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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Posts posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. Updated classic spider riders would be so welcome. At the same time, they’re a unit that is distinctly WHFB for me. They would be very easy to AoS-ify by running with the Grot Scuttling vibe into grot spider-centaurs. If a vampire centaur is on the cards, and the Grot Scuttlings were made a thing, it doesn’t seem beyond the realms of possibility and would be another step towards keeping their AoS goblins and Old World goblins more separate.

    (“Here are your familiar, old-school Forest Goblin spider riders. And here are your AoS spider grots, as comfortable in the twisted woods of Shyish as they are beneath the dank caverns of the Mortal Realms, changed by Skragrott’s twisted shroom magic into eight-legged monsters with which to better ascend the walls of the Cities of Sigmar and one day, perhaps, ensnare the Bad Moon itself in their horrible webs.”)

    Who knows how they decide what stays, what goes, and what stays but gets brought kicking and screaming into the Mortal Realms?

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  2. I could imagine a Skaven update in a similar vein to Lizardmen, where they get updated for AoS with new units or new takes on existing units, but with visual identities that could easily be usable by Old World Players.

    Like Gutter Runners could become Skitterleapers, known for jumping and squeezing between realms. But they’d still look v much like the ninja rats we know and love.

    Big realm-burrowing Moulder gribbly — abomination. 

    Skryre could get some classics remade as well as some shiny new realm-shattering toys (because if they could blow up a moon in WHFB, they’ve really been dragging their paws since joining the Mortal Realms).

    In any case, a refresh of the same size and quality that the Lizards have got would be breathtaking. And speaking from an Old World perspective, I’d HAVE to get some just to recreate some epic Lustrian showdowns 😍

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  3. I’d love to see future campaigns focus around:

    1) DE/Lizardmen/Skaven/VC (that’s Vampire Coast!)/Dogs of War or Estalia

    2) Cathay/Ogre Kingdoms/Chaos Dwarfs/Daemons of Chaos 

    It will be interesting to see if they just keep gradually progressing the timeline forward from where they are now or if they jump between different historical chapters.

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  4. What a great idea. There are so many wonderful things about this hobby. 

    Speaking personally, converting and painting models is how I recharge my batteries. Me time, when I can switch off from the world and relax. It’s cathartic and there’s definitely an element of escapism to it — again, just speaking to my experiences. But for a few hours a week I get to close the door, put on a film or some music, and escape to Fantasy land. 

    I’m also aware the other side of the hobby — gaming, tournaments, having a battle against friends — helps other people who recharge socially. I’d imagine there’s a topic or story there around the coming together/community aspect.   

    Some of my first memories are of painting figures with my dad back in the early/mid-90s. So there’s something there too, I think. The hobby brings back happy memories. It connects me to my childhood and my family. I have a lot of nostalgia and fondness for it.

    I’m also a storyteller by trade. Warhammer was my gateway to that. The lore, the background, the characters — it fired my imagination like nothing else (and still does today). I can’t imagine where I’d be or what I’d be up to without this positive influence in my life, but I really has shaped me, the life I’ve led, and the person I’ve gone on to become.

    There’s maybe something to be said about the feeing of accomplishment when a model is finished or a paint job completed. That little boost can do wonders. When you’re happy with what you’ve produced, it’s a great feeling.

    Then there’s the online side of it. As I say, I’m mostly a painter/modeller and rarely game so I don’t really have that face-to-face, in-person community around me. (And for hermits like me, that suits me just fine.) But it doesn’t mean I want to enjoy the hobby alone. I love being able to share my successes, however small, with other people online in spaces like TGA and on Insta. Share my painting, my ideas, my stories. And be inspired by all those things other people share with me. 

    There’s no escaping the negativity that invariably seeps into online places but mostly I’ve felt very welcomed and included and for someone like me, who often feels anxious, judged, and self-conscious when out and about in the real world, that means t everything because there’s a whole other world here where I feel accepted and happy. 

    Hopefully some of that was helpful!



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  5. Classic High Elves vs displaced Idoneth, come to inhabit the Underworld Sea. Chupayotl. The sunken ruins of Tiranoc. Crawling by moonlight across the broken shards of that once mighty land, blind faces turned skyward to bask in Lileath’s gentle light. A mother, to replace the Father who abandoned them. Mathlaan’s first halls, a home. 😍

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  6. Another announcement! Oh man, I am so, so excited. I grew up with this game system, which is another way of saying I am now in a position where I can finally build a proper army for a faction in a setting I know and love. I’ve chosen Lizardmen for so many nostalgia reasons and I’m hyped that they will be getting a free rules booklet, what seems like Ravening Hordes style, from day one.

    I’m under no illusions they’ll have any part to play in the narrative, but then I wasn’t before today’s announcement, either. I’ve always made up my own characters and stories and I’m buzzing to sink my teeth in!

    I think GW is being incredibly transparent with today’s announcement about the factions they’re pushing for the return to the Old World and if it goes well, I have no doubt there will be other campaigns with a different focus and other factions under the spotlight. Of course they can’t promise every faction a full-fledged army book and new miniature line on day 1 or invest everything into what is essentially a new system without being certain of the appetite and return. They have revealed exactly which armies and factions will be supported, and told us outright which ones won’t, which I think is great.

    Finally, I’m also very excited to pick up lots of the kits I missed out on back in the day because I wasn’t  in a position to buy them. So many beautiful TK kits that would have otherwise cost and arm and a leg on eBay. The sky cutter, which I’ve always admired. The boar boyz. 

    If you can’t tell, I’m very excited and I hope we get more updates soon! 

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  7. *Scours ancient plaques for hidden knowledge of Seraphon reinforcements crawling from the spawning pools this evening*

    *Realises can’t read Old One and half the plaque is missing anyway*

    *Grand proclamation follows: Seraphon reinforcements crawling from the spawning pools this evening!*

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