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Posts posted by Gistradagis

  1. 1 hour ago, Zplash said:

    I think the main issue with glottkin is that to make up for his points you have to use his CA every turn and same goes for Harbinger who is essential for our mortal lists... These are 2 CPs a turn which we just don't have... :(

    Well, don't really "need" to. Considering the huge amount of attacks such a list already has, you can probably just use it once during a key turn. At the end of the day, the Glottkin is just an inefficient all-in-one pack. Sometimes it'll do close to nothing, other times it can be a huge presence on the board. Having a monster that can fight and still cast smth such as Blades of Putrefaction or moving the wheel when we need, without having to rely on our fragile casters or straight up paying similar points for a GuO. Although he'd be a better buy if he had actual passive auras for our guys, like how the LoA or LoP help re-roll 1s.

    Again, I'm not really to get people into using it, because it's not very much worth it right now, but it has surprised more than one opponent. And any shooting/magic that's centred around killing the Glottkin in 1-2 turns is stuff that's not hitting our huge blobs of BKs. A distraction carnifex, as the 40k players say.

  2. 9 minutes ago, grucha said:

    I don't think that Glottkin's points drop will do the difference. He's still so much vulnarable to basicly anything... Not mentioning that in your list you will usually still use the Haringers CA instead of his.

    I tested Glottkin out in plaguetouched warband with loads of marauders and I think he still wasn't worth the points even though he increased dmg output a lot. I just hope that he get's some fnp or 3+ save, and more wounds in the new battletome.

    Still you could try swapping him for GuO with blade and bell and chronomantic cogs. I'm not sure if going with blob of 30 plaguebearers (they work real nice, staying at your own objectives with lord of blights) and switching to Munificent wanderers (If you position right you could use guo and harbinger to make a 3" aura reducing rend of enemy in combat by 1).

    For that, I'd simply play full daemons. 2x GuO and Rotigus in their battalion with a couple units of PBs. Since I don't like endless spells too much (and the latest factions just ****** on anyone trying to use much magic), I'd put the last points in a small force of BKs and a LoA.

    Playing them as smth close to 50/50 doesn't give me that many good results. To make proper use of the -1 to rend effect you need your units real close, in which case you're not playing across all the board and probably losing the mission (unless it's a defensive one where you can just stay close to your area). If we wanted to really make a "sharper" list, then yeah, I'd simply drop the Glottkin and add a LoA and an extra unit of 5 BKs, with smth left like 90p (could even get 5 Marauder Horsemen, or a unit of Nurglings for the lols).

    Can't really use the Glottkin properly until it's updated (or rather, IF it does get updated), but that argument sort of applied to most of our battletome right now.

  3. 21 minutes ago, grucha said:

    Good point. I'm thinking about no casters army right now:

    20xblightkings = 500
    20xblightkings = 500
    5xblightkings, 5xblightkings, 5xblightkings = 420
    Blight cyst = 140
    Lord of Blights = 140
    Gutrot Spume = 140
    Harbinger = 160

    Which is exactly 2k. 55 blightkings is 231 wounds with 4+ save and 5+ fnp duo to the fact that Harbinger CA is still within. That could be hard for enemy to eat through...


    My version of that is (Blessed Sons):

    The Glottkin = 380p

    Blight Cyst (140p) with:

    • Harbinger of Decay (General, The Witherstave) = 160p
    • Lord of Blights (Blotshell Bileplate) = 140p
    • 20x Putrid Blightkings = 500p
    • 20x Putrid Blightkings = 500p
    • 5x Putrid Blightkings = 140p

    A total of 1960, which sadly leaves me just short of buying an extra CP. I could try and get some random endless spell, but with this I might as well just stay there and get an almost certain triumph. The Glottkin can be a hard sell, but I really like the model, and want to see if the points drop make it playable.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

    This is definitely possible. 

    Do people expect that edition-level changes would fix battletome-level problems?  I mean, AoS2 as an edition could be good indefinitely if all the battletomes were more like Gloomspite Gitz or Slaves to Darkness or Stormcast or Nighthaunt (or any of the low- to mid-tier armies) in power level.  It seems like 90% or more of what dissatisfaction there is around the current game is based around battletome complaints.

    Pretty much what you're saying. The thing is, the meta had been melee-oriented for a very long time, and now we're seeing factions that not only are super powerful due to power-creep, but bring strengths that the current playstyle can't quite handle. Being so recent, too, we can't really expect a battletome update to basically nerf problematic design, or a very late FAQ that says "Kroak, salamanders and skinks were just a joke guys, they actually aren't real."

    What's left is either hoping that the GHB somehow introduces a couple rules to matched play that lessen these dangers (shooty armies should be a playstyle option; shooty armies that hero-snipe and wipe you off the board before you've done much, should not), or that AoS 3.0 is somewhere on the horizon and brings some key changes to how shooting works, or how heroes work (hero protection, heroes "joining" units, etc).

    At the same time, however, we need to accept the possibility that maybe GW doesn't care about this particular problem, or they don't see it as such, at which point I expect to see more people join the "lfg no seraphon" club (and to be fair, I feel bad for Seraphon fans, because many had been waiting for a long time to finally play their big dinos and saurus, but GW has released such a busted faction that no one wants to play them now).

    Edit: Also agree on the middle-of-the-table thing. StD is one of my armies, and I like how balanced it generally is. Wish you weren't forced to either play Ravagers or Archon, but still.

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  5. 29 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

    I know that this has to be subjective, but at this point of AoS1 we were already prepared for, begging for, AoS2.    I don't think we are there yet with AoS2.  I could be wrong - I haven't been hanging around with gamers much lately other than here - but it seems like there is relative contentment with the current game.

    Not having much around people playing might be the explanation, then. Many people aren't particularly happy with the direction Seraphon and Lumineth have taken (other than their players), and people fear we're seeing the rise of a meta of hero-sniping and factions with overwhelming control over the Hero phase. With Seraphon especially, it's the first time in my time with AoS where I've consistently seen people go "lfg AoS 2k (no seraphon)" so much.

    While some things are fixed with a simple rule introduction (hero protection similar to 40k), it is true that the last year or so has seen some impressive power creep. Perhaps that makes people hope for AoS 3.0 to be at least in the works already.

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  6. 11 minutes ago, hughwyeth said:

    I got 20 on sprues and 10 painted. BKs are great. Shame that even at 110/300 PBs are ******. They need a new warscroll desperately. 

    Lol, if BKs were 110/300 I'd win every single game ever.

    I agree that they, or rather the entire faction, need an update asap, though.

  7. Am I the only one who thinks that at least some of these leaks come straight from GW? The stuff that gets leaked, the timing, how it's supposedly people ready to break their NDA but rather than show everything they simply show the new stuff piecemeal the week or so before the release? Almost like trying to build up hype and make people want to pre-purchase it to get the full information the day it comes out...

    I'd call it a tinfoil hat theory if it didn't feel so obvious to me.

    • Like 3
  8. 6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Even if it only is a Narrative thing only, It probably still see a ton of use in my local club 

    It's actually for all modes of playing, but you need the opponents / TO permission to use them with a conversion rate of points = 10x the destiny points used.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  9. Just now, Ghoooouls said:

    I think the issue will now be that no one uses the realm ones. Whilst I agree it was annoying always seeing the same artefacts in use, these new ones seem distinctly lackluster. It's the older armies that will suffer the most.

    Playing Maggotkin, I do get that (although we do have a couple of strong options). Nevertheless, I'm guessing they'll release more stuff later on, and this was some sort of soft reset after realizing they had overdone it a bit with the Malign Sorcery artefacts.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    Artifacts on a bubble ? Dude, before you "duh" me, please correct your sentence. It's weird.

    You have your opinion, I have mine. I just gave you an example of a unit in a specific faction that gives a better ability than this artifact does.
    Plus, I compared former artifacts, which for certain of them quite powerful and interesting, to those dull new ones.

    You don't like what I say? It's ok, you've got the right to. But please be civil and nice.

    What? Forgive me if you took something weird from my message, but in which world is "well duh" considered an insult...? Bit odd to say that while being so implicitly rude, so at least be civil when demanding things, but apologies if you took it that way, then.

    As for the artefacts, how some of them were so good while the vast majority were worthless was precisely what they wanted to fix, I guess, and to push faction artefacts. And my point was that comparing an artefact that you can pick and use anywhere to effects reserved to particular factions doesn't make much sense.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    Depends on what you play. As SCE, we've got the AZyros which gives that on a bubble.
    But other armies can use a CP for it anyway.
    You really can't compare the possibility to equip an Ignax Scale like artifact and one giving rerolls of 1.

    Well duh, but we're talking artefacts on a bubble, not "well this hero in this faction wouldn't need it so it's not that good." 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    The GHB book is done earlier than most people imagine. Remember it has to be written, edited, sent to print, printed, shipped to warehouses, then made to order. It's a lengthy process, and if they were to try and include every new tome coming out, it'd never be done. It's also time to give the newer released tomes time to breathe and nail down what exactly needs changing, if anything.

    Well, it certainly makes sense, but didn't expect the time between writing and release to be that long. I knew that GW prepares everything with a lot of time, and when smth new is announced it has usually already been finished, but didn't expect over half a year for the GHB (and I'm guessing the Covid situation might have affected the time to send the product, but not writing it).

    All in all, this is the first GHB that will have online updates, though, isn't it?

  13. Just now, Mutton said:

    A reminder that battletomes released from Cities of Sigmar to now (Ossiarchs, Mawtribes, Slaves, KO, Tzeentch, Seraphon) are getting online points updates a week or two after the GHB; therefore, they won't have any changes in the book.

    Do we know why? Is it just that they had finished the GHB even back then already, so they are doing an online update?

  14. 1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

    It's crazy to think that since the beginning of March over 4 months ago the only releases AOS has had are the Seraphon Battletome, Realmshaper Engine and the Lumineth Battlebox. 

    Say thx to Covid and Wh 40k.

  15. My main take from the rumoured leak, of which I just saw a picture.


    Blightlords and plague drones getting a 10p reduction is negligible. You'll either still pay for blightlord or won't use them at all; plague drones are still inefficient. Nurglings being 20p less doesn't matter; they do practically nothing, and aren't even good deep-strikers due to the limits to their ability. Beasts being 10p is kinda 50/50. You'll either play them due to a battalion and get a slightly better price, or still not run them. I do believe in their potential, but they die a bit too fast and their standard profile does 0 dmg.

    On a more positive note, GuO being 20p less is great, as it's an auto-include in all daemon armies. And Blightkings being 140/500 is a party all around. Glottking being 40p less is good, but it's still an expensive investment for a model that's not particularly overwhelming.

    The picture only shows the leader columns, however. This is prolly while some of us thought they might be taking battleline away from Blightkings or smth crazy. A couple battalions do seem to be missing, though.

    Edit: the battalions missing are the ones we got as sub-factions in Wrath. Which... kind of sucks?

  16. 1 hour ago, hurben said:

    But New BT is certainly around the corner in the next 6 months. Then, we can expect real changes and models like Epidemus or bloab, etc... playable again....

    For example Epidemus warscroll is to my mind the perfect Nurgle play style. They just have to update it and give some more resilience to the army.

    Can only hope. An update for Maggotkin has been due "soon" for at least over a year now.

    Imagine our support heroes actually see play, wew.

  17. 1 minute ago, Brodylan said:

    If those points rumors above are correct, then it’s going a long way to make Nurgle very competitive again. Would add in roughly 200 points to a list I’ve previously been running with success. 

    It really depends. The leaks seem to imply that practically all factions are seeing points reductions. If that is true, we'll probably not see much of a change. On the other hand, perhaps it's only the "older" armies that get these reductions. While I don't think it'd make us very competitive anyway, we'd definitely have a real fighting chance against the armies that have benefitted from the power creep.

  18. 35 minutes ago, Blisterfeet said:

    I tend to not let salt and quick judgements cloud my thoughts. Especially when I don't even have the book.

    There's no salt or quick judgement. If a unit has 2 abilities to avoid damage and loses one, that's a downgrade.

    35 minutes ago, Blisterfeet said:

    I think your confusing my optimism for saying that Nurgle is a tier one army. Also I won't be running Nurgle as my main army I'm on the LoC boat, Nurgle is my fun army. 

    No I'm not, neither you nor I said anything about Nurgle being top tier. I simply answered that your point about this change helping BK/Nurgle was actually pretty much the opposite, and something that works against us. There's no judgement there to you, just how this change (with the info we have right now) affects us.

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  19. 4 minutes ago, Blisterfeet said:

    In a way this might help with BK or Nurgle in general. As we don't hit that hard so people with abhorrent saves hurt us even more. 

    No, it's the opposite. Rotbringers are nothing without the Harbinger of Decay, and with the recent rise in MWs from magic and the like, getting his shield + his command FnP was key to survival. This change just made our key unit more brittle and susceptible to hero-sniping.

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