Blessing, Speed of Hysh, Lambent Light
    3x10 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels (140)
    - Lore of Hysh: Ethereal Blessing, Speed of Hysh, Lambent Light

    5 x Vanari Dawnriders (130)- Lore of Hysh: Speed of Hysh

    Auralan Legion (120)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Umbral Spellportal (70)
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)
    Prismatic Palisade (30)

    Total: 1990 / 2000

    Shifting Objectives in Gyran


    The Battle:

    Turn 1 (far right objective is the primary)


    Lumineth gets all of their spells of, dealing a  bunch of chip damage to my units, buffs mortal wounds on sentinels, 5+DPR from Teclis, Speed on a unit of wardens and whatever else they can do.
    They move up and takes middle and primary objective.
    In the shooting phase I use cloud of midnight so only 1 unit can shoot and it kills 2 Ishlaen guards.


    I fly my Ishlaen guards up to sit on all 3 objectives, My sharks in position to shoot, my Turtle up to buff and stupidly my King up to charge. (he should have been held back inside the boat if I had a redo) Lastly I bring my 2 sharks and the scryer in because m opponent gave me 2 units of Sentinels to charge.
    In the shooting phase i shoot down 5 Sentinels and 6 Wardens.
    I charge my unit of 2 sharks, 3 ishlaen guards and 3 sharks into wardens and Sentinels. I kill the last 4 Wardens and, with the 2 sharks, I kill an entire unit of Sentinels and trap the other unit due to netting.

    7-4 IDK

    Round 2 (far left objective is primary)2.jpg.c84c5b947ba77d7a588a65a37e207ac3.jpg

    They keep blasting me with magic. Kills off the King and chips of wounds on all other units exept 3 eels and the scryer. They get the rest of their nonsence off including making my turtle and my net Sharks stupid
    10 Wardens and the dawnriders move to the middle, 10 Wardens move to the right objective and the 10 Sentinels move back.
    All the shooting kills 1 Net shark and charges from the 20 Wardens kills another 2 sharks and 2 eels. Sharks kills 15 wardens in total. 1 of the units of sharks runs away but the other 2 units makes their battleshock rolls of a 1 or a 2 to stay one the board.

    Ok. Now I need to kill things and do it fast.
    my 1 eel in the middle switches positions with the 3 on the left and the rest of my army stay put.
    Shooting thins out the wardens bringing them down to 1 pr. unit. The combat phase finishes them off.

    12-6 IDK

    Turn 3 (primary objective is in the middle)


    My Turn is pretty straight forward. I move my sharks and 3 eels in to the middle of the board, moves the scryer close to the 3 eels and let the 2 units of 1 eel stand on objectives.
    My turtle and my net Shark are still stupid so they just hang around doing nothing.
    In the shooting phase i shoot everything im allowed to shoot with at the Dawnriders and afterwards charges them.
    They die and I collect max points.

    My opponent calls it here because he cant come back on points.

    19-6 IDK


    Super fun game and this was without a doubt my biggest test with this list. The MWs can really do a number on these guys, but its nice to see that the speed , shooting and CC dam output + the cloud of midnight can still cause armies to many problems to handle.

    LOVE these reports keep em coming!


    Quick question, do you think against some armies that having a 9 drop list will be an issue?

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, broverpowerd said:

    Played a 3 game tournament with Knights of the Empty Throne Plaguetouched and ended 2-1 losing to Teclic Lumineth in the final round 25-26.

    My list was: 

    6x Varanguard grasping plate/magic armor

    3x Varanguard nullstone

    Sorcerer Lord mask of darkness 

    Chaos Lord

    15x Warriors sword/board

    5x Knights ensorcelled

    5x Knights ensorcelled


    Plaguetouched battalion 

    Would you mind explaining how this works? Seems to good to be true 😛

  11. 6 hours ago, mrteige said:

    Just played a game with this army agaist a shooting heavy Changehost. I tabled him in turn 4. We played Battle for the pass.

    What do you guys think of this army? any changes you would make.?

    Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
    - Enclave: Fuethan

    Akhelian King (230)
    - General
    - Bladed Polearm
    - Command Trait: Lord of Storm and Sea
    - Artefact: Cloud of Midnight

    - Mount trait: Voidchill Darkness
    Isharann Soulscryer (130)

    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)

    3 x Akhelian Allopexes (330)
    - Razorshell Harpoon
    3 x Akhelian Allopexes (330)
    - Razorshell Harpoon
    2 x Akhelian Allopexes (220)
    - Retarius Net Launcher

    Akhelian Leviadon (340)
    - Mount trait:

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 128

    Would you mind writing up the battle report? :D if you can be bothered of course! LOVE the army 

  12. On 11/10/2020 at 4:25 PM, Reuben Parker said:

    Saying this won’t change competitive pay is a silly until things are tried. Considering IDK can do things now like.

    fuethan reverse tides 


    2 scryer 

    3x10 thrall / reaver 
    2x3 shield eels

    9 sharks 

    can be 36 quality shots to thin out casters and or mortal wound spammers whilst still being very good in melee (their output is exceedingly close to spear eels as long as you get the 4th bite) Double scryer allows reserves and long bomb charges. 

    yes most likely a whole army of sharks isn’t the way to go but still it’s an example. 

    This sounds like my dream army, never say Sharks aren't the way to go 😛

  13. 1 hour ago, Reuben Parker said:

    I know some people are still on the fence for sharks but I really like the new warscroll. I do think they now compete with spear eels as long as your getting the 4th bite which is pretty easy with their own shooting. A bit less damage output compared when eels charge but way better when charged or ongoing combat and only lose damage output every 8 wounds. Losing the monster keyword as long as that’s correct is what really brings them up though. 

    sharks in reverse tide fuethan and an aspect of storm is something I’m excited to try. Something we couldn’t say prior to this change. 

    Honestly the sharks and leviadon being usable now really has me interested in this army now. I maaaay have bought the new box...


    I like the idea you just posted have you got a list sorted? And if so would you mind posting it.

    • Like 3
  14. 1 hour ago, Ragest said:

    Most of the things coming in idolators must be on baseline of std, like warshrine being leader or cultists being battleline and the dice to charge like marauders. 

    And am i wrong or cultists still dont have the mark of chaos? I mean, why the hell i want those as battleline if i cant set them a mark? 

    Very disappointed at the beggining, lets see if its better than it sounds.

    And the artifacts? Man this allegiance is just half cooked or something.

    Our whole faction is half cooked, I've been trying to sell this trash army for months but noones biting, unfortunately it's well known how ****** they are.

  15. I've only just noticed this with the new rules. I was making a list and got to my artefacts... The choices for Ravagers are absolute dogshit. Am I missing something here?

    1. Hellfire Sword: Once per battle in the shooting phase, pick a visible enemy unit within 8". Target takes D3 mortal wounds. Pass; a wizard already has better ways to deal Mortal Wounds and a combat character should have their combat capability boosted.

    2. Blasphemous Cuirass: 5+ Negate MW.

    3. Helm of the Oppressor: 6" -1 bravery aura.

    4. Cloak of the Relentless Conquerer: Reroll charge rolls.

    5. Mark of the High-Favoured: Aura of Chaos increases to 18" when affecting RAVAGERS units.

    6. Desecrated Gauntlets: -2 to casting rolls for enemy wizards within 3", also +1 to wound rolls on a target with the WIZARD or PRIEST keyword. Good on a wizard hunting character


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