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Posts posted by AngryPanda

  1. 3 hours ago, Enoby said:

    Personally, I'm really hoping for a fiend-based battalion. Something that can allow you to specialise your army into them. I'm not sure what exactly, but a bonus big enough that they stand up as core.

    Tbh, I'm hoping for a lot of battalions in our army; the Lumineth tome had a nice focus on each troop type, and it'd be great if we had something similar. I really like battalions, it's just a shame our last book's were so generic that we just took them for a drop reduction (don't get me wrong, they were good, but they didn't really offer much for their abilities - their strength came from how generic they were).

    I hope so too, out of all the chaos gods Slaanesh has gotten the least amount of attention in the last decade of GW releases; both in 40k and AoS. It’s very refreshing to finally see Slaanesh get it’s time in the spotlight, especially as a center piece within the AoS storyline. 

    However, I am a bit worried because of the recent winter FAQ that was released. It seems that GW brushed it off, and didn’t give it the attention that it deserved. Armies like BoC and Sylvaneth were left in the dust despite the much needed point adjustments or buffs. 

    I’m hoping that the reason was because they are focusing their creative energies towards writing and developing the new battletombs that are releasing, and simply don’t have the manpower or time to focus on the FAQ due to the disruption that the coronavirus pandemic has caused; this is especially true in Britain with the recent restrictions that have been put in place. 

    If the winter FAQ is a hint at what’s to come, then I would be concerned; but I’m hoping that when we finally get our release that it’s worth the wait and that Slaanesh finally gets it’s time in the spotlight. 

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  2. The wait is killing me, and they’re taking their sweet time to release some rule teasers; I want to see how Sigvald plays the most. Thankfully February is almost here, and I have a feeling next month is going to be the Hedonites/DoK duel release that has been mentioned. 

    As for the rules, how do you guys think hero buffs are going to play out? This release doesn’t have many mortal heroes, and in the parallel god battletombs there’s a distinct difference between mortals and daemon for the purpose of keyword buffs. 

    My hope is that some of the daemon heroes, such as the Contorted Epitome and Syll'Esske, will have the ability to buff both daemons and mortals. Whereas the KoS and Heralds will probably be only able to buff Daemon units, and the new mortal heroes will only be able to affect mortals. 

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  3. On 1/16/2021 at 9:09 PM, CeleFAZE said:

    I suppose I can go with one last round of (pessimistic) predictions, just for fun(?):

    • Depravity will change to work on our units, but will otherwise be unchanged aside from point rebalancing. Keepers will go up to 75 points.
    • Most of the abilities will be keyed to the hedonites keyword, though nearly all of them will be changed to mortal or daemon hedonites
    • The keeper will be largely unchanged, except its command ability will be changed to hedonite daemon units
    • Syll'Esske's command ability will be changed to affecting hedonites rather than chaos slaanesh.
    • Most of the daemonic units will remain untouched, including fiends.
    • Blissbarbs will have an ability to reroll 1's to-wound as long as the haemonculus is alive, and will not generate depravity.
    • Myrmadesh will basically be chaos warriors with a 5+ damage shrug. No rend, 2 attacks each.
    • Symbaresh will have a standardized spread of weapons with no real synergy between them, some with rend, some with reach, some with no rend but 2 damage. They'll be about 20-40 points overcosted for what they do, but will be battleline with Syll'Esske. They will have the benefit of both the daemon and mortal keywords, which would be great on something more focused to a specific role than they'll be.
    • The blissbarb seekers will just have the same ranged output as a similar model count of blissbarbs, but with the added benefit of the exalted fiend attacks, which will probably amount to 3 attacks with no rend. They'll probably be relegated to the shelf for most people, but may end up seeing use as objective camping harassers.
    • The spear seekers will outperform chaos knights per model though not on output per points, but be mostly the same in terms of role, defensive stats, and offensive punch, with the exception of baseline -1 rend on their spears. They'll be priced around 240 points for 5.
    • Hellstriders are exactly as they are in the shadow and pain box, and will not have the option to become battleline.
    • Glutos will have some kind of ability that allows him to gain from a set of 3-4 abilities after he kills a set number of models. They'll mostly be rerolls for himself, and he'll be outperformed by a keeper in most cases. He'll potentially have some weird corner-case use that people figure out how to abuse a month or two in, due to a bizarre wording of his abilities that do not work at all how they would intuitively appear to.
    • The shardspeaker will have some kind of defensive ability for themself like -1 to be hit by ranged attacks and a debuff spell, but no access to bonuses to cast or to unbind, with one of each per turn.
    • Slaangors will basically be hedonite bullgors, without too much to differentiate them. They'll lack the mortal keyword, which will create some frustrating breaks in synergy, but they'll have -2 rend on the leader's weapon, and turn out to be fragile though effective beatsticks. Their claw attacks will be identical to fiends.
    • Locus will remain a 5+, keepers will lose their bonus, and it will be a daemon-only ability.
    • The hosts will be largely unchanged, with no inclusion of the Syll'Esskan host, which will be removed with this book.
    • Sigvald will be a beatstick character-hunter, but his weapon will only have -1 rend and 2 damage with about 5 attacks, rerolling to hit and to wound against characters and troggoths. He'll have a command ability that allows hedonite mortals to reroll wounds in the combat phase.
    • Marauder hordes will be amazing with our book, and continue to outshine most of our other units.

    I really hope they knock it out of the park and everything here massively undershoots compared to what we actually get, but the slaves to darkness book and the last few revisions we've received have tempered my expectations severely.

    It’s a good way of looking at it. I’m low balling my prospects  because despite believing that the Slaanesh release will be decent or above average, I want to be surprised on how awesome the rules will be. 

    If it were 40k, I would have much lower expectations; for some reason GW has a very hard time updating codexes fairly and on time. Many armies in 40k have gotten very poor treatment with the new edition, and are desperate for updates (Tau, Greyknights, GSC, etc.) that sadly will probably not be released anytime soon. It’s such a volatile game system, that with the span of a few months your army can be top tier, only to end up at the bottom. 

    From what I’ve gathered, Age of Sigmar is much more stable in terms of power levels, and GW seems to have a much better grip on balancing this system. I've been collecting Blades of Khorne since 2016, and to this day I feel my army is still very much useable and somewhat balanced. Even lower tier armies like Beasts of Chaos have the ability to punch way above their weight; this cannot be said for 40k. That’s not to say that there are certain armies and specified units that need to be buffed/debuffed, but generally I’ve been happy with how AoS has been balanced.  

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  4. I’m really hyped about the Slaanesh release, and in preparation of the painbringers and Sigvald I decided to invest into the Vallejo Liquid Gold range. My plan is to paint a small and elite mortal force, then from their see what else I would want to add. 

    I've never painted with this range before, and even after watching tutorials on how to use them, they’re still hard to get used to. I painted this number dial I’ll be using along with the coming Slaanesh units as a test run. 

    I love the finish results, it legitimately looks like real gold; but using these paints is going to take some getting used to. I already made the mistake of pouring too much onto my pallet and lost a little bit of paint; because it’s alcohol based and is made from small pieces of metal it has a very low viscosity.  This means that even if I were to add it to my pallet slowly with caution, I have to be careful otherwise I might add too much and ultimately waste paint. 




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  5. 10 hours ago, shinros said:

    Seems we have halflings now. I think the blissbrew homunculus is also a halfling possibly. 



    The model is absolutely fantastic, it’s filled with incredible detail, depth, and character. This is one of those models that will take me at least a month to paint because of how much is on it. However, I’m not gonna hide that I also couldn’t help laugh at the BDSM halfling; it’s a nice touch but it’s pretty enjoyable to think that the first halfling we’ve been introduced to in AoS is wearing skin-tight black spandex across his body and face. 

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  6. 31 minutes ago, shinros said:

    I disagree because here's why, you can view it as a joke and I'm not going to begrudge anyone that. But sex is part of the faction, part of slaanesh domain is literally called Carnality. In the current battletome, there is clear sexual imagery when they show you the realm and even the daemons trying to move away from a legitimate part of it in my eyes is weakness. Trying to get rid of it? Is cowardly. I'm glad GW did not get cold feet around that aspect, now I don't know how parents feel about this or their views, but if I was a parent, slaanesh would be the last thing I get for my kid. Considering the imagery and themes present. 





    I'm also glad that the body horror aspects are clearly on display as well, you also see that on the front cover of the battletome. At the same time the palanquin lord is well endowed in terms of his stomach. I wanted a gluttony lord for years. In the end you can think they are manchildren and I doubt I will convince you otherwise but leaning into that imagery, and the designs of the models both male and female show me that the people working on the faction are not afraid to explore one of the clear and obvious aspects of Slaanesh.  They also care about delivering the faction to me, as someone who has been waiting years. I'm happy with what they have done. In the end you can think they're cringe teenagers and the like, I see the opposite. 



    I agree with you’re conclusions, and what I really like about the new Slaanesh range is the balance between sexuality and depravity that the design team was able to achieve. It isn’t overly sexualized/deprived to the point where it’s very much overly R rated or edgy; they were able to strike a healthy balance. For a while I heard rumors that the design team was struggling to reinvent the new Slaanesh range because they wanted to keep it somewhat friendly, and I’m happy the time they spent into the redesigns seems to have worked out without removing the key themes of Slaanesh. 

    To me, GW also probably borrowed some design and art features from the movie 300; the new Slaanesh mortals look like something straight from the Persian armies. When the Syll’Esske model was released, it immediately reminded me of King Xerxes; seems the rest of the mortal units have also taken inspiration from these themes. 



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  7. This was mentioned, but for reference take a look at the background scenery of the battletomb; this might be the big lord of war that’s been rumored and that was seen in the background of the teaser video. It looks like a bunch of snake men carrying someone sitting on a throne. There’s also a lot of snake iconography centered around whoever is sitting at the center. GW always likes to hint at what’s to come, and I’m hopeful this is a teaser for something much bigger. 


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  8. 18 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    I'd give either their Stingers or Claws Rend -2 as well. While I wouldn't call them pillow-fisted, they aren't really so good against heavily armoured enemies, which again just leads us back to "well a Keeper does that better." 

    I agree that Fiends should get a buff, or at least a point reduction. As it’s been highlighted, the KoS is too good not to include, and causes the Fiends to be easily overshadowed. 

    On paper, fiends look promising; they’re more tailored toward dealing with multi-wound units, such as elite infantry, cavalry, or monstrous creatures. The poison tail attacks have the potential to deal a lot of damage to larger models. However, in practice they fail to deliver. The additional rend will help them do what they’re suppose to do: hunt down high wound/tougher units.

    They’re weakness however, should be horde units that bog them down and take away their potential to cause high damage to single or elite targets. The KoS is the jack-of-all-trades unit that can be a menace to anything, but the negative is the high point cost. Fiends should be more tailored to fill a specific role, and therefore be cheaper. Hopefully the new battletomb recognizes this, and adjusts their profiles and points accordingly. 

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  9. On 12/23/2020 at 9:57 AM, Enoby said:

    Looks like there's a good chance we'll see our new models on Christmas, and get a battletome in February  

    I agree; we were probably going to be released in January, but due to recent surge in the disease and Brexit the battletomb has been moved to February. For those who haven’t seen the official statement by GW, here’s the link: GW’s updates on release schedules

    On 12/23/2020 at 10:05 AM, Overread said:

    I just really hope we get some hints of a new Battletome and perhaps a reworking of somethings. I'd also sort of welcome a new demon monster, fiends are great but they need a friend!

    This years Christmas is going to get a lot more exciting for me knowing that there’s going to be some teases, and I’m also hoping we get some hints at what the new battletomb entails. I really want to see how Sigvald plays. My guess is that, much like his fantasy counterpart, he’s going to be a high damage duelist/beatstick. I’m also hoping to see what the rest of the range looks like, especially the Slaangors and the rumored “lord of war” that’s to be released.  

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  10. On 12/15/2020 at 7:45 AM, CeleFAZE said:

    I don't want to belabor the point, as I can easily see this becoming a drawn out argument. However, your example supports what I'm saying.

    If you had two units with identical stats and costs, except one has a 32mm base and the other has a 25mm, it's a distinct disadvantage. Going by your image there, let's increase the number of 32 mm bases to the same as the 25mm shown (20). Presuming they have the same movement speed, they'll reach each other at roughly the same time, so we'll go with the formation above (with an additional rank of 32mm bases behind those tzaangors). Presuming both units have 1" weapons, the 25mm unit has double the offensive power of the 32mm unit. In addition, you can fit more of those 25mm bases on an objective, providing each model an additional unpointed advantage of being able to contribute more towards capturing objectives, which is arguably more effective than killing power alone. This offsets the only advantage to a larger base of having more blocking presence on the board.

    If every 32mm model was roughly doubly effective compared to those on 25mm, there'd be no issues. You'd take larger models for more punch, and smaller models for numbers and maneuverability. However, you mention mortek guard as having a generic statline, but let's compare them to a chaos warrior. For the benefit of a better comparison I'll use greatblades for the warriors to give them a lift, since we're not caring about mortal wounds here, and we'll assume they're in our allegiance so they have the same exploding 6's as the morteks:

    Mortek Guard With Nadirite Blades (13 points/model):

    Mv 4" W 1 B 10 Sv 4+

    Rng 1" Atks 2 To Hit 3+ To Wound 4+ Rend -1 Dmg 1


    Chaos Warriors (18 points/model):

    Mv5" W 2 B 7 Sv 4+

    Rng 1" Atks 2 To Hit 4+ To Wound 3+ Rend -1 Dmg 1


    The chaos warriors are doubly survivable with 2 wounds each, but the mortek are doubly offensive at a lower cost.

    Let's do a bit of math-hammer:

    15 chaos warriors get the charge on 20 mortek guard. Let's use your above example where both units manage a frontage of 10.

    32mm bases are larger than 1", so we only swing with the front 10.

    Turn 1 Chaos Warriors (15 remaining) : 21 attacks, 13.99 hits, 9.33 wounds, 5.18 unsaved, rounding to 5 casualties for the mortek.

    Turn 1 Mortek Guard (15 remaining) : 31 attacks, 25.83 hits, 12.92 wounds, 5.74  unsaved, which rounds to killing 3 warriors.

    Turn 2 Mortek Guard (15 remaining) : 31 attacks, 25.83 hits, 12.92 wounds, 5.74  unsaved, which rounds to killing 3 warriors, however for the sake of keeping fractional kills from adversely affecting things let's say it's 2.5 dead warriors.

    Turn 2 Chaos Warriors (10 remaining) : 21 attacks, 13.99 hits, 9.33 wounds,  5.18 unsaved, and let's be charitable and round to 6 casualties for the mortek.

    Turn 3 Chaos Warriors (10 remaining) : 21 attacks, 13.99 hits, 9.33 wounds,  5.18 unsaved, 5 casualties on the mortek.

    Turn 3 Mortek Guard (10 remaining) : 21 attacks, 17.5 hits, 8.75 wounds, 3.89 unsaved, rounding to 2 more dead warriors.

    Turn 4 Mortek Guard (10 remaining) : 21 attacks, 17.5 hits, 8.75 wounds, 4.375 go through due to the warriors losing their rerolls. For the warrior's sake will round this down to 4 wounds.

    Turn 4 Chaos Warriors (6 remaining) : 13 attacks, 7.37 hits, 4.91 wounds, 2.047 unsaved and kill 2 more mortek guard.

    Turn 5 Chaos Warriors (6 remaining) : 13 attacks, 7.37 hits, 4.91 wounds, 2.047 unsaved and kill 2 more mortek guard.

    Turn 5 Mortek Guard (6 remaining) : 13 attacks, 10.83 hits, 5.42 wounds, 2.71 wounds, rounding to 2 dead warriors (one full and one half-wounded).

    Turn 6 Mortek Guard (6 remaining) : 13 attacks, 10.83 hits, 5.42 wounds, 2.71 wounds, which we'll again alternate the rounding in the warrior's favor to 1 dead warrior.

    Turn 6 Chaos Warriors (3 remaining) : 7 attacks, 4.67 wounds, 1.56 wounds, which we'll say is 2 dead mortek.


    We'll call it there since that's the turn limit for most games. This leaves us with 52 points of mortek left on the table, and 54 points of warriors, out of a starting 260 and 270 respectively, both 20% of their points. This was with generous rounding and giving the warriors the charge, had the mortek charged they would have definitely won by the math. Base size matters, and unless a larger base size consistently comes with a far better profile a larger base is always going to be a statistically significant disadvantage.

    AoS has nailed a lot of concepts, but personally I’ve found the game’s approach to designing StD/Warriors of chaos to be underwhelming. Back in Warhammer Fantasy chaos warriors were melee powerhouses that could go toe-to-toe with other armies, even elite units. It made sense, as the lore described them as armored warriors who’s lives have been dedicated to war and carnage in the pursuit of personal power. When you played against them, you were suppose to feel intimidated. 

    The lore for chaos warriors hasn’t really changed in this regard, but the rules are very underwhelming and are not reflective of the fluff. No longer do I feel that chaos warriors have the dominating presence they used to; they’re more akin to an armored wall that tickles its opponent. Other units like Mortek Guard, Saurus warriors/guard, Ardboyz, and some of the stormcast range have the ability to take hits and deal them back. 

    Granted, these armies are very different, but they still incorporate “elite” units that have high saves and potential damage outputs. To bring warriors back into the spectrum of units that should be feared, I think their attacks should receive a point of rend , and maybe receive an additional attack or other buffs. 

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  11. 5 hours ago, carnith said:

    So upon getting my book, there is nothing new. There are standard myrmadesh which appears to have no other options. The twin souls had 3 entires. 

    I also built my direchasm and im surprised how large these lads on. I'm existed to see what a normal unit of slaangor look like.

    What are the options for the Twin Souls? Out of what I’ve seen in the releases, they seem to be one of the more diverse units in terms of weapon option, and perhaps their stats could be a hint at what they’ll offer us on the tabletop. For Blades of Khorne, the weapon options mirror their counterparts in AoS. An example are the Bloodwarriors that have the duel-wielding axes, a goreglave, and a gore fist option; all of which are represented differently in Warcry and on the table. 


    15 minutes ago, Golub87 said:

    The problem I have is that Kroak is surrounded with three bricks of 40 Saurus Warriors and support heroes. Now normally, we do have solutions for this in the form of anti-horde spells, Hysterical Frenzy and Wind of Chaos, but Korak just cancels my magic phase.

    And blocks of Saurus are just impossible to fight in melee as they have 4 attacks each, MW on 6s to hit, and scaly skin for 30-40% damage reduction over my entire army.

    That is why I feel so defeated to be honest, I am up against a list that is not even optimal for their faction, and the opponent does not even have to get his unique anti-demon stuff to go off, I still die miserably.

    It is a puzzle I have been trying to crack for months now and it seems to me that it is uncrackable with our book. He has enough bodies for screening and objectives so maneuvering does not help. He wins any melee war of attrition. Magic phase is canceled. There is no shooting to speak of that can hit the support pieces.

    I tried Be'Lakor, but he simply shuts down Kroak casting, he did not mitigate Saurus meatgrinders and he did not restore my magic phase, so I find him not worth it the points.


    And this is not even the optimal Seraphon list with teleporting murderskinks 😄

    Something else to consider is a potential rework to depravity points. Much like how Blades of Khorne uses blood tithe to summon daemons or activity abilities that mess with the flow of battle, buff your units, or damage/debuff the enemy, I hope with the mortal release there will be a new list of abilities that doesn’t only involve summoning. 

    Also, I’m hopeful that the archer horde unit that we will be receiving will be sufficient enough to target Kroak or other important hero units. The OBR catapult is a nasty unit to play against b/c of its damage 5 shooting attacks that can be buffed by increasing the number of shots; it’s a great tool for assassinating enemy hero units, or for causing general damage to whatever it fires at. 

    If our spammable  archers have the ability to cause mortal wounds because of the poison tipped description from the Warhammer Community webpage, than I would consider them as a potential option. If they don’t, and it instead confers a debuff (which I’m leaning towards what’s going to be most likely), you can use them to target the large blobs of Saurus Warriors to make them more manageable to deal with in CC. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, Golub87 said:

    I certainly hope so, at the moment I feel like we are very railroaded into a single type of list (herohammer)

    Competitively yes, as I have observed a lot of the major strong lists are tailored towards emphasizing the use of our amazing KoS and support heroes like The Contorted Epitome. There are lists that can be made that are centered on using Daemonettes, Seekers, and Fiends that can preform well, they just won’t be “optimal.”

    For the new battle tomb/update, for me it’s going to come down to three factors that determine how powerful the mortals will be: rules, point costs, and battalions. A balance of these three concepts is going to tell me how viable they’ll be on the table. For even if the rules on the models are lackluster, a fair point cost and access to powerful battalion abilities can bring them up quite drastically in value. Nurgle Blightkings are a great example: poor rules by themselves, but when belonging to a battalion they can be very deadly. 

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  14. It seems like we’re going to be one of the more diverse chaos factions in the chaos allegiance; if not one of the most diverse armies in the game. To give a brief rundown of what we currently have:

    - we have access to decent and above average melee with higher then average rend; we have abilities that increase the volume of attacks as well

    - abilities that alter the flow of combat/activation 

    - access to monster creatures and/or heroes that are high-damage deathstars

    - very fast melee-orientated cavalry 

    - decent magical abilities that can cause damage or provide buffs, and the ability to mess with others in the psychic phases

    - consistent and reliable casters 

    - decent endless spells that mess with the opponent’s movement and/or cause mortal wounds 

    - battalions and subfactions that allow us to outflank, buff our already powerful heroes, or increase our insane speed 

    What’s rumored to be coming: 

    - armored Elite infantry armed either with shields or more melee weapons; one may be suited for tanking/general use while the other may be more damage-orientated and specialized 

    - cheap battleline armed with bows that can provide ranged support 

    - cavalry that can shoot 

    - monstrous/high wound and high rend infantry (Slaangors)

    - Mortal hero special character from the Old World that will probably be suited towards combat 

    - possibly other, not leaked units that can provide buffs, damage, magic, etc. 

    I’m super excited b/c of the variety will have in terms of building lists. Compared to other chaos factions that have less choices and are more tailored to specific play styles, it seems that will have the ability to make lists that will look very different from one another but still be (hopefully) viable. 

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  15. 10 hours ago, CeleFAZE said:

    I was looking back through the video reveal, and this caught my eye:


    Does that look like two legs danging from just above screen off of a long, snaky body, on a fairly large base? There is a slight amount of parallax rotation from the panning shot that indicates that the purple portion to the right of the raised myrmidon blade is a round tubular shape bent in a curve towards the viewer.

    I think it’s a Slaangor based on the claw and leg similarity to the current model in the Direchasm boxset. I believe it’s a different/strange pose b/c of Slaanesh’s influence, causing it to be very elegant and agile looking. I also think the color schemes for the potential Slaangors, much like Slaanesh daemons, are going to vary significantly in the form of dark browns, pinks, lighter grey skin tones, or other odd mixtures to give that Slaaneshy vibe that’s hauntingly “beautiful” but evil. 

  16. I noticed some mention regarding on the Warcry leak that the faction symbol for the new Slaanesh mortals is different from Slaanesh Daemons. I found this on the GW website for the description for the preorder: it looks like the additional faction keyword is going to be Sybarites. 

    I also agree that this is in parallel with the other god-specific Chaos factions, and that Sybarites is going to be our new mortal keyword. However, the overlap of our new mortal units with the current daemon range in terms of buffing and synergy remains in question. 

    I’m not sure about Tzeentch and Nurgle, but I know that Khorne has a deep distinction between Bloodbound, mortal, and daemon units. Perhaps the update/new battletome is going to be a large rework of our synergy capabilities? I can see certain buffs and auras becoming restricted, such as a KoS only buffing other daemons, but hopefully spell-based abilities will be able to support all units.


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  17. I’m a Blades of Khorne collector, and I have a pretty sizable Bloodbound army. I’ve been on the edge about what to start collecting next, and have been pretty uncertain since I like both 40k and AoS. 

    As a chaos fan, I’ve yet to be disappointed with the AoS releases: everything that has come out has impressed me. But, the recent mortal Slaanesh reveal has me super excited, and is exactly what I hoped for! Personally, I’ve always been a huge fan of Slaanesh, and I’ve told myself that if Hedonites were to receive a mortal followers release, that I’d collect the army.

    Not only are they bringing Sigvald back (one of my favorite characters from fantasy), but they’re also releasing some amazing Warrior of Slaanesh equivalents; both the twin-souls and painbringers look equally incredible. I’m definitely going to pick up a mortal Slaanesh army when the models drop, as they’re going to pair very nicely against my BoK. 

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  18. 2 hours ago, CorvoMaltes said:

    I think we just need archer units, mortek crossbows would be awesome. And some fast units would be welcome too, like chariots. 

    I’ve also thought about what direction they’re going to go for the model range, and I too have thought about what it would be like if they added chariots, and especially archers. Part of the reason why there is a lack of ranged units for death is b/c undead hordes lack the individualism and are simply reanimated vessels; but each mortek construct is an individual with its own consciousness and personality. I could definitely see it as an opportunity to introduce new models to further diversify the roaster. 

    1 hour ago, ACBelMutie said:

    I don't think they will realease new models soon, so time to change the lists and adpt the new meta.


    But I agree that most likely we aren’t going to see any new models for a while. Maybe the new models we get with Warhammer Underworlds that were teased via the bone scythe pic will introduce something interesting and new, but I have my doubts. 

  19. 25 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Honestly I think most Ossiarch players accepted that Petrifax was outright broken as a bonus. That and it was also a no-brain better option than any other subfaction. So not only was it broken between battletomes it was broken within the battletome as it presented a no-choice option. Sure you could take other options, but you were throwing away vast potential doing so. 

    Its actually the most welcome change, far more so than trying to up the points on things to try and make them more balanced with the effective 2+ saves. 


    Petrifax has potential just like the others and that's really where  we want subfactions - choices with potential for each rather than outright win/lose choices. 

    I agree with your analysis, as the Petrifex were always the obvious choice in terms of maxing an OBR army’s potential; they were the #1 choice by far, especially in competitive gaming. Now that they’ve been nerfed it gives the other subfactions a chance to shine. 

  20. I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but I’m pretty happy about the faq. I’m a Crematorian and Katakros/Mortis Praetorians player, so I’m a bit biased when it comes to the changes. What I was most worried about was the potential changes to Mortek Guard going up in points; I’m now very relieved that they stayed the same. It’s also a nice surprised to also see stalkers, guards, and Morghast get a point reduction. Granted, the Soulreaper and Vokmortian should have seen reductions in point costs to make them a lot more viable, but I was more concerned with the potential negative changes as opposed to the positives. 

    The Petrifix Elite deserved a nerf. The default +1 save to every unit in the army was too powerful, especially combined with their command ability that gives additional rend. However, rerolling save rolls of 1 in melee only is a too draconian; it should have been “ignore rend of -1”or rerolling to everything, not just melee. Yet they still have the -1 to rend strat, one of the more powerful abilities in the game, so I feel like they still have some merit when it comes to potential on the board. 

  21. 2 hours ago, Talas said:

    Hey guys, I've been playing with the Anvil of Apotheosis rules looking for a mix of Soulreaper and Boneshaper, a model with a 2" weapon slightly punchy that can revive dudes. This example goes up to 160 points.

    OBR 5
    Scythe 1
    Superior Vitality 1
    Extra Armour 2
    Mighty Weapon 2
    Frenzy 3
    Weapon Master 2

    Total: 16

    How would you tweak it? Oh, I will be using a converted Necron Overlord in a 40mm base for model.


    I haven’t gotten my hands on the Anvil of Apotheosis rules yet, but from what I do know is that Ossiarchs have much more efficient and consistent  means to heal themselves/restore models. Unless you’re going for a narrative play style and not a competitive one, I’d drop the Orb of Shaping spell and figure out another means to improve his capabilities. 

  22. I have a feeling that even after the inevitable Petrifix Elite nerf, OSB are still going to be a top tier army. The army is still strong in many other regards (good armor saves, the ability to bring models back from the dead,  common rend, etc.), and if the rumor is true that units aren’t changing in points, then I’m confident we’re still going to see OBRs on the top of tournaments. I predict that Katakros is going to be far more common in lists though, as he still provides that +1 save and a number of other very useful benefits. 

  23. In general, what armies do you guys feel are the best/worst matchups in terms of factions against OBR? I know it’s very open-ended and usually based around the list, but I want to get some generalized  opinions on what armies counter us the best, or which one’s we have the easiest time beating. 

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