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Posts posted by Nico

  1. Quote

    Just use the correct model for special characters to avoid any arguments at the table. Converting up a non named chaos sorcerer is something people will not have a problem with, or take both, then you can use your proxy when the tournament/your opponent allows proxy's and use the official model when the pack says you cannot use them, which the Slaughter pack stated.

    What are people's thoughts about using old versions of named characters (on sensible bases) as generic stuff? By way of example, I foolishly acquired a resin Kairos in December (not anticipating the New Kairos). I'm using the new Kairos and the new LoC as themselves, but thought I could use the old one as a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch.

    It should be very obvious which is which (New Kairos would be double the size, on a much bigger base and generally awesome).

  2. Quote

    @Forestreveries suggested using my crossbow Brute as a Spear Chukka. Just get a couple of Grot ammo runts to help him load and away we go. Really cool idea IMO. What base size does a Spear Chukka go on? would 40mm be acceptable?

    That's a good idea!

    As you said Chris -photos are very helpful - but at an event be quick at taking them (or take most of them during the opponent's turn) to keep the pace of the game going.

  3. Quote

    I watched this game, it was a really good one and as you, made me look at the Eshin. Such a cool list.

    A great moment in this game, we got to see a broken megaboss. Was sat there silent and broken for 10ish minutes unable to decide on his next move. Very entertaining for me and @Paul Buckler :) 

    I've run out of likes.

    That sounds great! I do like Paul's lists, I saw the Witch Aelves fest at The Warlords (I think that's right). My club mate Tom from the South London Legion tried the Witches at Firestorm Fours and they surprised a few people.

    I did Double Deceiver plus Thanquol back at Firestorm Fours 2016; and do have a bunch of metal Gutter Runners in a box somewhere (plus the new Skaven Bloodbowl Team, which Snikch has mysteriously joined)....

  4. The Eshin game sounded great in particular. Stop tempting me to collect a new force. I found myself reading the Pestilens Warscrolls on the weekend and trying to justify how they could be viable. If Plague Monks were inherent Battleline....

    The Archaon game also sounded great.

    Sounds like you more than held your own against very solid (and varied) opposition (although not much Order....). I'm still in catch up mode on all podcasts due to real life intervening, but getting there.


    • Like 2
  5. Quote

    The machine itself is simply a big wheelbarrow full of spiked metal balls (being pulled by a brute) and the crew are brutes who themselves do the chukkin of the balls. 

    Sounds a bit like a Cygor, perhaps you could take the arms holding the rock, the Giant kit and do some greenstuffing, find an appropriate head, stick on a lot of Brute Armour and you could have an Uber-Brute lobbing giant rocks. After all, Orruks never have to stop growing. 

  6. Quote

    I haven't even finish assembling my Tzeentch and I'm back on Ironjawz...but then also bought a Sylvaneth army this week out of the blue! Too much stuff and literally no money!! :/

    Tell me about it. Irresponsible non-core purchases for December 2016 to January 2017 include (1) an entire Seraphon army for my new Sylvaphon concept; (2) a Casket of Souls; (3) a Prayermobile (War Altar of the Melt is Real for Daemons); and (4) an entire Brayherd army.

    I managed to justify buying a further 5 Burning Chariots yesterday (a core purchase) on the basis that they could be used for conversions to create a whole range of other models. My Ironjawz are still in the half-assembled stage. The Sylvaneth are built and test Dryads are coming along.



    • Like 1
  7. Quote

    Kinda sad he didn't come out as soon as AoS started so the Warscroll could have had one of his abilities only trigger if you shout SLAMBO and stand like the figure

    Taking power stance to the next level. 

    Slambro is definitely the most exciting and unexpected release of 2017!

    • Like 1
  8. Both awesome. Love the eyepiece on the Crossbow. What bit is the bow itself (is it a BCR piece)? 

    I'd make the crossbow rules good for a high cost versus "meh" for a modest cost. 5+ to hit is soul destroying (i.e. what anything with 4+ to hit does against Dryads - I've adjusted lists to deal with the ubiquitous -1 to hit debuffs already). Perhaps if they were 5+ to hit, but +2 to hit and +1 to wound against Da Big Thingz?  

    Warcanter doesn't help with pew pew, but Bellowing Tyrant does.

  9. Quote

    Still I am not sure how the new profiles are to be taken. I think you should consider this list a complete replacement of the SCE section in the GHB until GHB 2 (ie it's the GHB 1.5).

    They should clarify this quickly. Perhaps the Battletome itself does so. 

    I'm surprised by the changes to Stormcast I've seen so far. At a very high level, Stormcast were different from the other armies as they relied on alpha strike abilities and high quality (albeit fundamentally slow) troops with the best profiles (Retributor Hammers, Dracoth Knights, Starsoul Maces) and relatively simple rules and combos (Starsoul Maces, Lord Celestant plus Retributors); whereas other armies relied on inferior troops with better combos, synergies, spells other movement tricks etc.. I'm reserving judgment as to how it will look when the dust settles.

    I do love the various hero buffs, banners, prayers etc.. It will probably be more interesting, but it the reliable deep striking has gone away, then the army will play completely differently. It might become more of a durable bunker/gunline army, with some infiltration harrassment options and limited deepstriking.



  10. Quote

    also if shooting seems to be getting too good /predominant (which i think it is)

    a new rule of one: when shooting over half your max range. its at minus one.

    Making global rules changes for the sake of balance is very likely to have unintended consequences. Nudging up the cost of certain pew pew units is a much.

    -1 to hit for pew pew is absolutely massive - 1/3 damage reduction for many units (even Kurnoth Hunters other than the Champion only hit on 4+). That's a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

    Even the most exceptional pew pew in the game (Husktusks and Kunning Rukk Arrer Boyz) while plainly still top tier strong is not looking as undercosted if we assume that Destruction don't get any new toys for the next 6 months whereas Chaos and especially Stormcast (and possibly Duardin?) are about to get a massive shot in the arm.

    It may be that we look back in a few months and think that Battle Brew, Destruction Move (Rampaging Destroyers) and Husktusks are the crutch that kept Destruction competitive (just as the Ward Save kept Grand Alliance Death (i.e. non-TK) competitive despite having fewer units than Order have Battalions).  

    • Like 4
  11. Quote

    Warhammer Weekly is a YouTube show that is done by myself and @Vincent Venturella (who placed second in the community championship this year) each Weds evening.  Each show is an 1-1.5 hours where we cover news, releases, and talk about some element of the game or community.  Each week we have a guest on the show from the community.  Oftentimes it is a personality from the community like Dan Heelan or MC1Gamer, or one of the many Warhammer content producers.  This week, Rob of Warhammer TV was on the show.    Next week is actually our two year anniversary for the show.  

    It's epic. Check out the Community Champion Thread for reasons why.


  12. To be fair, if you look at things on a Grand Alliance level (as is the ethos of the game), they have done a good job of balancing the game with the GH.

    While there are now loose tiers of armies (Nurgle and Pestilens are near the bottom for example, while Mixed Destruction, Stormcast Eternals, Tomb Kings, Mixed Order, Sylvaneth and Skaven/Sayl Chaos are probably the top tier, it remains the case that off the wall lists can surprise people* and almost everything is hard to beat if you've never seen it before and haven't read the Warscrolls at all, particularly because of the variety of Battleplans.  The mixture of armies at the top of Heat One illustrates this well.

    They solved the problem of how to make Death competitive in the interim by giving them the best allegiance pack as a crutch (which was easier than writing an elaborate lore for Nagash and buddies or a Soulblight Battletome). It has the downside of making them the new and faster Nurgle - they frustrate the opponent army and grind them down.

    Destruction were by far the weakest in December 2015 when the Everchosen Battletome came out (remember when Varanguard seemed hot stuff - obviously great models). They responded with multiple shots in the arm, so much so that the Monstrous Arcanum (extra monsters for Destruction alone of which at least 3 are epic) has almost been forgotten in a haze of Battlebrew and improbable Arrer Boyz. Thye older Destruction stuff got nerfed, which toned them down to parity with Order in December. Now it looks like Chaos will have their time in the Pink Fire Sun and Battlebrew and 

    Death are left waiting in the cold now and exposed to losing their best stuff if compendium scrolls are phased out (Sword of Damocles style - which makes it very hard to plan to play Death in confidence with a view to independent events in particular - since we don't know when they might get reinforced). However, it would only take some new Deathlords allegiance pack or Soulblight (female Neferata-led army would be ideal with lots of new models) to bring them back out of their graves. Wait a minute - Mannderp+Neferata+Arkhan = 3 - surely a Battletome Deathlords DoT style with 3 Allegiance Packs (maybe something instead of Command Traits since the named characters prevent that - 2 Lore spells each perhaps a spell and a passive buff or something that the named characters can take. Nagash unifies everything but costs 900 points in exchange.

    The recent change to Escalation has the dual virtues of punishing Warrior Brotherhood a tad (and Skryre quite a lot) and also giving a downside to monsters - even Mixed Destruction. Try getting value out of the Mourngul when it's stuck in the back, has no pew pew and is not able to fly forward many inches a turn like a Stonelord. Also makes the Dread Maw or Magma Dragon a bit more useful. 

    *Beastmen had the best combat synergy in the entire game on the release date and yet no-one in the UK at least bothered to check until it was too late and infinite loops were comped. Little Archaon plus a few Doombulls plus Bullgors = -2 rend 3 damage to infinity - they also charge miles with Sayl and banner. Still very good today except against pure gunline bunkers.

  13. Any "free" points from summoning are just unnecessary and hurt balance with the benefit of hindsight.

    Summoning isn't weak, as I'm guessing we'll see in about a week's time from DoT. It's Deathlords and Seraphon that are on the weak side.

    Here's a prediction - people will be complaining about summoning under the current rules being utterly broken in a few months time (probably because they haven't played sufficient games vs DoT to understand their weakspots).

    • Like 1
  14. Quote

    This would make sense of the pieces that we have thus far and flesh out three subfactions that each need just a little bit of help. They don't share any common keywords, but that could be remedied though either the addition of a new keyword (Free Cities), or they stay as something independent given that their cities are largely independent. Just something to think about...

    Or you could solve this by having the Disciples of Tzeentch style - one Allegiance (Tzeentch/Free Cities), with other mixed keywords (Daemon and Arcanite etc..) with one Battle Trait (Destiny Dice in DoT, something new for Free Cities), but command abilities and trait depend on the choice of general (Ironweld Arsenal, Fyreslayers and Devoted of Sigmar).

    Anything that gives Fyreslayers a leg up would be welcome!

    Given your spectacular wishlisting/call on the Swifthawk Faction being revitalised, I wouldn't want to wager against you being right again!

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  15. Quote

    Plus, there are so many -1 to hit units (Thundertusks and Mournguls notably) that Retributors are often without their 2MW swings. 

    Yup. Not to mention Sylvaneth! I like Protectors as good all rounders.


    Its not enteirly about killing the shooters.  WB can dominate in some of the battle plans.  particularly 3 Gift from the heavens. 

    That's true.

    Anywhere they can use the drip feed a unit at a time to score while keeping the hammer blow in reserve is also useful. I don't mean to say that it's a shoe in. I would just say that Sedge is my pick to win it.

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