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Posts posted by Matrindur

  1. 30 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I believe so.

    Unless we count Khorne into the rangs of huge releases 

    Right Khorne got new Flesh Hounds + Karanak and two daemon characters later but I don't remember how much they got during the initial AOS release and which units where from the old world.

    But if besides Khorne Slaanesh is the first to get their "2 Wave" it could mean we are now in a new phase of AOS releases and are  finally going to see new models for all the old armies that only got their initial release or nothing big at all since AOS started

    • Like 2
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  2. 4 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Plus, it means they aren’t shying away from bigger second releases, which is great news for everyone. 

    Just nice to see a faction getting fleshed out like that. 

    Is Slaanesh the first army to get 2 bigger waves of release during Age of Sigmar except Stormcast? So more than just a single Hero like during the Battletome cycle?

  3. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    I wonder if we're now done for releases for the year with the death guard being delayed. 

    The only other stuff we know is coming is dark eldar, slannesh mortals, STD Underworlds, skaff halfheight for BB and Necromuna reinforcements which all seem to be in January. 

    So will something get pushed forward or maybe we'll be treated with reveals of the rest of the slannesh stuff. 

    I would be happy enough if we can even get the already released stuff, the last shipment from GW to my Flgs got lost in mail which included all of their  ordered Battleforces so unless GW still has some left no one at my shop will get theirs

  4. 2 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    Warning, heavy seraphon fanboying ahead

    OH MY GOOOOOOD! New seraphon models and by Sotek, they're glorious. I loved the chameleon but the priest is even better. I also feel like he's a callback to the old tehenhauin model and I love it. Interesting how they pointed out that his orb/pokeball will have "major implications" for direchasm, I hope it means they'll develop underworlds lore more. I hope that the rest of the warband consists of a kroxigor, a saurus (both of which I really want to see reimagined with modern sculpts) and maybe an additional skink. It's honestly kind funny that this warband makes me more excited than the battletome or realmshaper engine.

    As for the rest of the warbands I'd guess Vampires, ogres (as much as I'd love it to be some form of insects, somehow I can't see it happen), and obviously ossiarch and idoneth. So basically rip wallet (for the hundredth  time)

    I really think they will go the 2 warbands route for seraphon like with Ironjawz meaning this will be a Skink only warband and a saurus one will be coming in a later season. For this one I expect another normal skink and maybe a Terradon/Ripperdactyl? Has there been another medium sized model like them before in another Warband, except Mollog?

    • Like 1
  5. Another thing to have in mind is that Australia has problems getting stuff lately, multiple of the new releases took way longer to release in Australia or are still not available there.

    I still think DoK will get a new book but it doesn't have to be soon could just be that GW thinks they won't be able to get more of the current Battletome over there in the next few months so they just put it on OOP even thought the new book could be half a year away just because they think its  not worth it to restock again in a few months just to replace it again a month later

  6. image.png.d12ebaca1d5d2abe60e44fdd0fb4e751.png

    Right ones look like Slaangors and the left one looks like a bigger model based on the size of the base



    Left one looks like the new Lord of Pain but seems like another Character on the right also some kind of chariot carried by some Slaangors in the middle?


    Also this part in the background could be part of a bigger centerpiece model

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Wait, Seraphon are getting a Underworlds Warband. What if they release them with a StD Warband too and the Chaos Warrior is wearing a Seraphon hide cloak? Alright time to update my picture with some Serephon hands for comparison purposes.



    OK I can totally see it. A cloak made from a Seraphon's hide.


    That would be about the same feeling as the scale/hide rumour engine a year ago which turned out to be a Space Marine or the tail which turned out to be the Zoat, everyone just wearing us 

    • Haha 1
  8. Price comparison:


    1x Dankhold Troggoth, £40

    6x Rockgut Troggoths, £70

    15x Squig Hoppers, £45 (Thought there are only 14 shown in the image but the sprues are in multiples of 5 so it has to be 15)

    1x Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, £22.5

    Total: £177.5



    1x Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant, £20

    1x Ironblaster, £22.5

    12x Ogor Gluttons, £60

    4x Ironguts, £25

    4x Leadbelchers, £25

    1x Mancrusher Gargant, £37.5

    Total: £190


    Kharadron Overlords:

    1x Brokk Grungsson, Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar, £25

    1x Arkanaut Frigate, £50

    6x Endrinriggers, £55

    2x Grundstok Gunhauler, £60

    Total: £190



    1x Lord of Change, £85

    3x Tzaangor Enlightened/Skyfires, £30

    20x Kairic Acolytes, £30

    10x Tzaangors, £27.5

    1x Gaunt Summoner, £17.5

    Total: £190

  9. 48 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    We also should see what what that Zombie thing Johann was fleeing from really is. Maybe the "Decay" part, if it's indeed a Zombie ? For WHU ?

    Thats actually a really good point if its for Underworlds it doesn't have to be a big concept you can base a full army around it can just be something like Bloodbowls Necromantic Horror Team as a small Underworlds Warband

  10. for comparison the 40k boxes:


    1x T'au Empire Commander, £35.5

    3x XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team, £45

    1x XV88 Broadside Battlesuit, £32.5

    1x TX4 Piranha, £22.5

    10x Fire Warriors, £30

    10x Pathfinder Team, £25


    Total: £190.5


    For comparison last Tau box was £157.5 which retailed for £100


    Astra Militarum:

    1x Hydra, £35

    1x Chimera, £30

    1x Sentinel, £22.5

    5x Cadian Command Squad, £22.5

    3x Cadian Heavy Weapon Squad, £25

    20x Cadian Shock Troops, £45 (21 shown but you can only get them in multiples of 5 so has to be 20)


    Total: £180


    For comparison last Guard box was £187.5 which retailed for £100

    Or the Cadian Defense Force still available: £157.5 which for £110



  11. Price comparison:


    1x Dankhold Troggoth, £40

    6x Rockgut Troggoths, £70

    15x Squig Hoppers, £45 (Thought there are only 14 shown in the image but the sprues are in multiples of 5 so it has to be 15)

    1x Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig, £22.5


    Total: £177.5




    1x Ogor Mawtribes Tyrant, £20

    1x Ironblaster, £22.5

    12x Ogor Gluttons, £60

    4x Ironguts, £25

    4x Leadbelchers, £25

    1x Mancrusher Gargant, £37.5


    Total: £190


    Compared to last years Gitz box:


    1x Mangler Squigs, £50

    3x Rockgut Troggoths, £35

    1x Loonboss, £17.5

    10x Squig Hoppers, £30

    5x Fanatics, £25


    Total: £157.5 which retailed for £110


    So either the discount is way bigger (not likely) or the Battleforces will be way more expensive this year


  12. 12 minutes ago, SleeperAgent said:

    Death: OBR for sure
    Order:  Lumineth possibly?
    Chaos: Slaanesh
    Destruction: BCR box with 3 stonehorns and the underworlds hunter with 4-8 new sculpt frost sabres?

    Armies normally only appear in Battleforces one year after release so I would expect Lumineth next year and I don't think they are gonna out a underworlds mini in there let alone new models, the rest seems likely thought

  13. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    If we're going to get battleforces I would imagine they would be announced today. 

    With Bloodbowl on a 2 week preorder they have given themselves a weeks breathing room I'm guessing to prep for Xmas. 

    I'm fairly sure they did the same last year. 

    If we get Battleforces they should be announced on the 22th for release on the 5th (Battleforces normally get released on the first Saturday of Dezember)

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