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Posts posted by LuminethMage

  1. 7 hours ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    Don't they have a big reveal planned this Saturday?

    After this, who knows? There might not be much in those two events from a Lumineth point of view. That was the worst part for me about this article, it just referenced yet again another one in two weeks, but didn’t even mention those two events. They might just have forgotten to do so, but who can tell. On Facebook they also didn’t say anything on the lines of tune in this Saturday. Just that there is more to show....

    If the Lumineth release is affected by Corvid19, it’s better to just come out and say so. Everyone will understand that. But I doubt most people will enjoy many more of these mini lowdowns every couple of weeks. 


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  2. Ok, not going to try to argue, as mentioned I’d be fine either or. I agree, they could easily incorporate for example one clan of Idoneth as the river subculture into the Lumineth. 

    But the Warhammer example is exactly why I think Both those factions could e thrown together. She never accepted his supremacy, but he always was supreme and they were in the same faction. During the end times T&T weren’t pals either, but they are very likely in the same faction.

    Anywy! I got your points : ) 

  3. 3 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    There is like almost 0% chance of DoK being folded into Malerion's Aelves.

    What's the reasoning behind that? I have no skin in the game either way,  just genuinely wondering.  Reasons for combining them, just off the top of my head you could argue that

    - Malerion and Morathi's forces have been in the same army before. At that time they also both kind of did their own thing, spied on each other etc. So you could still have her as the top of the Khanites, just within the army

    - the Daughters don't seem to be a super popular army even though they have been a strong army mechanically

    - because of their background they'll always have kind of a limited model range as a stand alone army 

    - GW wants to keep a lid on how many separate, independent aelf armies they put out there (one reason why I think Teclis and Tyrion will be in the same army)

    - they could do something like with the Seraphon, so that people who enjoy they current play-style can keep playing them like this, while also offering one where you can select them as part of a  wider army under Malerion. 

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  4. Yeah, I don't think many of us Lumineth fans still need any kind of incentive to be tempted to order. We are already waiving our cash at them and politely asking screaming at them to give us a chance to spend it already.

    If they drag this process out much longer, some of us might get tempted to throw some harsh words and rotten vegetables at them though. 

  5. Collector's Edition BT? Of course! Also the Lumineth Warscrolls and dice. 

    I really hope we get the full reveal Saturday, then the next day the announcement for the week in order to pre-order, and pre-order the following Saturday. 

    As for today: It might be the Hammerers, they haven't shown us a special unit so far, those had a rumour engine piece and they are part of the mountain faction where almost everything we have seen so far came from. But I'm fine with anything right now, as long as we get the full reveal on this Saturday. 🤞

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  6. I just hope the Lumineth will be fully revealed on the first event, and be available for preorder from the following day. 

    We have been drip-fed for along time, and dragging this further on doesn’t make much sense. 

    If GW doesn’t release them soon likely they won’t be able to ship anything out anymore. Might be too late already. 

    They could focus on something else for AoS on the second event. 

  7. Ah thanks for some reason I thought it was Friday next week.

    I’m still really grateful that they also thought about people in Asia, usually all the reveals happen sometime in the middle of the night for me. 👍

    Edit: I just went through the CoS book again, and by chance looked at the Phoenicium Flag, which is based on the Phoenix Temple. As we speculated a few pages back about some kind of connection between the Ur-Phoenix and the Sun Spirit, if they take the rune symbolic seriously, then .... (above is the flag, below is the sun spirit rune from Eltharion’s scabbard, both of course being the old sign of Asuryan).



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  8. I think there is no way that Tyrion comes out with another faction. He might not be part of this release of the Lumineth, but half the army has his marks on it, and they have been going on in every article about how the units share Teclian and Tyrionic elements. We know there is a Sun Spirit to Teclis Moon Spirit etc. 

    And from a lore perspective, the main argument about Teclis having his own army were two, three sentences in Hedonists BT about Tyrion not believing that Slaanesh could be freed, and therefore Teclis starting to prepare alone. But since then Achaon invaded Slaanesh’s prison realm Uhl-Gysh, slaughtered all of Tyrion finest champions who guarded Slaneesh and would have freed him if not for Katakros. After that I doubt Tyrion is still in the ”nah, can’t happen, I sit this one out” corner. 

    And from a marketing perspective, I’m sure they have not shown us the model which they think is the most impressive yet. 

    I totally agree though with the part that we need to see all of the units to judge the army. We likely haven’t seen half of it. And Tyrion could still be the bridge of course with a second wave of releases for the Lumineth. But I think he’ll be shown next Friday. Let’s see how it goes. Hopefully there is something in there for all the people who have been hyped about the Lumineth/old HE. 

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  9. On 3/18/2020 at 9:31 PM, JackStreicher said:

    Just buy such boxes via the official GW Store if you were going to buy it from a GW directly anyways :)

    Sadly this alternative might not be there for people outside of the U.K. much longer either. Especially if you live in the US or Asia. 

    Almost all the cargo space from passenger flights is gone and air freight rates are going through the roof already in some parts of the world. Cargo planes can’t make up for that loss of space at the moment. 

    A company like GW might just stop sending out products because it gets too expensive or can’t secure space from carriers even if they want to send their stuff.

    Plus their factory in the UK might also have to close if they can’t get their raw materials in etc. 

  10. I saw that, and thought more along the lines of the 4 sub-cultures being fully fledged nations, which of course would mean we’ll get special units, and at least one hero and spirit beast for each. 😬

    Not that I have any overblown expectations or anything like that.... .

    I still hink Tyrion will be part of this release, but we’ll see. Today we are officially just 7 days away from the reveal. Finally can catch a glimpse of the light at he end of the tunnel. 💫

  11. That's possible. 

    If they Veiled Lady we have seen is not part of a larger piece it might be her.

    Or a unit connected to one of the two hammers they have shown us so far. As a Hammer unit is also part of the mountain faction, it's not that unlikely. So far, they've almost always built up upon things they have hinted at before (via a rumour or mentioning in previous lowdowns (archers and stonemages both had a rumour engine piece and a mentioning in the Warden article)).

    But I'm fine with anything. After that it's only 4 more days until we get this. If we are super lucky, we might even get pre-order countdown right after that. 

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, xking said:

    I always hate the smugness and arrogance thing about elves.  Can we get some elves who are not as*holes for once. 

    It's all fine. They have to work with well known stereotypes, otherwise jokes don't work.

    And GW can't make the life of all the elf haters out there meaningless, especially in a situation like we have now, hospitals etc. are already being overwhelmed as it is. Even an elf fanboy like me can't advocate for that. 

    Also, the thing is pretty funny on several levels - humans paying money even for the elven emotional waste. (and without joke, this is a pretty interesting concept on a roleplaying level.)

    Plus, it looks like the 4 elemental sub-factions are actually fully fledged nations. Or at least there is more than one aelf nation. 

  13. Yes, it's getting tedious, even for someone like me, who has been waiting for years to see the new High Elves. It shouldn't feel that long in comparison, but I'm now also running low on my symbolical Aetherquarzt supply. Actually that's why I posted the above to keep me and others a bit busy : )

    I thought they might throw us (and others) a few bones after Adepticon got cancelled. But sadly they didn't (not a complaint, I'm happy they're going to do the virtual sessions, and they likely have had their hands full with operationalizing these contingency plans.)

    I'm mostly worried now what happens in case they don't actually have that much on their hands to reveal in the end. I think after this months long drawn out process, if there is not at least one really awesome monster model coming, like the phoenix/dragon, they might have achieved the opposite, that a lot of people will be turned off. 

  14. So what might we get to see next Monday? (I refuse to believe there won't be a lowdown. They can't do that to us, right???? 😨). 

    In the meantime, here are the rumors and snippets we have seen so far, but haven't got the full picture yet. 

    I'm intrigued by the split horns, those don't seem to be identical with the "Yak" picture from the flag. So there seems to be at least one more monster coming, which we haven't seen at all. Do we also get a fitting mage for that, with appropriate horns on the helmet? 

    Some people speculate that the Veiled Lady (and the brazier) are part of a larger arrangement (like Katakros). That also sounds interesting. The brazier definitely has some larger meaning. It's also on the shield of one of the Dawnriders (with the appropriate Lecai "Light" rune also shown), on Eltharion etc. 

    Finally I wonder what they are going to do with the two hammers. I kind of doubt that there are going to be two units with different hammers.


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  15. Very nice! Also fits really well with the solar powered weapons theme they mentioned. Those look like weapons who can store sun power.


    1 hour ago, Ian Wallsh said:


    Even if its only residual, will they still be affected by the presence of Chaos, especially Slaneshi magic, will they still feel 'a pull' in the presence of a Slaneshi Greater Demon.....? 

    Id love to know what you think and how this will affect their 'Lore'.....? 

    Just to add a little bit more to what Koradrel mentioned: We know that although those were the purest souls, there was such a lingering effect that the Lumineth almost destroyed themselves again, and had to reset their whole culture, in the so called Reinvention. That’s when they developed the four elemental spirit based sub-cultures, to which they dedicate their lives. Again similar to 40k.

    They are still susceptible to Slaanesh though, as he/she was able to manipulate some of the guardian mages to provide him with secrets on how to destroy some of his bonds. 

    I personally doubt though that there will be some kind of negative effect against Chaos magic in their rules. If at all, maybe the opposite. Hysh magic is traditionally strong against Chaos and Demons.

    But fluff wise - their whole story and culture is based around on how to deal with Slaanesh, so there will be a lot of that.


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  16. What Kaladreon said. Just adding to that: You had a quite a lot of options with them (within the relative strict Warhammer Fantasy rules). They also had relative high morale and were pretty much an army that did what you wanted them to do when you wanted them to do it. You could focus on one thing (like cavalry) or play in a combined arms style. They also had lots of flying options. 

    From what it looks like so far, they try to give the Luminith a similar playstyle where you have something to do in all the combat phases (if you want to). 

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  17. Archaon already knows that Slaanesh is not in either of those, but in a realm between them. And it looks like he can just access that realm directly and get to Slaanesh as long as he knows exactly where they are hidden.

    From all the pictures we have seen of Hysh so far, it seems to be mostly destroyed and Chaos-ridden anyway. GW might have to build up the Aelves a little bit before there is a massive invasion again which destroys everything and sets Slaanesh free. They could do that with the Lumineth BT of course. In Hedonites it said that Morathi and Teclis see the possibility of Slaanesh escaping and are preparing already, but that Tyrion is dismissive. But then in Wrath of the Everchosen Archaon invaded the Hidden Gloaming, killed most of the Aelf guardians there and almost freed Slaanesh. Only thanks to Katakros that didn't happen. So I guess that Tyrion now also see the threat (and therefore is also part of the Lumineth release). As Archaon is occupied with Death, they could go on the offensive and maybe re-take the Realmgate on the their side of Hysh or something like that.

    I guess Malerion fans would also appreciate if he gets something done, before they put Ulgu under a Chaos invasion under Archaon. 

    Anyway, who knows. It could be exactly like you said. And all the Aelves are going to do storywise is being re-active, protecting their two realms and that's that. Just wouldn't be my preferred option. 

  18. Or, Slaanesh get's free, and that's what they will react to. That's kind of the main plot for the Aelves so far, and the main split among the 4 (Morathi & Teclis vs Tyrion & Malerion) according to the Hedonites BT. Could be both together of course, a fully 4-Chaos God powered Archaon invades. But I think that's still a bit down the road. I'd prefer though if the Lumineth BT pushes the story at least a little bit. The Seraphon one seems to have been written before Wrath of the Everchosen. Although there is a lot of interesting things in it, it's still in the react-to-Necroquake phase. 

  19. 8 hours ago, Overread said:

    It won't crack much like its unlikely that the Eightpoints will ever be retaken or that Nagash will lose control of most/part of the Realm of Death. What is happening is by having an attack on the realm it makes it part of the rest of the realms rather than something above and beyond them. It adds agency to the story because now it means that Sigmar in all his glory CAN be attacked. If this means he has to pull back Stormcast to a defensive rather than offensive stance then so be it. It also helps temper the fact that barring the Eightpoints; Chaos is in a retreat in most realms or is only just holding on. 

    Is Chaos on retreat in most realms so far (genuine question)? I had more the impression that all that Order managed was to install a few cities, but that still much of all the realms is under the control of Chaos, and all those cities are not secure. Even if they kicked Chaos wholly out of all the Realms it would just be kind of where things started. Chaos has their unassailable realm anyway, and as long as there are mortals Chaos is bound to come back. 

    Chaos just had Wrath of the Everchosen, and I'd rather not AoS go down the same road as 40K where most of the storyline would be centered on Chaos vs. Stormcast. Involving Death was a great idea, and now it could be time to have focus ****** on destruction a bit (they might wait though until they have a new faction to promote). And if they involve Order, why not push the story on the Order side with non-Stormcasts for a bit? Seraphon and Lumineth BT are new, we haven't heard much from Alarielle and Morathi for a while etc. 

    You can have Sigmar sit around a while and plan on a new Chapter, and still push the story with other Order factions. I'd prefer that to a story focused on Azyr. In the end we'll get back to Chaos vs. Stormcast anyway, which is also fine. 

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  20. Yes, I totally agree, I also don't think he is the sun spirit, just going down the path on how they depicted the runes so far somewhat logically and you can come to that conclusion. I think it's much more likely that Tyrion just has the sun spirit as his companion in the same way Teclis has the moon spirit, and maybe there is some kind of connection between the Ur-Phoenix and the sun spirit. 

    It get's a bit frustrating now yeah, even for me, it's getting long.... . 

    It looks like GW is expecting us Lumineth fans to be indulging in aetherquartz and all zen like .... . 🈚 

  21. I don’t want to ramble on too much about this (wall of text incoming), but there might be a similar yet a bit different interpretation: Tyrion is the sun spirit. 

    The whole Hysh spirits story is a bit confusing. They always talk about “the 4 geomantic spirits” (zenith, river, mountain and wind). But then there is Celennar, the moon spirit. He is different from the other 4 because he has his own rune (neck piece) which is different from the 4 geomantic runes. And it’s also not a former High Elf rune. We could see it in the exemplar lowdown this week. 

    In the same article we can also see Teclis own rune on his chest, which looks very similar to the old High Elf rune “Avalu” (Fortitude, and also Vaul). And further down when they talk about Eltharion, it says that he has the “rune of the sun spirit” on his scabbard. Which is the former “Asur” rune symbolizing rebirth and lordship (and also Asuryan). We can see both of those runes next to each other on the Gama video (SS below)

    Now this “sun spirit” rune is a former High Elf rune, not something new like the other geomantic spirits or Celennar’s runes. 

    Maybe that was just a mistake, and they wanted to write Tyrion (the next sentence says the other scabbard shows “the mark of Teclis”). 

    That still would leave the question how or if the sun & moon spirits are connected to the four geomantic spirits. Are they twin spirits and form zenith together (zenith is also in a bit of a different category compared to the other 3)? Or are there just a whole bunch of spirits? 


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  22. Agreed, if they really do that, there is likely some kind of connection between the sun spirit and the Ur-Phoenix. Maybe it’s the “living embodiment” of it, in he same way Celennar is of the moon spirit. Although the Ur-Phoenix seems much more powerful, because it’s a godbeast. Maybe it’s one if its strongest children or something like that? 

    All that I know of the Ur-Phoenix comes from the CoS BT. And it’s not much: 

    - it’s a magical godbeast symbolizing fire and rebirth

    - the Flamespyre and Frostheart phoenixes are its rare children

    - Its smoldering ashes are located in the Pyre of the Phoenix, a crystalized valley within Hysh

    - To become an Anointed you have to go to Pyre of the Phoenix to meditate for many years

    - the Phoenix Temple is a warrior conclave dedicated to the Ur-Phoenix

    - The Phoenicium in Ghyran is the centre of the Phoenix Temple’s power in the Mortal Realms, And the holy city of Ur-Phoenix. 

    Everything but the last one hints of some kind of relationship between the Lumineth and the Phoenix Temple/Ur-Phoenix. But I find it intriguing that they put the Ur-Phoenix into Hysh and not Aqshy. 

    Not sure if there is anything else in a book or short story somewhere. 

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  23. Those poor Stonemages, after they come home three hours of wiping ... I guess though Teclis would be ready to have magic purifying light-shower, Hysh should be ok. It must be the home of AoS Purell. 

    Speaking of  monsters/behemoths, they must give us the Phoenix-dragon that they showed on the Dawnrider flag. They can’t just tease something like that, and then not follow up with something awesome. So many people fell in love with the HE because of their awesome monsters. Same for me, I always loved high elves, but when I saw that Warhammer comes out with high elves on dragons pure 🥰😍 . Same thing later then later with the phoenixes. If you look at the Total War game, again, everyone loves the dragons/phoenixes.

    A Phoenix-dragon would also fit really well with AoS it’s something totally new,  fantastic and distinctive for the faction. 

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