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Posts posted by Koala

  1. 10 hours ago, Yoid said:

    I got some rule question i cannot find the answer anywhere. Recently started to play AoS with a box of Wrath and Rapture, and i converted my fiends with some daemonettes bits to be Daemon Princes. Now im playing with the sword more of the time because my friend is starting a Nighthaunt collection and he ignores rend, so y find more useful to fish for 6 and do mortal wounds. I got my eye in the pretender command trait Strength of Godhood, wich allow to add 1d3 damage to a successful atack in the step 4 of the atack sequence.

    So here is mi problem. Can a hit  with a roll of 6 that turns into 2 mortal wounds and end the atack sequence benefit from Stregth of Godhood? I notice Keeper of Secrets got a similar rule when they wound on a 6, making the atack sequence ends too. Does they loose the chance to use it too? It may seem obvious, but i found it counterintuitive, and im not sure if the rule launch you forward to step 4 of the atack sequence and allow the trait to apply, or actually negate the atack sequence acting like an ability and making the two things unable to interact with each other.

    I Had the same question. Apparently this is answered in the core rules (FAQ) which ist why they felt no need to explain it in the StD FAQ.

    The effect triggers only in the "original" Attack/throw, the additional Hit does not count as a 6 and is treated differently. 

    So a 6 generates 2 Hits, one of which ist 2MW ( no more wound Roll) while the other one gets a to wound as usual.

    Still feel the wording suggest an either/or scenario, but this Interpretation seems to be fair so who am i to complain.


  2. What a great Idea.

    Let me Beginn.

    General Comments: 

    DoT - as with most Chaos armys - has an insane range of units to choose from. So it is entirely possible to meet Archaon supported by a horde of Beastmen and it all counts as "Tzeentch". For practical reasons i will only consider the units from the Battletome Disciples of Tzeentch and obvious additions.



    - Lots of Shooting (seriously!)

    - a Lot of spellcraft, many ways to deal MW

    - great synergies ( mostly deamon side)

    - many subfactions which offer strong boni

    - Access to both heavy infantery as well as fast units

    - Fate mechanic offers a unique way of forcing positive dice throws.

    - Summoning mechanic



    - Army needs heavy synergies - if a piece goes missing scary becomes average.

    - synergies Split the Army apart - deamon or Arcanite/Mortal

    -deamons lack heavy CC hitters (horrors can tank quite well, though)

    - Arcanites are more well rounded but have less extreme Shooting/casting

    - most units have a specific weakness/counterplay

    - Summoning is mostly weak.

    - most heroes hit way below their weight class


    Things to watch out for:

    Horrors: damaging them "a bit" will only make them stronger. Hit them hard ( 16+ wounds, 13+with rend) or not at all!

    Fatemaster: not scary on his own but his "reroll To Hit within 9" " is an insane command ability. Also quite hard to kill.

    Flamers: 10 shots 18" 4+ / 3+ D3 Damage. 120pts. Yeah, they are the current boogeyman! Can improve their to hit several ways and get rend1 with a sub faction. A bit squishy and weak in CC but probably not enough. Oh and they have 9" move and fly. So be careful - they can probably T1 hit your guys and are decent at sniping characters!

    Gaunt Summoner on disc:

    This one is basically a gamble. 

    If the Tzeentch Player can activate him before the enemy kills him ( 6hp, 6+) he gets a decent casting hero and 200pts of units for 260pts.   Quite unlikely but If you ever see the chance to take him out / surround him before he summoned his unit: do it!


    Generally Check if the Aura conditions are met. There is a lot of "completely within 9"/12") going on and the Tzeentch player will want to build his personal death star.


    What to do against T1 Alpha Strike

    At 2k Points/changehost one of his units (flamers or a big infantery unit in cc) will probably be able to hit you whatever you do. But in most cases: remember the Flamer threat range of 9"move and 18" to shoot and remember to screen. Without Support DoT units are only half as dangerous as they seem so the dreaded T1/T2 Double Turn might be far more scary than the Alpha Strike!

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