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Posts posted by bigpaul0909

  1. So if i were to bring the the Vandus i have, and wanted to use him as LORD-CELESTANT ON DRACOTH does anything think people would care? since he seems much for viable and is essentially the same thing?i just wouldn't have the shield ?  I could just seeing him maybe be more viable near a unit of evocators or something and using the hammer as a stand in thunderaxe for the +1 hit/sce near him?

  2. Hey guys, i recently made the choice to play stormcast after purchasing a battletomb and giving it a read through, i have never played a full game of AOS but have some general ideas from playing stormstrike box with a friend and reading the rule book/watching some battle reports.  My question is i bought a few troops from ebay just to beef up my numbers and am looking to purchase more, but not knowing where to go.  I like melee heavy armys, i like having tanky tougher units that just want to get in a fight and go down swinging, not a huge shooting fan but im open to suggestions.  Anyway this is what i have and wondering what i should add next.

    Starter box/ebay

    Lord-Celestant on Dracoth


    8 Retributors all hammers no startsoul maces

    18 Libs-13 hammer/shield, 5 double hammers

    6 Prosecutors double hammers

    3 Seq 2 hammer/shield, 1 grandhammer

    3 castigators 

    Where could i go from here to actually have a playable army? add heros? i hear evocators are good right now? add more of somthing i have to make full units? thanks guys for helping out the noob!


  3. On 1/3/2020 at 5:58 PM, zilberfrid said:

    Slaves to Darkness are a very diverse army, you chose well. All the advice here seems good.

    If you don't like the shop you were at (and sending someone home with a battletome instead of models is weird), order online, you can get 15% off most things.

    For paint, I like the Vallejo starter gaming colours, kislev flesh (or other more natural flesh colour), some Nuln oil, fleshshade and earthshade and dark grey and light grey (or white) primer.

    Though a good case could be made for contrasts and metals.

    Thanks! im not new to painting, i found this game from painting dnd models, as far as the store, everyone was very nice and welcoming but i was for sure pushed into the purchase even when i waked in saying i wanted to try warcry as a start into tabletop gaming.  I was told warcry doesnt have a huge population of players at this store and i should try AoS but then was just pushed into soul wars for its value.   I liked the store and ill go back but i plan on purchasing my items online now.

  4. wow thank you guys for the great info! It is exactly what i was looking for.  The only issue i see with the warhammer army builder is when i select heros and things it has drop downs with weapons and mark choices which i dont understand yet(i get the weapon would be im guessing what i choose to build him with) but im still not grasping marks and such but i will with time, at least for now it seems like the best way for em to start would be buy a new starter box and get to building then try that out in a mock game? with however many points it comes to.  Then expand with the untamed beasts and extra heros.

  5. Hey im very new to AoS, as in i walked into a warhammer store, was pushed toward a SCE battletomb and soul wars box(i didnt buy the soulwars box, i did buy the tomb just from him for answering my questions i had for 30mins...).  Anyway i have NEVER played a tabletop game except dnd and i enjoy painting minis, which had me stumble across AoS, and then in turn having me walk into a store.  So I read through the SCE battletomb, they dont seem like they are for me but it did give me a brief explanation of some other factions and (without every playing a game)general rules for the game.  So i dont quite understand how to build an army or to make it viable.  I was told online to pick a army that fits you and visually you want to play, so here it is, I love the look of untamed beasts and Slaves of Darkness.  I see they are in the same faction so could you guide me in the right direction to making a melee focused 2000pt army with those? is this viable? is it at least semi competitive to play in my local store?  I like these models and these "hero" on GW website so id love to figure out how this could work.


    Start Collecting! Slaves To Darkness Collection

    Slaves to Darkness Untamed Beasts

    Darkoath Chieftain

    Darkoath Warqueen Marakarr Blood-sky

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord

    TLDR:Id like help to build a melee focused army with SoD and UB with some cool heros, never played AOS no idea if this is even viable, i just would like some guidance before buying 300$ worth of plastic, and i dont want to go back to the warhamer store without more info as last time i felt i was just pushed into buying things i didnt want to even look at.

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