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Posts posted by Gistradagis

  1. 6 minutes ago, Sneeto said:

    Which list do you guys like better? I feel they both have strength and weakness differences but I like them both.


    list 1 

    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    - General
    - Artefact : Blotshell Bileplate

    Lord of Blights (140)

    The Glottkin (380)
    - Lore of Malignance : Blades of Putrefaction

    Great Unclean One (320)
    - Plague Flail & Massive Bilesword
    - Artefact : The Endless Gift
    - Lore of Virulence : Glorious Afflictions

    10 x Putrid Blightkings (280)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (140)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (140)

    30 x Plaguebearers (300)

    Blight Cyst (140)


    list 2

    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    - General
    - Artefact : Blotshell Bileplate

    Lord of Blights (140)

    The Glottkin (380)
    - Lore of Malignance : Blades of Putrefaction

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (140)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (140)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (140)

    30 x Plaguebearers (300)

    4 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (380)

    3 x Nurglings (80)

    Blight Cyst (140)

    Probably list 1. Pusgoyle Blightlords, despite the 10p drop, are still sort of... bad. They work as a super mobile unit to capture/contest objectives, that much is true, but they have such low damage and model count that you'll then immediately lose the objective to practically anything. On top of this, Nurglings are nearly useless (despite being hilarious models).

    The GUO, on the other hand, is a great support hero no matter what list you bring. If I can recommend smth, however, it'd be to change its loadout to Doomsday Bell and Bileblade, and change its artefact for smth else. The Endless Gift is kinda bad, particularly since it only affects wounds suffered the same turn, and the GUO already heals itself and is quite resilient. Either the Witherstave, or the Tome of a Thousand Poxes if you wanna run him as pure support, will give better results.

    Also consider running the daemonic sub-faction of Wanderers, as it's pretty much better to both Rotbringer ones.

  2. Just now, Deadkitten said:

    I think expecting a charge is too greedy.  I play him simply to mitigate the poor movement.  If he can threaten a backfield objective, then great.  However, I'll also readily accept a mid-field objective.

    The main problem I see is that objectives are rarely right next to a board's side, meaning you'll rarely end inside range of one. Unless you use his ability to charge, it makes more sense to simply walk your way through the board and position yourself properly.

    However, the whole "from one side of the board" is the real problem here. Maggotkin doesn't have a reliable way to get better charges (spending more and more points on a sorcerer, endless spells, hoping you'll cast what you need, and nevertheless get a relatively difficult charge, CP re-roll or not is NOT reliable), so being further limited to a partial alpha strike that's really easy to screen out really kills us.

    Honestly, I half expect half hope his ability can be great if the Maggotkin update (which hopefully will be here before I grow too old to play, but I'm not too hopeful since the Covid ****** has delayed all AoS-related stuff and we've already been waiting for over a year) hits and they don't pseudo-mangle it like with StD or Sylvaneth (good lord am I scared they'll Sylvaneth our ass). If Gutrot himself gave a bonus to charge (or gave the BK unit you take with the ability a 3D6 charge instead of 2D6), that would already fix this issue, really.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Olmdebil said:

    2 Questions regarding Maggotkin... is it possible to summon more than 1 unit per Turn? (like 1 Tree and then an nurglebase) and does the gnarlmaw tree count as "Unit" in case an enemy unit wanna do teleport ?

    thank you

    Yes you can summon as much as you want, as long as you have the points. No, the Gnarlmaw doesn't count as a unit; it's a terrain feature.

  4. 10 minutes ago, grucha said:

    I wouldnt agree. I play gutrot with 20 blightkings and they do amazing things. Charge turn 1 is not difficult - simply use chronomantic cogs and have extra cp for potential charge re roll. Charge with gutrot first, if you roll 7 or more - great, if not - it doesnt matter that much. Then charge with 20 blightkings, with +3 charge you need to roll 6 or more. With re roll it will work around 80% times.

    How many resources are we spending on a deepstrike that's extremely easy to screen out, though?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, Deadkitten said:

    Gutrot seems like almost an auto-include for BK spam.  That kind of mobility is huge in a lot of situations. 

    Gutrot is a big trap. His "mobility" is horribly limited (must be on your first turn, must be from a side of the board and over 9" from the enemy), and the impossibility of stacking any kind of charging buffs means that you're crossing your fingers you'll roll above average on the charge more often than not, which are bad odds.

    More often than not, either Gutrot or the unit of BKs (or both) will fail the charge, and they'll proceed to get destroyed in the following turn.

    50 minutes ago, Zplash said:

    Have different lists in tetsint currently :D most likely a mixed wanderers list with a blight cyst core and LoA and one unit of Pusgoyles to provide the minus rend debuff to support the 25/30 BKs.

    But in this list no GUO or Gutrod so no real chance to deal with vortex and its a 6 drop

    Well, there you have your problem haha. If you make a list that has a lot of drops and no way to increase your mobility/play around deployment, then there's no solution whatsoever, since you make that choice at list building.

  6. 6 hours ago, Zplash said:

    Any ideas how to counter KO with low drop and a Warp lightning vortex first turn? 

    I just can't figure out what to do... If the vortex hits 3/4 of my army Blightkings or Plaguebeaeres don't matter with a move of only 4 without running (vortex forbid running within an huge bubble). Dispel with a 9+ is also very unlikely... Otherwise I need like 2 turns to get out of range with a lot of my army and after that time nearly nothing is alive and I'm way behind objectives... 

    Any ideas? I was thinking about Cogs or maybe epitome to have a reroll for dispel... Don't know it bothers me that I can't come up with a good counterplay besides spread the army as wide as possible... 

    Spread your troops well so that the lightning doesn't immobilize your entire army. Second, what kind of army are you running? Mortals/Daemons have different ways to deal with this, although with different success.

  7. 1 hour ago, boombyeyeah said:

    Pusgoyle Blightlords scale well with extra attacks, a glottkin and a great unclean one and you triple damage of their stingers and tocsin. 

    Unfortunately Commandpoints are quite scarce with Nurgle. 

    And that combo requires almost half of your entire list in points. And it barely matters since the blightlord's profile is still ******.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Zplash said:

    Sorry if it wasn't clear in my post before. English isn't my mother tongue. 

    I used them before the new rules with the double FNP. The question before was if nurgle got hit by the new rule which doesn't allow double fnp anymore. And I was stating that it only hit the pusgoyle and maybe LoA very hard for nurgle. As other comments describes I don't think it is too much an issue for marauder/warshrine/harbi combos. 

    Any more questions or comments :D? 

    Ooh alright, that does make more sense.

    But no, I generally agree with you. I like that Blightlords are our mobile unit, and that they are somewhat resilient. But even with the 10p drop, 190p for a unit that does almost no damage? Sure, it'll last for a while, being 2 units of 7 wounds, 4+/5+++, but they won't hold objectives (2 models only, it's really easy for the enemy to take an objective from them) and won't steal them (no damage).

  9. 7 hours ago, Zplash said:

    I ve played a great tarpit with wanderers host and a unit of pusgoyle Blightlords to tag something. In addition with harbi it was14 wounds 4+ save minus 1 rend in combat and 5+FNP / 5+FNP. 

    I know it was not seen often but I won some great games with that strategie. 

    Now they are 10 points cheaper but without the double FNP not near as good as before. Now you can argue and send them ahead without concerning to be within 7 of harbi but without double FNP they are just too expansive for 190 :/

    Bottom line, my list took a big hit. But 90% of the nurgle list not so much I would think. 


    You say you used them as 5+FNP / 5+FNP, then also comment on how that now is illegal. So... did you do it or not? O.o

  10. Just now, Grimrock said:

    Rustfang. Not quite -1 rend, it reduces the saves of one unit within 3" for the rest of the game at the start of every combat phase. Can't do it to the same unit more than once, but you can use it on different units in later turns. It's good on him for sure, but the problem is that you're still relying on his base stats for hitting/wounding which are only so so. Certainly an option but not great, I still think Khorne is the only way to use him now.

    Ah, I was pretty confused cuz no such artefact exists lol. I wish.

    And I agree. Chaos Lord on Karkadrak does pretty much nothing in a Maggotkin list.

  11. Just now, meatpipeline said:

    To be more clear, the STD point changes dropped.  Lots of stuff that affects us:

    Knights down 20

    Warriors down 10

    Lord on Karkadrak down 20

    Marauders up 10

    Marauder Horsemen up 20

    Varangard down 20


    I'd rather break one block of 10 BKs into two units of 5.  When I'm looking at this breakout... I would think there would be 3 blobs:

    - Blight cyst blob (Harbinger, LoB, 10 BKs)

    - Gutrot + BKs teleporting

    - Chaos Knights to engage in the center objects / units

    This leaves 5 BKs to stay home on objectives.  I think with this composition, you're going to be hard pressed to cover objectives.  The knights are your only fast units (assuming the harbinger is slowed down by wanting to move with the BKs).


    Staying on objectives is a bad decision on every single game unless your opponent has some sort of teleporting unit. The last thing you want, especially with such a melee-focused army such as Maggotkin, is to leave a part of your army behind to play watchdog.

    If you have home objectives, you abandon them. If there are neutral objectives, then you advance your BKs and leave them there, since it's what will win you the game. You'll also rarely want to stay on 3+ objectives, unless it's a mission with tons of them, in which case you'll either abandon most/all in favour of assaulting the enemy's, or stay with all your stuff on them. In either case, you lose out on activation strength if you break the BKs in units of 5. You're stronger when grouped together, in the end.

    • Like 1
  12. I'm a bit sad that the FAQ just changes few points, which mostly hurts the non-Archaon lists, and nothing else. Chaos Knights being 160 is great, they are finally priced fairly (even if the weapons thing is still nonsense), Chaos Warriors at 90 is negligible, but the changes to Marauders hurt.

    It makes sense, I get it, they were too good, but the reason they were used so much is that we don't really have anything else in their place that does the same thing. Monsters are still unusable in Despoilers, the Warcry units still don't get Mark.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Alright, everything is being updated and fits the leak for sure. Overall, the StD changes feels like a nerf except for Archaon lists. So, uh... not sure I'm super happy about it.

    On the other hand, Petrifex has finally bene fixed! Now they re-roll 1s to save against melee.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Deadkitten said:

    10 pt drop? 


    -10 BKs, + 10 Chaos Warriors & then season to taste.

    Back to the question of how many BKs to make Blight Cyst worth it.  Put another way, how would you build around a core of:

    2 x 10 Knights & Gutrot + 10 BKs?


    Well, if you want the Blight Cyst, which you usually do, that already means 2 more units of BKs and a Lord of Blights, so that's a bunch of points there. You could make it like this:

    2x10 Chaos Knights

    Gutrot Spume

    Blight Cyst with Harbinger of Decay, Lord of Blights, 10 BKs, 10 BKs, 5 BKs.

    That's 2k on the nose, I believe. You can rush the enemy with the Chaos Knights and Gutrot (with a unit of BKs) while the other 2 units of BKs move onto objectives. The Harbinger of decay can either stay with the BKs if you feel you need the defensive help, or also advance with the attacking force to give your alpha strike people the FnP aura.

    The only problem is that it's a 4-drop list (inevitable if you want Chaos Knights and Gutrot), so you might not be able to reliable decide on first turn for the rush. The Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount isn't bad, but it's a bit expensive if you're just interested in his command ability.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    my understanding is that they are good to go. I imagine they are trying to work out how they fit in the schedule. I’m no expert but I imagine it’s a juggling act when you release something every week and then shipping things round the world and storing storing them until release. 40k is massive to GW and doing a made to order for the Idomitus box is unheard of!

    I’d say GW are listening and will do something special. They’ve only just returned to the offices so I think they will be brewing up something

    Oh, I know. It was mostly a joke about how with the release of 9th edition AoS has sort of dropped into the background for the time being, so Sons might be just about to drop, but GW will probably not say anything until it's just about to come since they are ultra-focused on 40k for now. It's a bit like the GHB's FAQ. We know it's done, we know it should supposedly be dropping "soon," but... we don't really have any info on it.

    We can only wait and see, and be patient.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Deadkitten said:

    what about something like:

    Allegiance: Chaos
    Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (170)
    Gutrot Spume (140)
    Lord of Blights (140)
    10 x Chaos Knights (360)
    - Ensorcelled Weapons
    10 x Chaos Knights (360)
    - Ensorcelled Weapons
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    Blight Cyst (140)

    Total: 2110 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 182

    Should pick up pts from the BKs once WarComm updates.  Going for T1 charges w the knights off the Trees w additional backfield pressure from Gutrot.  I think I've covered the battalion reqs....  

    With BKs being 140/500, your list sits at 2010, doesn't it?

  17. 4 hours ago, Iron Fist said:
    with the new costs changes the thricefold is again highlighted
    Munificent Wanderers can make Plaguebearers even more resistant and allow to put mortal wounds
    What do you think?
    4 drops
    Allegiance: Nurgle
    - Host of Chaos: Munificent Wanderers

    Great Unclean One (320)
    - General
    - Plague Flail & Massive Bilesword
    - Command Trait: Pestilent Breath
    Great Unclean One (320)
    - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell
    - Artefact: Tome of a Thousand Poxes
    Rotigus (320)

    30 x Plaguebearers (300)
    30 x Plaguebearers (300)
    30 x Plaguebearers (300)

    Thricefold Befoulment (60)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Umbral Spellportal (70)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 138


    The only thing I'd change is the artefact for The Witherstave. It's too good to pass on, and magic right now is kind of unstable anyway.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 minute ago, James101 said:

    Does anybody know what the ETA is for the update for the post-Cities factions who weren’t expressly updated in GHB2020?

    Nope. It's what we've been discussing the previous couple days, GW has said nothing about it.

  19. 3 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    To be fair for some of the armies I don't think there is any reason to update points. For instance, Tzeentch and KO only saw a couple of events and those were before they got the release errata. Seraphon hasn't seen any I don't think. Personally I would delay updating their points until Dec 2020.

    Also how many people are actually playing regular matched play right now? There are no immediate tournaments, most shops are still closed for gaming. There is no desperate need for balance updates.

    That said two areas I am critical of.

    1) Not updating the app which your customers pay a monthly fee for. This app should be updated day one. Warscroll builder and battlescribe (both free) are updated already.

    2) A bit off topic but the Indomitus situation is a joke. There is no need for everything to suddenly become limited edition. GW are clearly running a business model designed to pressure day one purchases. This has continually led, in both aos and 40k,  to people buying to sell on at very high prices. This isn't new either, until a few months ago it wasn't uncommon to see the arch regent selling for £40 to £50 on his own.

    If they insist on making limited edition products for every single release they need to at least ensure they have enough stock. That should mean 1 per customer for the initial offering and then raising that if they hold stock.

    It shouldn't be the case that indomitus was gone within 10 minutes. It shouldn't be the case that we see scalpers selling items on at double their value.

    The made to order is a good reaction, but they shouldn't have let this happen in the first place.

    Very true, yes. Also, many people are just playing online.

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