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Posts posted by Gistradagis

  1. 9 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Finished looking at the demons warscrolls for changes. Basically this is what changed and stayed the same:

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    No changes: Keeper, All chariots (with or without herald), Shalaxi, Masque, Daemonettes, Seekers, Fiends.


    - Enrapturess: lots the DP generating ability, rest remains the same.

    - Epitome: Changed the "locus" effect. Now affected units can't attack the epitome before it attacks. Rest remains the same.

    - Syll'Esske: Esske is treat as a mount.  They dont fight two times with different profiles any more. Instead if a enemy roll 1 on a attack targeting syll'esske, they gain +1 to hit and would that unit on that combat. The command ability only give battleshock immunity now (still needs to be the general to use). They have a new ability that melee weapons of Hedonites wholly within 18" rerolls of 1 if the number of Mortals hedonites units and Daemons hedonites units wholly within 18" Syll'Esske is equal. Rest reamins the same.



    Keepers do have a change. Their CA doesn't work on themselves, now it's "1 other unit."

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  2. 1 minute ago, Enoby said:

    Yeah, there is definitely weird costing. Though I'd much rather have costing as the issue because that is by far the most likely thing to see a quick change. It's hard to tell how good things are from just looking at it, but I think having a varied army is going to be key.

    When playing Lumineth, I really enjoyed being able to use a bit of everything. Unfortunately the better lists tend to spam mass archers to mortal wound everything to death. I think Slaanesh lists will be like Lumineth but without the option to spam mass ranged mortal wounds. 

    We're not weak, we're just well balanced from the look of it. 

    Yeah. Unless this is broken and I've missed some crazy combo, I'd expect very slight point decreases for stuff like Symbaresh (and perhaps Myrmidon) on Summer.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    Why?  Not daemonic?  I guess pair him up then.  his points is still high, I agree, but his utility could change the "covid" meta.

    Yep, he's a mortal. No Daemon tag.

    And I agree, yes. I'm a bit sad he doesn't have any real synergies, battalions or especial rules in the army, but at 260 he might just be good enough to take as a random beatstick.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Popisdead said:

    Sigvald nullifies taking Phoenix Guard in Cities of Sigmar.  That's pretty huge and I don't think people see how good that is.  I rolled up a random charge and  hit/wound/save/ rolls and killed 9 PG.  People could math it out for a median set of rolls/dmg but he's going to be really good plus if you can sneak him in on a flank and the PG cannot pile in (locus) he'll grind them away unless they retreat (from an objective, even better).  At 260 that's limiting and his points costs is a bit weird for a 6w 3+/4++ model but we may have healing.  He doesn't have a command ability but maybe there is still a healing spell.


    I think the tome has the feeling of balanced with some oddities.  TBH it takes 2-6 months to really see where it lands plus a few masters or large US tournaments.  If Rhelion shows up here with a list you know it's bent, otherwise balanced.

    The book plays different and you have to decide what you want.  do you want to spam MSU tactics for Depravity generation?  that's a different game than taking a hard hitting force of elites or hordes.  I feel it will be a thinking man's elite finesse book.  

    Do have in mind, Sigvald doesn't have Locus.

  5. Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Unless I missed something, he also does not get a command ability or benefit other units in any other way. Which, personally, I am fine with. You don't usually want named characters as your general anyway. Sigvald's rules make him feel more like a selfish duellist type, who shows up to join your Slaanesh army as he pleases, does his own thing, and then leaves whenever he's had enough. Which I really think is a great role for him.

    I agree, which is why I'm surprised he doesn't get Locus, which is a self-serving ability (it's now 1" only, and stops pile-in, meaning it's for the benefit on the hero who charged mostly, avoiding being surrounded) and would have fit Sigvald so well.

    To be fair, while I get not doing many Skragrott-like characters where you want a named character to be general (since that makes command traits useless), I'm hoping that at least we get a battalion for Sigvald + mortal units (like Myrmidons) where he gives them some sort of buff or benefit for following him into battle (or a buff for himself!). Mostly cuz my only gripe will be Sigvald being expensive in points and hard to argue including in a list if he does basically nothing for you other than being a beatstick.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Well they're not wrong, we are hungry for more!

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow; in a way, I don't even mind if we don't get loads and loads of rules in the next article, just enough that we can start speculating. Sometimes it can be fun to spot our own in the book.

    Perhaps too optimistic, but I'm moving more towards the option that this is a new release strategy. Instead of the normal big rules showcase, then smaller showcases, then fluff, they've wanted to try full fluff until the last second and then show the important stuff. Why? If I were to guess, it may be because fluff pieces tend to get much less engagement than rules pieces, and in general there's more engagement at the start of the week than the end as info becomes less 'special' and more part of the scenery. This may be an attempt to stem the loss of engagement that they tend to get at the last part of a preorder cycle. Get a load of people hyped for the rules that they keep not showing until the very last minute where they give the pay off. The early fluff pieces are held up by anticipation and the later rule pieces get a lot of engagement and hype due to anticipation. You notice in past preorders that there's a big wave of rules early on that everyone is excited for, and then a bit of a hype lull after; perhaps this way, all articles will be read and engagement will be higher.

    Whether or not this is a good idea, I couldn't say on a larger scale. A lot of us are frustrated now, but if we get the best rules preview ever tomorrow then we may not care - we may be even more hyped, in fact. 

    That said, I do think the articles have been a rather low quality; even with the previous fluff pieces for other armies, they've had interesting titbits of lore, whereas ours have been a bit bare bones. I don't think this is a sign that our book is going to be rubbish, mind, but rather there's been a squeeze in the team. Even if we have the exact same core rules, they are almost guaranteed to have content enough for the preorder week (new scrolls, army examples, hopefully a mortal spell lore, a bigger fluff piece on Sigvald and look at the model etc) and they have, for whatever reason, chosen not to show it. They are almost always up for showing rules, even if they're weak (I mean, most of the SoB was pretty weak when it was shown) so I don't think it's been kept a secret because our book was given to an unpaid intern to write. 

    My only real gripe is that I wanted to know the rules and such to have a bit of time to speculate and consider what to get. With the delays and all, I'd prefer to pre-order stuff when it comes up to be efficient, which will be more difficult if GW unloads everything at the last minute.

    Perhaps contentious, but my getting into the faction fully and playing it really hinges on Sigvald being good. Not broken, not mediocre. Good enough that a list with him commanding Hedonites mortals (or a mix with daemons) has enough strength and ceiling to play both casual and tourneys.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    Honestly besides depravity most of the battletome worked well. It's good to see no change for change's sake alone. 

    Also don't forget this is a sneak peak, we might well see other subfactions or features which are brand new. 

    Ofc. Just pointing out the irony that their announcement before the week was to tell us to look forward to a week sneak peaks at the new battletome, which most of us probably thought meant new stuff.

    I mean, they do have enough new stuff to showcase it at their leisure before the weekend, so it surprises me for it to be Wednesday and have seen almost nothing.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    Symbaresh/Myrmidesh are priced similarly to Blightkings/Skullreapers, so I think we can expect them to be comparable. Elite, heavy infantry... maybe Battleline? I don't play either of those armies so I don't know.

    Would make sense. Blightkings are battleline and used (practically) exclusively in Maggotkin mortal lists. If they are aiming for smth similar, I'd expect the Symbaresh/Myrmidesh to be battleline too, in order for mortal lists to work.

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  9. 1 minute ago, whispersofblood said:

    Let's deal with an underlying assumption here.

    How is the ability for armies to kill heroes at range making the game worse?

    Why is the solution to that problem making shooting non-viable?

    Why are the problems an absence of viable range damage cause, less problematic than small heroes being killed?

    1. Because it creates an oppressive playstyle consisting of denying the opponent the option to play with no real way (this is key) of countering or defending against it. There's a big difference between a shooting playstyle being viable and being overwhelming with little to no risk.

    2. It's not. That's a ridiculous idea.

    3. It's not small heroes, but any hero. Small heroes are simply used as an example because they actually have a protection in theory (Look Out Sir), which has become practically meaningless in the face of armies who either just fish for easy MWs or pump so many shots a -1 to hit does nothing. It's an outdated rule that does not cover the current state of the meta, where shooting offers a lot of value at little risk.

    Shooting needs to be nerfed, not made unviable or garbage. It's not a coincidence that most of the current top armies pump out so much shooting, because the present core rules allow for this playstyle to get a lot of free value while offering little to no defence or counterplay to other armies. 40k, having a ton of both shooting and fighting, has made efforts in 9th to make sure that neither is too overwhelming, through scenery and rules. AoS does not have that currently, and it's mainly because we're using core rules that haven't kept up with the release of armies and changing meta.

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