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Posts posted by Matrindur

  1. Some predictions concerning the starter sets based on how it went in 40k.

    The Vindictors, Praetors, Gutrippaz and Hobgrots are all on separete sprues. (Vindicators and Hobgrots have two sprues each)

    Yndrasta, Knight-Vexillor and the Annihilators share a sprues same as the Killaboss on Gnashtoof, Murknob with Banna and the Boltboyz.

    Knight-Arcanum and Killaboss on foot share a sprue same as Lord-Imperatant and the Shaman.


    I can see two ways this can go based on if they do a starter with terrain like 40k or not

    With Terrain:

    Smallest set: 5x Vindicators, 10x Hobgrots so half as much as in Dominion and have the Killaboss/Knight- Arcanum Sprue

    Medium size: will add 3x Praetors and 10x Gutrippaz and either instead of the Killaboss/Knight- Arcanum Sprue or additionally the Shaman/Lord-Imperatant sprue (probably instead of based on 40k)

    The big one will have the same models as the medium one together with terrain, maybe some swamp terrain?

    The sprue with Yndrasta, Knight-Vexillor and the Annihilators and the Killaboss on Gnashtoof, Murknob with Banna and the Boltboyz sprue will be sold as direct only in a few months (they did the same thing with 40k)


    Without Terrain: 

    The small and medium sets will be the same but the big one will have the Yndrasta, Knight-Vexillor, Annihilators and the Killaboss on Gnashtoof, Murknob with Banna,  Boltboyz sprues instead of terrain and probably miss the Killaboss/Knight- Arcanum Sprue and the Shaman/Lord-Imperatant sprue so there isn't so much overlap with Dominion.

    Additionally the Vindictors, Praetors, Gutrippaz and Hobgrots will probably all be sold separetly, maybe the Annihilators/Boltboyz will get a multipart release but I woudn't bet on it, with Indomitus both the Blade Guard and Eradicators from the SM half got multipart releases but nothing from the necron side got one 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Just now, Acrozatarim said:

    Ok, so, interesting notes about the rules they mentioned:

     - Command abilities to offer reactive stuff in every phase. Including against/during enemy shooting, then? Or was that hyperbole?

     - Monsters getting something new? Mentioned for stomping - general stomp attack/impact hit rules coming?

     - Something new re predatory spells, which I didn't really catch. Not sure what could be going on wrt predatory spells getting new options?

    They did say something about charges with monsters didn't catch what exactly

  3. 25 minutes ago, DeLewko said:

    Preorders will return in May, do you think we will get something on the first of May? It's Saturday afteral

    Don't think so that would only be a one week pause, also whenever the next preorder will be it will be Adeptus Mechanicus as they where supposed to be in April which won't happen now

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