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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Posts posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. It would make my day if there was a Bonesplitterz Warcry warband. The models are really showing their age now but the range is so small that even a handful of updated sculpts (ala a Warcry warband) could be used to fill a lot of gaps. 

    I love the faction concept and have gone to no small lengths to convert some units using the fantastic Underworlds warband, but I’d replace the old Savage Orruks I’m having to use in a heartbeat if there were only some better GW alternatives 🙏🏻 

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  2. My favourite cold one variants are the aaancient Citadel sculpts, the ones loping on all fours. If GW followed its recent design cues of looking back to oldhammer models and using them as influences for its new cold ones, I’d be in heaven 😍 

  3. 13 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    You do you, magnificent pterodactyl-man.

    No. Noooo…. And just like that I have the overwhelming urge to convert an entire faction of Pterodactyl people. Almost certainly using the new little Terrawing things from the Sundered Fate set. 

    They will be flappy and snappy and the Mortal Realms will tremble at the sound of their clacking beaks. Caw-caw! 

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  4. Ulli Firelung, Undersmiter 🔥 

    Ulli will play as an Auric Runesmiter. When not toiling away in one of the Cadryn Lodge’s many smithies under the venerable eye of his Runemaster, Ulli can often be found in the Magmahold’s lowest deeps, leading doomseekers into fire and shadow.


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  5. 39 minutes ago, Lanoss said:

    Why are we wishlisting Orruk-stuff btw? Did something tease?

    It’s my bad; I’ve got my heart set on building a Bonesplitterz army and I haven’t stopped thinking about @Whitefang’s cryptic “well wait and see” on the subject of new Warclans stuff. 

  6. I wonder if the Warclans are going to get unsouped (de-souped? Filtered like a fine Bonesplitterz broth?) in a surprise U-turn later this edition? It wouldn’t be the first time battletomes have been updated multiple times in an edition and it would be like a hammer to the beat of BEASTS if they were to become three Destruction tomes instead of one. 🤞🏻 

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  7. Runedottirs. Flamekeepers. Matrons of fire and ash. 

    Five counts-as Hearthguard Berserkers to accompany Freyr Magdadottir, Keeper of the Flame. 

    They are made from Grimnyr bodies, Warcry robes, Votann heads, and axes from the Longbeards kit. 

    Hymns on their lips, they crush their foes with hammer and with axe. 


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