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Posts posted by bigpaul0909

  1. Okay my friends and I are about 5 games into warcry and loving it.  couple questions.


    1. Disengage: if you start a move action with a fighter that is within 1″ of an enemy fighter, you cannot move further away from the fighter than the distance you started.

    -If a melee fighter say has a reach of 2" and moves to players A and attacks from 2" away, on Players A's activation is he in combat where if he wants to move he has to disengage first? To me that makes sense but one friend is arguing that it just states within 1" base to base.


    Another game we played turned into a Deathmatch, Player A moved the last 2-3 models he has into a Terrain on the ground level that had a ladder going up it vertically, he then on his activation would use wait, then wait again, until Player B(using range 8") could see him via true line of sight, the question is can you shoot through stairs? And while on this topic can you shoot through the terrain gates? from the starter box.

  2. Coming from a new AoS player, i have quickly realized that its much more in depth then my friends wanted to play, Warcry however seems perfect for us, i love to paint smaller armies and different armies and this will give me the chance to painting all of my friends warbands, and with 4-5 of us we will have plenty of options to play.  Anyway if you were totally new to warcry what would you purchase to start?

    Warbands aside(later in post) What should i buy to start? i see theres an older starter set being sold from multiple people for around 250$, this includes iron golems, untamed beast(both of which i was going to buy) terrain and cards, is this still a good buy? or should i look into purchasing a rulebook/Ravaged Lands: Defiled Ruins/and warbands seperatly? I see the value of the starter set getting the terrain and cards, but i also see that 2 warabands 50ea, and terrain 90$? and a core book still is 250$, so im asking for your help.

    Also is there anywhere to find the builds of current warbands like SCE? or do i need to buy the cards to figure out my build? \

    ANY help is appreciated, i just made a bad financial choice when starting AoS and dont want to do the same for warcry, looking for what you guys would do if you started today.

  3. Hey guys, I'm new here, quick back story, I found AOS from painting minis for fun/dnd.  Saw stormcast and bought a SC box and some random other units. Went to my first game thinking SCE these big heavily armored guys, well i got crushed(one because i didnt know how to play very well, 2 because i went full melee in a 1k game with SCE...). Anyway as much as i like the look of SCE models i have no desire to play with a mainly range focus army.  I returned the battleforce box i had and and going to go Mortal Blades of khorne or ironjawz.  for a new player Ironjawz seem like a breeze to start collecting with the limited range of models and most being useful, BOK seems like a ton of fun to play with all the area unit buffs ect, and the army itself looks super fun to paint.  Who would you recommend and hwy for a noob! thanks guys

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  4. Im currently down to the last bits of what army to choose, its between mortal khorne and ironjawz, i wanted to play a pretty much melee focused army, but both armies fit the build, im currently torn, khorne (has the look i like to paint) ,ironjawz have the simplicity of play, and especially easy to start collecting  from 0. 


    If you were going to start from 0 models for a mortal khorne army, how would you go?

    I was thinking 1 SC box, 1 chaos warrior box, 20-40 rievers sourced from ebay, and then start adding heros, maybe some skullcrushers, maybe a bloodthirster?

    thank you all in advance for your help.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    Look up the new warscrolls.

    You need 2 shields per 5, 1 drummer per 5 and a banner or icon per 5.

    gotcha, do the sc boxes come with 2sbgield per 5/1 drummer option/5? i havent looked at the sprus i dont have them yet.

  6. One last thing, i saw somwhere on here people are now shying away from BRUTES,  what recently changed that made people shy away form them? just straight point cost compaired to ardboys? they are still battleline on my app it says which is what i thought was the recent issue.

  7. 2 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:


    I've owned Ironjawz since before their update. I've never actually played them myself, but I used them to teach some friends how to play the game, so I'm still very familiar with them.

    If you want to go aggressive, they're one of the best options to pick. The sheer number of attacks they get is stunning, and all of their abilities and synergies either help you close in on the enemy faster, or make you stronger when in combat with them.

    If what you want most from the game is to have your little plastic guys punch their little plastic guys REALLY hard, these are the guys for you.

    Their only real weakness is Mortal Wounds. They don't deal that many, and they have very little defense against them, but their high wounds help mitigate that. (One of the secret benefits of Brutes, at 3 wounds apiece they're surprisingly tanky. Definitely worth investing in at least 1 unit of them.)


    thanks for the info, this sounds exactly like the army i was looking for so im very happy i started doing research post buying the SCE ****** lol.(not that its ****** its just not how id like to play).

  8. On 1/24/2020 at 3:56 PM, FatherTurin said:

    Battalions are really just collections of units.  Think of them like buying extra abilities for your units.  Almost every battletome (army book) has a collection of them.  They list a bunch of units that you have to take in order to take the battalion.  

    For example, the Ironjawz Battalion “Ironfist” requires you to take

    Once you have those units in your army, you can take the battalion.  Every battalion costs points, just like units.  Once you buy a battalion, you get a number of benefits:

    1: The battalion gives you a benefit or extra rule.  This is specific to the Battalion in question and generally only affects the units in the battalion.

    2: Every battalion lets you select one more artifact and gives you one command point.  You will find out more about these as you learn the game, but more of both is always good.

    3: When you deploy your army at the start of the game, a battalion counts as one deployment, no matter how many units are in the battalion.  This is very important because the first person to finish deploying chooses who goes first.  You will see this all over the place as the number of “drops” your army has.  Ordinarily, the list I laid out is 5 “drops,” that is, you have five units to deploy.  You deploy one, your opponent deploys one, you deploy one, etc. until one person is done.  With the battalion, your army is only 3 “drops,” the battalion, and each character.  Generally, the lower the number of drops, the better, and the local meta will determine what the right number of drops is.  Obviously a “1 drop” army (all the units in a single battalion) is the best, but only a few armies can do this well.  Normally the battalions are missing a few key pieces that you really want.  With one notable exception (Tzeentch) the armies that can do a 1 drop don’t usually do it because they miss out on too much.

    Personally, I prefer battalions for the extra artifact and command point.  The benefits from the battalion itself are nice, and of course going to lower drops is good, but unless it is dramatic, that is a fringe benefit.  For example, using a specific battalion in my Ogor army takes what would be a 6 drop army and makes it a 3 drop army.  That’s good.  But if you have 10 drops and the battalion only makes it 8 drops, that’s meh.  The other benefits are usually worth it, and with that many drops you really don’t have to worry about who chooses first turn...because it won’t be you 😜.

    Again thank you so much for the info this helps me out a ton! Im going to have to read more about the drops but this is great info. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, TALegion said:

    Brutes are debatable. The long-story-short for them is that is that the closest comparable unit is ardboyz, and ardboyz have a couple useful perks that makes them more versatile than brutes (e.g. higher leadership, a couple 6+++ saves, +2 to charge). Brutes do the most damage per-point out of the three battleline units, so they're a good mid-game hammer, but many lists choose to run ardboyz over brutes. Imo, the choice between Brutes and Ardboyz down to personal preference and how you want to use them.

    In your case, you probably want to go with ardboyz. Since you're trying to save money, ardboyz are preferable because you can get 15 ardboyz (270 points) or 5 brutes (140 points) for roughly the same $ price. Also, if you want to play aggressive, you're probably going to want gore-gruntas and ardboyz, since they're the fastest units, and that means you'll probably want more SC! boxes.

    Just for reference, if you did want to get 2 SC! boxes, a footboss, and a shaman, you have 1370 points if you include 50 for a CP and the Ironfist battalion, which is highly recommended. Here's a quick example of what it would/could look like:

    I made it bloodtoofs decent their artefact works well with a footboss and their clan ability helps with being aggressive. I just threw this list together in a second, but it basically buffs and deepstrikes your units all over the board. Your units gets +2 to charge (+4 for ardboyz), so charging out of deepstrike is pretty consistent and very deadly.

    this is super helpful, thank you so much, i just wanted some guidance before wasting my money again lol.

  10. 19 minutes ago, FatherTurin said:

    With 2 Start Collecting boxes and a Shaman, you can put together this 1000 point army for starters:

    Warchanter (General)

    Weirdnob Shaman

    15 Ardboys

    3 Gore-Gruntas

    3 Gore-Gruntas

    Ironfist Battalion

    Alternativey, if you don’t want to mess around with battalions this early, get a Megaboss on foot.

    im still learning rules but how do the battalions work?

  11. 23 minutes ago, FatherTurin said:

    Disclaimer: I’m just getting into Orks myself, so this is from what I’ve read and watched, not personal experience.

    The new battletome, “Orruk Warclans” has rules for Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz (tribal orks), or a Big Waagh! (which mixes the two).

    Ironjawz are a good army to start with because you have an army with limited choices (helps to focus on a few units and learn their rules), relatively simple rules, an easy to grasp playstyle, and the book gives you plenty of options to branch out in the future.

    The start collecting for Ironjawz is a fantastic deal, and getting two of them gets you 6 Gore Gruntas, 20 Ardboys, and 2 Warchanters.  Add a shaman and you have just about 1000 points to start learning the game and the army with.  You will eventually want a Maw-Krusha or 2, they are awesome models and the cornerstone of the more competitive builds Ironjawz can put together.

    Brutes get a bad rap, but picking up some in the future may be worth it. The problem is that they are less flexible than Ardboys since they don’t have the special rules that Ardboys get from the drummer and standard bearer.  However, they put out more attacks and if your opponent has models with a lot of wounds, Brutes will take it down fast.  I play Ogors and Kharadron Overlords, and Brutes are one of the scarier things I can think about facing on the other side of the table.  Ultimately though, yes, most of your army will be Gore-Gruntas and Ardboys, so buying as many as 4 start collecting sets (eventually) is not a bad idea.

    Also, get a shaman.  Magic is a BIG deal in AoS, and the Shaman would be worth it for the ability to unbind (counter) an enemy spell even if he had nothing else.  On top of that, he can pick a spell from the Ironjawz spell lore, generally the Hand of Gork, which gives you the ability to teleport a unit anywhere on the battlefield (more or less, I’m not trying to over-complicate stuff for a new player).

    Welcome to AoS, and have fun!  Just bear in mind that, as a new player, you are absolutely going to lose a lot of games, especially if your opponent has played for a while.  Don’t get discouraged, talk over games afterwards to see what your opponent thought you could do better, and keep learning!

    wow thank you so much for the info this is all great stuff, and yes i could care less about losing, i just want to find a army that "can" win playing it aggressively which is what i would like to do, so they seem like a great choice for me.

  12. 5 minutes ago, TALegion said:

    Big Waaagh is actually a third army option in the Orruk Warclans book (the first being pure Ironjawz and the second being pure Bonesplitterz). Big Waaagh can contain any mix of Bonesplitterz and IJ units and its allegiance abilities are a mix of IJ's and Bonesplitterz's abilities. Instead of just getting the abilities outright, though, Big Waaagh armies stack Waaagh Points over the course of the game that accumulate and give you stacking buffs depending on how many you have. You can get Waaagh Points each turn by either bringing specific units (warchanters, wurrgog prophets, and wardokks) or by performing certain orky actions (e.g. being in combat with a hero).

    As for playstyle, in general, Ironjawz is often a little more aggressive and Big Waaagh is a little more defensive. This is because Big Waaagh armies typically want to wait until their buffs start stacking before they start fighting. Ironjawz are good at attacking early and quickly getting into the action.

    thank you for explaining that so easily for me, Im defintly looking for a melee heavy army that plays agressive, win big or lose big as long as its fun, coming into aos i thought SCE for some reason played like this and alot of wasted time(and money) found out i was wrong, so it looks like im going to pick up 2-3 sc boxes and a megaboss on foot for $$ sake, possibly pick up a shaman, and stay away from brutes for now?

  13. 2 hours ago, TALegion said:

    Ironjawz are the opposite of SCE in terms of unit selection, imo. SCE have a lot of units, but a small handful of them outshine the rest. Ironjawz have very few units, but they're all fairly even and useful. This gives you few options and you often use most/all of your units, just in different proportions.

    That being said, your best first purchases would likely be 2 SC! boxes. Gore-gruntas, ardboyz, and warchanters are arguably the three best units in the whole army and many, many Ironjawz armies use 2 SC! boxes-worth of the models in them. 2 SC! boxes gives you 900 points of core units, so you can't go wrong.

    After that, the choice comes down to what you want to play with. In terms of hero selection, many armies choose to run a weirdnob shaman for Hand of Gork (a teleport/deepstrike spell). Most lists only bring one megaboss, either on foot or on a maw krusha. A maw krusha seems expensive for a single model, but he is actually worth more 10 more points than an entire SC! box (or 90 more, if you take Gordrakk). The benefit of a footboss is basically that he's cheaper, so using them gives you more points to put towards battleline while still getting megaboss utility (command traits, his command ability, Waaagh!, etc.).

    For battleline, again, it's up to whatever you want to run. A third SC! box is a fine options because more GGs, boyz, and WCs are all useable. It's either that, more ardboyz, or brutes. Pretty much never buy GGs by themselves, since the SC! box is like $10 more for 10 ardboyz and a WC.

    And this doesn't even touch on Big Waaagh! lists, which can be made of anywhere between 0-100% Ironjawz units. You can comfortably use many Ironjawz lists as Big Waaagh! with few-to-no changes.

    thanks this is exactly what im looking for!i dont know much about the orcs or what a army of big waaagh is, guessing its mixing old orc tribes with ironjaws? ive been told brutes arent worth getting? just stick to basically everything in the sc boxes, add a boss on for or mount and maybe the shaman.  Seems like a good beginner army which is what i am.

  14. so it sounds like i should buy 2 sc boxes of ironjawz, would give me 6 goregruntas, 2 warchanters and ardboys, i thought brutes were good so thats good to know, so mega boss on foot is a no go? what exactly is big waaagh?

    4 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    Ironjawz or Big Waaagh?

    Right now for Ironjawz.

    • Warchanters are key, at least 2 and you can easily justify number 3/4.
    • Goregruntas are terrifying in 6s. They are alright as 3s but having a 6 as the Ironfist boss is a core strategy atm.
    • Ardboys are your infantry of choice, tons of wounds, lots of defences and good damage output.
    • Maw-Krusha is a solid general choice. You can run 2 but it's not amazing, you can also run none for more esoteric lists.
    • Footboss is mediocre, main time I've seen him is in Big Waaagh! as a cheap way to get brutish cunning.
    • Weirdnob is pretty bad as a warscroll, he's primarily there for Hand of Gork.
    • Brutes are terrible, they only function as the cheapest battleline options.

    If you go big waaagh then the Wurrgog prophet is your wizard of choice.


  15. So i posted this question on the forums but now ill try here, i want to build a ironjawz army but dont want to waste my money like i didon a starter set for SCE. if you guys all could do it again, what would you tell me to purchase? ive seen the starter set has a good value alot of people say purchase 2? add a mega boss? maybe add a shaman? im totally new to ironjawz so im just looking for input to not waste any more money lol.

  16. Okay this is now my second time around purchasing some AOS, my first time i started with SCE and after purchasing the start set. i was basically told i wasted my money, and to purchase the battleforce, so i did.  Starting out i wanted to play a melee heavy army, quickly found out SCE are not good for this. So now im here, i sent back my battleforce box back, gave up on furthering my SCE army, can use it for practice 1000 pt games now. 


    So after much frustration i am here asking for your help.  I was to play a melee heavy semi competitive army, what would YOU tell me to buy right out of the gate. unlike the SCE i read the ironjawz starter set is a great value, possibly worth purchasing twice? i would like to get the pros here opinions before i waste my money and time again, thanks guys!

  17. 2 minutes ago, bigpaul0909 said:

    Whats the thought on stormhosts for a heavy melee evo/evo kitty/seq army? i was thinking maybe Celestial Vindicators for the +1attack cp ability? and then the passive 1 reroll for wound if they charged which i assume most of my units will to get across the board.  Ive still yet to play a game so im trying to understand most things before i go into my first friendly game, maybe there is a clear choice for stormhost in a melee heavy army if SCE that im missing?

    or would you use somthing like this stromcast trait Staunch Defender: Your general and every STORMCAST ETERNALS unit wholly within 9" add 1 to saves if they have not charged this turn(i would assume this means i dont get to choose a stormhost and must use this trait?

  18. Whats the thought on stormhosts for a heavy melee evo/evo kitty/seq army? i was thinking maybe Celestial Vindicators for the +1attack cp ability? and then the passive 1 reroll for wound if they charged which i assume most of my units will to get across the board.  Ive still yet to play a game so im trying to understand most things before i go into my first friendly game, maybe there is a clear choice for stormhost in a melee heavy army if SCE that im missing?

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