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Posts posted by girafarig

  1. interesting as there are really just the leaders with special guns, but the twohanded weapons are a bit overly granular as halberds/glaiveguards shielddorfs/shieldfreeguild could be the same. and its always chaff as the most expensive is 200, (the most viable leader the repeater dude) and all others 80 average. so having no flagellants but still lots of bodies with multiple targets to buffs per turn

  2. no flagellants is just no but then they have all those fancy guys with torpedos, muskets and flamers. having ammunition in hostile land is easier than having faith and fury! i see snipers, snipers, snipers everywhere

  3. why no flagellants? they would make the most sense as some kind of whacky fundamentalistic crusade without return to reclaim that once order stronghold. also they are the most cheap i bet.


    some elf ranger with bow / imperium bowmen


    irondrake with flamer

    dorf with axe

    halberdiers/dark elf spear dudes

    dark elf corsair as some kind of mixed unit


    generic cavalry or lizard dudes

    fancy elite sword dudes / elfs / longbeards

    STEAMTANK (i hope not)


    well we all know it will come the other way and we get all gyrocoptersetups, hydras, whatever...


  4. i dont like the fact that even the lowliest stormcasts are absolutely more elite than chaos warriors, blightkings and blood warriors. they are on par with minotaurs which doesnt even make any more sense....

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  5. looks like the leaked knight is the squadleader with a forgotten rune. cavalry seems now very cheap, as the whole army seems very cheap. the sarus warriors are a bit ... disappointing, would have seen them a bit stronger but so they are just gors with better runes and worser move and pointscosts.

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  6. cold blooded saurus, so the movement is appropriate, but the low strength is really irritating me. more strength at fewer attacks would make more sense as the cavalry is a mobile lite-hammer, not a critfisher. but who cares anyway as all seraphon lists will consist of flyers, like every other armies out there who arent made of as most monsters as possible. game is going from petty small scale gang warfare to some elites standoffs.

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    count the 13. your enemy will hate all those 6´s, but even more the digit 2 in the reach profile of the monks weapons. fast and hits like a small nail, a million small nails.

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  7. and when we calculate the buffs like rampage or rip gore and tear? having in the case of the leader 9 2h vs 15 dual attacks when 16,... percent of the hits are crits, it seems a bit different as we have more quality 2h hits landing compared to withouth rampage.


    in terms of the archers, i think the arrowboyzs option represents their ability to shoot and then still close in while the ungors ability isnt dice-dependent and gives flat +1 / +2 shots in that turn. ungors only point is to shoot, arrowboyz can charge with their hp in melee too and are more expensive while beasts of chaos have for this job ways bigger guys compared to the used mass of nearly all the same mediocre bulky bonesplitterz if we compare the statlines and extreme scales of the 2 armies. nonetheless are both armies basically jack of all trades armies as they are rather fast, enduring and hart hitting at once.

  8. dual gors have the advantage they maybe get more attention by the enemy than they need due to their more attacks and lower defenses which seem tempting to get target over other more important stuff in melee


    minotaurs loadout, which is statwise better? any maths already done? i think the 2h axes seem pretty good per hit but then the dual weapons are much more attacks...

  9. are spears for ungors even needed? i think their main use is to occupy enemies so they most of the time go in for 1 inch anyway to keep the enemy from disengaging and the t4 shield helps them to wither enemy shooters. its more or less the question of shield(un)gor or dual gor and then if or not ungor raiders.


  10. take kharadron as you only need an arkanaut company and maybe a squad of the balloons or the rifle dudes, as long as you dont play hardcore shooting builds and split melee / shooting, everything is fine. and grab the beasts of chaos pack, just in case you like to take an other approach to the game.

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  11. its like gw is trying to sell out all their easy to build and soul wars nighthaunt stuff and the chillful horde also doesnt seem to be rewritten to give +1 att +1 strength ... but at least they hadnt forgot the fly rune this time


    banshee isnt bad but a bit expensive. its a rather hard hitter for that army but the points mean there is other stuff reduced which can be brought back by the leader. one is enough to be used as a hitman for especially annoying targets, taking more means there wont be enough chainrasps to be thrown on your enemies. offensively sure, but even the needed reapers as hitters are already rather expensive, so the banshee is better with its easy to build companion glaivewraith to use the frightful touch more often than the reaping.

  12. yes, bestigors only seems fluffy and also on my mind (like a squad of uruk hai running around, haha) and also very flexible as they have decent movement, defenses and choppiness and there is always one who could charge with a good triple. i think they are basically gold standard in terms of the pointvalue of 115 and 2 damage guys, compared to other similiar warbands but who have different - and + stats like slow hardboys or frail unmade. the bestigor are jack of all trades and faster or more robust to adapt to some missions but they must still be used wisely.

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